Section Two The Canadian Statesman. Bowmanville. June 24. 1987 7 Snowbirds and Civilian Team at Quinte Air Show The Quinte International Air show (QIAS) is proud to present Canada's two aerobatic teams on 27 and 28 June at CFB Trenton. Both the military aerobatic team, the Snowbirds, and the civilian Ray-Ban Gold Aerobatic Team are enormously popular in Canada and the U.S. and for many spectators, will be the highlights of QIAS '87. Although not immediately apparent, some similarities do exist between the two teams. The Snowbirds were formed in 1971 and originally consisted of seven CT114 Tutors painted white (hence the name Snowbirds which was chosen as a result of a contest held at an elementary school at CFB Moose Jaw). The distinctive red, white, and blue color scheme that still exists today was not adopted until 1974. In 1972 the Snowbirds increased to nine CT 114 Tutors with the addition of 2 solo aircraft. Originally called the Canadian Reds, the civilian aerobatic team was formed in 1972 with only two planes. Like the Snowbirds, they were also repainted, to black and gold, when their name was changed to the Ray-Ban Gold Aerobatic Team in 1963. In that same year another plane was added to the team', and of 1966 they have become a 4 plane team flying Pitts S-2B twin-seat biplanes. If they keep growing at the same rate they could soon become as numerous as the Snowbirds! The final similarity between the two teams relates to the pilots rather than planes. The members of the Snowbirds are Canadian Armed Forces pilots who will return to more traditional military duties following a two year tour with the Snowbirds. The members of the Ray-Ban Gold Aerobatic Team are all former Canadian Armed Forces pilots who now earn a living by flying for civilian airlines during the week and perform at airshows on the weekends as a hobby ! Whether you prefer following formation flying at 475 miles per hour (top speed of the Snowbirds) or at 185 miles per hour (cruising speed of the Ray-Ban Gold Aerobatic Team), QIAS '87 has it for you. Come to CFB Trenton on 27 and 28 June and see for yourself! Letters to the Editor Dear Editor: I went to the Ontario Division Canadian Union of Public Employees C.U.P.E. Conference on Occupational Health and Safety held in the Holiday Inn in downtown Toronto on Friday, June 12, Saturday, June 13 and Sunday. June 14, 1987. There were in attendance 500 C.U.P.E. delegates delegates from towns, cities, school boards, hospital workers, nursing home workers, P.U.C. electrical workers and Region workers. We discussed many topics in Health and Safety on the job. For example, we talked about one school in Bowmanville, Ontario which has many safety and health hazards in the work place that have been overlooked when inspections were done and have not been corrected, such as one Kindergarten Kindergarten classroom that is crammed full of furniture that as soon as you turn around to clean it you bang knees every time you clean this room. So, I would say that this room would be unsafe to work in. Therefore, the worker should refuse to clean this room until the proper measures have been taken to correct this hazard that this room creates for the worker. Other topics were violence, noise, toxic chemicals, fire hazards such as old books VACATION TIME This message is sponsored by: Carter's Bakery Newcastle Lumber Bowmanville Travel 21 King St. E., Bowmanville 623-5855 James Insurance 24 king St. E., Bowmanville 623-4406 For your service: Doug, Nesta, Eleanor, Gayle J. Anderson Smith Co. Ltd. 97 King St. E., Newcastle 987-4721 Durham Building Supplies 164 Base Line Rd. Bowmanville 623-6341 Canadian Tire Corporation 160 Church St., Bowmanville Service Dept. 623-4601 Store 623-2518 361 King St. E. Newcastle 987-4234 or 987-5050 Ventury Homes 160 Baseline Rd. Bowmanville 623-2559 Durham Regional Police Force 77 Centre St. N. Oshawa 579-1520 Brian P. Bastionelli (President) Recommended and approved by OAA $10.00 OFF the Regular Price of rust Proofing 153 King St. E., Bowmanville 623-2615 PRESTON Moving & Storage Ltd. 420 Base Line Rd. W. Bowmanville 623-4433 47 King St. W., . Bowmanville 623-3182 Morris Funeral Chapel Ltd. 4 Division St. Bowmanville 623-5480 McGregor Hardware 95 King St. W. Bowmanville 623-2542 Treacy and Harvey Insurance Brokers Ltd. 7A Division St., Bowmanville 623-2527 Petley-Hare Ltd. Insurance Brokers 181 Church St., Bowmanville 623-6100 Brenda Hoult Be extra alert on the road this summer because our little ones are out and about. jammed in every cupboard, equipment stored under stairs, old furniture stored in attics in schools, bomb threats. Regulations of the Occupational Health and Safety Act in the Province of Ontario say there should be Occupational Health and Safety regulations for every union and non union group of workers such as police and firemen. The main guest speaker was Elie Martel, NDP Health and Safety critic from Sudbury, Ontario, who was a Public School teacher and former member of the Ontario Public School Teachers Federation. I spoke to him personally and asked him about teachers in public and secondary (high) schools in Ontario; if these teachers knew about the Occupational Health and Safety Act. He stated to me that 75 percent of teachers in Ontario schools know nothing about Health and Safety of their jobs. So, I think these teachers should be forced to learn about the Occupational Health and Safety Act since they are covered. I know certain teachers and principals principals of schools in Bowmanville who do not know how to conduct conduct a Health and Safety inspection. Yours Truly, Earl Malley, Board of Director, Oshawa and District Labour Council & C.U.P.E. Local 1206 Shop Steward. Dear Sir: The Charter of Rights and Freedoms clearly states: "Everyone has the following fundamental freedoms: freedom freedom of conscience,... freedom of thought, belief, opinion and expression." ThaVs pretty emphatic. It doesn't say that people have freedom of thought and expression provided provided they don't say anything controversial or provided their views don't annoy polit- ■ ically powerful minorities. It says freedom of expression. Then, what is Ontario Attorney General Ian Scott doing subjecting Toronto publisher publisher Ernst Hndel to another trial for the non-violent expression of his rather unusual beliefs? Hndel is charged under an obscure section of the Criminal Code - knowingly spreading false news that is likely to be injurious injurious to the public good. At issue is who did what to whom and why in World War II. Surely questions of history should be settled in academic debate, not in the courtroom 1 . 1 This second Hndel trial is an outrageous waste of taxpayers' money. Scott's eagerness to squander squander taxpayers' money in refighting refighting World War II is very dangerous. It seems to suggest suggest that, if you don't have the wealth to defend yourself through long and extremely costly trials, you'd better keep any unusual ideas you have to yourself. Will freedom of expression exist only for the rich or those who agree with the establishment in this country? We were very encouraged when the Charter of Rights and Freedoms was passed because it seemed to guarantee many basic rights. However, Scott's cavalier attitude to freedom of expression expression suggests that, at least in his eyes, the Charter is just so many fine words. CanadiaNS MUST Canadians must demand that the authorities abide by the guarantees of the Charter, Freedom of expression expression is meaningless, if it can only be exercised by those who agree with the powers that be. After all, that freedom exists in every dictatorship. Freedom Freedom of expression means the right to peacefully have your say, regardless of whether your views are popular or not. Sincerely yours, Daryl Reside President Canadian Association for Free Expression Inc. &*UtUfUUf you CjijfU and (jneetinÿl... Ul Mm! Flaw! luUt a Dm WhV It's time to call your Welcome Wagon hostess. Sandra Yates Phone 623-5873 f