I » t** Si 5 3 3 J ' C* ; *4 •'$ ■ ■ ■ : " " -, %•-••• . - '<y, WWmB ««IS : : »W£ ■y::',, y: vnfe- J?' >V 'Vf 1 -PH , ■■ -y i ; ' \> r ■\ ■' ' -Vv, .> f-*Y-,y ; i, ' kfy •• -y. ' >*' ■v. ;, v-y-v ; -..-y •: • V'*/..I 7l, f M •'■V ,v v <*. ;r 'i i* V?-?** announce k :lfl OliO:-: ' . ■;V ■ - , . SI RICKABY'S LIMITED BOWMANVILLE 10 The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, December 22,1986 BOB WILLIAMS DEA TH IN YE OLDEN DA YS Death In the Middle Ages and the Renaissance was nothing like It Is today.. The approach of one's death was generally predicted well In advance and the event well publicized. If one did not sense the coming of one's death, the doctor would be glad to enlighten the ignorant man. Also, If one got seriously III In those days, chances of recovery were slim. Then, as soon as someone was known to be helplessly sick In bed, his room filled with people - parents, children, friends, neighbors, fellow guild members. The windows and shutters were closed. Candles were lit. When passersby in the streets met a priest carrying the viaticum, custom and piety demanded that they follow him into the dying man's room, even if he were a stranger. Thus the approach of death transformed the room of a dying man Into a sort of public place. Only later, when doctors began to worry about the condition of the patient, did this custom change. MORRIS FUNERAL CHAPEL 4 Division St., Bowmanville Tel. 623-5480 Serving Durham Region Since 1881 In this photo, the Durham Christian High School mas concert on Thursday, December 18. students'choir performs during the school's Christ- Some of the band members are shown here during a performance at the Durham Christian High School. They were part of last week's Christmas prog- Santa Visits Ontario Street School We Beginning Our re 106TH YEAR ■ t 1 A/'itei ■ ■ M'Mvi -X%, «fciSMp* - ■ '•$? TpplS «WSS If; We will be c Saturday âft d o __ 'Vf;;..,-:; ."ff:"". . •< -Ic.'-u' s.-O 7 . nn 1 j no ± 1 i ± rt , . - 27 and 28, to enable our staff to enjoy . i , , _ v. * 7 -, . - " j t - - . * ~ : ■ f .. v. j |_ r .. ^:'v ■ ■ ' v ' > •ri kfe : -'-v r , .1, ">V . -f:f. ! : the festive season with their families. y.-.y • : ■ y: ;, 'V ."- 'V'. , : . ?» V v -, 1 1 ; : ;S»i t , ■. I» njOYQani Sab TDatiinnn 5 ; yy Santa is wheeled into the auditorium of the Ontario Street Public School during a Christmas assembly held by some of the classes last week. In this case, the students were re-enacting the Christmas classic "T'was the Night Before Christmas". And Three Kings Arrived Too! 27 King Street West ,y/':; v 'v • f ;;; : v - y.v Telephone 623-5556 These three kings from the Ontario Street Public School were part of a play which re-told a Russian legend related to Christmas. Oshawa Monument Co. Family Memorials - Markers All Designs and Lettering Done by Us on Premises NO SALESMEN INVOLVED ~ Please Telephone 728*3111 for Full Details Merv Kelly Services Bowmanville 623-4444 n; 1 1 i■ - 1 - r*y ■