) Section Two The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville. July 15, 1987 9 Port Darlington Grows to Full-Fledged Community in 17 Years Blackstock Young Angler Lands a Whopper for Toronto Sun Fish Derby The Port Darlington condominiums, seen through a forest of sailboat masts, are nearly complete, and have been completely sold out. However, a second series of condos is already under construction. by Jeff Hubbell When Irv Gill first arrived at Port Darlington, he. inherited inherited a creek, a marsh and farmer's fields. Now, 17 years later, Darlington has become a small, but thriving thriving community, complete with hotel, marina, condominiums, condominiums, a three-acre . boat storage yard, and more plans for .development, under Mr. Gill's management. management. "The first couple of years here were pretty tough," said Mr. Gill. "It's taken 17 years to get it where it is." Outside of Irv Gill's office, over a hundred sail and power boats lie moored to the docks. By Mr. Gill's reckoning, reckoning, "a couple of hundred" boats use the fa- IDEUL/flLK DON'T MISS THESE Monstrous Money-Saving Specials 50" DRAPERY MATERIALS Reg. 6.49 metre Sale $ 4. 98 m* Sweat Suit MATERIAL Reg. 6.98 metre Sale $ 4. 98 m, W 36" SELECTED COTTONS SI 49 1 ■ metre 45" Cotton SUMMER PRINTS SO 49 ■ metre 30% to 50% OFF All Summer Stock Many more specials on the Sidewalk and in the store! BOWMANVILLE FABRICS 65 King St. W. Telephone 623-1242 cilities during the year, with "around 175" as permanent permanent users. The port has been extensively used as a playground for anglers, with much excellent salmon salmon and trout fishing along the coastline. "The fishing down here is the best on the lake," says Mr. Gill. The fishing tournament (sponsored (sponsored by the Toronto Sun) has the weekly leader posted, and half the time the big ones were caught off Darlington." As if to underscore the point, a short while later a 13-year old brought in a 24.84 pound Chinook salmon salmon to be weighed.) In the last year, a series of condominiums has been built along the eastern edge of the harbour. "Phase 1" as it is called, has been completely completely sold out, and "Phase -2" has already begun construction. construction. Mr. Gill said the condos will sell for "a couple of hundred thousand" each. Further development of the site includes a 24-unit motel to be built just to the north of the Marina, and he expects construction to begin this month, although he said '-he does not know how much it will cost to build. At a recent meeting of the Hydro Liaison Committee at the Darlington Nuclear Plant, Mayor John Winters suggested that Port Darlington Darlington be restored to a certain certain degree to its historic heritage in order to attract tourists. During Prohibtion earlier in the century, for example, Port Darlington was a haven for rum-runners. rum-runners. Mr. Gill thinks it's a good idea to bring out the marina's past, including the legends about rum-running. "I heard a little bit about it," he said. "I guess every place has to have a little gimmick or idea to help run it. I don't see anything wrong with it." Slay High Prices During Our Monster Clearance Sale In-stock, limited quantity of Domco and Mannington Sheet Vinyl as low as $1 99 sq. yd Indoor/Outdoor (Green only) Turf Only $ 3.99 sq.yd. Harding low pile (on jute) Saxony Reg. J! 9.95 * 1 P QC Now 1 Whet a week of hot and so very humid weather! It really is more than most people can tolerate or enjoy. enjoy. Certainly the farmers are having having great difficulty with their haying haying operations. With the fast approaching approaching harvest season all rural | residents are hoping for more stable weather conditions. Certainly the weather was very appropriate fot the Festival Days at Port Perry over the weekend which many from here attended and participated in at different activities. Congratulations to the organizations for such a successful successful event. The first Blackstock Fiddle Contest Contest will be held this coming Saturday Saturday beginning at 7:30 p.m. at the Recreation Centre. The Fiddle Contest Contest Committee of the Blackstock Agricultural Society is hoping for a fine turnout for this event. A fine week is wished for Julie Byers who left on Sunday to fly to Pennsylvania for an exchange in the Guiding Movement. Last year Julie and her family hosted a Pennsylvania Pennsylvania Girl Guide in this exchange programme. Mrs. Flora Samells joined her daughter Mrs. Anna Powell for a weekend recently at Cloyne and visited Shawville, Quebec. Word has been received of the passing of Mrs. Audrey (McLauglin) Walker in California after a lengthy battle with cancer. Audrey was the daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Russell McLaughlin and the aunt of Grant and Neil McLaughlin of Blackstock. Sympathy Sympathy is extended to her relatives and friends in this area. Better health is wished for Ivan Thompson and Rebecca Helsdon who are both in hospital. Mrs. Wilbur Toms hopes to come home today (Monday). Mrs. Amanda McLean and Mrs Jean Boyd of Bowmanville recently recently visited Mrs. Flora Samells. Please share details of your vacation vacation after you return. In everyones interest I do not submit vacation plans before you return. Your assistance will be greatly appreciated. appreciated. Phone 986-4257 at your convenience. The weekly card party began with a pot luck supper on Tuesday evening. evening. It was held in the Rec. Centre due to the unavailability of the hall but will return to the usual location next week. Winners of the 9 tables of cards were--Charles Campbell, J. Pools, Mary Cannon, Lulu Faint, Harold Swain and Dave Hall with Betsy Staniland as low. Draws were won by Kathleen Watts, Leslie Taylor, J. Pools and Meta Swain. A Fair Board meeting was held on Monday evening with Roily Coy in Yelverton Happenings Neglected to mention in an earlier episode that the Yelverton United Church Sunday School concluded their activities for the summer summer last] Sunday with a picnic picnic at tne Mtit-ray Malcolm pond -- the usual highlight of the season for the small fry. Having superannuated from that worthy group some years ago, we have no report on their activities. Master Allan, Richmond, son of Mr. and Mrs. Bill Richmond underwent a tonsillectomy tonsillectomy recently but appears appears fully recovered. Belated congratulations to Ms. Jo-Anne Stinson who observed her "Sweet Sixteen" Sixteen" birthday on July 4. Miss Candy Malcolm of Toronto spent the weekend with her family. Mr. and Mrs. Terry Malcolm and family spent Sunday in Haliburton where Todd played hockey with his team mates. As moths are attracted to a flame, several local residents residents lent their presence to the large crowds present on Friday and Saturday at Blackstock Tractor Pull. The smell of oil fumes, the roar of the motors of those mechanical monsters revved revved to the limit, was an ir- resistable force drawing crowds from far and near. We understand that the special attraction that sets Blackstock above other similar events is its M.C. -- the inimitable Harvey Graham whose running commentary is a priceless asset and one incapable of duplication. Doug and Darlene Moran and family have moved into the residence recently vacated vacated by Quentin and Mandy Robinson, beside the Dew Drop Inn east of Yelverton. Mr. and Mrs. Wendel Wyatt of New York City arc currently visiting relations in Bobcaygeon and Omemee. A&R Floorcovering 75 King St. West Bowmanville Telephone 623-1233 sq. yd Low rates make State Farm homeowners Insurance a good buy. Our service makes II even biller. Call me. Dirk Brinkman Scugog Street Bowmanwlle 623-3621 Matthew Hutichinson, 13, of Lindsay, Ont., watches as his Chinook salmon is weighed for the Toronto Sun fishing derby at Port Darlington. The 24.84 pound salmon was caught off the Darlington Nuclear Generating Station in about 70 feet of water. Matt's dad, Les, caught a 10-pound rainbow trout the same day. the President's Chair. The Tractor Pull was reviewed as were the last minute details of the upcoming Fiddle Fiddle Contest. Some of the plans for the Fair which will be held on August 29 were covered. As this is the Centennial Year of the naming of our village Blackstock from its former name of Williamsburg, a definite old time flavour will be found. The theme is "Then and Now." Mr. and Mrs. Walter Blackstock of Thornton, Ontario Ontario are hoping to attend our Fair this year. A display of old farm and home equipment is being planned. If you have something you would like to lend for the display please call either Bruce Mountjoy or Joyce Kelly. Over the past years Mr. and Mrs. Lome Hoskin have sponsored a class for Township Children who enjoy enjoy their pony or horse. This animal does not have to be of high caliber - just a well-behaved pet. If your child or anyone in your neighbourhood is interested, and you wish more details please call either the Hoskins at 986-4221 or Secretary Joyce Kelly 986-4257. This is a great opportunity for the young people of Cartwright who ride for the fun of it. The Annual Beacock Reunion was held over the weekend in Blackstock. As this was the 60th gathering there were special events at this year's reunion. Included in these new activities were a fashion show of fashions over the years, many, many interesting pieces of memoranda, a delicious roast beef dinner, a family dance and a Sunday morning church service in the Rec. Centre. The oppresively hot and humid weather possibly dampened the enthusiasm somewhat but without a doubt the 60th Beacock Reunion was a success. Our family enjoyed seeing ap proximately 20 hot air balloons in the Kawartha Challenge in Fenelon Falls early Sunday morning. What a colourful sight to see these brillantly coloured balloons in the air at the same time. CERTIFIED GENERAL ACCOUNTANTS JOHN G. MANUEL, CGA DONALD K. KITCHEN, CGA, CIA PARTNERS 118 KING STREET EAST BOWMANVILLE, ONT. L1C1N5 (416)623-6555 pet pleasin' Specials during our big 3-Day Monster Sale Thurs., Fri, Sat. --July 16-17-18 r.< Hamster or Gerbil with the purchase of a starter kit. with the purchase of a budgie starter kit. Top Quality Used Aquariums at Drastically Reduced Prices! plus . . . many more specials throughout the store. 2 FREE Goldfish to any child (no purchase necessary) Hurry! Quantities Are Limited Fins pet Shop 47 KING ST. W. 623-1102 BOWMANVILLE X