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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 10 Sep 1986, p. 18

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! ! • . : 'x : ; v; •. S-Siv#"#?** h •n^nynigw t-- v:yyv:y:-:v: t • "-'v - ■■ . ' ' • . * ; _ . V ..... . < . ..... : -, '. . ; j . ■ . . . -.v . ... ■ ■ •. 1 I ' ' ' " : ... . t ,, ■ • i. . . >' . ■; ••• • . . : ■■ ••■■■ • • • ■ ; :• . •. •. • ^ • II ^ ASSORTED VARIETIES Jell-0 Instant Puddings ASSORTED FLAVORS Carnation Instant Breakfast 228 a "<259 ENVS. DEMPSTER'S, SLICED 100% Whole Wheat Bread ki .79 ASSORTED VARIETIES, HUMPTY DUMPTY Com or 4 am Potato Chips 12 pkg° 1.40 DAIRY MILK OR ALMOND Cadbury Thick Candy Bars OF G 3 1.19 18 The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, September 10,1986 Nestleton Caesarea Peter and Mary Lou Fittton and family, proprietors of Nestleton Country Store, are looking forward to the pleasure of entertaining an honoured house guest this coming weekend. Rita Rose, a renowned journalist from Indianapolis will be in Nestleton for three days. Ms. Rose, who will be covering the highlights of the Toronto Film Festival before arriving in our fair town, intends to write a human interest interest story about Nestleton for publication in the Indianapolis Star newspaper. What a great idea! Anniversary Celebrated Our warmest congratulations to Albert and Vivian Cawker who celebrated their 45th Wedding Anniversary Anniversary on Sunday, September 7. Son, Danny, Karen and Bonnie, hosted the event at Danny's lovely, spacious new home north of Port Perry, with a gala surprise party. Many relatives and friends were present to extend "best wishes" to this well known, highly esteemed couple...former residents of Port Perry...now of Bobcaygeon. We trust Abie & Viv will enjoy many more years of good health and happiness happiness together! Nestleton Presbyterian Church The congregation of Nestleton Presbyterian Church was pleased to welcome Rev. Fred Swann to the pulpit after the summer holiday. Mrs. B. McCabe presided at the organ and Sunday School resumed classes. Speaking on the Scripture reading Genesis 1:1-5 - John 1: 1-5 Sc 1st Corinthians 13:7-13 we were urged to rally to the work of the fall term. Anniversary services will be on September 21 at 11 a.m. with. Rev. W. Chatterton, Bowmanville, guest minister. Special music will be a feature. Refreshments will be served following the service. A warm welcome is extended to this 141st anniversary. Our Best Wishes Our warmest wishes for a complete complete recovery soon to a good friend Clara Nesbitt who has been a patient patient in Oshawa General Hospital for the past two weeks. She will be there for a few weeks yet. Clara is one of our Nestleton girls and it would be nice to send a shower of cards...and perhaps drop in for a few minutes to cheer her up. Very pleased to know that Ella Bowers is coming along in Port Perry Hospital progressing well - and Doris Rohrer is home and doing well. Nestleton Women's Institute 1906-1986 With guests from four of West Durham District branches in attendance, attendance, a most interesting meeting was held in Nestleton Community Centre on Wednesday, September 3rd. President Mrs, Neta Fish warmly welcomed the assembly, and opened with the usual procedure procedure of the Ode, and the Mary Stewart Collect followed by an interesting interesting peom, "The Institute Rally." The minutes of the" July meeting were approved as read by Secretary Mrs. Gwen Malcolm, andd the roll call answered - "An industry unknown to our grandmothers." The motto was - "Make it well and it will sell." After a brief business period the guests supplied the following programme. Maple Grove Branch - Mrs. Win Brown read poems - "Church Giving" - "The Perfect Church" - "Your Pastor And Mine" - and "What Is Life?" Blackstock was represented by Mrs. Pat Sleep who read an interesting article by Erma Bombeck with a married couple discussing the trivialities which are being cited as grounds for divorce. Queenie Fletcher Fletcher of Bowmanville read the origin of the writing of "My Grandfather's Clock" by Henry Work from an incident incident concerning "The Old Clock In The George Hotel" from the book "Destiny" by Paul Aurandt. Three ladies of Hampton Branch presented a skit, "The Selling of Sally." Sally." Those taking part were: Marion Lewis, Betty Kuyer and Marguerite Hall. Very humorous and excellent character acting - changing into male parts, Mrs. Rika Wygerde, Convener of Agriculture and Canadian Industries Industries introduced the guest speaker Mrs. Shirley Hudson of Nestleton, who gave a demonstration demonstration of her craft-making dolls. With a large number of dolls displayed in a wicker doll carriage, wooden cradle, high chair, small chairs, etc. Shirley told of starting first with ceramic (7 years ago) and now is making mostly porcelain. She explained explained the very detailed work that goes into making these life-like dolls. Each one represents at least forty-five hours of work. All were in beautiful outfits and the audience was allowed to hold these babies and examine how they were assembled. A very interesting experience for all present. Mrs, Bertha McLaughlin expressed expressed the appreciation to Shirley and the meeting closed with 0 Canada, and the Institute Grace. While the lunch was prepared a sing-song was enjoyed with Mrs, Gwen Malcolm at the piano. All had a fine social time over lunch and the various guests thanked Ncsllcton...as hostess, for the most Informative and inspiring afternoon. Caesarea Card Party Popular For the weekly euchre In Caesarea Centre the following were lucky: First prize winner • Mary Pools with an 83. Second prize • Failli Lawrence close behind with 81. Low - Doreen - 44. A super lunch was provided by Jean Krnwcts and Carol Oliphant and served by Carol. Failli Lawrence hud 12 lone hands for the month of August. The Ladles' Auxiliary meeting will be held on Monday, September 15th at 8 p.m. at the Community Centre and would like all members to attend. irnT fnr LOW, LOW . FRIENDLY ÊÜHj for PRICES and SERVICE • ' .■ ■: : .■ ■■■■■* •• ' . . ; |||;||pK ^ x / \ / \ . V ' : vxÿi, ; ' ; " ■ / ' ' / '\ o' V' o '\ IfgLjrp )>-:■ Jt&Æ . 1 '• ' ' ' ' : - ' . • .• V.» ' IU U L , v '• i< ' ,1 " ' H -■ -y'., liliF"M- *8! viv 1 ASSORTED VARIETIES, SEALTEST Light 'n Lively Yogurt 3si1.49 • . .... . : ' « : 7i tQX CSrf " -, • - -, • v < - . .. • 5 : "VX.." V '" v " : .1. .. I V; I ' ■' . ' MS ■ . IIS Spft ' v-r) ' j; x :i ' j: villi ASSORTED VARIETIES Bravo Beans o 1 !. tin MILD, MEDIUM OR OLD COLORED, CRACKER BARREL Kraft Cheddar g% aa Cheese Block pkg 6 O-OSf 100% PURE VEGETABLE OIL, IMPERIAL Soft Margarine tub 1.69 REGULAR OR DIET, COKE, SPRITE OR CLASSIC 750 mL Coca-Cola btl.' ■49 PLUS .30 DEP. PER BTL. (UNIT COST 6.5' PER 100 mL) ASSORTED FLAVORS, RISE 'N SHINE, FLAVORED Drink Mix poly bag aa OF 3x92 g V|U > ENVS. IWW ASSORTED VARIETIES 3/5 «BA Lancia Egg Noodles BA ° ■# v BRAVO Cgaa Vegetable Oil j'uG™ 3 2.59 ASSORTED FLAVORS Tang Fruit Drinks PKG. OF AA 3x250 mL VJU BOXES .WV AYLMER, FANCY Tomato Juice oz tin ■89 Crystals POWDER OR SYRUP, INSTANT CHOCOLATE DRINK MIX TSOgCTR. OR Nestlé Quik btl l 2.69 : . ■ . . ' III i. il iiiiii mA- 'SfW : • . V'-irxn v;' ï^.-v ^ ^ X |:p : ' ' : " ; ^ i 5 rr^y J- :|J • ■ t : : - V r, - ; • fr. I " " , ■: i \:v:'. 4.- SÈk ' ' v ! ' , ' ' ' v , .J ih • : ' 1 * ' .' ' : ; - • • ' " ' 1 ' ' ' ' V i v ' ' : „ v • - -, V' 1 " *■ ' 1 " Sms» 1 '?":"; . f-:- HI 15 ■ ■ ■ i|:|| ' " I:-;.;. ;.. . ... 'Uii f \ Sausage IB Rounds 2.69 i . : V. " ; ifl ' SWEET PICKLED, "BONELESS" FROM OUR DELI AVAILABLE IN MANY STORES UUIL IjyF" "66/100 g 5® Kolbassa 2.99 DELI SLICED M*cA ChMHor mm Mock Chicken ■■t e *'ioo 0 IB Loaf 1.99 b ^ Camosun ■ 86/100 g 0 Cheese 3.89i b . SHOPSY'S -- -- Potato Salad -ZO/ioog or Cole Slaw 1.19i b W Cottage Ô9 Rolls 5.49/kg 2.49, SLICED Side B3 Bacon 3.99 "BABY BAG" m PÏX Waxed 4.39 kg ü® Bologna 1 k b avg 1.99, IB Liverwurst c 2 ^ 1,49 py* Beef _ _ _ IB Burgers ^ , 3.99 SELECTED SPECIALTY VARIETIES, SLICED Sandwich A OA Ô Meats sa 1.39 W Wieners a 1.99 SLICED Assorted Pak Sandwich A ^ B Meats pkq s 1.99 ' C' ' iKï-rBgflft V., ■ : : k : ; - ........ I ISii: I $1% @ Y ® M' I r • . • -XL- X- x PllllllSIIIIIIll m 1.30, .59, PRODUCT OF ONTARIO Broccoli # BUNCH .99 PRODUCT OF ONTARIO, ,|U|. ONTARIO NO. 1 GRADE 54 kg J New Potatoes te 1 1.99 PRODUCT OF ONTARIO, CANADA NO. 1 GRADE Cooking a* gorg rn Onions V* .Do PRODUCT OF ONTARIO, CANADA NO. 1 GRADE Cello Ô „„ cn Canots bag .59 PRODUCT OF ONTARIO, CANADA NO. 1 GRADE JU. Rutabagas W ■55kg ! 25* PRODUCT OF U.S.A. Red Grapefruit size46-. 1 ^FOR*^ 1.99 PRODUCT OF ONTARIO Zucchini Squash PRODUCT OF ONTARIO, CANADA NO. 1 GRADE Field pu A Cucumbers • 3 FOR .99 PRODUCT OF ONTARIO g. Cole Slaw 2 )fii go ■ PKGS. aVV PRODUCT OF ONTARIO Alfalfa 125 g-4.4-OZ. PKG. or Crispy Sprouts 170g-6-OZ.PKG. i 2™ .99 PRODUCT OF ONTARIO Renee's Assorted - A Salad Dressings 3 btl l 2.79 PRODUCT OF ONTARIO, CANADA NO. 1 GRADE Celery Stalks PLAN YOUR SPRING GARDEN NOW, BUY EARLY FOR BEST SELECTION Assorted Onderwater Holland Bulbs box 1.99 CARNATION, POWDERED Coffee-Mate 2.49 EVAPORATED, PARTLY SKIMMED Carnation 2% Milk "tin L LIQUID, ALL PURPOSE Fantastik Cleaner 2.49 LIGHT OR REGULAR, HELLMANN'S Mayonnaise"Par 1 1.99 AYLMER, CHOICE Whole Tomatoes FROZEN, CHICKEN, BEEF, TURKEY OR BEEF A KIDNEY Savarin Pot Plea pkg! ■59 FROM OUR IN STORE BAKERY AVAILABLE IN MANY STORES FROZEN, FISH IN LIGHT TEMPURA BATTER OR BOSTON BLUE FISH STICKS, FRIES OR KRISPS Blue Water Fish 3.39 Apple 1.19 FROZEN, LINGUINI/CLAM SAUCE, ZUCCHINI/LASAGNA, CHICKEN CHOW MEIN OR SPAGHETTI WITH BEEF HEALTH & BEAUTY AIDS SUPER ABSORBENT 40's, EXTRA ABSORBENT 48's, REGULAR ABSORBENT 54's, NEWBORN 66's, TODDLER 36's OR TODDLER PLUS 32's , Lean Cuisine Entrées 2.59 Pampers Diapers ea pkg 10.19 FROZEN, POTATO & ONION OR POTATO & CHEESE Prairie Fresh Perogies pk 1.39 ASSORTED VARIETIES, 200 mL AERO-TIN, 60 mL ROLL-ON OR 60 g SOLID Secret Antiperspirant 2.39 RED OR GREEN Close-Up Toothpaste ni be l 1.29 GENERAL MERCHANDISE SPRING MEADOW, LEMON, ROSE OR SPEARMINT FRAGRANCES, AIRWICK Solid Air Fresheners GJT SCENT III, SCENT II OR REGULAR FRAGRANCES, CARPET FRESH Rug & Room * qq Deodorizing Powder con?. 1 .US# 3 L% " WEEK o rd I SUMMER . GARDEN COOKWARE The 10 Inch OPEN FRY PAN tB h NOT MICROWAVE SAVE * plus WITH $5.00 tax PURCHASE $14.99 WITHOUT PURCHASE PLU 019 WITH THIS (25) COUPON COUPON VALUE 75 REGULAR OR UNSCENTED, POWDERED DETERGENT Tide 6 L O BOX ' vV: Vïf*/: j f- yi ; | ... : / ! "'-u y l ■if V 'I 1 ! \ ", ' Î ' I FEATURE PRICE WITHOUT COUPON $4.74 HERBERT A WAHS TORONTO ont*' UMIT 0NE c °UPON PER FAMILY, ONE BOX PER COUPON M5W1H1 COUPON VALID AT IGA UNTIL CLOSING SAT., SEPT. 13TH, 1986 TDE 011 i --™--J PRICES EFFECTIVE UNTIL CLOSING SAT. SEPTEMBER 111986. GRAHAM IGA MARKET 225 King St. E., Bowmanville, Ontario WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES. OPEN • MONDAY TO FRIDAY 8:30 A.M. TO 10:00 P.M. SATURDAY 8:00 A.M. TO 6:00 P.M. OPEN SUNDAY 9:00 A.M. TO 5:00 P.M. Senior Citizens 5% Off On Personal Shopping, Wednesday Only

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