2 The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanvillc, September 9, 1987 AROUND THE TOWN o CZH3 -V--I 1 ELECTION DAY -- Tomorrow (Thursday. September 10) is a big day for the hundreds of political candidates in the running for a berth in the Ontario Legislature. And that means it's a big day for the voters who will be deciding deciding the outcome of the '87 campaign. Polls open at nine a.m. and close at eight p.m. The Durham East Riding (with its new boundaries) includes approximately 46,000 voters. Please take the time to cast your ballot. COME TO THE FAIR -- The annual Orono Fair officially opens tomorrow evening, Thursday, September 10, with the Miss Durham Central Fair competition, the Holstein Show, the Imperial Imperial Hell Drivers, the Barbershop Chorus and the ever-popular "Piglet Preakness". That piglet piglet race is the event in which the young porkers race around a miniature track to the amusement amusement of the cheering onlookers. See the advertisements advertisements and articles elsewhere in this edition for further details. ROTARY FUND-RAISERS -- Will be holding a car wash, yard sale and bake sale next Saturday, Saturday, September 19th, in the parking area of the Bowmanville Professional Building. Hours are nine a.m. to four p.m. And any donations donations to the yard sale would be welcome. JOCELYN MUIR UPDATE -- Marathon swimmer swimmer Jocelyn Muir, who completed her swim around Lake Ontario on August 29, has set at least two world records including the record for longest international swim and for the first swim of the Erie Canal. Throughout the marathon, she completed a total of 1,260,000 strokes. And over the 60 days, she spent about 300 hours in the water. Funds raised from the marathon will support Multiple Sclerosis research. research. The total amount raised through the event has yet to be announced, although estimates estimates are between $250,000 and $500,000.. HOSPITALITY -- The Newcastle Community Services Advisory Board (N.C.S.A.B.) will be hosting a hospitality tent at the Orono Fair from September 10 to 13. It's an opportunity to meet the board members, have coffee and cookies, and learn more about the town's community community service facilities. NIGHT SCHOOL REGISTRATION -L Evening classes at Bowmanville High School begin Monday, Monday, September 21, and registration commences commences on Saturday, September 12. You can register at the Bowmanville Mall this Saturday between the hours of 11 a.m. and 2 p.m. or at Bowmanville High School on September 14 and 15 between the hours of seven p.m. and nine p.m. There are a number of fascinating courses available in this year's line-up. PRE-SCHOOL ASTHMA PROGRAM -- Anyone Anyone interested in the Durham Region Lung Association's Pre-School asthma course is invited invited to call the organization at 436-1046. The Lung Association will offer the program for pre-schoolers over an eight-week period commencing commencing in Oshawa September 28. Spaces will be limited and early registration is strongly advised. BRINGING UP BABY -- The Durham Region Health Services Department is offering a program program entitled "Information Babyville" this fall. The program consists of informal discussion, guest speakers, and films, all of which are related related to raising a child during the crucial first 12 months. These sessions have been offered in Oshawa and Ajax last year where they were very successful. This fall, they are being expanded expanded to include Bowmanville. The program begins on October 19 at the Health Unit's Bowmanville Bowmanville offices at 11 Lambert St. It continues each Monday morning from 10 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. for a total of eight meetings. Enrollment is limited limited to 12 Moms and babies. For information, call 623-2511. SPORTS SWAP AND SALE -- This Saturday, September 12, there's a Fall Sports Swap and Sale at Bowmanville High School from 1 p.m. to 4 p.m. Bargain-hunters should take special note of this event, which is part of the activities activities of Big Brothers Month. Incidentally, the Big Brothers of Newcastle can still use more volunteers. There are 16 active matches at the moment but there are still some boys on the waiting lists. CENTRE FOR INDIVIDUAL STUDIES -- Some of the basement rooms at Central Public School have been devoted to an adult learning centre in which students can pursue a grade 12 diploma diploma or work on literacy and numeracy skills. The centre is open daily from eight a.m. to five p.m. For an interview, call The Centre for Individual Individual Studies at 623-6505. SEA CADET NEWS -- Many of the Bowmanville Bowmanville Sea Cadets have spent an interesting summer at camps across Canada. This month, they resume their regular fall programs. Young adults between the ages of 12 and 18 are invited to join this worthwhile organization. organization. Those interested can come to the Central Public School in Bowmanville, September 8 or 15 between the hours of seven and nine p.m. LEGION WEEK -- Take a good look at the Coming Coming Events Section for details of the annual "Legion Week" happenings. Legion Week officially officially begins on Sunday, September 13 and concludes concludes on September 19. GOODYEAR PLANT PICNIC -- Next Saturday, Saturday, September 19, Goodyear will hold its plant picnic commencing at one p.m. on the grounds of the Bowmanville Senior Public School. All Goodyear Bowmanville retirees, family, and friends are welcome. VOLUNTEERS NEEDED -- Adult volunteers are needed this winter to fill two hours per week helping at youth fun programs in Oshawa, Bowmanville or Whitby. This is a project of the Eastview Boys' and Girls' Club. The club is open to boys or girls between ages eight and 14. Call the Club at 728-5125 for more information. (Ask for Extension Program Information.) ONE OF A KIND -- That's the description attached attached to items in the upcoming 17th annual Art Mart sponsored by the Volunteer Committee Committee of the Robert McLaughlin Gallery. The art objects will range from pottery and weaving to jewellery and original paintings. Best of all, the bazaar will be located in the spacious new gallery. Dates are Friday, October. 23, to Sunday, Sunday, October 25. LUPUS ASSOCIATION -- The Durham Lupus Association meets September 17 at theiOshawa City Hall, board room 7A. The meeting begins at 7:30 a.m. with Dr. Silecky as guest speaker. Further information is available by calling427- 2601. PROGRAMS FOR PARENTS AND BABYSITTERS BABYSITTERS TOO -- The Durham House Child and Family Centre will offer a study group for parents parents who want to improve their skills. The session session begins at Bowmanville High School commencing commencing September 22. The high school will also be the venue for an eight-session babysitter babysitter training course commencing on September 21 (Monday) at six p.m. Over in Oshawa, at Durham House Child and Family Centre, there will be courses on The Joy of Living With Teenagers and a one-evening workshop entitled Bringing Out the Best in Your Child. For information on any of these programs, call the Durham Family Education Resource Centre at 579-2021 or 983-9800. 50-50 DRAW -- The Courtice and Area Community Community Association is holding a 50-50 Draw in order to raise proceeds for the Community Centre fund and other community projects. The draw takes place on September 12 at Zion Park. Tickets can be obtained from the Association's executive or they are available by calling Lester Lester Little at 725-0073. They may also be purchased purchased at Fred Eyman's Pick-Your-Own Farm or at All Star Mowers on Highway 2. N.L WOODHOUSE & ASSOCIATES • Certified General Accountant • Tax Specialists • Personalized Service • Mobile Accounting and Office Services • Computerized Payroll and Bookkeeping Services 8 Holgate Cres., Bowmanville 623-9650 X --50-CLIP THIS COUPON -■><■ BROKEN WIDSHIEL®? SAVE $50.00 ON ANY INSURANCE WINDSHIELD CLAIM DEDUCTIBLE WITH THIS COUPON. GOOD FOR MOST VEHICLES. X AutoGlozr X X Uxbridge Bowmanville #47 Hwy. Douglas Rd. Church and Silver-St. 852-5382 623-4225 FREE MOBILE SERVICE Expiry Date Sop., 16/87 -- -- » -- CLIP THIS COUPON--;X>■ Agricultural News and Happenings of Interest by John Finlay, Agriculturalist Agriculturalist Representative Look after forage fertility now! Late August and early September is the time to be fertilizing your hay fields. Fertilizer should be applied after the last cut of alfalfa. Potassium plays an important important role in the storage of food root reserves necessary necessary for winter survival of alfalfa. A soil sample should be submitted for analysis to obtain the best estimate of fertilizer re quirement. With adequate rainfall this year, a bumper crop of alfalfa may have removed removed up to 120 kilograms of potassiun per hectare. High levels of fertility will also help the plant survive against the disease, Ver- ticillium Will, which is now visible llirouhgoul the Durham area. Significant Changes to Agriculture Agriculture in Durham East Wheal acreage in the Durham East area has. increased increased dramatically according according to 1986 census figures figures released recently. In Hope Township, acreage is up from 1,254 acres in 1981 to 2,731 acres in 1986, in Cavan up to 2,943 acres from 2,253, in Man vers up to 1,500 acres from 937, in Newcastle Newcastle u p to 3,512 fro m 1,374 a n d Scugog up to 2,808 acres from 1,930 acres. Corn for grain has been cutback because of low prices during the five year period. The acreage for grain corn: in Hope is down to 4,815 from 9,235; in Cavan, down to 3,410 from 6,086; in Manvcrs, down to 2,997 from 5,026 acres; in Newcastle, down to 12,745 from 16,120 acres; and in Scugog, down to 10.645 from 16,413 acres. The soybean crop has increased increased substantially as follows: follows: Hope up to 1,039 acres from 211; Cavan up lo 179 acres from 50: Manvcrs up to 233 acres from 76 acres: Newcastle up lo 2740 acres from 1384; and Scugog up to 455 acres from 166 acres. In the livestock sector, the significant changes are beef cows: down in Hope Township from 1,964 head to 1,515 head; down in Cavan from 2,063 to 1,641; down in Manvcrs from 1,671 to 1,367; down in Newcastle from 3,865 head to2,910: and down in Scugog from 4,831 head to 2,890 head. Van Belle Floral Shoppes ...mücn more than a flower store! 4 STORES • Highway No. 2 • King SI. W., Oshawa • Slmcoe St. N. t Oshawa . • 100 DundasSt. W., |VAMKiiE* Whitby Trademarks ol Van Belle Gardens Liu Sam Cureatz CAMPAIGN OFFICES Bowmanville 623-5144 Brooklin . 655-3959 Orono 983-9126 Oshawa 433-0883 Port Perry • t 985-8424 Sam Works for Durham East SAM CUREATZ has shown a commitment to work for all of the riding. With riding offices in Oshawa, Bowmanville and Port Perry, he has responded to thousands of concerns from area residents. SAM CUREATZ contributed to the realization of many projects in Durham East, including Darlington Generating Station, improvements to local hospitals, highway improvements and funding for local Conservation Conservation Authorities. SAM CUREATZ gained the respect and confidence confidence of peers and colleagues at Queen's Park -- Deputy Speaker and Chairman of the Committee of the Whole House; Parliamentary Assistant to the Solicitor Solicitor General; Cabinet Minister. LET SAM CONTINUE TO WORK FOR YOU! On Sept. 10, Re-Elect CUREATZ DURHAM EAST Sponsored by Durham East P.C. Association