» i Section Two The Canadian Statesman. Bowmanville, December 10.1986 13 Vincent Massey News TO HIS CHRISTMAS HEADQUARTERS IN THE BOWMANVILLE MALL Thurs., Fri-, Sat. -Dec. 11-12-13 6-8p.m 6-8p.m. 12 Noon-4p.m. Thurs., Fri., Sat., -Dec.18-19-20 Color Photo of your children with Santa mm /R\ IT® àf M \.\ !. \ \ 'p's. vv. :.X v: M < ■ V' T V |V Ll Xti/ Vfer plus tax i r Photography by Tom Hurlbert, Professional Photographer t s s Cards and Gifts Smokers' Corners Towne& Country Shoe and Leather Repair Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce Family Hairstyling Centre Flowers by Jackman t t (same times) Miracle Food Mart Hooked-On-Video Shoppers Drug Mart Trans-World Travel Bi-Way Stores Bowmanville Cinemas Heritage House Restaurant Fancy T's 05 $" % 1 □ U T \ ! v f 1 /fà V/ p Ï- / Hk | 321 Soccer News - On Monday, November 17, Vincent Massey had their soccer championship game. The two teams who were in the championship were the Warriors and the Eagles. At about 5 minutes into the game the first and only goal was scored by the Eagles. The Eagles defeated the Warriors one to nothing. So the champions of 1986 for Vincent Massey are the Eagles. --Rob Alehin We welcome Mrs. Marks to Vincent Massey while Mrs. Cavanagh is on maternity leave. Mrs. Cavanagh had a baby girl on November 11. They have a lot of centers in their class room, like painting, playdough, sandbox, water, puzzle, snack center and music. The Junior Kindergartens go outside every day to play on the playground. I think that they have a lot of fun. --Tanya Silver After Mr. Roy Norton and his seeing eye dog visited Mrs. Landry's class, the students wrote poems and stories about the blind and held a doughnut sale which raised $29.00 for the seeing eye dog fund in Oakville. Seeing is - being able to see the birds fly across the sky, being able to read a thick book, being able to play on the bars at school, being able to play in white snow, going for walks in the woods, seeing pretty flowers in the garden, being able to travel on your own, going for walks in the country. --byDeanne Seeing is - being able to see, playing soccer with my friends; watching the sun go down, waking up to a new morning, being able to read a book, looking at red roses, enjoying the beautiful colours of fall, watching t.v. with my parents. --by Jason Greenly --by Sarah Oke This is a story from Mrs. Michaelis' class written by Katy Barrie. j A Soldier's Story - In world was II a. mail named John Sedan was the bravest man in the war. But when it was raining one day and he was going to the pit, he tripped into the pit but the enemy put a gas bomb in the pit. Everyone was sorry that he had died; "But that's life," said a soldier, maybe we should write a letter to his family. "Do you agree?" "I guess so, ok, but what are we going to say. I think we should tell them he has died." After the soldiers had got the letter ready, they took a dove and off it went high in the sky then a day later Mrs. Sedan came to the battle field and they buried him. --Kim MacMaster Miss Gibson's grade one and two class has been to the Outdoor Center in October. Mrs. Silver took them there. They were studying seeds and autumn signs. In the class the children like to play with the blocks and the sand. Many of them like to write stories in their journals. Also some of the kids have been talking about Christmas. They did a play about Santa Claus. I think they're having a fun time in Miss Gibson's class. --Robyn Dubeau Mrs. Strong had a successful Old Book Sale and was able to raise 60 dollars for the library. She would like to thank all the students that helped to make this such a success. Mrs. Strong is looking forward to making more money for the library at the book fair on December 11. and 12. The school will get 25% of the sales in cash or 50% of the sales in books. Plastic book totes, posters and book marks will also be available. --Craig Rickard Books It's a book sale today Come down Come children Come please Buy a book Take a look and read it please Come please do. please! --Bryar Jones Mrs. Dolan teaches a grade one. Her class loves stories. The grade six's at our school read them stories every week. They have word collections. They all have some of the words they know on flashcards. They have a word hospital. They take a word they know and put it in the word hospital for someone else to save. When they save the word they have to read it to their teacher. They are almost ready to start Christmas Activities. --Angela Zufelt Mrs. Crookshank's students enjoy writing in their journals. They write about everything and anything they like. They are studying communities and Christmas customs in many lands with a special interest in Holland. They are working on geometry and measurement in math. --Kim Archer Mrs. Avery's Grade 4/5 class is having a busy but fantastic Christmas. Her class is studying how different countries spend their Christmas and they are also writing Christmas poems. Every Tuesday, Mrs. Avery's class receives 20 Toronto Star newspapers and her whole class does activities with them. They are also busy making decorations for their Christmas tree. Each student is writing a Christmas story for each of the Kindergartens. They are also helping the kindergartens write Santa Claus letters. Mrs. Avery is also a music teacher. She is hoping that she will be able to take carolers to the nursing home. The Santa Claus Parade - It is our family tradition to sit on the curb in front of St. Paul's Church and watch the Santa Claus Parade. This year the parade was fantastic with the men on stilts, the angels, the policemen and prisoners, the horses, clowns, etc. The music was also a great part of the parade. Congratulations to the Central School Band; it was the only junior school band in the parade. It was nice to see friends and neighbours dressed up and taking part in the Santa Claus parade. i l --Hannah Whately . J Santa Claus just made it to Bowmanviile's great Santa Claus parade this year. The Bowmanville streets were lined with people to get a glimpse of the 1986 parade. All 26 floats were nicely made. The judges seemed to like the float, the Lions Club made. So they awarded it with first prize. There was about 14 bands (including ones on trucks and wagons). I think the bands were all great. Two that stand out in my mind were the Lions Club and the Bag Pipes. There werè about 320 marchers. These marchers were made up of clowns, animals, people as storybooks, athletes and people people as horses. The people were amazed by all the clowns. A big hit was a cowboy and a pirate on stilts. There was everything from a 1950 fire truck to a 1986 Corvette. All in all I think the parade had a great turn out and the people liked it. By the way Santa Claus did show up, all 8 reindeer with HO, HO, HO and a Merry Christmas. --Craig Rickard Merry Makers C. Roberts'24,115 301/ 2; M. Huisman 22,879 21; R. Junkin 23,033 20; E. Etcher 22,234 20; L. Gray 21,962 17; G. Smith 21,477 81/ 2. HIGH SINGLE Mary Huisman 291 HIGH DOUBLE Mary Huisman 496 (291,205) TOP TEN R. Junkin 209, C. Roberts 206, B. Brown 199, G. Smith 195, L. Gray 194, E. Etcher 185, M, Huisman 184, T. Langstaff 184, F. Bullock 183, A. Smythe/ C. Wannamaker 182 (both). ^ Canadian Imperial ÿ æ Bank of Commerce K m King and Temperance St., Bowmanville K Please join us for coffee and cookies during "Get Acquainted Day" Meet our new manager Mr. Ed Williston and other new members of our staff on ^ Thursday, Dec. 11,1986 ^