i Section Two The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, September 16, 1987 7 SPECIALS AVAILABLE ALL WEEK MON.-SAT.!! CUT FROM CANADA GRADE 'A' BEEF FROM CANADA PACKERS AND CANADIAN DRESSED MEAT PLANTS STEMS 4 ROUSTS ★ SIRLOIN! ★ ROUND! ★ T-BONE! (LIMITED QUANTITIES) ★ PORTERHOUSE! (LIMITED QUANTITIES) H.P. SAUCE mum. 99 anb Distant fast 50 Years Ago Thursday, September 9, 1937 An important business change in Bowmanville is announced this week. The Greenhouses and Flower Shop operated in connection connection with the Brookdale- Kingsway Nurseries have been leased by Mr. Leo Rammcl and Mr. A. Luen- nenmann, both men of long experience in the floral business. The greenhouses on the King Street property and the Kingsway Flower Shop in the Jury Jubilee Block will now be operated under the name of Kingsway Kingsway Greenhouses and Flower Shop. Her many friends will be glad to hear that Mrs. L.G. Gale will continue continue as manager of the Flower Shop. around as he broke his leg some weeks ago and still requires requires crutches. 25 Years Ago The three Tobacco Kings chosen this year at Orono Fair arc Frank and John Mikula, Kendal, and Glen Atkins, Baltimore, who tied for First place. Miss Mary Snowden, Castleton, was chosen Tobacco Queen. Gordon C. Martin, Bowmanville, Bowmanville, was appointed manager for the negative in the plebiscite under the Liquor Control Act to be held in Bowmanville October October 17. DAINTY LONG GRAIN BICE LARGE 10 kg BAG soVff SAUCE 500 mL BTL. 2 BAG UMIT sgflg ARRIVING DAILY FROM ONTARIO FARMS w CANADA #1 GRADE BARTLETT PEARS FILL YOUR OWN BAG Eight hundred and forty children who little more "than a week ago were enjoying enjoying summer holidays are now busily settling down to routine studies in Bowmanville Bowmanville Public and High Schools. Public Schools registration js so heavy that eleven children who will not be six years of age before before the end of this month were sent home after five days. In sending them home, Principal A.M. Thompson was carrying out the edict of the Public School Board on Tuesday night. Dr. R.P. Vivian will not be a candidate in the next federal federal election and will be returning returning to McGill University University as a staff member. 10 Years Ago Nominated for the Queen's Silver Jubilee Medal are Beatrice Campbell, Harry Gay, Stan Dunn, and Elva Reid and John M. James. Mr. and Mrs. George Anderson, Anderson, Newcastle, was the winner of a trip for two to Nassau, in the Bowmanville Carnival Days Scrabble Contest. SWISS STIRRED -ASSORTED FLAVOURS GAY LEA YOGOURT CflNlEÏTEW Ml PRODUCT OF ONTARIO CANADA #1 GRADE Fred R. Philp, of Nestle- ton, Cartwright Township, has been appointed Returning Returning Officer for Durham County in the Provincial Election on October 6th. Mr. Philp is the busiest man in the county these days and is handicapped in getting Diana Lee, Canada's top female country singer, will be entertaining visitors to Orono Fair on September 10. Sheila James, Trull's Road South, placed second in the high jump competition competition in the Legion's national finals in Fredericton, New Brunswick, last weekend. CABBAGE Jr. Farmers Plant SELECT YOUR OWN JUMBO SIZE Seeds for the Needy Ba $ PRODUCT OF ONTARIO «S' CANADA #1 GRADE WHITE POTATOES LARGE 50 LB. BAG CONDITIONER 13 limit! 300 mL BTL.^ 1.99 BÜY POWDER £ r 200gBONUS "^5^/ LIMI" ,2(9 CONCENTRATED FABRIC SOFTENER ciuitcci 1 1 LJUG P AÛ6 ■111 UWill 12 limit! -- E 99* LAUNDRY DETERGENT WISKÊ 12 LIMIT) .LARGE 3 LJUG 599 DOG FOOD -- ASSORTED^ ALPOA [12 limit] my/ IS) O œ PRODUCT OF U.S.A. CAUF0RNIA selectyour own HONEYDEWsd.49 PRODUCT OF NEW ZEALAND SEL Kiwirann O ^ h 0 ni . r-- 1 PRODUCT OF ARGENTINA FILL YOUR OWN BAG 86^1ééb39? PRODUCT OF U.S.A. CAUFORNIA SEL SUNKISTRED GRAPEFRUIT™ EOT YOUR OWN m JS, PRODUCT OF ONTARIO 5 LB. BAG PRODUCT OF U.S.A. CALIFORNIA FILL YOUR OWN BAG W "NEW CROP" FANCY GRADE Jt M ^ A A MTÉM 1.9912.18. life 99! PRODUCT OF U.S.A. CALIFORNIA FILL YOUR OWN BAG r Mm, PRODUCT OF ONTARIO OR Q W CANADA #1 GRADE CELERY UEBEC SELECT Y SIZE I 24's 1 OUR OWN' 59Î Ht PRODUCT OF ONTARIO FILL YOUR #1 GRADE | CO green large , | .34, PEPPERS SEE OWN BAG 69? H PRODUCT OF ONTARIO CANADA #1 GRADE WASHED Me CARROTS" v3 TRUCKLOADS DAILY FROM ONTARIO FARMS. PEPPER SQUASH ANY SIZE m by Gretchen Ballantyne The Durham East Junior Farmers took their "Plant a Seed for Need" program to the residents of Orono as they canvassed through the village collecting food for the Fare Share Food Bank in Port Hope. The Junior Farmers met at the Orono Arena last Thursday evening and started out in trucks and cars to make the rounds of Orono village. Orono was chosen as the canvassing site because the Junior Farmers were also in the village that evening to prepare prepare their booth for the Orono Fair. Food donations will also be accepted at the Junior Farmers booth throughout the four-days of the Orono Fair. The Junior Farmers of Durham East are one of 49 Junior Farmer groups province province wide. They are considered considered a social service club for rural youth, with their biggest function being fundraising fundraising for charities. The provincial decision this year was to focus fund raising on food for the hungry. hungry. Club members in Ontario Ontario have set aside plots in their gardens to grow food to donate to local food banks. "Up to now we've donated food we've grown ourselves and collected at the Blackstock Fair," said Bruce Brown, a member of Junior Farmers. "We are only giving to the Port Hope Food Bank because we haven't found another food bank in our area." The Fare Share Food Bank is extremely appreciative appreciative of the donations which will help in their efforts efforts to feed the hungry in the area. "Our fund raising can go towards towards anything," explained Elizabeth Kelly, president of the Durham East Junior Farmers. "In March we (provincially) raised $20,000 for the Children's Wish Fund. We also give money to hospitals. Last year we raised money for The Drug and Alcohol Abuse Fund by pushing a bed to London, Ontario." The Durham East Junior Farmers have 50 members ranging from 15 to 30 years of age. The group has an official official meeting once a month, but 'gets together frequently for dances and other events. There are five major provincial events where all the Ontario Junior Farmers meet. In order to make the food drive a success, the Junior Farmers would appreciate it if everyone remembered to bring a donation along with them to the Orono Fair! Crimestoppers Crime Stoppers and the Durham Regional Police are asking for the Public's help in solving a number of incidents and eventually a serious fire at Whitby Property Property Maintenance on Taunton Taunton Road just East of Highway Highway 12 in Whitby. On July 9th this year, during during the evening, someone threw two Molotov Cocktails Cocktails onto the property but they didn't ignite. During the night of July 13th and 14th, three Molotov Cocktails Cocktails were thrown through an open window causing minor damage. On July 22nd at about 10:25 p.m. the entire building, building, stock and equipment was destroyed by fire. The value was about'$80,000. Crime Stoppers will pay up to $1000 for information leading to the arrest of the people responsible for this damage. Similar rewards will be paid for information leading to an arrest in any serious case. Callers never have to give their names or appear in court. The Crime Stoppers office is open 8 a.m. to 10 p.m. Monday to Friday and the phone numbers are: 1-222-8477 or 1-800-387- 8477 Toll free for all calls including including from pay phones. Sgt. Sandy Kyrie ofthe Durham Regional Police Force writes this article to help combat crime. 10 West - Mississauga DIXIE MALL At Dixie Rd, South ol Queen Elizabeth Way North - Markham WOODBINE I NORTH I At No. 7 Highway: Markham Central - Toronto 222 Lansdowne Avenue Corner Dundas St. West North York Terminal at Downtown - Toronto 222 CHERRY STREET Just South of the Lift Bridge East - Pickering HWY.2& BROCK RD. In Pickering OSHAWA/DURHAM FIRST AVE. Between Simcoe & Ritson Just ■ "Stone's Throw" North ol 401 2549 Weston Rd. Just south of Hwy. 401 I THURSDAY |8A.M.-10P.M. F 8 A. 'RIDAY M.-10P.M. SATURDAY 7A.M.-10P.M.