8 The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville. December 10,1986 Real Estate Guide S ""T"" 623-4433 PRESTON Moving ijind Storage Cobourg and PnrI Hnnn Call Toll Free T-BOO-263'600' REALTOR n£L •23442$ REAL ESTATE LIMITED 181 Church St. Bowmanville 623-4428 Susan Gibbard ORCHARD PARK "The Kleinburg" $149,990.00 For brochures and all information on the Orchard Park and New Darlington Mills Subdivision drop by our office at 181 Church SI., Bowmanville. Open Sundays 12 to 6 p.m., or drop by New Darlington Mills Subdivision, trailer on site open 1 to 4 p.m., Saturdays and Sundays. AN APPLE A DAY, KEEPS THE DOCTOR AWAY -- 34 acre farm, 30 acres in orchard, very good buildings, pond, lots of water, all equipment Included. Asking $375,000.00. NEW DARLINGTON MILLS "The Roseneath" $96,990.00 10 acre lot, level, all permits available, locate J 2 miles north of Orono. $10,000.00 dow.i, asking $44,900.00. Ann Van Dyk 623-4638 George Van Dyk 623-4638 Tony Vos 986-0142 DlrkWoudstra 623-1336 Valerie Aston 623-4907 Henry Eikens .983-5279 Lillian Smith 723-8805 Elsie Spencer 623-3259 -Sue Gibbard 434-5720 Banner Passant ASSOCIATE BROKER 15 years experience For All Your Real Estate Needs, Please Call "Banner" at 623-6121. Century 21 Gold Jacket Realty Ltd. 161 King Street E. Bowmanville Cornerstone Realty Ltd. XipHr * Lucien Lambier (jfffc/ata 623-4975 Durham Christian News Qntwfc by Rob Snoek Christmas is right around the corner and Durham Christian High School students are preparing for the annual event with anticipation. As well as being a time of gift giving, we also try to focus on the true meaning of Christmas. This was the time when Jesus came to earth to redeem us from our sins. So often the emphasis is placed on material possessions, it is hard to get away from all of the retail hype over Christmas. One of the ways in which Christmas will be celebrated at Durham is with an assembly on Dec. 18 at 2:00 p.m.. This program will be open to the public and will feature three talented groups of musical people in the school: the junior and 1 senior choirs and the band. Another major event occurring at Durham these days is a full-scale fundraising drive to raise money for a new gym floor. The feeling at the moment in the school is that the inadequate concrete floor should be replaced by either hardwood or a synthetic rubber substance. Because we do not receive financial government support, the money must come from somewhere. Therefore a fundraising committee has been set-up under the able and enthusiastic guidance of Mr. Petrusma. Now the students face a HUGE task - to raise approximately $20,000 by or before the March Break. It looks insurmountable on paper but with the right spirit and participation by the students our goal can be reached. The different forms of fundraising planned thus far include a Candle Sale, Volleyball Servathon, Snow Shoveling and a Drum-a-thon which should prove to be very entertaining. Let's not forget about Sports at Durham. The boys' basketball team just competed in a tournament in. Brampton last Friday and Saturday. Girls' volleyball is also in full swing as the midget, junior, and senior teams prepare for their respective up-coming seasons. All of the volleyball teams will be competing in a Servathon which is set up by the Canadian Volleyball Association. The funds from this project will go the "New Gym Floor" fund. BURKETON HILLS ESTATES AREA OF PRESTIGE HOME* SUPERB, 2 ACRE BUILDING LOTS WELL TREED „ J PAVED ROADS 1 * *' lr : STREET LIGHTED NEAR VIA TRAIN TO TORONTO 1 ONLY 20 MINUTES FROM OSHAWA, ~... BOWMANVILLE, PORT PERRY It IFINANCING AVAILABLE - OPEN MORTGAGES [ACT NOW! ONLY 3 LOTS LEFT! FROM $31,900. j* Personal Appointments are available For Information Call: Chet Jackson 986-4532 or 623-3393 Barb Thajer 623-6998 or 668-6171 R&MW WMM RMMKK WMW. R^/VIKK WAM. IR^VIKK RWKK R&MNK WMKL WMM Cornerstone Realty Ltd. Cm//' fies , • .. 112 King St. E„ Bowmanville 623-6000 Broker mi ■m h NEWCASTLE VILLAGE -- Backsplit home^àsj f; pine finished family room with woodstove, powder; f ; room on third levél, large country lot, $114,100. Pat Irwin Lycett 623-6000 or 983-9605. COUNTRY SPLENDOR -- 5 year old home with lovely pine kitchen, 3 bedrooms, enormous sunken living room with fireplace, all on 'h acre lot In Tyrone village. $125,900. Pat Irwin Lycett 623- 6000 or 983-9605. 2 BEDROOM APARTMENT - Newcastle, central location. $600. per month. First and last months rent required. References. Pal Irwin Lycett 623-6000 or 983-9605. • n HOSPITAL AREA -- 4 bedroom home, newly reqovated with large kitchen, large living room, large dining room on lot 132' frontage. Asking only $94,900. Guy Leblanc 436-0049. BOWMANVILLE NORTH END -- 3 bedroom home with large kitchen, large living room, lot 75' frontage. Asking only $87,900, Guy Leblanc 436- 0049. FRANK HIEMSTRA For a Free Market Analysis of your property, please Call Frank Hiemstra 623-6121 or Res. 263-2260. Specializing in Land and Farms. Gold Jacket Realty Ltd. 161 King Street E. Bowmanville HOCKIM HOCKIN REAL ESTATE LTD. 123 KING ST. EAST -- , . --- bowmanville T elephone 623-4115 JAN POLLITT TYRONE $147,000. -- Almost an acre; new home with bay windows in spacious kitchen and breakfast room, 3 bedrooms, separate dining room, walkout from basement. Iris Dormon 623- 6000 or 263-8667. ou(»« ■ H \ TV ^ ■ , < • . ■ . ■ È ■ : i,:, ■ ■ ',i ' I ■ I HH I MS' I uj» u-1 ;; i\ |"*M I '<* >• 1 * I $76,500. ORONO -- Detached 2 bedroom bungalow, beautifully renovated with large master bedroom, oak cupboards In kitchen, new electric furnace. Iris Dormon 623-6000 or 263-8667. HOBBY FARMS - Three available, call for details. $119,900 to $139,900. Iris Dormon 623-6000 or 263- 8667. 4> Ever Thought of a CAREER IN \ REAL ESTATE ... and done nothing ■Spend an hour, and obtain complete Infor-' mation on educational requirements, Family Trust sales training and income opportunities. opportunities. Pat Hurley For a confidential interview call: 623-6622 Family Trust Corporation Realtor 1 King St. W. Bowmanville SAFARI DRIVE, OSHAWA - Three-bedroom, backsplit, ravine lot, inground pool, spectacular view of the city. $139,900.00. CHALET STYLE BUNGALOW - Orono area - Beautifully landscaped 100' x 150' lot, 3 bedrooms, eat-in kitchen, living room with cozy fireplace, fully finished basement and attached garage. $124,900.00. ' ■■■ ■ , v < <-(; ■ i- ■*<- - INCOME PROPERTY -- Newcastle Village - Four-bedroom, frame home, upstairs two-bedroom apartment with separate entrance. $130,000.00. ORONO -- Three-bedroom, brick bungalow, scenic, ravine lot, 18' x 36' inground pool, double garage, paved drive, fleldstone fireplace. $129,500.00. COUNTRY ESTATE - Garden Hill area - 25 wooded acres, swimming pool, tennis court, stream, custom built, two- storey executive home. $425,000.00. BUILDING LOT -- Newcastle Village- $37,000.00. Lot 54' x 130' in excellent location in area of large older homes on Mill Street North. Call now for further details. MANVERS TOWNSHIP -- 25 wooded acres, Manvers-Cartwrlght boundary $34,900.00. NEW HOMES -- Darlington Mills, Martin Road, Bowmanville - Six models to choose from, two-storey and split levels. The only 50' lots available. Priced from $106,990.00. CENTRAL LOCATION, OSHAWA - Three-bedroom, brick, .family home close to schools and shopping. New thermal windows, updated wiring, finished attic good for extra bedroom or family room. Reduced to $96,500.00. Liz Meade-576-5582 Joan Fry-987-4922 Pat Marjerrison - 623-2478 Mary Lou Mlntz-576-3265 Jan Pollitt - 983-5961 Bob Stevens - 623-3090 Madeleine Williams - 987-4235 Marg Bain - 623-2661 Jack Ricard -433-0036 4 BEDROOM LINK...BOWMANVILLE -- Attached garage, separate dining room, 1 Vi baths. Asking $95,900. Tony Klompmaker 623- 6000 or 623-2052. FRANK ü J REALTOR JUST LISTED -- 3 bedroom townhouse with garage - neutral decor, double length driveway. Home recently carpeted and painted. January possession if necessary. Asking $69,900. Call Doug Humphrey 623-6000. MECHANICALLY INCLINED? INCLINED? - Excellent double car garage on 60 x 150 It. private lot, includes well decorated, spacious home with 2 bedrooms, walkout from dining room to deck, 3 appliances, plus woodstove In high, dry basement. Asking AKtel $92,900. Call Doug Humphrey 623-6000. 234 King Street East Bowmanville Over 25 Years of Professional Real Estate Service Telephone 623-3393 Toronto Line 686-1035 II SALESPEOPLE Allan Frank, Manager 416-434-6707 ■ Carol Martin 705-324-9216 John Shewchuk 623-5927 Anna van den Hoven 263-2972 Tom Turner 623-5510 Evelyn Davis 983-9356 Clare McCullough 576-3060 Charlie Reid 983-5914 Will Burrus 705-277-2773 Chet Jackson 986-4532 Jack Brown 263-2623 Millie Porter Doug Irvine 705-932-5251 Lorna Clarke ■ 433-4690 Bill Turansky THREE MILLION PLUS IN SALES YEAR TO DATE THREE MILLION PLUS IN SALES YEAR TO DATE 4.8 ACRES -- MAPLE GROVE RD. -- Neat, clean, 2 bedroom bungalow. Partially finished basemenl. New 32' x 19' barn. 20' x 12' barn. Just listed. Asking $139,900. Call Charlie Reid 623-3393. 12 ACRE FARM - $209,000. - 5 bedroom brick home with large kitchen, living room and dining room. Full basement, attached garage. 27' x 40' barn. Bowmanville area. Will Burrus 623-3393. NEWTONVILLE AREA -- 3 bedroom home in quiet area. Large lot. $68,500. Call Tom Turner 623-3393 or 623-5510. HANDYMAN NEEDED - NEWTONVILLE -- 2 bedroom bungalow on good sized village lot 15 min. east. Asking $49,900. Jack Brown 623-3393 or 263-2623. $ \ til JOAN GRAY Sales Rep. Joan Gray hnr, reached in excess ol throe million dollars in sales to dale this year, and would like to thank all her pasl and present clients and blonds who hove Imlpod mnko this nccompllshmoni possible. Foi all your real «slate needs call Joan Gray 023-6000 or (i2:(-1021) GORD BARNES Broker/Owner Just a worn ol sincere appreciation to my many clients and blonds who have helped mo make this achlovomonl possible. For all your real estate needs, including a no obligation opinion ol value on your homo, call mo at G23-G000 or 623 G8C0. ra GENTRY CR. OSHAWA - $94,500. - 3 plus 1 bedrooms, (In. roc, room, largo dining room plus Florida room added, Fonced roar yard with 2 storago shads Included, Close lo schools and shopping, Will Burrus G23-3393. -.1 'v.niv wM 8 ROOM COUNTRY HOME - 200' x 100' loi. Panoramic vlow ol Kondal Hills. Excellent homo lo rostoro. Asking $99,700. Call Bill Turansky 023-3393. ORONO AREA - $129,900. - 85 acres farmland, 3 paved road bonlagos. 75 acres good soil. Call Jack Grown 023-3393 or 263- 2023, Salesperson of the Week CHARLIE REID wmm wa/ink w/m WMumm \w/m. f?wx Rv/m RWt* roww mm r