) 1 Cancer Society Holds Annual Meeting •i •; • s. ■. -.s '•âgjfl ! ^18 i < s ^ y > - • ' ^ f | ' "* |- ^ ' ' - ' ■ ■ ■ The annual meeting of the Cancer Society took place on Tuesday, September 30, at the St. Paul's United Church. Leslie Dutton (centre), of the public relations department of Princess Margaret Hospital, was the guest speaker. She is shown here with Cathy Aitken, immediate past president of the Cancer Society and Dr. Paul Hoy, the Society's medical advisor. Dr. Hoy introduced the guest speaker. Community Involvement Program Offering Help by Rob Savage Unlike many other community community service groups in the area, the Community Involvement Involvement and Volunteer Programme isn't actively looking for volunteers. Not that they wouldn't appreciate appreciate the help, especially especially with a need for more male volunteers. But what they're most looking for are referrals to people who could use the help. The Town of Newcastle program currently has seven volunteers matched with referred people and have another 14 volunteers available to help. "We are looking for referral" referral" sources," said ; Gail Spence, the administrtitibn co-ordinator for CIVP. "We need referrals for our program." program." Ms. Spence said some people are reluctant to refer people to the program because the helpers are volunteers. volunteers. And while it's true that many of the volunteers don't have university training training in that area, it isn't true that the volunteers don't know how to help. The CIVP is a division of the Community Care program. program. Its aim is to help people going through stressful times or those who were recently released from a psychiatric hospital. People are referred to the program by public health officials, doctors, family counsellors and the Whitby Psychiatric Hospital. Referrals Referrals also come from a concerned family member or individual who knows of the service. Once referred, Ms. Spence will match the client with one of their volunteers. volunteers. No money is involved for either the volunteer or the client. However, serious commitments do have to be made by both. The referred person has to agree to work towards a specific goal. The selected goals range from hygiene CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE PUBLIC NOTICE Citizens are advised that a contract has been awarded to Hoillngworth Construction Co., for the construction of storm sewers in Bowmanvllle on Durham Street (Duke Street to Brown Street), Brown Street (Durham Street to Queen Street), Queen Street (Brown Street north to 100 metres west of Liberty Street). Work is tentatively scheduled to commence Monday, October 6,1986, and be completed by mid November 1986. Through vehicular traffic within the actual area of the construction operation shall be prohibited with provision for movement of local and emergency vehicles only. We solicit the co-operation of all motorists in obeying traffic signs. The Town of Newcastle Public Works Department apologizes for any Inconvenience originating from the project. Telephone enquiries regarding this matter may be directed to the undersigned at (416) 263-2231. Gordon J. Ough, P. Eng., Director of Public Works, Town of Newcastle, Hampton Municipal Offices, Hampton, Ontario. LOB 1 JO October 8,1986 October 15,1986. § JTopce Bostieati DECORATIVE DESIGN STUDIO Church St., Orono 983-5312 Folk Art, Tole Painting, Quilted Goods, Dolls and Teddys 1 st Annual Christmas Sale Saturday and Sunday October 18 - October 19 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. § Sfj/i "«I SI. • Original handcrafted gifts by local artisans • Christmas decorations • Gifts from $5 and up A worm wolcama nwalta you, Ou coma unit ï,luira u cup of Chrlntmua chacr. H" i' r M. <t - tL*. -, IP 1 I 1 1 r 1 V i 1 h ; i ,|i.l |.t t? ' M J 1 1 |1 Police Notebook by Constable Peter Bramma Community Services Section Two The Canadian Statesman. Bowmanville, October 15. 1986 Baseball Mothers Honor Top Salesman lessons to social skills. They can include searching for a job, learning to read and write, or increasing one's knowledge about nutrition. The volunteer commits his or her time to the project. project. Each person must go through an 11 week training course where lessons run for three hours each week. After a match is made with the client, the volunteer volunteer agrees to give at least 10 hours per month to the client for a six month period. Ms. Spence said the volunteer volunteer is a special type of person who has a "healthy" attitude towards mental health and is supportive of the-person being-helped. - And each match is supervised supervised by a professional person. person. "The volunteer has the guidance of the professional professional person and can obtain obtain resource information as well," she said. The matches are reviewed reviewed after three months and are allowed to continue if future success can be predicted, predicted, Ms. Spence said some matches can be terminated terminated on a positive note because because the client has achieved the initial goal. CIVP covers seven different different areas in the Durham Region, Region, with five different offices offices located throughout the region. The program is fully funded by the Ministry of Health. Ms. Spence said that in the Town of Newcastle, CIVP has been working to make the program more ' well known. Open public seminars are held every second month by CIVP, with guest speakers addressing issues related to mental health and stress. On the alternate months when they don't have public seminars, the volunteers attend attend meetings where they offer feedback and receive advice on how to handle difficult difficult situations. They've also begun a news bulletin which is sent to doctors and local agencies, agencies, telling them of the CIVP activities. The program's success, however, has to be attributed attributed to the work of the volunteers, volunteers, Ms. Spence said. "There's lots of dedication dedication there." STUDENTS ON PATROL Every school year teachers ask for volunteers. There are a number of jobs around the school that just wouldn't get done, or would not be done as effectively if it weren't for the students volunteering their time. When a traffic safety problem is perceived by a school administrator there are a number of preventative measures he or she can take. One appropriate measure might be forming a School Safety Patrol. If enough volunteers volunteers are available among the students, assistance in forming forming a patrol is available from the School Board, The Canadian Canadian Automobile Association, and the police. At the present time a total of approx. 65 schools in Durham Region have school safety patrols. But, let's first look into the history of school patrols. In the early twenties, the motor car was fast becoming a popular mode of business and pleasure. Along with this popularity came a noticeable increase in the number of accidents involving children in the four to fourteen age group. Law enforcement a- gencies soon found their manpower manpower resources stretched to the limit when they were deluged deluged with requests to provide adequate protection for the school child. As far as can be ascertained, ascertained, the School Safety Patrol movement was born in the years 1921-22. The results were startling. In Chicago, patrols were organized in 1922. From that date through to 1950, child fatalities dropped 62 percent while fatalities in other age groups increased 43 percent. This is all the more amazing, considering the 700 percent increase in motor vehicle vehicle registration in that city. The credit for this remarkable record is attributed directly to the work of the patrols and safety instruction by the teachers and parents. Crossing Crossing the international border in the early thirties, Canadians, Canadians, young and old, immediately immediately recognized the potential potential and accepted the system. system. With the passing of time some extra and unexpected benefits came to light. The patrollers themselves developed developed qualities of responsibility and leadership. The children they assisted learned to trust them and be obedient at crossings. crossings. In addition a good relationship relationship was built up between the law enforcement officers and the patroller. As the system grew, so grew the support. Government, motor clubs, P.T.A., home and school associations, service clubs, school boards, along with many other organizations, organizations, actively supported this worthwhile group. Over 60 years have passed and, with slight variations from time to time, the system and the people are basically the same as when first organized. Today Today some 100,000 Canadian members, in all weathers, are Water Checks Out Bowmanville's water isn't contaminated. That message was driven home last week by Councillor Councillor Marie Hubbard during the Regional Council meeting. meeting. Councillor Hubbard told fellow, councillors.; of the calls she received asking if Bowmanville's water was contaminated. The calls fol- Police Brief Durham Regional Police say no driver was found at the scene of a single-vehicle collision east of Mosport last Thursday night. The Lakefield woman fled the accident after the car she was driving swerved off Regional Road 20 and hit a tree. Police arrived at about 10 p.m. and impounded impounded the vehicle, which belongs to a relative of the driver. Damage to the car was about $2500. lowed reports from town council meetings about contamination contamination in the wells. Councillor Hubbard said the contaminated wells had led some people to believe the Region wasn't looking after the water,in Bowman-, ville.,, ■ Howeysfi(Regional Council Council confirmed that the water in Bowmanville is safe. Chlorinating machines run by the region make the water from regional water- mains safe. on duty each day of the school year. It is significant to note that since its inception in the United States and Canada, there has never been a fatal accident to a child while under the care of patrols...a record unequalled in any other phase of the safety field. Patrols are now in operation in 21 countries countries throughout the world with the same outstanding results results experienced in Canada and the United States. The functions of the School Safety Patrol are:- Foot Patrol. To instruct, direct, and control students in crossing the roadways at or near schools. Bus Patrol. To help the drivers of school buses maintain maintain a high standard of safety when transporting children to and from schools. Bus and foot patrollers when on duty wear a Hourescent orange, waist and shoulder belt so they can be easily recognized by drivers and students alike. Foot patrollers work from the sidewalk or shoulder of the roadway , and never stop or direct traffic. A driver approaching an area where a child in uniform is present, should SLOW DOWN and be extra cautious, since children will be crossing at that location. And, if you as a parent walk your child to school, set a good example when using a patrol location by co-operating with the patroller on duty. Explain to your child that the patroller is there to help and to watch for his or her directions. As you can see, patrollers are doing an important and worthwhile job out there. It's up to us to make sure we and our children are co-operative and cautious at their patrol locations. This way we can continue to build on that impressive impressive safety record that they have already achieved. nob BULOVA CLOCK SALE! SAVE 10% >--u' v? Every Bulova Quartz Clock In our store is on sale! Choose from Decorator Wall Clocks for every room In the house, Boutique or Accent Table Clocks, Anniversary, Alarm, Carriage and Grandfather Grandfather Clocks,..everything! Perfect gifts for weddings, anniversaries, showers, graduation...for every room In every home or office. And now at savings of 10%. Hurry In now for best selection. 5 BULOVA HOOPER'S JEWELLERS LTD. 39 King Si. W. Bowmanville Telephone 623-5747 Tim Forret (centre), a player on the Optimists team (Mosquito Division), was honoured as top salesman, by the Baseball Mothers' Association, in their recent fund raising project. Following the end of the season tournament, held on September September 13, Tim was presented with a new baseball bat and a plaque. The baseball mothers would like to thank all the boys who participated, mothers and coaches. Anyone with outstanding funds still owing should contact Lois Richards (left) at 623-2292. Pictured right is Tim's mother JoAnne Forret. Hostel Services Provides Shelter Hostel Services Inc. has been in the business of caring caring for low-income single persons since 1967, The hostel, therefore, provides the important role of caring for a group whose members often spend over three-quarters of their limited limited income on shelter. They visit the hostel for a variety of reasons. But some of these include a shortage of funds to.live on, un employment, substance abuse, and domestic problems. problems. The organization was formed in 1967 in response to the need for clean, adequate shelter and wholesome meals for transient transient men in the City of Oshawa. Today, it is located at 381 Simcoe St. S., in Oshawa. As of 1986, Hostel services could report that it had given shelter to 10,000 different different men who have come to its doors. It has served over 300,000 meals and 36,000 times it provided someone with a bed to sleep in rather than a park bench. Your United Way donation donation will ensure that the homeless in Oshawa, Whitby, and Newcastle continue continue to receive the shelter they need. F/stefe PAUL ROBINSON FALL CARPET SALE IS ON NOW! SAVE up to 40% on CROSSELY KARASTAN CARPET - free measures and estimates - guaranteed installation - the Bay's own installers ☆ ASK ABOUT OUR SPECIAL ADDITIONAL 10% OFF DAYS THE BAY -- OSHAWA CENTRE Phone 571-1211 1-800-263-7902 For Personal Service Ask for Paul Fall Savings Sale Our No. 1 Best Selling Paints Now At Special Prices $ 19.95 4 litres* Reg. $26.95 Let us mix you a color that's just right! Dependable Latex Semi-Gloss or Eggshell Finishes Benjamin Moore's Aquavelvet Only *24.95 Wallpaper! 25% OFF* Wallpaper Book Orders '"Fabric not included Try Our New Mr. Stripper for easy Wallpaper Removal "Some colors slightly higher Dependable *22.95 Alkyd Semi-Gloss or Eggshell Finishes In-Stock Clearance! Wallpaper Today „ $ 3.99 JUST ARRIVED! Beautiful solid vinyls from England Now In Stock *7.49 Country - Contemporary Silk Look Remember... We carry Minwax - Watco Oil - Varalhane - Stippletone - Wood Kote Stains - Modernac/e Stucco - Benjamin Moore Paints ABERNETHY'S PAINT and WALLPAPER VTL-t 55 King St. W. 623-5431 Bowmanville