I ) Section Two "KEEP YOUR FOOD COSTS DOWN -- SHOP BY THE BOX" ($1.50 PLASTIC BOX DEPOSIT) The Food Terminal" KNOB HILL SPECIALS AVAILABLE ALL WEEK, MON.-SAT.! r & - Sihvmvod lait UellementWiKnu? BF V skimmed Vilk DAILY DELIVERIES FROM SILVERWOOD 2% SKIMMED OR HOMO 0R SKIM i 2b - a<5 - lim - ,t LARGE 4-LITRE BAG MILK PRODUCT OF CANADA FRESH OR PREVIOUSLY FROZEN CHICKEN LEGS BACKS ATTACHED CANADA GRADE A ROASTING 2.18KI CHICKENS 99* (3-4 LB. AVG.) 3 BIRD UMIT li. DIET OR REGULAR 7 UP AND DR. PEPPER CASE OF 24X280 ML TINS 750 ML BOTTLE UNIT COST ■ Jfc m 8.9 PER 100 ml t 1111 MIX OR n yu MATCH (CASEONLY) e&s Bn - qai 1 UNIT COST ■ El 1 1 4.3PER 100ml) aj 3 CASE LIMIT 3 CASE LIMIT IKEYSTONE PRETZELS SS 99" KING COLE BRAND UTILITY GRADE FROZEN DUCKS YOUNG OVEN READY 4-5 LB. AVERAGE DEMPSTER SUNSHINE BRAND BREAD SLICED LARGE 675 g LOAF ..WHITE, 60% WHOLE WHEAT Mi 20% CRACKED WHEAT HOT DOG ROLLS (8 PACK) HAMBURGER BUNS (8 PACK) /i, ENGLISH MUFFINS (6 PACK) MIX OR MATCH I 9 LOAF OR PKG. LIMITÉ PRODUCT OF U.S.A. --CANADA #1 GRADE HEM LETTUCE SELECT YOUR OWN -- LARGE SIZE 24's FROM ONTARIO PACKERS CUT FROM CANADA GRADE "A" BEEF SHOULDER & BLADE STEAKS FROZEN CONCENTRATED MINUTE m FIVE MAID ALIVE 100% PURE I MIX OR MATCH I TROPICAL OR ORANGÉ JUICE | I LIT | CITRUS BEVERAGE IMIMUli ; A V WBmteMaM ORANGÉ JUICE PRODUCT OF U.S.A. CALIFORNIA w FIRST OF THE SEASON SÏÏNKIST ViLENCia ORANGES SELECT YOUR OWN FROZEN NEW ZEALAND GENUINE SPRING LEG OF LAMB PANTRY SHELF CORNED BEEF 12 OZ. 340gTIN | 2UWIT | ^ PRODUCT OF U.S.A. CANADA # 1 GRADE CANTALOUPES MED. SIZE 23'S ORLUVS DIAPERS COUPON VALID UNTIL JUNE 13/87 LIMIT ONE BOX ONE COUPON PER FAMILY IN STORE RETAIL 10.99 ^ //PMLVAS^„„„„„„„ FACIAL TISSUE FLORELLE ROYALE 200-2 PLY BOX 100-3 PLY BOX WITH THIS COUPON ■ VARIETIES I MIX OR MATCH I I 3 LIMIT \ QUAKER PET FOOD PEP s PUSS 'N' BOOTS DOGFOOD. DELUXE CATF00D West -- Mississauga DIXIE MALL Al Dixie Rd. South ol Queen Elizabeth Way North -- Markham WOODBINE NORTH At No. 7 Highway, Markham Central--Toronto 222 Lansdowne Avenue Comer Dundas St. West WE RESERVE THE RIGHT MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY TO LIMIT 9 A.M.-10 P.M. 9 A M.-10 P I 9 A.M.-10 P I North York Terminal 2549 Weston Rd. Just south of Hwy. 401 Downtown --Toronto 222 CHERRY STREET Just South of the Lilt Bridge East--Pickering hwy. 2 & BROCK RD. In Pickering OSHAWA/DURHAM FIRST AVE. Between Simcoe & Ritson Just a "Stone's Throw" North ol 401 I lTHURSDAYl JjBÆJMOPWjl FRIDAY 8 A.M.-10 P.M. ISATURDAY A.M.-10 P.M. PRICES EFFECTIVE UNTIL SATURDAY JUNE 13/198/ The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, June 10. 1987 9 WESLEYVILLE E. Barrowclough (intended for last week) As Rev. Wendell Sedgwick was away attending Conference at Lindsay, service at Welcome church on Sunday, May 31st was in charge of Amsey Beuhler and Mr. Del Cressman of Cobourg, representing the Gideon Society. Mr. Buehler conducted the service including the children's story which told of strength we receive from God to help us through childhood difficulties and those of later life. He used a stalk of asparagus to show how something as soft and weak as the asparagus tip could shove through hard earth, so we, who mav be weak, can surmount hardships with help from God. Mr. Cressman brought the message from the Gideons and told of their beginning. A business man who had promised his mother he would read the Bible daily, conceived the idea of having a Bible in hotel rooms where travellers far away from friends might read it and receive help and comfort. One such read a Bible for the first time and took it home to his village in a country where Bibles were not available and involved the whole village in its reading. Mr. Cressman used many passages from the Psalms and from the New Testament which have brought hope, strength and peace to many, many lives, assuring them of its eternal truth. The choir's anthem was "Arise, Did those feet in Ancient Times?" George Tufford and Harold Austin received the offering also the offering for the Gideons. All public money donated to this society is used for the purchase and shipping of Bibles. All extra money needed is supplied by the members themselves. Tom and Christine Wilson greeted the congregation at the door. Once again the floral arrangements were a delight. Two of them were in loving memory of Mr. Bruce Andrus placed there by the members of his family. There was another basket of pale mauve Iris and a porcelain container of Spirea and dark red Peonies. The death occured in Port Hope last week of Mrs. Susan Hale, a former resident of Wesleyville. She lived a long life and its end came after a brief illness. Sympathy is extended to her daughters Bertha and Kay and all members of their families. Sympathy also, to the family of Mr. Bruce Andrus whose sudden death occured last week also. Robert Dinner had a short session in hospital last week after becoming ill at work, but is home again with apparently no ill effects. Not only are tent caterpillars in great supply in Washington State as mentioned-last week but Ontario has a goodly number also. One school room had an impromptu nature lesson when children brought one in they found on a tree in the school yard. The lesson and subsequent death by drowning in the sink seemed so fascinating the children brought them in. in quantity, till some fanatic animal lover started replacing them carefully on the tree. The teacher had enough when she found one crawling down the aisle. Charles and Lee Plum of Toronto visited with Harold Barrowclough on Saturday. Sunday, May 31st, 1987 was a very special day in the life of Mary Kellogg of Welcome, when she was installed as President of Bay of Quinte conference of the United Church at Cambridge Street Church, Lindsay. It was a red letter day for Welcome Church too, and many of its members attended the very impressive service. Besides those members of her own church, others present were Mr. and Mrs. Morley Bickle of Canton, former minister Dr. Mac Freeman and wife Eleanor of Elginburg, also former minister Linda King and Rev. Frank Whitely and wife Helen (Kellogg) of Peterboro. In spite of the oppressive heat many remained to offer congratulations and best wishes to Mary and those ordained or commissioned during the fellowship hour. All of her family were present for this special occasion including her two little granddaughters. Many drove through a heavy rainstorm on the way to Lindsay and were hoping a few drops would reach the lake shore, but none did till later that night. OBITUARY ARISTA ANN JANE WILLIAMS 111 two days, Arista Ann Jane Williams died in Memorial Hospital, Bowmanville, Bowmanville, Thursday, April 30, 1987, in her 78th year. Born and educated in Newcastle Newcastle she was the daughter of Parnaby James Marlin and Laura McMillan. On January 29, 1949, she was married to Philip Williams. A sales clerk at Eaton's 12 years, and Simpsons 12 years, she had resided in Newcastle from 1950 - 1987, and previously previously in Toronto. She was a member of St. George's Church, Newcastle, the A.C.W., the Altar Guild and the Newcastle Lioness Club. Survivors are Laverne Martin, Lois Martin and Dora Kelsey. She was predeceased by Lome and Archie Martin, Eva Eckford and Frank Williams. Funeral services were held at St. George's Church, Newcastle, Newcastle, Saturday, with the Reverend J. Small officiating. The organist was Warner Sehn. Pallbearers were Messrs. Albert and Steven Eckford, Archie and Bob Martin, Garry Johnson and Gordon Cochrane. Floral tokens were received from the A.C.W., the Fellowship Fellowship Club, Lioness Bridge Club and the Altar Guild. Interment Bond Head Cemetery. BUSINESS DIRECTORY ACCOUNTANCY WILLIAM C. HALL B.Comm. Chartered Accountant 35 King St. W., Newcastle Phone 987-4240 JOHN MANUEL, C.G.A. 118 King St. East,- Bowmanville Phone 623-6555 WINTERS, SUTHERLAND & MOASE Peter A. Hobb, C.A. Chartered Accountants 23 Silver St. Bowmanville 623-9461 DOUGLAS R. FREEMAN, B.A..C.A. Chartered Accountant 1913 Dundas St;E., Whitby, Ontario Phone 576-4619 CHIRC PRACTIC G. EDWIN MANN, D.C. Chiropractor 39 Pamela Court By Appointment -- 623-5509 Member ol Canadian and Ontario Chiropractic Associations LEONARD JAY, B.Sc.,D.C. Doctor of Chiropractic 96 Queen Street Bowmanville Phone 623-9297 JOHANNES L. BAARBÉ B.P.E., B.Sc., D.C. Doctor of Chiropractic 29 King St. W. Newcastle Phone 987-4600 HOME SERVICE BARINA HOME CHECK IpE Ease your mind LAURENCE A. GREY Doctor of Chiropractic 50 Richmond St. E., Suite 2 while you are away. Barb Shetler - Ina Cox Newtonville 786-2996 7 - 8 a.m., after 6 p.m. McLaughlin Square Oshawa, L1G 7C7 Phone 433-1500 This COMPUTERS ANDY BATELAAN, B.A. Consultant Programmer Software Development Maple Grove Rd. N. Bowmanville Phone 623-2375 Space Available NATUROPATHIC MEDICINE LAURENCE A. GREY, N.D. Doctor of Naturopathy Nutrition, homeopathic, and botanical medicine; Colonic therapy & acupuncture 50 Richmond St. E„ Suite 2 McLaughlin Square Oshawa, L1G 7C7 Phone 433-1500 REFLEXOLOGY BY ANNA Anna M. Bragg, R.N. By Appointment Only R.R. 4 Bowmanvlllo, Ontario L1C3K5 Phono 623-9198