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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 29 Dec 1986, p. 13

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The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, December 29,1986 13 I i Real Estate Guide ■ Give us a call I I I Making A Move? 623-4433 PRESTON Moving and Storage Cobourq and Port Hope Call Toll Free 1-800*263*6001 Stye Newcastle 9ttbepenbent i ,T r ",i ■ 1 Editors: Hazel and Jack Crago Telephone 987-4201 Happy New Year! With Mrs. Margaret Pearce on Christmas Day were her family, Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Pearce, Jennifer, Melanie and Rhonda of Lindsay, Isabel Gamier, Tara and Tammy and Verne and Diana Rowe, Robert and Lori. With the Jack Kimball family at Port Granby on Christmas Day were Roger and Irene Peel, Michael and Danielle, Mrs. Kathleen Kimball, daughter Joan and Michael Kowal, Mrs. Lena Graham and son Fred; Last Thursday/ Pauline Storks attended the Ganaraska Christmas party arid a full authority meeting. With Albert arid Myrtle Pearce for Christmas Day were Larry and Barb, Michael and Jeffrey, Wayne, Kim, Viki and Kirk of Bethany, Ric, Marilyn, Kevin and Trisha, of Port Perry, Ted, Elizabeth, Adam and baby Jason of Bowmanville. Mr. and Mrs. Roriald Burley entertained their family on Christmas Day, Bruce and Anita, Steven and Allison of Oshawa, Bob, Judy, Michael and Adam of Ajax, and Judy's parènts, Mac and Grace Campbell, of Colborne. ! For Christmas Day with Bill and ' Hilda Call were their family, Lynda and Glenn Farrow, Jan and Ryan of Newtonville, Keith and his children, Oshawa, Corey and Marilyn from Burketon. We. have openings for a few good sales people In our Bowmanville office. Whether you are licensed or considering taking the real estate course, phone Allan Frank for a confidential Interview. 623-3393 W. Frank Real Estate Limited 234 King St. E., Bowmanville, Ont. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Allin entertained their family on Boxing Day, Ross and Marie Brownlee and Mia-Lynn of Guelph, Calvin, Kelly and son Scott, Gordon, Nancy and their children Heather, Adrienne and Trevor of Guelph. With Raye Friedlander, Carolyn and Gordon Garrod for Christmas were Olga and Dean Friedlander of Toronto and Shawn Garrod of Oshawa. Olga and Dean left for a ten day Mexican cruise on Boxing Day. Miss Candy Storks returned to Kentville, Nova Scotia on Saturday, after enjoying Christmas with her family. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Wade enjoyed Christmas Day with son Bill, daughter-in-law Marg, Michael and Kevin, Oshawa. Boxing Day guests of Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Powell were Marion Fisher, Belleville, Frances and Terry Garwood, Beaconsfield, their daughter Terry and her husband Bruce Walton and son Michael of Ottawa, Judy Powell, Bowmanville, Wayne and Beth Markle, Alyssa and Andrew, Scarborough, Wayrie and Dale Hunt, Russell and Grayden, Pontypool. Mrs. Wilda Johnson and son Gary enjoyed Christmas Eve and Day with Glenda and Brian Rumbles, Krista and Mark Norwood and other members of the Rumbles family. Mr. and '.Mrs.' 1 Bert Stapleton', • B.own^a'nville,, visited ' recently w'iih 'Mr. Charles Cowan. With Mr. Charles Cowan on Christmas Day were Mrs. Bertha Daniel and Neil, Oshawa and Mrs. Ruby Warburtan, Oshawa. ' Christmas dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Murray Paterson were David and Mary Grace, Milton, Ian and Sarah of : Ottawa, Ruth and Nico de Jonge, Lesle, Jennifer and Megan of Whitby, Evelyn and Bob Northrop. With Bud and Jean Wagar for Christmas Day were Bill, ■ Danielle and little Lisa Wagar, of Whitby, Jeannette and John Johnston and Stephanie, of Whitby, Susie "KRAC0" Carpentry & Contracting Newcastle 987-5400 Registered Builder pt Custom built homes itiJLfef and IRrZOOOl general carpentry SUPER ENERGY EFFICIENT HOME,BUILDER and Roy Poole and infant Anita, of Sunderland. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Vasseur and Adrian, Mr. John Metrailler and Ron, spent Christmas Day with Mr. and Mrs. Philip Metrailler and family, Hamilton. Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Murray, Oshawa, visited on Christmas Day with his mother, Mrs. Ruby Murray. Boxing Day dinner guests of Jean and Brenton Rickard were Mr. and Mrs. George Rickard, Elan and Michael, Mr. and Mrs. Robin Rickard and Rudy, Mr. Douglas Rickard and financée, Mr. and Mrs. Ken Elaschuk, Darren and Danny, of Oshawa. Mr. Murray Jose, Sir Wilfrid Laurier University, Waterloo, is spending the Christmas vacation with his family, Mr. and Mrs. Francis Jose. Boxing Day guests with Dorrene and Floyd Powell, Lake Shore were Mrs. D, Coulter, Downsview, Donna and Frank Rudge and Dale, Malton, Floyd and Bonnie Coulter, Kevin and Keith, Campbellville, Harley and Sandra Sherman and Donald, Beeton, Dana and Marilyn Coulter, John and Glenn, Thompsonville, Ron and Bertha Powell, Linda and Bill Couch, Shannon and Shawn, Martin and June Dey, Adrienne and Brandon, Bowmanville, Russell and Marueen Powell and Kelly, Fred and Patti Andrews, Janelle and Daniel, Rick and Sharp® (Powell,i Jamie, and , Allison,; Bowmanville,., Jack and Hazel Crago. ' Mr. Ed Brown, Coldwater, visited last Wednesday with Mrs. May Burley and Mr. Arthur Clark. Mr. and Mrs. Spencer Burley, Ashley and Jason, Oshawa were recent visitors with his grandmother. Friday visitors with May Burley and Arthur Clark were sister Eileen Ried of Belleville and her daughter and son-in- law, Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Keiber, Edmonton. Mr. and Mrs. Robin Alldred entertained their family to Christmas dinner on Thursday with daughter Lois home from Memorial Hospital with her family, the Douglas Rowes. Mr. Arthur Bedwin and Fred, Lake Shore, spent Christmas Day with Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Murray and Colleen, Frankford. Warrant Officer Larry Perrin and family, Dartmouth, Nova Scotia, spent Christmas vacation with his parents, Jack and Eleanor Perrin. On Sunday, December 21st, thirty-six members of the George Chard family enjoyed supper at Bowmanville Restaurant and returned to 181 Church St, Bowmanville 623-4428 DIRK WOUDSTRA Phone 623-1336 i jfti TOnf ORCHARD PARK "The Kleinburg" $149,990.00 NEW DARLINGTON MILLS "The Roseneath" $96,990.00 1 For brochures and all Information on Orchard Park and Now Darlington Mills Subdivisions drop by our olllco at 181 Church St., Bowmanvlllo. Trailer on silo at Now Darlington Mills, opon Sot. and Sun. 1 to 4 p.m. 132 ACRE FARM -- Just north oast ol Bowmanvlllo on Townllno. Good 7 room 1 Vi sloroy brick homo In Irood sotting. Spacious 3 bay drlvo shod, largo all purpose barn. 100 Acros workable, good sandy loam soil. Just listed at $229,000.00. Ann Van Dyk George Van Dyk 623-4638 Tony Vos 986-1042 Dirk Woudstrn 623-1336 98 ACRES, 60 workable, good soil, 15 acros hardwood' bush. Just north ol Orono, asking $58,900.00. Valerie Aston 623-4907 Henry Elkens 983-5279 Lillian Smith 723-8805 Elsie Spencer 623-3259 Sue Welsh 434-5720 the new home of George and Betty Chard, Church St., for their Christmas get-together. For Christmas dinner with Jack Dorella, Johnna and Delann Chard were her father, Mr. Sidney Lancaster - and Clara, Gary and Glenn Schmid. On Boxing Day the Jack Chards and Schmids enjoyed dinner with Ray and Pearl Noble and family, Brownsdale. Miss Louise Hancock enjoyed enjoyed Christmas Day with her brother and sister-in-law, Lloyd and Betty Hancock and their families, Bowmanville. St. George's News On Sunday, December 21st, St. George's congregation was invited to a special time in the Parish Hall as guests of the Church School immediately following the service. The Sunday School children presented a wonderful programme of Christmas stories and songs, after which they served a delicious lunch of cookies they themselves had made arid prepared for their audience. The flowers above the Altar were to the Glory of God and in loving memory of the Coulson and Lovekin families and Margaret. Davidge and Garnet Symons, placed there by Lynn and Dick Lovekin. In the evening on December 21st at St. George's Church a Candlelight Service of Lessons and Carols was held. This service was both well attended and well : received. Several umembers,of..the..congregation .helped present the most wonderful story ever told. After this service, the congregation was invited to the Parish Hall where they were served donuts, coffee and tea by members of the Fellowship Club. A small group of St. George's people have gathered 2 or 3 times now to share in a contemporary expression of the Eucharist with informal teaching by the Rector, and trying to learn new Christian songs. It is a family - centred time (lVa hours at most) that is offering good fellowship. Interested persons are welcome Jan. 10 and January 24th at 7 p.m. in the Parish Hall. Christmas Eve, Wednesday, Dec. 24th, services in both churches of the Parish were well attended. Several members of St. George's congregation attended the 8 p.m. service at St. Saviour's, Orono. The simplicity of the Christmas story should indeed be an inspiration to us all. May this Christmas Season be a time of Blessing to everyone and may the true Blessings of Christmas remain with one and all now and always. The flowers above the altars were to the Glory of God and in loving memory of Duncan Galbraith (1936), his wife Mary Wilmot (1940) and their daughters Marjorie Wynn (1976) and Vivian Wheeler Mattson (1979), placed there by Arthur and Geoffrey Wynn, Alden Wheeler, and Diana Wheller Grandfield. United Church News Newcastle United Church was beautifully decorated for the Christmas season by Anneke Verbeek. Mrs. Stella Marton is interim organist while Mrs. Dorothy Payne recovers from eye surgery. On Christmas Sunday, Rev. Donald Stiles delivered the sermon Turn On Your Lights. The Stadelmann family, Louis, Linda, Chris, Steven and Leah lit the Advent candles. The junior choir sang Go Tell It On The Mountain and Glenn Allin sang the beautiful, O Holy Night. Mr. Garnet Rickard read the scriptures. The rain on Christmas Eve did not deter persons from attending that service. Pauline Storks and daughter Candy Storks read the scriptures and Verne, Diana and Robert Rowe lit the advent advent candles representing love, peace, hope, and life. Guest soloist Nancy Allin sang Bethlehem Morning and guitarist Ed Hood played Jesu, Jay of Man's Desiring. The Huron Carol and Silent Night. i The i annual Christmas concert'was well attended on Sunday evening, December 21st. United-Church Women Plan; January Workshop "Conflict, Stress / and Acceptance" 'ti-:tiie;title'-bf'a workshop which'-Will be held'at Courticé United 11 Church on Tuesday, January 13,1987 for all United Church Women. Registration is 50 cents, between 9:00 a.m. and 9:30 a.m. Closing will be approximately 3:00 p.m. The Rev. Gale Glover, who is the Conference Minister for Programme and Leadership Development of the Bay of Quinte Conference office, Kingston, will lead the theme workshop. Participants should bring a bag lunch, beverage will be supplied. Babysitting will be available free of charge but please sçeak with a contact person in advance: M.A. Lamb, phone 985-7701, Betty Turcott 623-6504 or Jackie Guthrie 668-3855. Bessie Vaneÿk Cornerstone 4% Realty Ltd. Mm » Lucien Lambler Slfl-glM 623-4975 Property Valuators & Consultants Ltd. Wm. H. Clipperton, A.A.C.I. Professional Member, Society of Farm Managers and Rural Appraisers Valuations for-- • Capital Gains Tax • Inter-Family Transfers • Mortgage Financing Write: 29 Scugog St., Bowmanville, Ontario LÏC 3117 Phone (Collect)-416-623-6023 eelvan REALTY LTD. Prospective Purchasers look to Edvan Realty because ol our proven record ol success. Thinking ol soiling your homo? Call mo now and I will arrange lor a markot evaluation of your homo without cost or obligation. Wilma Entwisle Edvan Realty Ltd. 214 King St. E„ Bowmanville Res. 416-786-2911 Bus. 416-623-4445 Tor. 416-686-0477 by E. Barrowclough Beautiful sunshine Sunday morning Dec. 21st, brought regular attenders and visitors to fill Welcome Church. The Advent candle service was conducted by the Woodruff family. Albert lit the candles while daughters Annette, Jeanette and Juliette gave the explanation either by reading dr memory. Then the three girls sang "That's the Way it Will Be" unaccompanied. Ruth closed with prayer. During the announcements, Mr. Sedgwick passed on greetings received from Dr. and Mrs. MacFreeman, Kingston, and Rev. and Mrs. Wm. Kennedy, Smith Falls. Instead of the usual choir number, Brenda Ough and Barbara Croft sang "The Innkeeper's Carol" accompanied at the piano by Stephen Sword. During the children's time the whole congregation once again repeated the words of John 1, verses 1-5. Right and Justice foundations of the only kingdom which will lost, was the topic of the sermon based on the readings of the Christmas story and Isaiah's prophecy. Earthly kingdoms built on power or persuasion crumble in time. The offering was received by Allin Osborne and Ron Angus. Tom and Christine Wilson greeted the congregation at the door. There was a wonderful prelude to Christmas at Welcome Church on Sunday evening, December 21st when the choirs presented an evening of worship in reading and song. Decorations of Christmas tree and window greenery were in place since church service and bright corsages, on the gold coloured gowns of lady choir members, added to the cheery colour. The service began with the lighting of the Christmas candles telling of the promise fulfilled, as explained by Phillip Sword while brother David told of the babe in the manger. Their father, Stephen, continued the story while Phillip lit the candles, and all three led in prayer together. together. After singing their first two numbers, "Why? Because!". and '-This First. Chçistmas Night", ' the younger members of the junior choir retired and the older ones continued with the senior choir. Throughout the evening choir numbers j were alternated with carols by the congregation and reading of the Christmas story by Allin Osborne, Ruth Woodruff, WESLEYVILLE Christine Wilson, Gwen Best, Clarence Nichols and Stephen McHolm. In the carol "We Three Kings of Orient Are", congregation and choir alternated verses with Phillip Sword, Jeanette Woodruff and Lisa Croft taking solo parts. The choir numbers were O Holy Night, The Magnificant sung by Brenda Ough, The Holly and the Ivy, with the juniors, Lo, How a Rose E'er Blooming, The Echo Carol, sung unaccompanied, Jesu Bambino, solo by Barbara Croft. Rev. W. Sedgwick pronounced the benediction and Barbara Croft and Brenda Ough ended this wonderful night of singing with "Come, Holy Babe." Friends from Port Hope, Bowmanville, and neighbouring communities were present in the well filled church and shared in the coffee hour which followed. It was an evening full of the joy of Christmas, with added delight in the presence of some of the congregation's charming babies. Old Tyme Christmas activities must bring back memories to many older people. The account of the event in Port Hope which told of auctioning lunch boxes recalled the box or basket socials which were popular many years ago. Ladies decorated boxes or baskets, filled them with a good lunch and these were auctioned off following a concert. Ownership was a deep dark secret, not known until buyer opened it, then shared the food with the lady. Some were wonderful creations and at one auction in a rural community, many supposed a very fine box was made by the local, school teacher. Two ypung men determined to have it. Not much money in those days, so $2 was a good price, but there was perfect silence as the bidding crept higher and higher and finally stopped at $14. You guessed it, the basket belonged to an older married lady. A neighbour has a little dog, which come to her house the other day from 401, wearing a tag but no collar. All attempts to find an owner have failed. It won the heart of the householder who is not in a position to keep it. It is a little hound, clean, playfull and obedient, surely someone's lost pet. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Austin entertained 17 members of their family on Saturday, December 20th so that all might be free to have their own time on Christmas day. Banner Passant ASSOCIATE BROKER 15 years experience For All Your Real Estate Needs, Please Call "Banner" at 623-6121. Century 21 Gold Jacket Realty Ltd. 161 King Street E. Bowmanville Kitchen, McCallum & Porter CERTIFIED GENERAL ACCOUNTANTS JOHN G. MANUEL, CGA DONALD K. KITCHEN. CGA, CIA PARTNERS 118 KING STREET EAST BOWMANVILLE. ONT. LIONS (418)623 6555 Laurie Jarvis who works in Toronto was unable to be there but David and Kevin Austin who both have work away from home, were able to make it for part of the day. The post office gets lots of attention these days but judging by the amount of mail which comes into each house, the volume must be tremendous. It's a wonderful time of the year when the warmth of friendship is spread from one country to. another with greetings by card, letter and telephone. It's a tonic to hear of the year's activities of contemporaries around the world. We sympathize with those who have troubles, and rejoice with those who are doing well. Best wishes to all who read these words. Wishing the joys of the season to you and your family. May love and laughter fill your home! RE/MAX Apple Realty Ltd., Realtor Real Estate Broker 221 King Street East Oshawa, Ontario L1H 1C5 Office 416-576-3111 Cm/dr fifis Need Home for June 26,1987 Possession I have clients who need a home in the area located east of Waverley Road in Bowmanville. Qualifications: • detached home with or without a dining room and/or garage. • minimum three bedrooms. • finished family room /recreation room. • maximum 15 years old. • clean home on attractive lot (preferrably without a pool). • maximum $130,000.00. If you are thinking of selling, please call as my clients have sold and need a home that meets the above -requirements for JUNE 26,1987. DIANNA L.MANDZUK Office 416-576-3111 Call Collect Residence 705-277-2516 234 King Street East Bowmanville Over 25 Years of Professional Real Estate Service Telephone 623-3393 Toronto Line 686-1035 SALESPEOPLE 416-434-6707 705-324-9216 623-5927 Anna van don Hovon 263-2972 623-5510 983-9356 576-3060 983-5914 705-277-2773 986-4532 263-2623 623-6776 705-932-5251 988 0172 Bill Turansky 983-5-120 SALESPERSON OFTHEWEEK 1 3.1 ACRES MAPLE GROVE RD. - Neat and clean 2 bedroom bungalow, partially finished basement, now 32 x 19 barn, and 20 x 12 barn. Asking $139,900. Call Charlie Roid G23-3393. PERFECT RAVINE LOT - In Kendal Village, 127 x 170, on qulot street. $32,500. Call Bill Turansky 623-3393. LOTS FOR SALE - 1 aero l-laydon $24,900. 50 acres Hope Township, good cedar lor polos, $55,000. Call Evolyn Davis 623-3393 or 983- 3956. nr; |r ( 1 i l m tar... 1,^, BOWMANVILLE BRICK BUNGALOW - Soparato dining room, family room, oal-ln kltchon, backing onto groonboll. walkout basomonl, garago. Immaculate Asking $128,900. Allan Frank 623-3393 BUSINESS HAS NEVER BEEN BETTER! - Now store location, Bowmanville, good parking, good walk-by, drivo-by traffic. Bakery, records, video, arcades, clothing r,loros ■ you name It. $11,/sq, It. John Showchuk 623-3393 JOHNSHEWCHUK

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