6 The Canadian Statesman. Bowmanvillc. August 19. 1987 sport-talk 623-im FLASHBACK -- 25 Years Ago -- About 40 youngsters from Rochester will be landing in town on Friday night to take part in a hockey school all next week. On Satur- day, September 1st, there will be a game between the best of the visitors and the local lads who will be attending attending the school. Game time is 8 p.m. Several NHL stars are expected to visit the school. Reeve Sid Little says he has decided against joining the school. He had blades on Monday morning for a try out and was assisted assisted by Ted Hutton, who provided moral support. This was the first time Sid had been on skates for over 30 years. Last time was several years before Norm Taylor's arena burned down on King Street. Sportalk Items HOCKEY REGISTRATION -- The fall and winter season season is rapidly approaching. That will mean that hockey registrations for both the Bowmanvillc Recreation Hockey League and the B.M.H.A. Toros, will be starting Saturday, Aug. 29th at Bowmanvillc Mall from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. There will be another opportunity to register Wed., Sept. 2nd from 10 to 3 at Bowmanvillc Arena and 6 to 9 p.m. the same evening at Bowmanvillc Mall. Another session will follow in Thursday, Sept. 3rd from 10 to 3 at Bowmanvillc Arena and again 6 to 9 at the mall. Still one more chance to sign up on Saturday, Sept. 5th from 10 to 3 at the Mall. You'll pay extra if you don't register at these hours. Make a note now and don't miss out, a great season lies ahead. •FLASHBACK -- 10 Years Ago -- Mrs. Inez Bristol, eldest daughter of Mrs. Cameron, competed at the Ontario Ontario Open Trap Shooting Meet in Hamilton, last May and shot 96 out of 100 at a distance of 16 yards, and a 91 out of 100, to qualify for the Summer Games to be held in August. REQUEST FOR RIDERS -- The Durham Region Horseback Horseback Riding for the Handicapped Association is looking looking for experienced riders with their own horses for the 9th annual Ridc-a-thon Saturday, September 19 at Hoskin Stables in Blackstock. The 25-kilometre ride is to raise funds for the cost of riding lessons, special equipment and insurance for disabled riders. There will be trophies awarded and a lunch provided. For further information, contact Hoskin Stables, 986-5558, or Terry Goulet, 571-3122, before Sept. 10. Newcastle Ladies Slow Pitch League Holds All-Star Game TEN COMMANDMENTS FOR BOATERS -- As the boating season is well underway, the Canadian Power and Sail Squadrons offers these rules for a "safe and sane" boater. 1. Check your boat thoroughly and never leave mooring until you have done so. 2.. Carefully observe wind, surface, tide and current conditions before before starting. 3. Never overload your boat. 4. Carry life preservers for every person on board. 5. Carry filled fire extinguishers, lights, signal apparatus aiid ground tackle. 6. Exercise extreme caution when filling filling fuel tanks. Do not smoke, close all hatches, ports and doors and wipe up spillage. 7. If in a power boat, keep out of the way of the vessel approaching from your starboard side. 8. Always be courteous, careful and competent. 9. Never make a turn at high speed. 10. Approach dock or mooring against the wind or current, whichever is stronger. TOURNAMENT TO SUPPORT THE ARENA FUND -- Bowmanville's Junior 'C" Hockey Club is hosting the Arena Fund Men's Slow Pitch Tournament on August August 22 and 23 at Memorial Park. There will be 16 teams participating in the tournament and prizes will be awarded. For information contact, Ron Clemens 263-8465, or Pat Marshall 623-7069. The Newcastle Ladies Slow Pitch League held its year end All-Star Game on Thursday, August 13, at Memorial Park. The 11 team league had five teams in the "A" division and six teams in the "B" division. The best of the "A" division are pictured above, and they won the contest with a 10-3 score. Front from left, Jane Thiele, Carol Selby, Pam Jones, Lynn Pud- dister, Nancy Gilchrist, Joan Kimble, Michelle Ber- ney. Back from left, Coach Dave Rogers, Dorothy Walker, Pat Adams, Mae Taylor, Lynne Easton, Kathy Corvers, Chris Kooy, Jean Stere, Marlene Brown, Coach Jerry Garnett. ROTARY HORSE TRIALS --The Bowmanvillc Rotary Horse Trials will be held in an inaugural one day event on August 30. The trials, which will be held at CFRB Farms at the Junction of Highways 35 and 115 in Orono, is a permit horse show governed by the Canadian Equestrian Federation. There will be limited stabling and bedding available on the premises or within 20 minutes of the CFRB Farms. Entries and entry fees should be directed to the event secretary: Dorothy Oke, 6 Frederick Ave., Bowmanvillc, Ontario L1C 2B9, 623- 4158. Entries should be in the hands of the secretary by August 21. LADIES SLOW PITCH ALL-STAR GAME -- The best players of both the "Â" and "B" divisions of the New-, castle Ladies Slow Pitch League played an All-Star Game on Thursday, August 13. The "A" team won with a score of 10-3. All proceeds from the game are being donated to the Arena Building Fund. The League is also buying a spinal board for the Town of Newcastle Fitness Centre, with the proceeds from an earlier tournament. tournament. TKei/tn u4ngan "Drop by and see me today!" tv. 166 KING STREET EAST * BUS. 623-3396 RES. 623-7405 Sales Representative. Fox Lakers Downed by Little Britain by Bud Fanning In Molson's Eastern Ontario Ontario Baseball Association Senior "D" play off game played at the Community Park in Little Britian on Tuesday, August 11th, the Little Britain "A"'s, trounced the Fox Sports Lakers 14 to 4 to even the the best of five series at one game a piece. The Fox Sports Lakers played a sloppy game and failed to give starting pitcher pitcher Brett Foster the good support he required. Besides many Fox Lakers errors at the wrong time, their base running was something else and paved the way to an easy win for the Little Entrain Entrain Club. Bowmanville Junior Troy Foster hit a home run for the Lakers plus a heavy effort effort behind the plate. The losing pitcher was Brett Foster and the winning pitcher was Shawn Granger Granger who went the distance for the A's. Tim Foster, Bruce Austin and Ed Bird, a Bowmanville Junior, played well in a losing losing cause. Standouts for the Little Britain Club were pitcher Shawn Granger, supported by Jack Phillips, Scott Worsley, Peter Clyne and Larry Thornbury. BOWLING REGISTRATION -- for the Bowmanville Youth Bowling League will take place on Saturday, September 12 from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. Children ages four to eighteen are invited to join in the league. Registration Registration takes place at the Liberty Bowl on Baseline Road, east of Liberty Street. Contact Joan Murphy at 623-7397 for further information. SWIMMING CONTINUES AT FITNESS CENTRE -- Although Although the two outdoor pools in Orono and Newcastle Village will close on September 7, the indoor facility at the Newcastle Fitness Centre will continue to offeri recreational swimming and swimming lessons through-, out the year. For detailed information on lessons, swim/ times and fees consult the Community Activity Guide. is M TIRE SALES INC. 676-1220 TRISUN, RADIAL 781 All SEASON 299 D--if Ay„ HOCKEY REGISTRATION BRHL BMHA House League Toros Registration for the 1987-88 hockey season will be held for ALL age groups as follows: SATURDAY, AUGUST 29th 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. at Bowmanville Mall WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 2nd 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. at Bowmanville Arena 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. at Bowmanville Mall THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 3rd 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. at Bowmanville Arena 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. at Bowmanville Mall SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 5th 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. at Bowmanville Mall FEES: Squirt - $60.00; Others - $125.00 $25.00 charge for late registration Come on out! We want to make this a great season for all players, coaches and parents. ★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★J NOW OPEN 4 The team pictured above are the best of the "B" division for the Newcastle Ladies Slow Pitch League. The team played to a 10-3 loss in last Thursday's Thursday's All-Star game against the top players in the "A" division. Proceeds from the game are being donated donated to the Arena Building Fund. Front from left, Myra Cornochan, Debbie Cobbledick, Robyn Ibbot- son, Collette Dwyer, Wanda Lazure, Jennifer Jarvis, Kathy Robertson. Back from left, Coach Rick Powell, Lorraine Gray, Bev Richards, Deania Barrett, Tammy Knapp, Corinne Vandegrootevheen, Nancy Nixon, Sue Holley, and Coach Jerry Morrison. Midgets Win First Two RIM'S TAE KWON-DO SCHOOL The Boys of Summer, the "Canadian Tire Midgets", are in good form, having won the first two games, in a best of five series with Port Hope, the winner to ad- Bowmmwillc Roïarij Club HORSE TRIALS ci I CFRB Farms - JcT. 35 ciiul 115 ESunday, August 30,1957 -- PcirhiiKj ciiul ITotjmmmcs on I he. Cast jtf.OO Per Vehicle •0ti.rn.-5 p.m$| (jmuncLs. H|i JOCELYN MUIR UPDATE -- One more reminder that Joceyln Muir, the marathon swimmer who is stroking around Lake Ontario to raise money for Multiple Sclerosis, will be arriving at Bond Head in Newcastle Village on August 22 and then continuing on to Port. Darlington on August 23. Elsewhere in today's issue there is further information on the activities planned at the Port Darlington Marina in honour of Jocelyn. PEACOCK LUMBER LTD. Building supplies. Our specialty is lumber and. lumber products. A complete line of kiln dried hardwood and softwoods. • Walnut • Cherry • Maple • Redwood • Teak • Oak • Phil. Mahog. • Softwoods Specially Custom Milling Hardwood & softwood plywood. .MILL and YARD 326 Ritson Rd. N., Oshawa 725-4744 FRED'S AUTO BODY - Specializing in Unibody, Front Wheel Drive - Free Gravelguard, with complete paint jobs - Superior Collision Repair • Expert Refinishing • Stripework • Come In -- Free Estimate ■ Courtesy Car Available 163 Base Line Rd. Bowmanville. 623-6353 Clear Coat Available ■ Insurance Claims vance to the All Ontario Finals Finals in Essex, Ontario. In the first game in Port Hope, August 11th, the boys won a very close game by the score of 7 to 6. This was achieved by a strong, steady game by Jeff Bartlett, who got the win on the mound, and by Mark (The terminator) terminator) Tripp. Mark had to pitch.to two batters only in the t last inning, however, struck both of these out to secure the win. Dean Baumhauer again showed his prowess with the bat, with two doubles and a single. Other hits by Rich Sucnan (one), Paul Gallant (two ), Scott Munro (one), Rob Real (one), Darren Darren Bunker (one), Mike Smith (two), and Jeff Bartlett Bartlett (one). In the second game of the series, ployed in Bowmanville, Bowmanville, the team came away with an easy 9 to 2 victory from Port Hope, pounding out twelve hits with Darren Bunker leading the way with two singles and a double. double. Chris Hall went all the way on the mound for Bowmanville. Bowmanville. * * * * * * * * * * * * * Ï FINAL OFFER * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *************************** t GRAND OPENING $ $ SPECIAL 4 * 2 FOR 1 * ★**************** UJho con learn? There are no restrictions on who can learn. Men and women, young or old, whoever wants to develop: . S€LF-D€F€NC€ . GRCRT PHYSICAL FITNHS . 6XTRCM6LV GOOD FLEXIBILITY . GR6RT SCLF-DISCIPUN6 ADULT * CHILDREN'S CLASSES GRCRT SCLF-COfWOCNCe MCNTAl fllCRTNCSS POTCNTIRL POUKA. KingW. 2 ■ . Scugog 105 KING ST. W. BOWMANVILLE 623-9988 ! SAVE - SAVE - SAVE MEN'S THURSDAY NIGHT (Town League) CONTACT HOCKEY REGISTRATION Call DAVE WRIGHT 623-2964 or DOUG CROUGH 623-2311 $50.00 ONE YEAR MEMBERSHIPS REGULAR $275.00 NOW ONLY $225.00 * AEROBICS First 10 People * WEIGHT ROOM will receive * SAUNA One Complimentary * JACUZZI T-Shirt. * TANNING BEDS • ■ !" -- 98 King St. West 623-9331 1 Bowmanville i ! j ; ■ j. j,i Offer Expires September 1, 1987