i s Newcastle 3nbenenbmt m m Editors: Hazel and Jack Crago Telephone 987-4201 Rev. and Mrs. Allan Hal- denby will be welcomed back. On Sept 20th, a combined combined service with St. Saviour's at St. George's will be held when Rev. Haïtien Haïtien by will officiate at Matins Matins and Holy Baptism will be administered. The August Baseball Game and Corn Roast proved very successful. We hear that Rev. Bob Mansfield Mansfield played on both sides and the game was tied at the end of the ninth inning. The corn roast was enjoyed at the home of Dr. and Mrs. Rod McArthur and family. The annual Walkalhon also a member of this hardball team. All the best, boys, when you meet your next opponents. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Pearce and Mrs. Kathleen Kimball visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Vance Cooper, Oshawa. Mrs. Brenlon Rickard recently recently spent a week with her daughter, the Ken Elas- chu.ks, at their Lake Mus- koka cottage. Sympathy is extended to relatives and friends of Louis Bellcfontaine whose funeral took place Monday, August 31st. The Bcl- lefontaines were former Edward St. neighbours. Last Monday Cheryl Masked Masked returned to the Hospital Hospital for Sick Children, had the stitches removed, and can now boast that the human lens eye transplant she had is a success. Isn't that great news? On Friday Mrs. Raye Fricdlander entertained Mr. and Mrs. Dwight S word figer, Cobourg, and Mr. and Mrs. Everett Davis, of Florida, on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. John Scott were among the many birthday birthday celebrants honouring her cousin Wilson Carson at a surprise buffet dinner at his Newtonville home on Sunday evening. Mrs. D. Coulter, Down- sview, and Mr. and Mrs. Harley Sherman and Donald, Beeton, were Sunday Sunday visitors with Miss Dor- rcne Powell and Floyd, Lake Shore. Mr. Arthur Bedwin and Fred, Lake Shore, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Murray and Col-' lecn, Frankford, enjoyed Kinmount Fair on the weekend. Last Monday visitors with Mrs. Raye Fricdlander were Pat Ward and Margaret Margaret Baker, Toronto. Many local residents enjoyed enjoyed Port Perry Fair on the weekend. Showing their Shorthorn Cattle there were Rick and Lynda Rickard Rickard and sons Andrew and Stewart, of Woodville. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Wade enjoyed the ball game at Exhibition Park on Saturday Saturday when the Blue Jays won! On Sunday Harry and Mabel Wade enjoyed Harry's birthday dinner in Oshawa with Bill and Marg and family. Harry's sister, Jean Cochrane, of Bowman- . ville and Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Douglas Wade and children, Oshawa, also enjoyed the birthday celebration. A recent holiday visitor with Marjorie Hagcrman was her daughter, Betty Qucener, of North Bergen, New Jersey. â>t. Raul's United Cfjurcf) Minister: Rev. N. E. Schemertiom, B.A., M. Div. Orgeniet: Mr. Deuglis Dewed Church Secretary: Helen Mclnnes 623-7346 SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 13, 1987 11:00 a.m. .... Worship Service > "How Many Times?" SUNDAY SCHOOL REGISTRATION Children will attend first part of church service with their parents. Nursery care for pre-school children every Sunday. If you're new to Bowmanville, we invite you to make St. Paul's your church home... Newcastle Area Evening Classes Bowmanville High School Fall 1987 PROGRAMS Monday 7:00 ■ 9:00 p.m. Car Care--A. Cole Cake Decorating -- J. Henry Conversational French -- A. Dormer Guitar -- Beginners/Advanced -- C. Arsenault Men's Fitness -- B. Martin Microcomputers - C-64 -- Beginners Knitting - Beginners -- T. Chittick Sign Language -- J. McKnight Typing - Beginners/Advanced -- G. Gilpin Upholstery -- R. Whyte Women's Aerobic/Fitness -- S. Cook Word Processing -- T. Shackelton Yoga -- L. Pawley Tuesday 7:00 - 9:00 p.m. Accounting Part I -- G. Gilpin Accounting Part II -- G. Gilpin Conversational German -r- A. Dormer Horticulture -- M. Slute Knitting - Advanced -- T. Chittick Pottery -- V. Sawyer SPECIAL PROGRAMS Durham House Child & Family Centre presents: Positive Parenting -- T. Reid - Mon. 7-9 - $37 Living with Teens - T. Reid - Tue. 7-9 - $37 NCCP - Coaching Level 1 Theory Tues. 7-9,14 hrs. - $10.00 Hunter Safety - G. Nelson Mon. 7-9,16 hrs.-$30.00 Photography - W. Hunt Mon. 7-10, 24 hrs. - $44.50 Introduction to Electronic Music Ron Parker - Wed. 8 wks., 16 hrs. - $30.00 Correspondence Courses - Gr. 9-13 Fees $37.00 per 20-hour course ($20.00 Senior Citizens) plus any material costs. CLASSES BEGIN MONDAY, SEPT. 21 AND TUESDAY, SEPT.' 22 AND RUN 10 WEEKS REGISTRATION: September 12 September 14 September 15 11:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. at Bowmanville Mall 7:00-9:00 p.m. at B.H.S. 7:00 - 9:00 p.m. at B.H.S. OR Mail in the form below to: N. Johnson Bowmanville High School 49 Liberty Street North Bowmanville, Ontario, L1C 2L8 Registration Form - Please print - (Make cheques payable to B.H.S. Evening Classes! Name: Address: Phone - Home: Business: Monday Night: 1st choice:. Tuesday Night: 1st choice:. 2nd choice:. 2nd choice:. Mr. George Pethick, Scarborough Scarborough visited recently with Mrs. May Burley and Mr. Arthur Clark. Birthday greetings to Elan Rickard, Kathleen Powell, Eva Couch, Maureen Maureen Powell and Erla Jose. Sympathy is extended to relatives and friends of Sophie Holubenko whose funeral was Wednesday, September 2nd. On Saturday, Sepbembcr 5, 1987, Wendy May Procher, of Bowmanville, and Paul Edward Caswell, son of Marjorie and Jim Caswell, Newcastle , were united in marriage by Rev. Donald Stiles, at Newcastle- United Church. Rev. Donald Stiles officiated at the wedding wedding of Sharlene Falk and Allan Hooer, both of Oshawa, on Saturday, Sept. 5, 1987. Mrs. Ellen Duxbury is a patient in Memorial Hospital, Hospital, Bowmanville. Mrs. Christina Selby is a patient in Oshawa General Hospital and Mrs. Joanne Burns is in Dr. J.O.Ruddy General Hospital, Whitby. Good wishes go with Patricia Patricia Verbeek as she begins studies at Lakehead University. University. Last Wednesday, Russell, Graydcn, and Adrien Hunt, Pontypool, visited their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Powell. Russell stayed for a few days holidays holidays and went home on Sunday. Sunday. On Thursday night, Judy Powell, Jill Coombes, Bowmanville, Bowmanville, and Maureen McClelland, of Baltimore, Quebec, but now in Bowmanville, Bowmanville, were supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Stanley Powell and Russell. Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Harding, Long Beach, California, visited last Thursday with Miss Dorrene Powell, Lake Shore. Mrs. Margaret ,Pearce returned returned home Sunday after spending a week with Mr. and MrS. Ron Pearce and girls, Lindsay. Mr. and Mrs. Robin Alldred and Mr. Douglas Rowe, spent the weekend in Cambridge enjoying a ball tournament. On Saturday, Mr. Ron Burley and Mr. Ross Allin enjoyed the day at Milton where the steam show was held at the Agricultural Museum. On Sunday the editors attended attended Port Perry Fair, after which they made a brief call at Garnet Porter's. Anglican Church News Rev. Bob Mansfield officiated officiated at Holy Communion Communion at eight o'clock and at the 11 o'clock service at St. George's Anglican Church on Sunday, September 6. The congregation is grateful grateful to Mr. Oakley Peters, Lay Reader, who serves the church conscientiously. Rev. Bob Mansfield and Lay Reader, Oakley Peters, will continue to serve St. George's throughout September September with the exception of September 20th when HIDDEN TREASURE? "The Kingdom of heaven heaven is like treasure hidden hidden in a field. When a man found it he hid it again, and then in his joy went and sold all he had and bought that field." Matthew 13:44 The Holy Bible has the directions for you. BAHA'I FAITH "It bohovolh the sovereigns sovereigns ... or the ministers of the earth to take council together and to adopt one of the existing languages or a now one to be taught in schools throughout the world, and likewise one script. Thus the whole earth will come to bo regarded regarded as one country. Well is it with him who hoarkeneth unto His Call." For Information call 623-7621 nr 623-9277, for Outreach will be held on Saturday, September 2G, starting at St. Saviour's, Orono, at nine O'clock and proceeding through the Provincial Forest Station at Orono. Sponsors and walkers walkers for this event, arc most welcome. Sunday School starts the middle of September with Charles Packer accepting willing workers, teachers, and volunteers, to allow rotation rotation of the work load. Nursery Nursery school helpers arc requested requested to contact Mrs. Rod McArthur. The Wednesday morning group of' the ACW will be The Canadian Statesman. Bowm meeting September 9 at 9 a.m. until noon, for quilting and crafts. New Members are most welcome. If interested. interested. please contact Betty Blaker at 987-4827. The Sidesmen for Sep- le m be r a re Wa rd en Will ia m Clarke, Walter Gibson, and John Cunningham. United Church News Beautiful (lowers, arranged arranged by Anneke Verbeek, graced the sanctuary of Newcastle United Church on Sunday, September 6. Lay reader was Mr. Jack Chard,Chairman of Mission and Outreach Committee and choir member. Rev. anvillc. September 9. 1987 5 Donald Stiles delivered the sermon,The Value ofWork. The Official Board will meet Tuesday evening. Sept. 15, at eight o'clock at the church. Since Ray and Cathy Lab- rie have a new son, Daniel Phillip, a new leader is required required for the Youth Club. Mrs. Jean Kimball of Newtonville UCW reports they are sponsoring a bus trip to tlie Kitchener market market and factory outlets on Saturday, October 3rd, leaving leaving at 7 a.m. Tickets $10.50. Call Jean at 780-2944 or Inez Roughen at 780-2239. PORT HOPE PLYMOUTH CHRYSLER LTD. Clout ITS WHAT VALUE IS ALL ABOUT! VEKSiS'. SAV BRAND NEW '87 Le Baron GTC Premium Edition Fully Loaded Save $1750 1/ W 1'87 TURBO Powered Le Baron Convertible White with Real Leather J Brand New 1 Left at Chrysler Special Discount Price Was $17,196 Now $14,974 One of Only 1000 Built At this Special Price. A SAVE $1850.00 PROTECTIOH BEST BUILT, BEST BACKED I Twilight 2 dr. Coupe PORT HOPE PLYMOUTH CHRYSLER Hwy. #2 at Jocelyn St., Port Hope 885-6331 'VA VALUE Good Selection of Back-to-School Supplies Binders - Exercise Books - Calculators Pens and Much More! Kleenex Boutique Table Napkins 99 e Thomas Everton Shampoo and Conditioner *1.15 500 ml Cover Girl Parity Hose Bonus Offer: Free Mascara $ 1.89 Hi-Dri Table Napkins $ 1.49 150's Tide Detergent Scented or Unscented *4.59 6 litres Pay Your Telephone Bill Here for Only 10° McGregor I.D.A. Drugs 5 King St. W. 623-5792 Bowmanville