) The C;mii(li;m St.ile-mirm. liiminanville. June 10. 1987 15 Phone Phone Classified Deadline -- Monday 4:30 p.m. Auction Sales Auction Sales Auction Sale Saturday, June 20 at 1 p.m. Farm Sold Good line of quality haying equipment, combine tractors, machinery, hay and straw. Property of Dave and Mona Lucas, R.R. 5. Lindsav. Lot 10. Con. 10 Emily Twp. 6 miles north oi umemee at TD Bank on Victoria county Rd. 7 and 1 mile east, or from Lindsay go east 5 miles on Victoria County Rd. 17 and south 1 mile to Downeyville and go east 1 mile. See signs. John Deere No. 1120 diesel tractor, cw/No. 145 hydraulic loader, PS double remotes, h.p. 45, only 2420 hrs (good condition), John Deere No. 1830 60 h.p. diesel tractor, PS double remotes, only 3529 hrs. (good condition), John Deere, No. 55 self propelled combine 13' grain head and pickup, 6 cyl. gas, cab, PS and extras (good condition), New Holland No. 479 haybine, 9' cut (PTC) (like new), John Deere No. 336 baler and bale thrower elector ftnn condition! Case side delivery rake, 2 John Deere 18' bale wagon and racks, new 8 ton running gear and flotation tires, 28' portable bale elevator on rubber, New 26' square tube type hay elevator and motor, large round bale feeder, John Deere 3 pt. 4" x 16" plow, Frouge 10' 34 tooth spring tooth cultivator (like new), 6 section of diamond tooth harrows and bar, Int. No. 510 3 pt. semi-mount 13 run seed cw grass seed and fertilizer box, Vicon 3 pt. fertilizer or grass spreader (cane type), J.B.D. 3 pt. • sprayer 28' boom (like new), Kill Bros'. 180 bushel gravity box and C.P.W. 4 ton running gear, Turnco 180 bushel oravitv box and 4 tnn Menonite running gear, 115 bushel Knight PTO manure spreader (good condition), John Deere 7' 3 pt. snow blower (double auger), John Deere 12" 3 pt. post hole auger, approx. 2000 bales of good mixed Timothy and Brome and approx. 1000 bales of straw, cattle scales and head gates (D&S) (good), 21 '4" Mayrath grain auger and motors, grain areatlon dryer, farm related items. Auctioneers Note: An excellent offering of well maintained replacement equipment all bought NEW by our vendor and field ready. Plan to attend. No reserve. Note sale time: 1 p.m. Calvin Mabee Auctions. (Phone Cambray) 705- 374-4800 or 705-374-4435. 23-2SNP Auction Sale Saturday, Juno 20 at 10 a.m. Farm Machinery Auction sale of farm machinerv for Jerry's Potato Farm, Caesarea," selling at the farm 1 mile east of Caesarea on Durham Rd. 57, or 2 miles north of Nestle- ton and 1 mile west to farm, including 1984 Kabota M79500T 4 wh. dr. tractor - 700 hr. (excellent cond.), J-D 1120 tractor with loader. MF 725 haybine - 7', 2 row Gruse potato planter with monitors, 2 row Suoer-Prefer transplanter, 2 row Grimme potato digger with side elevator, 3 pt. 2 row hiller, hyd. potato box dumper, potato wagon with hyd. unloading, 30' potato elevator on wheels; Haines potato brusher, potato sorter, potato bagger and scales, 1 bag sorter, Douven sprayer with 40' boom, irrigation system with 500 gal. pump, 3000' of 4" and 5" pipe, 3 sprinklers, 12' Glencoe cultivator, MF 880 5 furr. nlow. MF baler. Farm-Kina grinder with 5 h.p. motor (new), MF manure spreader, wheel rake, feeder wagon, water trough, 12' disc, 3 pt. mower, 2 antique double cedar buggies with canvas tops (completely restored), antique wooden wheel wagon. Note: All this machinery Is In excellent condition and has been purchased on this farm in the last 2-3 years. Lunch available. Sale managed and sold by Lloyd Wilson Auctions Ltd., Uxbridge, 416-852-3524. 23-2SNP Auction Sale Estate Auction Sale of household effects, antiques and farm machinery Saturday, June 13th at 10:30 a.m. for the estate of Donald Sherwin, 2'/z miles west of Hwy. 45 on County Road No. 18 at Aldervllle. Furniture: oak extension table, oak china cabinet and buffet, Sessions mantel clock, library table, oak washstands, oak dressers, press back chairs, centre tables, 3 pc. chesterfield suite, loveseat, oak roll-top desk (top needs repair), oak chairs, Findlay Annex, coal oil lanterns, 22 rifle, crocks, butter bowl, old tins, barrel churn, old wooden Ice box, ox yoke, cast Iron seats, Iron pots, Findlay oval range, refrigerator, 30" range, deep freezer, hall tree, picture frames, flat Irons, toilet set, 3 old clocks, tool chests, wagon shoe, table lamps, glass and china, wicker rockers plus many other older Items. Machinery: Lincoln 225 electric welder, John Deere 7 ft. mower, old cars (as Is), M.F. 3 P.H. disc, wagon and rack, J.D. baler, Int. threshing machine, George White No. 6 threshing machine, J.D. hammer mill, J.D. manure spreader No. 33, farmhand wheel rake, bale buncher, elevator, 3 P.H. cultivator, grain auger, 3 P.H. slush scraper, horse mower, hay loader, steel wheels, anvil, old augers, dump rake, harness, wagon wheels, chisel plow, seeder, Stanchions, trailer frame, scales, souffler, vise and jack plus many other Items found on a century farm. Terms: cash or cheque with I.D, No reserve. Lunch available. Furniture sells first. Estate or Auctioneer not responsible for any liability, damages or personal Injury. Paul Loan, Auctioneer, Phone 352- 2403. 23-1SNP Cornell's Auction Bern Friday, June 12 at 6 p.m. Wooden armoires (with bevelled glass mirrors), 3 pc. oak bedroom suite, brass bed, washstands, pine dry sink, wicker settee, press back chairs, bow front china cabinet (new), parlor chairs, mahogany dressers, mahogany side boards, Hoosier kitchen cabinet, wicker fern stands, modern chest of drawers, 18 cu. ft. freezer, office desk, antique dressers, quantity of wooden kitchen chairs, quantity of new Dine lumber, 8 h.p. AMF riding lawnmower, 8 h.p. Potoron riding lawnmower, 1977 Dios, certified, 1981 Acadian, quantity of hand tools, china and glass. .Don Cornell Auctioneer, R.R. 1, Little Britain, 705-786-2183. 23-1SNP Tuesday, June 16th at Denny's Auction Hall Selling a collection of antique chairs, cupboards, dressers, etc. Set of 6 cane seat ladder backs, cane seat rockers, press back rockers, plus other rockers, odd press back chairs, pine drop-leaf table plus other old tables, antique wooden beds, chest of drawers, kitchen cupboards, old side board, old ohonoaraoh case, old trunks, modern pine bar with bar stools, plus many other Interesting articles. This sale Is especially for those who enjoy refinlshing old furniture. Terms: cash, cheque, Visa, Mastercard. Sale starts 7:00 p.m. Gary Warner, Auctioneer, 355-2106. 23-1 SNP Saturday, June 20' 10 a.m. at Peterborough Auction Centre 2 miles east of Peterborough on Hwy. 7. Consign to our monthly machinery sale, accepting consignments farm machinery, tractors, cars, trucks, industrial equipment, boats, campers, motorcycles, ATVs, roto tillers, riding lawnmowers and shop tools. Already Consigned: 1370 White 4 wheel drive tractor with loader, J.D. 95 diesel combine with cab 4 row cornhead, 13 ft. grain head with swath pickup, M. F. 300 combine with 13 ft. grain head, Ford 9N tractor, 268 N. H. baler and thrower, Massey 12 baler, N.H. 5717 harvester, N.H. 2 row cornhead, N.H. 290 moditloner, 32 ft. bale elevator, New Century sprayer, saw machine, Int. trail mower, Lundell round baler. Cruisers boat - beachcomber model, 22 ft., 230 h.p., CMC, Inboard/outboard, cutty cabin, pumpout head, fully equipped, excellent condition, new motor. 1952 Mercury sedan, 16 ft. Evlnrude boat, outboard motor, 125 h.p. with heavy duty trailer, 3 furrow plow, list subject to addition and deletions. Phone by noon June 12th to advertise your units. Consignments taken until June 18th. To consign phone Orval McLean Auctions, 745- 5007.23-1 SNP Saturday, June 13 at 10 a.m. Complete clearance of all farm machinery including 2 tractors, poultry equipment, feed and other miscellaneous for Cluaran Farms, Columbus, Ontario on the Columbus Rd. Vz mile west of village. Machinery includes M.F. No. 265 tractor w/ cab and heater, M.F. No. 20 tractor and loader, M.F. No. 300 self propelled combine w / air conditioninq. N.H. haybine, M.F. baler, N.l. hay rake, Fahr centipede haymaker, bale stooker, 2 rubber tire wagons, spring and heavy duty cultivators, 4 furrow plough, M.F. model No. 33 seed drill, seed packer, 2 N.H. manure spreaders, G.E. 10 h.p. motor (550 volt), G.E. 1 '/z h.p. motor (230 volt), 200 gal. sprayer, farmhand mixer grinder, scraper blades, cyclone power seed sower and fertilizer distributor, 2 round bale feeders, hay elevator, grain augers, chain harrows, 2 rubber grain hoppers, bale elevator, elevator, disc harrows, stone boats, GMC dump truck w/2 sets of racks, 1976 Pontiac Sedan (only 68,528 km), diesel oil tank w/ pump. Ingersoll Rand gas driven air compressor, International TD - 9 bulldozer w/ Bucyrus Erie blade, antique "common sense" grain cleaner and fanning mill, poultry picker, brooder lamp fixtures, quantity of poultry feeders and nest boxes, Craftsman table saw (like new), Poolminder automatic chlorlnator, approx. 70 tons barley (1986 crop), hay, straw and other Items. Please note: This sale offers a good clean line of machinery. Terms cash or cheque (with I.D.) No reserves. Refreshments available. Henrv Kahn Auctioneer, 985-8161. 22-2S Large Auction Sale Thuraday, June 11 at 6 p.m. Antiques and household furniture and appliances. 870 Taunton Rd. E., Whitby. 3 households, Walters Estate, Bay Ridges, Mrs. Miller (moving to Florida) and 3 households. Including 2 fridges, 2 stoves, washer, bedroom suites, round bed, wall units, chesterfields, dressers, kitchen suites, dlnnette sets, console T.V., portable T.V., several large plants, children's toys, books, records, stereo, stuffed animals, chest of drawers, cedar chests, night tables, parlor tables, sets of dishes, glassware, crystal, vacuums, lawnmower, hundreds of articles. Antiques Include Seth Thomas clock, Dresden figurine lamps, crystal, magnificent oil paintings (W. Harlsch), fern stands, tables, dressers, oil lamps, chairs, floor lamp, drop leaf table, glassware, collector plates, etc., etc. Very large sale, 2 rings selling. 6 p.m. sharp. Lunch available. View from 1 p.m. Thursday. Ross McLean, Auctioneer, 576-7550,686-3291, 23-1 SNP Auction Sales Auction Sale Saturday, June 20th at 9:30 a.m. aharp Auction sale of furniture, antiques and farm machinery. The property of the late Roy Philip. Lot 18, Con. 7 Hope Twp. - from Hwy. 401 at Port Hope - 8 miles north of Hwy. 401 - Interchange 80 - Exit 461 north to Blinker light at Welcome - straight north to Stone Church, '/z mile west to farm. M.F. 175 diesel tractor with cab - multi - power, M.F. 135 diesel tractor with manure loader, M.F. 35 diesel tractor, M.F. 124 baler with thrower, 4 bale throwing wagons, M.F. 5 bar side rake, M.F. 205 manure spreader PTO., John Deere 40 manure spreader, 6' snow blower PTO., 2-3 pt. blades, New Holland 477 hay bjpe. 2 mineral feeders. Gehl mix- all grinder PTO., Krause 12' tandem disc, Triple K 8' cultivator, Lely fertilizer spreader 3pt., M.F. 7 h.p. garden tractor, 1973 Dodoe van. 1972 Dodae car, 1980 Chrysler New Yorker 4 door sedan, certified, hand tools, wrenches, 2 vises, hydraulic floor jack, 2 battery chargers, socket • set, open and box end wrenches, air compressor, block and tackle, 2 electric drills, De-Horners, burdizos, Rotary mower PTO on wheels, New Idea 40' hay grain elevator. John Deere cultivator 3 ' pt., hoof trimmers, squeeze, Industrial heater, Lincoln electric welder, show boxes, Semen tank, breeding chart, large quantity of small items, full line of machinery, 1985 GE refrigerator, 1985 GE self cleaning stove, GE microwave and stand, GE washer and dryer, GE compactor, 2 chest freezers, 1 upright freezer, 2 other refrigerators, all small electric appliances, console color TV, console stereo, curio cabinet, maple kitchen suite and 6 chairs, dining room suite, cherry wood Duncan Phyfe type table with drop leaf, buffet, china cabinet, large. mirror, 1 arm chair, 5 straight chairs, needlepoint seats, Duncan Phyfe drop leaf table, small antique tables, spoon racks and spoons, pictures, bridge set, chesterfield suite, nesting tables, plant tables, maple bedroom suite complete, 2 single beds, large dresser, bedroom suite, 2 large dressers, high top antique bed, toilet set - incomplete, corner cabinet, love seat, antique love seat and chair, 4 antique Rosewood chairs, coffee tables, antique needlepoint chair, small spinning wheel, 2 candelabra, oak table, 8 place setting of Greenwood Tree, Royal Albert, odd pieces of Weslev china, class, lead crystal comport, 8 place settings of Community' Placé, trays,- cups and saucers, coal oil lamp, vacuum cleaner, portable sewing machine, antique rocker, 2 large mirrors, 3 portable air conditioners. 7 filing cabinets, 2 wooden desks, 2 steel desks, 2 adding machines, typewriter, 4 dictaphones, books, hall tree, copper boiler, lamps, lull contents of house will be auctioned. This will be an outstanding sale of well preserved furniture. Terms cash. No reserve. Furniture and antiques at 9:30 a.m. sharp. Machine sale at 1:30 p.m. Sale sold and managed by Carl Hickson Auctions. Reaboro Ontario, 705-324-9959, 324- 0938. 23-2S Auction Sale Tuesday, June 23 at 6:00 p.m. Furniture, Antiques and Glassware Auction sale of furniture, antiques and large quantity of antique glassware. For Mrs. Margaret Mustard, Uxbridge. Selling at the Wilson Sales Arena, Uxbridge. Including antique bonnet chest, oak side table, washstand, blanket box, pettlpoint chair, green vaseline glass oil lamp, Royal Doulton figurines, blue flowered crock stamped A.T. Button, General Merchant, Uxbridge. Full details next week. Sale managed and sold by Lloyd Wilson Auctions Ltd., Uxbridge. 416-852-3524.23-1S Auction Sale Saturday, June 20 Starting at 10 a.m. Complete disposal ■ of all household effects, which consists mainly of antique Canadiana furniture, crocks, excellent primitive collectibles, etc., for Mr. and Mrs. David Singular, at their home located on Old Scugog Rd. in village of Enniskillen (across from United ' Church) approx. 8 miles north of Bowmanvllle. Partial listing of contents as follows: pine corner cupboard w/ 20 paned glass doors, 1 pine and 1 oak flatback cupboards, 2 dry sinks, 6' harvest table, dough box cupboard, jam cupboard, pine chests of drawers, various washstands, old butcher block, arrowback and pressback chairs, extension table, Ice box, woolwlnder, bookcase, oak filing organizer, Empire sofa, Dominion antique organ, record player, rockers, child's pew, long case telephone, many oil lamps Including Peanut and Bullseye, some excellent blue flower signed crocks, peanut planter jar, some good old scales, lots of wooden ware, nostalgia signs, tins, milk bottles, granite and treen ware, candy jars, 14 drawer store chest, Gothic windows, brass bird cages, peanut machine, brass jelly palls, toilet sets, brass and Iron bed, schoolhouse clock, hooked rugs, sap buckets, assort, of pictures and frames, treadle sewing machine, modern Colonial sofa and chair, wheel horse snowblower, collectible glass and china, tools, and many other collectibles, Please note: The Singulars have been collectors for many years and have now sold their century homo. Terms cash or cheque (with I.D.). No reserve. House sold. Refreshments available. G & H Kahn Auctioneers - 683-0041 or 985-8161. 23-2SNP Auction Sale Saturday, June 13th Starting at 10 a.m. Trucks, cars, shop tools, welders, antiques, household contents, winches, compressor, cedar posts and lumber. The property of Jim Willis and Betty Baker, located Vz mile west of Bethany on 7A Highway. Mr. Willis is giving up the garage and shopwork business and Betty is selling household contents and a number of old antique pieces including china cabinet, piano, organ (one of six made), tables, dishes, desk, chair, chairs, round oak table with 8 high back chairs, old Singer sewing machine. This Is partial list of old pieces. Also, propane cook stove, stereo Hi-Fi, buffet and table, bunk beds, 3 -12 gauge shotguns, 2 - 22 rifles, 1 muzzel loader with powder horn F.A.C. required. Mixed wood and cedar posts, 1976 Dodge van 318 motor, 1977 Malibu, as is, 350 engine, 350 Bulck engine and transmission, 360 Dodge engine and transmission, 1977 Dodge cube van 8' x 12', 1972 GM stake dump, 8N Ford tractor with front end loader, 2 circular- sawing machines, hydraulic floor Jack, hydraulic bottle Jacks, 6 jack stands, electric drills and grinders, air drills and sanders, mechanics tools and pullers, 3 tool chests, acetylene welder and torches, bench grinder and stand, 2 bench vises 5" and 6", all steel work bench, sand paper and grinding wheels, 5 h.p. 110 volt upright air compressor, '/<" air compressor, Devlllbiss spray gun - new, crow bars, shovels and forks, dual wheel truck axle and tires, used tires and wheels, 2 winches, quantity of .scrap iron, air hose and filers, large fan, fire extlnquishers, old pine boards, quantity of cedar posts and lumber, 1972 Chev truck grille - new, step Chev truck rear bumper. Many articles too numerous to mention. No reserve. Terms cash or cheque with I.D. Mark McKee, Bud McKee Auctions, Lindsay, Ontario. The man with the Golden Cane. 705-324-2472. 23-1SN Auction Sale Saturday, June 13th Selling a home full of antique furniture, china, glass, clocks, plus other articles. The property of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Spratley from Belleville. To be held at Denny's Auction Hall, 14 mile west of Colborne on Hwy. 2. Black walnut drop-leaf hall table, walnut oval parlour table, walnut coffee table, tilt-top walnut table, cherry wood drop-leaf table, solid oak library table, pair of oak armchairs with rush seats, small mahogany double pedestal desk, mahogany extension table, set of original Windsor fan back chairs, set of Bowmanvllle ladder backs, maple table, oak washstand with marble top, Georgian mahogany whatnot stand, ornate east lake sideboard, walnut server, oak dresser with 3 oce. foldinq mirror, chest of drawers, balloon back Victorian chair, walnut Veneer chest of drawers, floor model radio, modern 3 section bookcase, pine tool box, teak wood desk, piano stool, east lake hall table, 2 small wicker tables, walnut floor lamp, brass floor lamp with flont, old trunk, black marble, mantle clock, (signed) English mantle.clock In oak case, walnut wall clock with glass door, 400 day clock, pair of love seats with crushed velvet finish, brass and copper flag stand, crystal pieces, fancy Jardinieres, old dolls, figurines, plus many other articles too numerous to list. Terms: cash, cheque with I.D., Visa, Mastercard. Sale starts 10:30 a.m. sharp. Viewing from 8:30. a.m.. No reserves., Gary Warner, Auctioneer, 355-2106. Note: Mr. and Mrs. Spratley have sold their home and are selling the contents to travel the world. All pieces are in exceptionally good condition. 23-1 SNP Auction Sale Kahn Country Auctions. Every Wed. at 6:30 p.m. Located 3 miles north of Hwy 401 (exit 399), on the Brock Rd., Pickering. Featuring every week, excellent selection of antiques, fine furniture, glass, china, collectables, primitives, etc. So join us every Wed. and participate in one of Ontario's TRUE auctions with no buy-backs or reserves. Previews from 1:00 p.m. Come see our new auction barn facility with lots of free parking and other quality features to handle your sales efficiently and professionally. Consignment and Estate selling our specialty. G and H Kahn auctioneers - (416) 683-0041. 3-tfS Auction Sale of farm machinery and hay Saturday, June 20th at 1:00 p.m. for Earl Sherwin, 3 km south of Harwood on County Road No. 15 to County Road No. 9 and east 1.5 km to Hillvlew Drive and north 1 km to farm. Watch for signs. Full listing next week. Paul Lean Auctioneer. Phone 352-2403. 23-1 SNP Auction Sale Grist Mill Auction Centre Newtonvllle Friday, June 12th at 7:00 p.m. Selling from the estate of Mrs. F. Drinkwalter, Port Hope and the contents of another Port Hope home. 3 pee. bedroom suite, 6 pee. dinette suite, 2 pee. chesterfield, bow glass china cabinet, sofa bed (rose), daybed, chests of drawers, occasional tables, swivel rockers, Hot Point microwave oven, fridges, stove, small washer, washer spin dryer, file cabinet, dehumldlfer, quality beds, linen, bedding, glassware, china, coat racks, Enfield gun, 7.5 h.p. Evlnrude motor and tank, Shop Vac, chain, bikes, electric mower, wheelbarrow, coffee tables, lamps, plus a wide variety of other good household articles. Terms: cash. Auctioneer: Frank Stapleton 786-2244. ■ 23-1 SNP Auction Sale Thursday Evening, June 11 at 6 p.m. Furniture and Antiques Auction sale of furniture and antiques, the property of Cora and Geoffrey Chapman, Uxbridge, selling at the Wilson Sales Arena, Uxbridge, including maple kitchen suite, violin, cedar chest, antique miniature chest of drawers, antique wardrobe, antique drop front desk, rockers, antique chests of drawers, dressers, bunk beds, vanity, set of dishes, linens, 3 guns, 5 h.p. leaf mulcher, roto tiller, Toro electric snowblower, electric lawnmower, wheelbarrow, quantity of hand tools, bicycles. Also Coldspot fridge, Kenmore stove, press back high chair, mahogany corner cupboard, Duncan Phyfe drop leaf table with 2 leaves and 4 chairs, stacking bookcase, washstand, antique map case, bed chesterfield, crocks and jugs, Demi-tasse tea set for 12, several pcs. milk glass, plus many other items. ' Sale managed and sold by Lloyd Wilson Auctions Ltd., Uxbridge, 416-852-3524. 23-1 SNP Auction Sale Thursday Evening, June 25 at 7:30 p.m. Holstelns June consignment sale of Holsteins selling at the Wilson Sales Arena, Uxbridge, including fresh and close cows, bred and open heifers, service age bull by Starbuck from (VG) dam with 185- 202 BCAj Consignments will be accepted for;(his sale. If you wish to consign'to.miiS'aie, please call Lloyd Wilson Auctions Ltd., Uxbridge, 416-852-3524. " 23-1 SNP Tuesday, June 16 at 6 p.m. Estate and Antique 870 Taunton Rd. E., Whitby Selling the estate of the late Mrs. H. Stark of Oshawa and others. Teak dining set, bedroom suite, 10 pee. walnut dining room suite, refrigerator, console remote T.V., kitchen set, chesterfields, tables, lamps, complete household effects. Antiques include Chippendale dining room suite, walnut dining room suite, piano, organ, oak hall stand, lamps, crystal chandelier, candlesticks, oak dining table, maple dresser, rocking chairs, antique wardrobe - oak, china cabinet, desks, paintings - prints and oils, gold ladies diamond wrist watch, silver tea service, silver ware, antique clocks, vases, figurines, toy piano, reverse picture, press back rocker, ruby glasses, bisque figurines, paper weight, brass ware - many, many pieces of glassware and dishes depression, carnival, satin, Cranberry - Limoges, Nippon, set of 4 "Early Memories" Keirstead collector plates, 3 Chinese hooked rugs, antique area rug - 11 Vz x 8Vz, antique Art Nouveau solid walnut bedroom suite, Victorian settee, several antique small tables - parlor, hall, drop- leaf. A very fine large sale. Viewing Tuesday 10 a.m. - 6 p.m. Sale time 6 p.m. Ross McLean Auctioneer, 576-7550,686-3291. 23-1SNF Holstelns Thursday, June 18 12 noon at Malcolm's Sale Arena Blackstock, Ontario Malmont Farms consignment and selected Holstein sale consisting of fresh and springing cows and heifers, also yearlings and calves. Included Is a fresh Bethnwill Alydar daughter from a G.P. dam that Is a prospect for V.G. She has a heifer calf by Moderator. There will be something for everyone, so come early and support your East-Cent. Ontario Market Place. For entries or information phone Neil Malcolm, Sale Manager, 986- 4246 or 986-5611. is POLICE AUCTION Durham Regional Police Force Saturday, June 20th Sale Starts 10:00 a.m. By Public Auction Whereas no claims have been made by the owner of the property In possession of the Durham Regional Police Force, by reason of having been stolen from Its owner, or by reason of having been found abandoned In a public place and the Force Is unable to ascertain Its rightful owner. Further that these articles have been held more than 3 months required. Articles for auction are as follows: bicycles. Sale to be held at the roar of 30 William Street, Oshawa, Ontario. Terms: Cash. Jon M. Jenkins Chief of Police Auction sale Saturday, June 27 Consignment sale of farm machinery at Wilson Carson on Newtonville Kendal Rd. To consign phone Wilson Carson at 416-786-2437 or Arnot R. Wotten, Auctioneer, 416-263-2512. 23-1 SNP Saturday, June 13th at 12 noon Givina up farming, Auction sale of livestock, and implements. The property of Ralph Preston, Lot 28 Con. 10 Smith Twp. 3 miles north of Lakefield on Young's Point Road to Preston Road. 55 head of Hereford and Limousin cattle, 32 mature Polled Hereford cows with 22 Limousin cross calves by. side, 7 cows due time of sale - calves born from March to June, Limousin bull rising 2 year old. 1980 GMC Vz ton heavy duty truck - many extras, certified, (83,000 km), M.F. 165 diesel tractor with George White manure loader, M.F. 135 diesel tractor, power steering, M.F. 35 gas tractor, M.F. 124 baler with thrower, M.F. No. 12 baler, 2 - 500 Ford 7' power mowers, 3 pt. PTO, 2 Martin wagons with racks 8' x 16', M.F. side rake, Lely hay fluffer PTO, New Idea flail type manure spreader PTO, 1985 Ford post hole digger 3 pt., Int. 3 furrow trip beam plough, John Deere 3 furrow trip beam plough, Allied 40' bale elevator, Int. 10' cultivator, M.H. drag cultivator, M.H. hay conditioner, Hardman 7 h.p. riding lawn mower, 3 sets of chain blocks, Int. seed drill, diesel wheeled trailer, 2 boat trailers, 2 fibre glass canoes, lathe, shaper, service grinder, 10" table saw, 8" Beaver table saw, Rockwell band saw, 10" radial arm saw, 4" jointer planer, 3 - 3 phase 5-10-15 h.p. electric motor, refrigerator, cook stove, many other items. Terms cash. No reserve. Machine sale at 12 noon. Cattle sale at 3:00 p.m. Sale managed and sold by Carl Hickson Auctions, Reaboro, Ontario, 705- 324-9959 or 324-8311. 22-2S Auction Sale Saturday, June 13 at 11:00 a.m. Estate of the late Mrs. Dora Chilton, 39 Wellington St., Campbellford. Moffat frost free refrigerator, harvest gold, Moffat electric range, harvest gold, Beatty wringer washer, gum jar, quantity of dishes, antique pieces, chest of silver, bronze table and 4 chairs, wi/cer arm chair, wicker rocking chair, recliner, swivel chair, Hitachi television, table lamps, trunk, tables, 3 pee. chesterfield suite, mirror and frame, bedroom suite (bed, chest of drawers, dresser and mirror), pressed back chair, table with drawer, chest of drawers, dresser with oval bevelled mirror, 6 dining room chairs, quantity of bedding, copper boiler, crock, wicker clothes hamper, Connor thermo ice box, copper bottom tea kettle, Singer drop head sewing machine, garden tools, many other items not listed. TERMS: Cash or cheque with I.D. Owner and Auctioneer shall be free from responsibility of any accident or Injury on or about premises day of sale. Roy and Rod Williams, Auctioneers, Box 883 Campbellford K0L 1L0. (705) 653- 3533. 23-1S Auction Sale Monday, June 15 at 6:30 p.m. Antique estate sale at Orval McLean Auction Center, Lindsay. Consignments from the estate of the late Alexa Marshall, Bobcaygeon and others. Gerhard Heintzman piano and bench (excellent), 10 antique quilts (some over 100 yrs.), old picture frames, bed chesterfield, 30" auto stove, copper boiler, violin, wringer washer, 2 hoosier cabinets, old rugs, gate leg table, antique chest, antique hiah chair, antique beds, quilt box, gramophone, coin collection, wooden ice box, pine jam cupboard', trunks, 2 Masonic swords, 7' harvest table, treadle sewing machine, 15 clocks, grandfather clock, grandmother, schoolhouse regulator, etc., iron and wood bench, several pocket watches, old metal toys, sterling watch, antique dishes, china, glass. Collectibles, an interesting sale. 6:30 sharp. To list your sale phone McLean Auctioneers, az4-z/08 Linosay. 23-1 SNP CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE TENDER SEALED TENDERS, clearly marked as to contents, for the supply and delivery of the equipment listed below, addressed to the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle, Office of the Clerk, 40 Temperance Street, Bowmanville, Ontario, L1C 3A6, will be received on the forms and in the envelope provided until the specified closing time and date. Tender Documents can be obtained from the Purchasing Office at 68 King Street East, Bowmanville, Ontario (The Veltri Complex). Tender No. T87-20 ONE (1) ONLY TRIPLE COMBINATION 1050 G.P.M. FIRE DEPARTMENT PUMPER Closing Time and Date: 12:00 Noon (Local Time) Friday, June 26,1987 The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Date of Publication: June 10,1987 Mrs. Lou Ann Birkett Purchasing and Supply Agent Telephone: (416) 623-3379 ext. 267 CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE TENDER SEALED TENDERS, for the contract specified below, addressed to the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle, Office of the Clerk, 40 Temperance Street, Bowmanville, Ontario, L1C 3A6, will be received on the forms and in the envelope provided until the specified closing time and date. Tender No. T87-16 - RECONSTRUCTION OF QUEEN STREET FROM LIBERTY STREET TO ONTARIO STREET AND BROWN STREET FROM QUEEN STREET TO KING STREET. Closing Time and Date: 12:00 Noon (Local Time) Wednesday, June 24.1987 The work for the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle under the direction of the Director of Public Works, involves the reconstruction of Queen Street and Brown Street to an urban stardard, Including earth excavation, curb and gutter and hot mix paving for a combined length of approximately 570 metres. Plans, specifications and tender documents can be obtained at the office of Totten Sims Hubicikl Associates, P.O. Box 398, 1A King Street East, Cobourg, Ontario, K9A 4L1, for a $30.00 non-refundable fee payable to the consultants. A Bid Deposit In the amount specified In the tender documents must accompany each bid submitted. An Agreement to Bond must accompany each bid submitted. The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Mrs. Lou Ann Birkett, Purchasing and Supply Agent. Telephone: (416) 623-3379 ext. 267 Totten Sims Hublckl Associates Consultants, 1A King Street East P.O. Box 398 Cobourg, Ontario K9A4L1 (410) 372-2121 23-1S Date ol Publication: Juno 10,1987 Auction Sale Saturday, June 13 at 10 a.m. Furniture and Bee Equipment Auction sale of furniture and bee equipment owned by Dr. John T. Gilmour, R.R. 2, Claremont, selling at the property. Take Brock Rd. 1 mile north ol Brougham to Con. 7, Pickering Twp.. then east 2 miles to Westney Rd., then 1 mile north to property, including Rosewood wall unit with glass doors, love seat (like new), bed chesterfield, oak cabinet, antique telephone table, 3 pee. child's bedroom suite, school desk, finger lamp, dishes, oil painting by Peter Van Gils, brass footstands, Royal Doulton wash set, carved antique settee, Jacobeanware crystal, Homelite chain saw, Yamaha 100 dirt bike, Berkley water pump, submersible pump (like new), MTD roto tiller, bug zapper, C120 wheel horse 12 h,p., garden tractor with trailer, cultivator, blade and snowblower, complete line of bee equipment with active bees, plus several other items. Lunch available. Sale managed and sold by Lloyd Wilson Auctions Ltd., Uxbridge, 416-852- 3524. 23-1 SNP Pethick's Auction Barn Haydon 1 mile east of Enniskillen Saturday, June 13 at 7:00 p.m. Large quantity of furniture and articles. Terms cash or good cheque. Cliff Pethick Auctioneer. 23-1SNP Auction Sale Cornell's Auction Barn Tuesday, June 16 at 6:30 p.m. Large quantity of modern furniture including chesterfields, dressers, chest of drawers, refrigerators, occasional chairs,' quantity of china and glass. Don Corneil Auctioneer, R.R. 1, Little Britain, 705-786-2183. 23-1 SNP TOMORROW'S ^FORESTS... JUV TODAY'S (jHfllLEhGE 1 FIRST PUBLIC NOTICE FISHWAY CONSTRUCTION ON GOODYEAR DAM BOWMANVILLE CREEK The Ministry of Natural Resources, in co-operation with the Bowmanville Creek Angler's Association and Goodyear Canada, is proposing to construct a fishway at the Goodyear Dam on Bowmanville Creek. The project will improve access for lake-run trout and salmon to the high quality spawning and nursery areas in the middle sections of Bowmanville Creek. This will assist the MNR to achieve its long-term objective of increasing fish production through natural reproduction to accommodate increasing demand for angling opportunities. The project is being planned in accordance with the approved MNR Class Environmental Assessment for Fishways. Such assessments are intended to give interested and affected parties the opportunity to provide input to the planning of such projects and to request, if necessary, individual treatment under the Environmental Assessment Act. Please direct any Inquiries, comments or concerns regarding the Goodyear Dam fishway proposal to the District Manager, Lindsay District, by June 30,1987. Planning of the project will be continued and final notice issued only to those who have responded to this notice, and to those who are directly affected. For further information, please contact Dave Bell at The Ministry of Natural Resources Lindsay District Office 322 Kent Street West Lindsay, Ontario K9V 4T7 1-705-324-6121 Ministry of Natural Resources Ontario Hon. Vincent G. Kerrio Minister MaryMogford Deputy Minister ONTARIO GOVERNMENT NOTICE GO TRAIN SERVICE EXTENSION STUDY ■ WHITBY TO OSHAWA BACKGROUND As part of the GO Train Service Expansion Program, the Government of Ontario is currently extending full service from Pickering to Whitby. This extension is scheduled for completion in the Fall of 1988. At the same time, a study to assess the further extension of GO Train service from Whitby to Oshawa has been initiated. THESTUDY The study to assess the extension of GO Train service from Whitby into Oshawa is a joint Provincial-Municipal undertaking, involving the Ministry'of Transportation and Communications, GO Transit and Durham Region. Basic alignment and station location alternatives will be considered, and an implementation plan recommended. The study is subject to the Environmental Assessment Act of Ontario. PUBLIC PARTICIPATION Public participation will be a key part of the study. Public Information centres have been arranged as follows: June 22, Oshawa Holiday Inn, 3:00-9:00 p.m. June 23, Newcastle (Lions Club - Bowmanville), 3:00-9:00 p.m. June 24, Whitby Municipal Office, 3:00 - 9:00 p.m. You are encouraged to attend one of the information centres to express your views. For any further information please contact: Mr. Howard Anders Project Manager Toronto Area Co-ordinating Office Ministry of Transportatlon and Communications 1201 Wilson Avenue West Tower Downsview, Ontario M3M1J8 Tel: (416) 235-3968 Mr. Ian Williams Consultant Project Manager M.M. Dillon Limited 47 Sheppard Avenue East Wlllowdale, Ontario M2N 5X5 Tel: (416) 229-4646 Ministry of Transportation and Communications