/ ( t $ 4 The Canadian Statesman. Bowmanville. April 24,1985 Section Two Rotarians Learn About Charter of Rights A number of illustrious lawyers attended the Bowmanville Rotary Club's meeting on April 18th to hear Claude Thompson, President of the Cana- by Diane Pickett The new Canadian charter charter of rights will cause controversy controversy in the short run but will make the administra tion of justice in this country country fairer, according to the President of the Canadian Bar Association Claude Thompson. motiiei mod 34B King St. W. Tel. 623-2826 We Offer Complete Decorating Service Wallpapers and Matching Fabrics Slip Covers Upholstering Draperies and Interiors SPRING SPECIAL 20% OFF wide range of drapery fabrics (Offer good until April 30th, 1985) dian Bar Association. From left to right: M.P. Allan Lawrence, M.P.P. Sam Cureatz, Mr. Thompson, and Rotary President A1 Strike. Mr. Thompson was the not just legal, there will guest of the Bowmanville also be social and political Rotarians on April 18th, at ramifications, the invitation of M.P.P. Sam Cureatz and Rotary President President A1 Strike. In his speech, Mr. Thompson discussed a number of issues facing the legal community but concentrated concentrated on the new charter charter of rights, which guaran- 1 tees the equality of all Canadians under the law. "The charter's language seems clear...uncontrover- sial and pleasing to most people - All are equal before before the law - but difficult issues will arise," Mr. Thompson said. He continued: "How can people be equal before the law when government drastically drastically underfunds legal aid programs." He called the problem a failure on the part of government, a problem problem which the Bar Association Association is lobbying to rectify. "There are those who say that allowing judges to be supreme over government is undemocratic," he said; but in his view, judges are superbly suited to deal with the issues arising from the charter precisely because they are removed from the political forum. The new charter will have far reaching effects. The government, civil service, crown corporations, and eventually any company doing business with the government government will have to conform. conform. The courts will have to determine determine if certain hiring practices are discriminatory. discriminatory. "Just because something something looks discriminatory doesn't mean it is, it may be a reasonable exception," said Mr. Thompson. He gave the example of mandatory retirement at 65 and pointed out that the solutions solutions to these issues are Mr. Thompson broached the subject of quotas, where an employer might be forced to hire someone other than the most qualified qualified applicant. The situation has arisen in the United States where a job applicant has sued the company for discriminating against him because he was NOT a member of a minority minority group. There are also a number of issues relating to the value of jobs: while it seems reasonable to give equal pay for work of equal value, how is one to decide the relative relative value of jobs and which should be higher paid. Statistics prove that women are still earning much less than than their male counterparts in the work force and the charter of rights should address this inequity, but, as Mr. Thompson remarked, the question remains - How? Should women's salaries be increased thereby burdening burdening their employers, or should men's wages be lowered lowered to be more in line with women's. These questions and many others will arise out of the new charter of rights but Claude Thompson describes describes it as a "great challenge." challenge." "In the short run there will be controversy and liti gation, but in the long run it will be worth it," he said, "...the administration of justice justice will be fairer for all of us." VANSTONE MILL You need it? We've got it! HAS THE WIDEST VARIETY OF PET FOOD FOR YOUR PET -- PLUS -- GREAT PET ACCESSORIES ' ; 5V V'v s v NEW ARRIVALS: ■ STOKES GARDEN SEED - GRASS SEED 2 lb. - $3.79 - SEED. POTATOES- 45ff/kg BHHVanstone Flour and Feed Mill ■■■ D'ViHOXOf PYWimWHWWWmiMiflD 116 King St. West 623-5777 Bowmanville JLf(xL& iXvrvci w<£uynvrruz>v uMvtk, Sportswear Co-ordinates sizes sttjLes for everyone 49 King St. W. Bowmanville 623-5854 SWING INTO SPRING WITH A SUPER HIT FROM PANASONIC * 2 WAY, 4 SPEAKER SOUND SYSTEM * AMBIENCE CIRCUITRY * METAL TAPE CAPABILITY * 6 STAGE LED MONITOR * 2 LED INDICATORS * 2 BUILT-IN CONDENSER MICROPHONES * FULL AUTO STOP * VERTICAL FRONT LOADING MECHANISM * 2-TOUCH RECORDING MASTERCARD AND VISA ACCEPTED BUY NOW AND SAVE! MANUFACTURER'S SUGGESTED LIST $25995 RX 5080 NOW ONLY *179 95 BOWMANVILLE AUDIO-VISION 20 KING ST. WEST BOWMANVILLE 623-2312