i He Canadian Statesman. Bowmanville. September it. 1987 Sec tion Two Him and lia tant Past and it forcefully drew his attention attention to the problem. The Town of Newcastle's Newcastle's Hydro Liasion Committee Committee have voted to accept $7,000 per acre for land owned by the municipality on the Darlington generating generating station site. Winners of the Miss Kinsmen Beauty Contest were Jackie; Canfield, first, Dianne Woodley second and Yvonne Bocstra third. 25 Years Ago Wednesday, August 22,1962 Ron Rowe had quite an experience recently. While doing some ditching off Scugog St. he moved a stump and out came thousands of angry bees. As they started to swarm all over the tractor, Ron took off in a hurry, leaving the motor running. R was about an hour before work could be resumed. Water hoses were used to clear off the bees and stop the motor. Councillor Annie Oke, in her spare time not only runs a handy store but in her spare time she also has a beautiful garden at the rear of the store on King Street. Recently, Councillor Wes. Fice celebrated a long service service event at the Goodyear plant here. On July 21st, he had completed 35 years belt splicing with Goodyear. His many friends will wish him many more years of good health and productive endeavour. First prize for the special draw section of Penny Fair was won by Susan Etcher, 3 Orchard View, who won a foot stool. Many other prizes which had been donated donated by local merchants were awarded to lucky ticket holders. August 26, 1937 Members of the Carter Family Bake Shop staff are Edythe Carter, Bernice Mutton. Greta Tomlinson, Margaret Finn, Dorothy Carter, Charlie, Doug and Tome Carter and C.H. Carter. Carter. Mr. George Bonathan of the Market Branch, Canadian Canadian Bank of Commerce is holidaying with his mother Mrs. S.R. Bonathan, Newcastle. Newcastle. A buck saw contest, open to the world will be held at Orono Fair on September 22 with a purse of $15 for the winner. Oliver Bradt, Vineland Station, spent the weekend with his parents Mr. and Mrs. E.P. Bradt. Dim and Distant 25 Years Ago Aug 29. Ernest W. Bradley former Land Appraiser and Settlement Settlement Officer with the Dept, of Veteran's Affairs has joined the Jesse Van Nest Real Estate Firm. Misses Vilna Velox and Lorraine McFadden have joined the Bowmanville Branch of the Northumber- land-Durham Health Unit. Private John Miller, RCHA, Winnipeg, is spending spending his annual leave, with his parents Mr. and Mrs. Ted Miller Prince Street. Mrs. George Wiseman and Miss Audrey Fletcher have returned from a three week's vacation in Kenora and Winnipeg with Mrs. Wiseman's daughter Jean and family. 10 Years Ago Wednesday, August 12,1977 Mayor Garnet Rickard said someone had a very effective effective way of letting him know the roof of the Orono Fire- hall needed fixing. They saved a seat for him at the Pancake Breakfast right where the roof was leaking, "The food Terminal" 11 (cm1 ÿ -- -- WÙP n Tpi"! nTlTTf $B3s r dLLLL a J_L AULM Idl w wïïÊmm Ontario, like home. PRODUCT OF CANADA FRESH OR PREVIOUSLY FROZEN "KEEP YOUR FOOD COSTS DOWN - SHOP BY THE BOX" (1.50 PLASTIC BOX DEPOSIT) t 5 LB. LIMIT BACKS ATTACHED! CAN. GRADE "A" ROASTING CHICKENS 2-4LB.AVG. BLUE WATER THRIFT PACK HIPS MRS. SMITH'S FROZEN 250 g BOX FRUIT BUNPELS DO LARGE FAMILY SIZE 750 g BOX LIMIT FROM ONTARIO PACKERS CUT FROM CANADA GRADE "A" BEEF Voting by Proxy Proxy voting is a provi sion for certain categories of qualified electors who are unable to cast their ballot ballot in person on the days of the advance polls, or on election day. Proxy voting is possible for a qualified elector who is a member or spouse of a member of the Canadian Forces; employed in the business of long distance transportation; committed to business activities or employer's employer's directions; those physically incapable, because because of medical reasons, of attending a polling place; a student duly registered at a recognized educational institution; institution; those parlicipal- .ing in a job training or retraining retraining program; or an inmate inmate in a penal or correctional correctional institution not under sentence of imprisonment. To vote by proxy, the elec-, tor authorizes another qualified elector in the same electoral district to cast the vote. A qualified elector may not act as proxy for more than two electors. Proxy application forms may be obtained from any Returning Officer throughout throughout the Province. The completed completed form, naming the proxy voter, must be certified certified by the Returning Officer Officer in the electoral district, district, where the person^appointing person^appointing the proxy resides. The deadline for the certification certification of proxy votes is 8:00 p.m. on September 9, the day before election day. Persons eligible to vote in this election are those who, on election day, are 18 years of age or older, a Canadian citizen, and have resided in Ontario for the six month, period prior to election day, and whose names are on the list of electors or on a certificate certificate to vote in the electoral electoral district where they reside. reside. SHOULDER 4BUDE STERES ONTARIO WHITE !&■ FRESH MUSHROOMS WWW MU MG. SUL 1M1 195i liHi» McCAIN FROZEN CONCENTRATED JUICE OR BEVERAGE • 100% PURE ORANGE • CANADAFANCY APPLE • REVIVE MIX OR MATCH 12.5 OZ. 355 mL TIN CANADA FANCY ASSORTED CANNED STOKELY VEGETABLES • MIXED VEGETABLES • CUT WAX BEANS • SEASONED WAX BEANS • PEAS & CARROTS • PEAS • GREEN BEANS •KERNELCORN (12 OZ.) MIX OR MATCH 14FL OZ. 396 mL TIN BUSINESS DIRECTORY ACCOUNTANCY WILLIAM C. HALL B.Comm. Chartered Accountant 35 King St. W., Newcastle Phone 987-4240 DOUGLAS R. FREEMAN, B.A., C.A. Chartered Accountant 1913 Dundas SI. E., Whitby, Ontario Phone 576-4619 JOHN MANUEL, C.G.A. 118 King St. East, Bowmanville Phone 623-6555 r^3 PRODUCT OF ONTARIOi v X cresh NEVER FROZEN LOIN OF PORK WHOLE OR HALF NO CENTRE CHOPS REMOVED! WINTERS, SUTHERLAND & MOASE 2 Peter A. Hobb, C.A. Chartered Accountants 23 Silver St. Bowmanville 623-9461 McCAIN-SWEETHEART CHEESE BARS MIX OR MATCH • MOZZARELLA • MEDIUM •COLBY • BRICK • MILD • OLD URGE 2 LB.-907 g BAR 150 g BOX CHIROPRACTIC G. EDWIN MANN, D.C. Chiropractor .39 Pamela Court By. Appointment -- 623-5509 Member ol Canadian and Ontario Chiropractic Associations FROM ONTARIO PACKERS FRESH choice «mju CANADIAN VL/Ul NEVER FROZEN kg 3.73 SHOULDER LB. 1.69 LEONARD JAY, B.Sc.,D.C. Doctor of Chiropractic 96 Queen Street Bowmanville Phone 623-9297 JOHANNES L. BAARBÉ B.P.E., B.Sc., D.C. Doctor of Chiropractic 29 King St. W. Newcastle Phone 987-4600; LAURENCE A. GREY Doctor of Chiropractiç 50 Richmond St. E., Suite 2 McLaughlin Square Oshawa, L1 G 7C7 Phone 433-1500 HOME SERVICE BARINA HOME CHECK Ease your mind while you are away. Barb Shelter - Ina Cox Newtorwille 786-2996 7 - 8 a.m„ after 6 p.m. COMPUTERS ANDY BATELAAN, B.A. Consultant Programmer Software Development Maple Grove Bd. N. Bowmanville Phone 623-2375 This Space Available CANADA PACKERS FRESH & PREVIOUSLY FROZEN kg LS2BUE.69 QUALITY PACKERS "TOWN CLUB BRAND" m a ^ SWEET PICKLED A QQ COTTAGE *103 ROLLS 2-3 LB. AVG. VAC PAC 199 NEW ZEALAND 139 kg FROZEN SPRING LEG Oil LAMB I VAC PAC NORVEGIAN JARLSBERG DELI counter .8,80 cheese „ 3.99 "" "" " ™ "wTtÎTth iscouKn ™ I MAPLE LODGE FARMS CHICKEN WIENERS CRISSOL CANAPE TOASTS 99* SCHNEIDER'S PROCESS CHEESE FOOD CHEESE SUCES 24's SINGLE THINS 500 g PKG. • REGUUR • SWISS • MOZZARELLA • LIFESTYLE 4 LIMIT FROM ONTARIO PACKERS AT SERVICE COUNTER ■ JA SWEET PICKLED SHORT-CUT ' C mjPEAMEAL kg BACON MAPLE LEAF BRAND BEERFEST FROZEN 500 g TRAY PAC SAUSAGE * 2.49 ,3.73 racE 1.69 QUALITY PACKERS AT DELI COUNTER M AA "TOWN CLUB" BRAND \ 39 cooked HAM r GERBER STRaÎnËDRRSTFOOdT BABY FOODS OZ. (126 mL) JAR • VEGETABLES • FRUITS • JUICES EXCLUDING MEATS 4 MEAT DINNERS MIX OR MATCH 29 EA. STUART BAKERY ASSORTED LUNCH CAKES | 6 LIMIT | MIX OR MATCH 200 g BOX 99* NESTLÉ MIX OR MATCH QUIK 750 g TIN PUDDINGS 4 x 142 g TRAY PAK BURKE'S CANADA #1 GRADE PURE LIQUID OR CREAM ■ honey! CAFFEINE FREE SANKA INSTANT COFFEE NATUROPATHIC medicine LAURENCE A. GREY, N.D. Doctor of Naturopathy Nutrition, homeopathic, and botanical medicine; Colonic therapy & acupuncture 50 Richmond St. E„ Suite 2 McLaughlin Square Oshawa, L1G 7C7 Phone 433-1500 REFLEXOLOGY BY ANNA Anna M. Bragg, R,n. By Appointment Only R.R. 4 Bowmanville, Ontario L1C 3K5 Phono 623-9198 TIDE HUGE CARRY BOX COUPON VALID UNTIL SATURDAY, SEPT. 12/87. LIMIT ONE BOX ONE COUPON PER FAMILY. IN-STORE RETAIL 8.99 PER BOX. IN^STORERETAIU.59.^0117317rJ