t* V* V V V v v.v'v.l h ► ►* » k" V A !», > > > fi -V ipüiiilü î: - " V ' wwrnMmmii ««nil ïSfcîSifeSiSBÏB The International Year of Peace is almost at a close. As we pause to reflect, it is our hope that zve continue to work for world peace and harmony. In Canada, zve share a - 'v ; < - v " " < y HR IlllSIi 1 ' ' B ft $ : : - » .»■. .« i- IV. >< : - Vire* P *? 'yy/'j'x,-: 10 The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanvillc, December 17,1986 Section Two Vincent Massey Report C.S.S. Drama Club Brings "Charlie Brown" to Life On November 26 I went to the Royal Ontario Museum. It was an enjoyable trip. One student from every elementary school in our board was chosen to attend this science workshop. I thought that it was interesting in many ways. For one thing I thought that the discovery gallery where you could touch, feel and look closely at bones and things was neat. We went through the different galleries including early music, rocks and minerals, birds and ancient Egypt. Then we came to the dinosaurs and early mammals. I asked the guide how they find out how old the objects are. He told me they use carbon dating and chemical reactions. I heard many interesting facts and stories that you would have enjoyed as much as me, I'm sure! Shawn Barclay VOLLEYBALL NEWS - Two of Vincent Massey's teachers - Mr. Stapelton and Mrs. Crookshank are setting up another year of volleyball. Mr. Stapleton is training the boys and Mrs. Crookshank is training the girls. To make the team the students have to put the volley ball over the net. 10 boys and 10 girls is the number of pupils that can make the team. Good luck to the people who try out! Rob Alehin 1 Mrs. Landry's class will be finished swimming on December 11. Everyone is doing very well. They worked in groups for two days on assignments. They are also finishing up their geometry unit on shapés. They made geometric Santas. Mrs. Landry's class is having a gift exchange and a party in the afternoon on Thursday, December 18,1986. They- are bringing treats tip munch on. Sarah Oke For Christmas Mrs. Crookshank is having writing, spelling, math, rading, art and cooking centers. They are having. a Christmas party. They will exchange gifts if they want to. They have been learning about how people in other lands celebrate Christmas. They were able to know about Holland from Mrs, Crookshanks's own experiences. experiences. Kim Archer Miss Gibson's class will be having a Christmas party this year. They will be exchanging gifts. The students are going to share bringing in the food. CORPORATION OFTHETOWN OF NEWCASTLE NEWCASTLE FITNESS CENTRE 49 Liberty Street, Bowmanville (beside Bowmanville High School) REGISTER NOW FOR THE WINTER SWIM SESSION 12 week session In a variety of classes lor adults and youths Pre-School Levels (children 5 years and under) Red Cross Yellow to White Levels Lifesaving I, II, and III Advanced - Bronze Medallion, Bronze Cross and Award of Merit Aqua Fitness Masters/Swim for Fitness Newcastle Aquatic Club (competitive swimming) Synchronized Swimming Adult Scared Sklnnies/Advanced Beginners/ Stroke Improvement THE DEADLINE FOR WINTER CLASSES IS DECEMBER 24,1986 CLASSES BEGIN THE WEEK OF JANUARY 15,1987. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CALL 416-623-3392 They will be playing games like musical chairs. Miss Gibson is going to read them a story and they might have a Christmas film. Wouldn't you like to be in Miss Gibson's class? Robyn Dubeau Mrs. Michaelis's class is preparing for Christmas. They have made reindeer, Christmas paintings and decorations for the room. They are working at Christmas reading activities. They even made three dimensional Christmas trees for their geometry! They have to memorize a Christmas poem and say it in front of the class. They are going to be making Christmas candy. Kim MacMaster "Look, Mrs. Yellowlees", squeal the children as they cheered and clapped for Santa when he entered the mall. Mrs. Yellowlees and her students are celbrating Christmas by doing both inside and outside activities. For inside they are decorating the room with special art. They are baking goodies for the tree and themselves. They have written letters to Santa and they hope their wishes will be granted. They will end their indoor activities with a party. For an outdoor activity they visited Santa. They had their pictures taken with him and even had a video made. Later they went to get their Christmas tree. It was a long wait for Santa because it was a nice day and the reindeer didn't want to come. Craig Rickard Mrs. Avery's class is having a Merry Christmas. For the class Christmas tree they are stringing pop corn and cranberries and they are making tissue balls and studded ornaments. , For Christmas music Mrs. Avery's class is singing Christmas carols and other Christmas songs. A special song is the Little Angel. Mrs. Avery would like to say a special thanks to the mothers who put many hours into the preparation of the Grade 4,5,6 writing folders. The mothers who helped were Mrs. Whately, Mrs. Williams, Mrs, Rickard, Mrs. McMaster, and Mrs. Cowan. Both the Junior Level teachers and students appreciate your work. Hannah Whately Technics SYSTEM SC-A410 V SEMI AUTOMATIC TURNTABLE •DC servo motor • gimbal suspension toncarm •P mount cartridge HIGH-SPEED EDITING DOUBLE CASSETTE DECK •series playback •soft-touch controls • Dolby B NR QUARTZ SYNTHESIZER AM/fM STEREO TUNER • 16 station random access pre-set memory • low-noise LCD readout ! 899. 95 'hUroitjcturer's surfeited hil pffce. Deafer price nuy vary 3-WAY SPEAKER SYSTEM •10" black cone woofer •high input capability OI200W •automatic thermal relay protection STEREO INTEGRATED AMPLIFIER •100 watts per channel (0,05% THD) • New Class A circuitry reduces distortion •LEDbar-graph power level meters Technics The science of sound "Bowmanville's Complete Electronics Store" Bowmanville Audio-Vision 20 King St. W. Telephone 623-2312 by Tammy Hill The well known cartoonist cartoonist Charles Schultz would have been amazed at the ease with which the cartoon cartoon characters from Peanuts were transformed into living people on the Bowmanville High School stage last week. The Courtice Secondary School Drama Club brought Charlie Brown and his gang to life at Bowmanville High School December 11, 12, and 13. The performance instantly instantly aroused the audi- by Grace Freethy In our assembly on Hallowe'en Mrs. Falls' class recited a poem called Hallowe'en Ghost by Sandra Liatros. It was very funny! Mrs. Collins' class sang Hallowe'en songs. Some of the teachers were dressed up. At every assembly, awards and birthday certificates are given out. I can't wait until my birthday comes! Some members of the band played music too and they sounded great! The flute was played by Cathy Smart, and Faye Logan played the clarinet. They both were pleasant to listen to. We also had a policewoman in to talk about Hallowe'en safety. At our last assembly Lt. Shirran from The Salvation Army came. He told us that there are many poor people in our community. We are trying to help them by bringing things like food, toys and warm winter clothes to the special boxes at Central School. Central is looking forward to carol singing, special Christmas plays and concerts by our own band. ence's attention when the lead cast appeared on stage, joined by the chorus, who filled the aisles voicing "You're A Good Man Charlie Charlie Brown." And anyone who believes the audience would be only young children would be mistaken. The faces of people from all ages lit up when the Peanuts gang entered entered the stage. Roger Gray, in the lead role of Charlie Brown, had the audience feeling happy and sad all in one emotion. Charlie Brown is well- known by all for his failures, failures, shynèss, clumsiness, and many other undesirable undesirable traits. And with a combination combination of strong acting and humorous gestures, Roger Gray had the audience actually actually believing he held all of those characteristics. However, throughout the performance Mr. Gray's ability to show feelings of warmth and love, especially to that cute little redhead, leaves the audience with mixed emotions. On the other hand, there is Lucy. Anne Marks put on a wonderful wonderful performance of how a "crabby" Lucy should act and talk. Miss Marks had a strong voice, carrying well throughout the auditorium. This is a great advantage when playing the part of Lucy. Even her comments, tone of voice and humorous ploys were performed with believeability in the character she was to be portraying. portraying. Lucy's younger brother, Linus, played by Junaid Shaikh, was a treat. Mr. Shaikh was bright and cheerful, which showed through in his performance. And he managed to have the audience believe that he really really had an attachment to his security blanket. And then there is Schroeder, who you might say has a piano as a security blanket. Randy Norton, performing performing in this more serious serious role, added a sense of reality to the performance. And Michelle Nichols, as Patty, was a bright and humourous character to re- CORPORATION OFTHETOWN OF NEWCASTLE PUBLIC NOTICE TO ITS CITIZENS CHRISTMAS SEASON GARBAGE COLLECTION SERVICES For the Urban Area of Bowmanville Please be advised Garbaae Collection Services will be suspended suspended for Thursday, December 25th and Friday, December 26th, 1986, In the urban area of Bowmanville. ; Garbage normally collected on Thursday, January 1st, 1987, will be collected on Friday, January 2nd, 1987. Therefore the following schedule will apply for the Christmas Holiday Season: Monday, December 22nd - Wednesday, December 24th - Collection as usual Thursday, December 25th and Friday, December 26th - NO Collection Monday, December 29th - Wednesday, December 31 st - Collection as usual Thursday, January 1st - NO collection Will be collected on Friday, January 2nd Friday, January 2nd - Collection as usual Newspapers for recycling will be collected In accordance with the above schedule. Please have all garbage placed at curbside by 7:00 a.m. Enquiries may be directed to the Public Works Office at 263- 2231. Gordon J. Ough, P. Eng., Director of Public Works. The Town of Newcastle, Hampton Municipal Offices, Hampton, Ontario. LOB 1 JO CORPORATION OF THETOWN OF NEWCASTLE NEWCASTLE FITNESS CENTRE 49 Liberty Street, Bowmanville (beside Bowmanville High School) THE GREAT CHRISTMAS FITNESS GIFT Facility Membership: ANNUAL - Family $400.00 Single $200.00 YTH/SR. $133.00 DAYTIME $100.00 3 Month (seasonal) $70.00 Annual Swim Membership: Family $150.00 Adult $75.00 YTH/SR. $50.00 Monthly Swim Pass: Family $24.00 Adult $12.00 YTH/SR. $8.00 THE FITNESS CENTRE IS OPEN FOR ALL ITS REGULAR SWIMS AND SQUASH BOOKINGS DURING THE HOLIDAY SEASON EXCEPT FOR THE FOLLOWING DAYS: December 24 - CLOSED AT NOON December 25 • CLOSED December 31 - CLOSED AT NOON January 1 ■ CLOSED EXTRA SWIM TIMES Public Swims: Doc. 23-1:30-3:00 p.m. Doc. 26-2:30-3:30 p.m. Doc. 30-1:30-3:00 p.m, Jon. 2-2:30-3:30 p.m. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CALL 416-623-3392 Opening night of "You're A Good Man Charlie Brown", performed by the Courtice Secondary School Drama Club, was a great success. Opening night's cast included: (back) Snoopy, Bernice Van- Grootheest. Front left: Patty, Michelle Nichols; Schroeder, Randy Norton; Charlie Brown, Roger Gray; Lucy, Anne Marks; Linus, Junaid Shaikh. Each of the roles, except Charlie Brown, were double cast. member. Everybody's favorite, Snoopy, brought the smiles and even the sounds out of the audience. The younger children in attendance had the urge to "ruff' with the furry faced little animal every now and then. Bernice Bernice Van Grootheest,acted out the movements and actions actions of Snoopy with style and confidence. Although the opening performance was put on by the above cast members, each of the members were double cast except Charlie Brown. Cast B included: Jacqui VanDeVend, Lucy; Leanne White, Patty; Mike Marritt, Schroeder; Paul Hindman, Linus; and Quincy Gilpin, Snoopy. The crews led by Cathryn Coverly, director/stage manager; Stephen Powell, music director; Jill McClurg, producer; Peter Sobil, lighting; 'and Jeff Prusinski, choreog rapher, brought the entire performance together. The blue-tinted lighting, which filled the back screen, screen, combined with the circular glow of shadows, brought a cartoon effect into the production. And sound effects added the final touch. Comical incidents incidents and phrases were quite often highlighted by the use of instruments from the pit band, consisting of: Jennifer Brooks and Nancy Woodard on flute, Leandà Maxwell on bass, Rob Urwin and Kirsten Walkaii on keyboards, and Gord Clements Clements on percussion. All of the cast and crew deserved " the round of applause they received on opening night. "You're A Good Man Charlie Brown" was an evening of entertainment not to be missed. community, particularly at this time of year. To all - a wish for happiness and prosperity in the coming year. The Hon. David Crombie Secretary of State and Minister Responsible for Multiculturnlism.