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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 27 Aug 1986, p. 24

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f I t 10 The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanvillc, August 27. 1986 Section Two Qttft Hewcastle Snbepmbcnt Editors: Hazel and Jack Crago Telephone 987-4201 Mr. and Mrs. Gerry Ver- beek have returned from a glorious summer vacation. Anneke enjoyed two weeks with relatives in Holland and when Gerry joined her there, they toured Europe for four more weeks. Welcome Welcome home! Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Hancock, Hancock, Bowmanville were visited visited last Monday by his brother, Rev. Edwin Hancock Hancock and his wife, Jean, of London. Miss Louise Hancock Hancock also enjoyed visiting with her brothers and sis- ters-in-law. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Stiles, Montreal, were Tuesday visitors with his brother Rev, and Mrs. Donald Stiles and Donnie. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Rudge, Malton enjoyed sailing sailing from Pickering to Newcastle Newcastle on Thursday and were overnight guests of her aunt and uncle, Floyd Powell and Dorrene, Lake Shore. Birthday greetings to Harve Bonathon, Murray Jose, Russell Powell and Pauline Storks. Mr. and Mrs. James Burns, Parkview Apartments, Apartments, have returned from Niagara Falls where they visited his sister, Mrs. Nelson. Nelson. We welcome the Curzons and the Alfred Grahams to our Mill Street South neighbourhood. neighbourhood. Mrs. Bertha Daniels and son Neil, of Oshawa, visited on Sunday with Mr. Charles Cov/.an. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Bennett, Eiinismore, were Tuesday visitors with her mother, Mrs. Nellie Spencer. Mrs. Gladys Pacey remains remains a patient in Memorial Memorial Hospital, Bowmanville. Girl Guide meetings resume resume on Wednesday, September September 3rd, 1986 beginning at 6:30 p.m. to 8:30,.p.m. in Newcastle United Church. A" planning meeting was held at the home of Dorella Chard. Enthusiastic new leaders have been acquired. acquired. They are hoping to see the 9 to 12 year old girls at their first meeting. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Chard, Johnna and Delann attended attended the wedding of Michelle Stacey and John Malda at Orono United Church on Saturday, August 23rd, 1986. Mrs. Chard was Master of Ceremonies at the reception. On Sunday, August 24, the Jack Chard family hosted a Chard family reunion when thirty-five members enjoyed enjoyed a day of games and prizes. It was a special time for Mr. George Chard Sr. as he celebrated his birthday. Congratulations and many happy returns of the day! Mrs. Kathleen Kimball reports that many Newcastle Newcastle area citizens attended the Liberal Barbecue at the Ransberry's last Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Pearce, Mrs. Kathleen Kimball Kimball and Mrs. Margaret Rud- man enjoyed Saturday noon brunch at Joan Kimball's, Bowmanville. Mr. and Mrs. George Buckley enjoyed Wednesday Wednesday in Kingston attending the Ontario East Market Place, sponsored by the Ontario Ontario Ministry of Tourism and bus companies. The Buckleys were guests of the Trentway Bus Company. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Wade were weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. Don Murdoch, Manotick. On Saturday they attended the funeral of Mr. Lea Dawson in Kemptville. On Thursday, the Wades were dinner guests of son Bill and daughter-in-law, Margaret, Oshawa. Bill and Marg had returned from an East Coast vacation. Our neighbours, David and Carla Foote and children, children, Lindsay and Adam have returned from a summer summer vacation at the Sand Banks. On Friday evening, Mr. and Mrs. John Scott visited Mr. and Mrs. Bill Stubbs, Toronto, and all went out to dinner. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Stillman, Bowmanville, were Saturday evening guests of Mr. and Mrs. John Scott. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Wood, Oshawa, were Saturday Saturday evening supper guests Tyrone and Area By Bessie Vancyk SENIOR CITIZENS' CONVENTION Mr. and Mrs. Dick Gibbs represented the Tyrone Senior Citizens' Club as delegates to the 1986 convention of United Senior Citizens of Ontario (USCO) which was held at Queen's University, Kingston, Ontario. USCO President, Joyce King, guided about 530 participants through a smoothly run, stimulating conference which proved satisfying and enjoyable. The numerous resolutions which were put forward were broken down into categories for expedient handling: Health, Income and Pensions, Consumer Affairs, Housing, Current National Issues. Resulting resolutions and decisions are referred on to the National Pensioners and Senior Citizens Federation then on to government bodies where applicable. Workshops pertinent to seniors' concerns were held during the conference. "The lecture given by Dr. Wm. Dalziel, Professor of Geriatrics from University of Ottawa, was excellent," Dick and Ethel Gibbs both agreed. "We heard some interesting ideas and we learned a lot," said Ethel. "The whole audience could certainly relate to it," Dick felt. Another informative address by Dr. Merry, "New Wrinkles to Old Attitudes" humorously and informatively clarified the understanding of the process of aging, The fun relief from all those ominous, heavy issues was a guided tour of the city on the "Kingston Famous Train", and entertainment such as presentations of ethnic dances and an evening of Barber Shop Quartet music. The convention proved to be a balance of worthwhile activity and a good time. SOCIAL Congratulations to Susan VanDorp and Normand Bedard who were married on Saturday, August 16,1986, in a natural wooded setting on the VanDorp property, "Dorterra Park". Following a natural summer storm of extraordinary force which caused flooding conditions on the creek on Friday afternoon, the day will henceforth conjure multiple memories. Neighbours, friends and relatives took part in a shivaree at the residence q[ newlyweds Louise and Kevin Wood, Long Sault, on Saturday evening. Ellen Vaneyk attended the wedding of Norma Workman and Antonio Mascioli at Kingston on Saturday, August 16, 1986. Ellen was maid of honour for Norma, her roommate roommate during school days in Kingston. Recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. P. Vaneyk were Mr. and Mrs. Paul VandenBrink, Whitby, Ont. and Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Yeo, Justin, Ryan and new baby sister Heather, Hampton. EUCIIRE There were over 18 tables of euchre in play at the Community Centre on Friday evening, August 15, 1986, with the following results: 1st Agnes Prescott, 2nd Meta Swain, 3rd Russell Wright, 4th Walter Murphy, 5th Shirley Brooks, 6th Peter Schoonderbeek. Ladies' low Nora Woods, Men's low Gord Moffatl. 50-50 Draw Lorna Swain, Barbara Cochrane. Special prizes Clarence English, Charlie Campbell, Bernice Renton. Tyrone Senior Citizens' Club will meet for a pot luck supper at 6:00 p.m. on Wednesday, September 3, 1986, at the Community Centre. A good program is being prepared. Patrick G. Deegan DENTURE THERAPY CLINIC 5 GEORGE STREET BOWMANVILLE 623-4473 or 623-6477 of his mother, Mrs. Gladys Wood. Mr. and Mrs. Reid Wood, Newtonville, spent Sunday evening with his mother. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Murray, Bowmanville, visited on Sunday with his mother, Mrs. Ruby Murray. On Thursday, Jimmy Bourgeois of Belleville took his grandfather, Harold Couch to Toronto where they visited Harold's brother, Stan Couch, at Sun- nybrook Hospital. They also visited Harold's sister, Mrs. Sid Luxton at Strathaven, Bowmanville. We are sorry to report that Mrs. Helen Lovekin Symons Symons had the misfortune to break her hip and is a patient patient in Oshawa General Hospital. Lorna Crockett reminds us that bowling at the Newcastle Newcastle Community Lanes begins in September. Bowlers Bowlers are needed for ladies' nights Monday and Tuesday from 7:30 - 9:30 p.m. Mixed bowling starts Thursday, Sept. 4th. Children begin bowling in October. We welcome to our village Dr. Marlene Spruyt who will begin working September September 2nd, the same hours as her associate Dr. Miklos. Horticultural News On Thursday, August 21, 1986, the Newcastle Horticultural Horticultural Society held its annual flower and vegetable vegetable show. President Vicki Lesnick reports there were 166 entries in the adult flower classes and 44 entries entries in the adult vegetable classes. Donna Morrow earned the most points in the show, with Ranna Sinow runner- up. Since Donna won the J. Anderson Smith Memorial prize last year, Ranna was presented with it this year. For most points in the Rower section, Donna re- ; . ceived thé Elmhurst Silver Cup. Ranna Sinow won the Ceresdale Award for most points in the vegetable section. section. Angela Lesnick received received the new exhibitor award. Dennis Morrow won the prize for the newest exhibitor in the vegetable section, men only. Jack Crago received the William Lover prize for the man with most points in the vegetable vegetable section. Hazel Crago won the George Buckley prize for a basket of gladioli. Sweetstakes ribbons were won by Madeleine Buckley for an aster; Meryl McGrath for a dahlia; Hazel Crago for a gladiolus; Ranna Sinow, for a rose; and Donna Morrow for a zinnia. Judges of the show were Minnie Zegers and Corrie DeJong. Following are the results of the Junior competition in the Newcastle Horticultural Horticultural Show. Garden plot - 1st Ailan McKenzie; 2nd Philip Cunningham, Cunningham, Darren Morrow, Meliisa Allin and Melanie Allin; 3rd Chris McLean and Karen King; 4th Amanda Adams. Miniature Garden - 1st Philip Cunningham; 2nd Darren Morrow. Toy Arrangement - 1st Ailan McKenzie; 2nd Melanie Allin; 3rd Chris McLean; 4th Melissa Allin. Rock Festival - 1st Philip Cunningham; 2nd Ailan McKenzie; 3rd Darren Mor row. Recycling - 1st Melissa Allin; 2nd Ailan McKenzie; 3rd Philip Cunningham. Vegetable Character - 1st Melissa Allin; 2nd Melanie Allin; 3rd Chris McLean; 4th Philip Cunningham. Kitchen Kapers - 1st Philip Cunningham; 2nd Melanie Allin; 3rd Chris McLean. Road Runner - 1st Melanie Allin; 2nd Amanda Rogers; 3rd Melissa Allin. Beets - 1st Darren Morrow; Morrow; 2nd Melanie Allin; 3rd Philip Cunningham; 4th Chris McLean. Carrots - 1st Melanie Allin; 2nd Melissa Allin; 3rd Chris McLean; 4th Philip Cunningham. Cosmos - 1st Melanie Allin; 2nd Melissa Allin; 3rd Ailan McKenzie; 4th Philip Cunningham. Zinnia - 1st Ailan McKenzie; McKenzie; 2nd Amanda Rogers; 3rd Melanie Allin; 4th Philip Cunningham. Cornflower - 1st Ailan McKenzie; 2nd Darren Morrow; Morrow; 3rd Amanda Rogers; 4th Melanie Ailiin and Melissa Allin. Receiving the most points for the Lions Plaque was Melanie Allin with 30 points. Children over 10 years Garden Plot - Julie Coburn; 2nd Sean McKenzie; McKenzie; 3rd Natalie Wicha. Smurfs - 1st Sean McKenzie; McKenzie; 2nd Paula Dumouchel; 3rd Julie Coburn. Recycling - 1st Paula Dumoüchel; 2nd Julie Coburn. Vegetable Zoo - 1st Julie Coburn; 2nd Paula Dumouchel. • Miniature Arrangement - 1st Sean McKenzie; 2nd Julie Coburn, Wild and Wonderful - 1st Sean McKenzie; 2nd Julie Coburn. Beets - 1st Julie Coburn; 2nd Sean McKenzie; 3rd Monique Kraayvanger. Carrots - 1st Julie Coburn; 2nd Sean McKenzie; 3rd Monique Kraayvanger. Cosmos - 1st Monique Kraayvanger; 2nd Sean McKenzie; 3rd Paula Dumouchel; 4th Julie Coburn. Zinnia - 1st Sean McKenzie; McKenzie; 2nd Julie Coburn; 3rd Monique Kraayvanger; 4th Paula Dumouchel. Cornflower - 1st Sean McKenzie; 2nd Julie Coburn; 3rd Paula Dumouchel. Receiving the most points for the Lions Plaque was Julie Coburn. Gardens were very good this year. We had an excellent excellent show. Well done, Juniors. Thanks to all who donated prizes. To Youth Leader, Narda Hoogkamp, a thank you for all your work all year long. To President, Vicki Lesnick for your many devoted hours, thank you. To all who donate, work and exhibit, many thanks, You make the show the success success it is! St. George's Church News On Sunday, August 24th, the 14th Sunday after Pentecost, Janet Frances Wind was received into Christ's Church by Holy Baptism. A new season is upon us, all too soon! It is sincerely hoped you have had a healthful and refreshing summer, especially if you have had the opportunity to have a holiday. The Rector returned from vacation this Sunday and he wishes to thank all those who served, in whatever capacity, capacity, so faithfully while he was away. We are fortunate fortunate to have capable people committed to this ministry within our own congregation. congregation. Sunday was an especially happy day for the Parish of Clarke as we launched our first Annual Corn Roast and Ball Tournament. The ball game, taking place at Lockhart Lockhart School, was hotly contested contested but eventually the St. Saviour's Angels were victorious victorious over St. George's Dragons. Cathy Stapleton, a member of the committee in charge of this .affair, presented presented the Angels with a lovely trophy especially designed designed by Sandor Ceramics for this tournament. The weather co-operated beautifully beautifully and a marvelous time of fellowship and fun was enjoyed when the gathering moved on to Walter and Lynda Gibson's for a feast of delicious corn. Both congregations congregations were well represented represented and it was unanimously unanimously decided this should be an annual venture and everyone heartily agreed the basebalV tournament should be an integal part of the festivities, so you can rest assured the Dragons will be out to get the trophy next year. Ron Locke, also on the steering committee of this idea, thanked Walter and Lynda for so generously letting us use their spacious grounds for the day. Dates to keep in mind: Sept. 3 - St. George's A.C.W. meets in the Parish Hall - 7:30 p.m. Sunday, Sept. 7 - Church Schools - "First Day" - Registration and planning for the year ■ahead. Same Day - St. George's Youth .* first gathering - in the Parish Hall -7,p.m. - Grade 7 and older. Also Sept. 7 - St. Georgé's at the 11 a.m. service service there will be the Installation Installation of Lay Ministers and Servers. Please note: On Tuesday, Sept. 9 there will be an information information meeting for the people of St. George's at 7:30 p.m. in the Parish Hall. This is an important meeting meeting regarding the report of the Ways and Means Committee Committee and you should really really try to attend. United Church News On Sunday, August 24, 1986, at Newcastle United Church, beautiful floral arrangements arrangements by Anneke Ver- beek graced the sanctuary. Friends from Orono and Kirby attended the service. The children learned that the secret of life is based on the last verse of I Corinthians, Corinthians, Chapter 13, faith, hope, and love. Rev. Donald Stiles preached the fourth in the series. The Sermon on the Mount, The Faith of the Kingdom. Next Sunday, coffee hour will be enjoyed after the service. All items for the September September news letter arc due next Sunday, August 31st. The Trillium Unit of the UCW meets on Thursday, September lltli at 2 o'clock. All the ladies are reminded of the October 18th Golden Harvest Craft and Bake Sale. CRIME Crime Stoppers is asking for the public's assistance in solving a robbery which occurred at the Dynasty Inn, Dloor St. West, Oshawa on January 12,1986. At about 7:55 p.m, a man entered the front lobby and approached the clerk who was at the front desk. At this time he had a pillow case over his head with the eyes and mouth cut out and was brandishing a knife. He told the clerk that this was a "Stick-up-a-robbery" and jumped over the counter. He smashed at the cash register register until it opened and took about $100.00 in bills and rolls of nickels, lie then stumbled as he hopped over the counter, losing his mask, but managed to run out the front doors. The suspect is described ns a white male, about 20-22 years of age, 5'6" 5'10 ", slim build, shoulder length dark hair lied in a "ponytail", and had a full moustache. The knife is described as the following type. Crime Stoppers will pay up to $1,000 to anyone providing providing information which leads to an arrest. Similar amounts will be paid for lips leading to an arrest in any serious crime. Callers do not have to give their names or testify In court, The Crime Stoppers numbers numbers arc: 222-8477 - Can be used in the Ajax/Pickering area. 1-800-387-8477-Can be used in any area. Toll free for all long distance calls. Sgl. Sandy Ryrie of the Durham Regional Police Force writes this article to help combat crime. A Citizen Citizen Board administers the program, one of more than 600 Crime Stoppers Programs Programs across North America. The award money is raised through lax deductible donations donations which may be sent to Toronto and Regional Crime Stoppers, P.O. Box 54, Oslmwa, Ontario Llll 71(0. Grand Champions with Blooms at Newcastle Show Last Thursday, the Newcastle Village Horticul- left to right are Ranna Sinou with her winning rose, tural Society held their annual flower and vegetable Hazel Crago with her gladiola, Madeleine Buckley show at the Newcastle Community Hall. Seen here with her aster, Merly McGrath with her dahlia, and are the five grand champions from the event. From Donna Morrow with her zinnia. The flower and vegetable show also has a junior people. Seen here are Darrin Morrow, Melissa Allin, category which encourages arrangements and indi- Melanie Allin, Phillip Cunningham, Christopher Mc- vidual flower or vegetable displays from young Lean, Sean McKenzie, and Ailan McKenzie. The prize for top points was also awarded during Sinou, club president Vicky Lesnick, and winner the show to Donna Morrow. Pictured here arc Ranna Donna Morrow. YWCA Courses The YWCA is offering guitar lessons in Bowmanvillc Bowmanvillc for children ages 10 to 14 years and for adults. The children's classes will provide provide an opportunity for students students to experience the excitement excitement of learning to play the guitar in an atmosphere of sociability and fun. Classes arc held at Bowmanville Bowmanville Senior Public School, Tuesday, 6:00-6:45 p.m. The adult classes are designed designed for beginners and the players of some experience experience who want to review the basics. Classes are on Tuesdays Tuesdays 7-8 p.m. The classes are small so plan to pre-register early at the YW Bowmanville office, 80 King Street West, Tuesdays, Tuesdays, 9 a.m. -1 p.m., Thursdays, Thursdays, 9 a,m. -12 noon and 1-5 p.m, and Fridays 1-4 p.m, Call 623-3664 for further information. information. Barbara Baptiste, formerly of Tower Hair Hut, Newcastle, has joined our staff and welcomes her friends and clients to visit her at Hairport Styling. PERM SPECIAL $ 25. 00 Perm Reg. $45.00 Coupon valid until Sept. 20/86. HAIRPORT STYLING 133 Church St, 623-4901 Bowmanvillo

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