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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 11 Nov 1987, p. 5

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The ('iinadinn Sl:ilesin;m. liowm;niville. November II. 1987 5 SfcurcaatU Snbcpeniient Editors: Hazel and Jack Crago Telephone 987-4201 Mr. Serge Jacquin returned to Mont Pelerin, Switzerland after a vocation here, staying with friends, the Metrailler family. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Stiles visited with his brother Reverend Reverend and Mrs Donald Stiles and Don on Saturday. The Fred Graham family, Toronto, and the Hodsolls, Whitby, were Saturday visitors visitors with Mrs. Lena Graham. Mr. and Mrs. Tracy Em- blcv, Fenelon Falls, and Mr. and Mrs. Scott Moore and sons, Bobcaygeon, were Saturday Saturday guests of Mrs. Reta Emblcy. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Slater, of Oakville, were week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. John Scott. Mr. Joe Burns and Cory, Bowmanville, visited on Saturday Saturday afternoon with their former neighbours, Jack and Hazel Crago. Mrs. Lillian Clemence, Oshawa, was a guest of nephew Edward Glenney Saturday evening at the turkey turkey supper and later visited Miss Marjorie Clemence.- Miss Ada Pascoe, Port Credit, visited on the week end with her niece, Mr. and Mrs. Ron Powell and Gary and also enjoyed the Newcastle Newcastle United Church Turkey supper. Mr. Ken Pearce, Orange- Mr. Murray Jose, Sir Wil- ville and his sister Peggy Vis- fred Laurier University, Wa- ser of Toronto were in the terloo, spent the week-end Mr. and Mrs. Ross Allin enjoyed enjoyed Friday and Saturday in Guelph, visiting their families, families, the Gordon Allins and the Ross Brownlees. village on Saturday to enjoy the turkey supper and they visited Mr. and Mrs. Henry Pearce, Bowmanville and brother Albert and his wife Myrtle, Newcastle. On Thursday and Friday Candy and her father Bill Storks were in Parry Sound. Mr. and Mrs. Dean Fried- lander and Jason, Toronto, spent the week-end with his mother, Mrs. Raye Fried- lander. Enjoying the week-end with their grandmother, Wilda Johnson, were Krista and Mark Rumbles, of Norwood. Saturday evening visitors; with Mrs. Gladys Wood' were Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Wood, Orono and Mr. and Mrs. Harold Wood, Oshawa. Mrs. Laveme Wood, Peterborough, Peterborough, visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Neil Wood and girls and in the afternoon afternoon with Mrs. Gladys Wood. Last Monday, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Wade attended the funeral funeral of Mr. George Beare, Greenwood. BAHA'I FAITH "Study the sciences, acquire more and more knowledge. One may learn to the end of one's life! Use your knowledge always for the benefit of others; so may war cease from off the face of this beautiful earth, and a glorious edifice of peace and concord be raised." For information phone . 623-7621 or 623-9277. . TRINITY UNITED CHURCH Church and Division Streets Bowmanville, Ontario Church Phone Office Phone 623-3912 623-3138 Ministers: Rev. Frank Lockhart M.A. M.Div. M.Th. Michelle Morrisori-Glover B.A., M.R.E. Sunday, Nov. 15,1987 11:00 a.m. Sermon Title: "Use Them or Lose Them" ROAST BEEF DINNER Saturday, Nov. 14, 5 p.m. and 6:30 p.m. Tickets: Bea Wells 623-2027, Church Office 623-3138 or James Insurance 623-4406. For information on Nursery Care and Church School Call 623-3138 Serving Bowmanville and area since 1835 155 Years of Community Service Anglican (Eljurcl] Temperance Street, Bowmanville, Ontario SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 15th, 1987 TRINITY XXII 8:00 a.m. Holy Communion 11:00 a.m. Holy Communion Wednesday 9:30 a.m. Holy Communion and Laying On of Hands for Healing Rector -- The Reverend Byron Yates B.A., S.T.B. Assoc. -- The Honorary Asst. The Rev. A.D. Langley S>t. Raul's ®mteb Ctnirct) Minister: Riv. N. E. Sehimirhom, B.A., H. Div. Organist: Mr. Doutlai DiwiII Church Sicrstsry: Helen Mclnnei 623-7346 SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 15th, 1987 11:00 a.m. "The Force" St. Paul's Players will present special musical selections from Showtime '87 SUNDAY SCHOOL Children will attend first part of service with their parents Nursery cure for pre-school children every Sunday. If you 're new to Bowmanville, we Invite you to make St. Paul's your church home... - 'P 1 with his family. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Henderson, Henderson, Newtonville,visited on Sunday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Robin Alldred. Saturday evening guests of Mrs.K. Kimball included Mr. and Mrs. Vance Cooper, Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs. Newton Newton Ashton, Bowmanville and Mrs. Helen Nesbitt. Miss Candy Storks has returned returned to her home in Kent- ville, Nova Scotia. Last Wednesday, Candy and her mother Pauline Storks and her aunt Raye Friedlander spent the day in London. On Saturday Mr. Douglas Wade and Paul, of Oshawa, were luncheon guests of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Wade. On Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Harry Wade visited with cousin, Mrs. Velma Wood, Fenelon Falls. Sunday visitors with Mrs. Margaret Pearce were Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Pearce, Melanie, Jennifer and Rhonda Rhonda of Lindsay. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Glover,Oshawa Glover,Oshawa were Wednesday Wednesday evening dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Wade. Historical News On November 16, at 8 p.m. Dr. David Cowman will speak to the Newcastle and District Historical Society about his fabulous antique clock collection-and bring some examples. The slate of officers for 1987-88 are as follows: Past President Lynn Lovekin; President Pat Mac- donnell; Vice President Francis Francis Jose; Secretary Lorraine Lover; Treasurer Jean Rickard; Rickard; Directors, Denis Schmiegelow, Grace Rudell, Lynda Willsher, " Mabel Goode, Diana Grandfield, Herbert Taylor; Advisory, Ron Locke. At the last meeting a tape of interviews conducted by the society was shown, ana enjoyed enjoyed by all. More interviews are planned when a new camera is purchased shortly. St. George s Church News. Work on the church roof was started last week and this week should see the completion of the outside repairs. repairs. Although there is still some minor work needed at the Rectory,it was ready for the new incumbent, his wife and daughter to move in Saturday. Saturday. On October 31 at St. James Cathederal Judge E.R.Lovekin, St. George's Lay Delegate to Synod, in obedience to the Archbishop's Archbishop's summons, took part in the election which resulted in the Rt. Reverend Terence Finlay becoming Coadjutor * " T< Bishop of the Toronto Dio- The ACW bazaar last Saturday Saturday brought out a large crowd and in consequence realized a handsome profit. The Lone Star Quilt made by the Wednesday Morning guests for their lovely pres- Group was on display and entatio attracted much admira- tion.Although not quite complete, complete, it was sold. Draw prizes prizes were won by Hope Carveth, Melanie McArthur, Sunshine Unit of the UCW was inspired by the presentation presentation given by Dr. Jane Philpot who showes slided of West African countries, their people and their problems. Joining Dr. Philpot was her friend Nancy Allin who added added her musical talent to the programme. Jean Allin, Evelyn Evelyn Northrup and Myrtle Pearce presented the devotional devotional on Love, President Sheila Stiles conducted the business and thanked the Philippa Schmiegelow, Tra- Hazel cy Duetta and Munro. May On Sunday, Legion Crosses were on the altar in memory of those who died in the two world wars. Two minutes of silence were followed by the National Anthem. Veterans of three services assisted Mr. Oakley Peters (RCNVR) in Morning Prayer, Judge E.R. Lovekin(RCAF) led the responsive responsive reciting of the psalm, Mr. Arthur Wynn (RCA) read the First Lesson, Mr. William Clarke (RAF) the Second Lesson, and Mr. Jack Holland(RCAF) and Verger Sam Brereton (RCNVR) were sidesmen. On behalf of Mrs. Warren Tait and the ACW Mr. Peters Peters thanked everyone who participated in any way in the bazaar-not only for donations donations of crafts and baking, but for coming out and supporting supporting their efforts. Next Sunday the new incumbent, incumbent, the Reverend Douglas Hall, will officiate for the first time, celebrating Holy Communion at 8 ana 11 o'clock. 11 is hoped there will be a good turnout to wel- | come him to the Parish, ii The sidesmen for Novem- jjber are the Rector's Warden jDenis Schmiegelow, the Deputy Diana Grandfield ana Jack Holland. On Monday evening the domcor bare in a girl's tomorrotv Volunteer as a Big Sister today. 387Simcoe St. S. Oshawa Telephone 436-0951 ASK RICK "Does Domcor offer cleaning agents for their line of no wax vinyl floors?" Jhe answer is at... Z)/CKSO// FLOOR COVERING LTD. HIGHWAY 2 1 mile west of Cobourg 2 Our Christmas Perm Special Si ■ IS BACK! * | 25% OFF all Perms \ (cut and style included) *j NOV. 16thruDEC. 18 jjj S Complete Family Hair Care Û. The staff of Suzie's Styling Salon k would like to welcome the new ^ " residents of Foster Creek. "COMPLETE FAMILY HAIRCARE" | SUZIE'S STYLING SALON 1 Si 109 KING ST. E„ NEWCASTLE 987-5221 » » » entation. On Sunday.November 15, Newcastle United Church anniversary will be celebrated celebrated with Fred Kimball Graham Graham at the organ from 9:45 to 10:15 and then as guest speaker. His topic will be Building Spiritual Houses. The turkey supper was a great success on Saturday evening. Thanks to all who contributed and worked. A special tribute to the kitchen ladies who keep the food hot and perspire over the dishwashing. dishwashing. At the service on Sunday, November 8th, Glenn Allin rendered the beautiful solo, The Blind Ploughman. Lay reader was Mrs. Romona Rickard and Reverend Stiles preached the sermon, And the Choice Goes By Forever. In keeping with Remembrance Remembrance Day, a poem and E rayer for Remembrance lay were read by the minister, minister, followed by two minutes minutes of silence. On Thursday afternoon, November 5, at the home of Mrs. K. Kimball, members of the Trillium Unit of the UCW heard guest speaker Mrs. Helen Golieen tell of the work of the Gideons. There was a good attendance at this meeting. Newcastle Community Bowling Monday Night Ladies 175 and Over Ina Brown 203, Dorothy Drysdale 180,192, Sadie De- veaux 187, Louise McKnight 178, Loma Crockett 190, Gail Tutkoluk 187, Linda Caswell 175, Betty Majors 199, Marilyn Marilyn Majors 228,188. Tuesday Seniors 165 and Over. George Buckley 187, 245, Vance Cooper 178, Jack Holmes 197. Thursday Mixed 175 and Over Fae Forget 176, 206, Tom Kindratiuk 278, 233, Ron Refile 195, Chris Nicholson 223, Wes Forget 252, 242, 220, Kathy Jury 204, Betty Richards 193, John McGuey 189, Shelley McGuey 190, Karen Wright 247, Ken Boud 187, Carol Lycett 193, Ken Jury 296, 251, Elaine Refile 190, 193, Joe Forget 206, 248,184, Jackie Kindratiuk Kindratiuk 186, Don Wright 224, Bill Brown 283, Dave Moore 195. Youth Bowling Seniors over 100. N. Darrach 115, B. Metcalf 106, M. Werheid 103, T. Whitehead 103,109, B. Coyle 125, 160, L. Wright 112, S. Harman 129, 206, J.Rogers 209, D. Miller 205, 128, M. Coyle 130, 207, J.Hughes 111, M. Stacey 127, 116, P. Darrachl31, T. DeJong 115, 136, C. Vanderstarre 103, J. BemeylSl, 127. Juniors over 65. J.Norton 71,73, V.Norton90, B.Leach71, J.Richardson67,69, D.Wernick77, N.Titkoluk70, N.Norton67, Angela Dar- rachl06,100, J. Schmahl70, N.Duval86, T.Green82,160, iA. Lynde81,81. Before you send it, seal it... with a Christmas Seal! Join the fight against lung disease. Fred Graham Coming Home Fred Kimball Graham: Organist Organist and Teacher will be the guest at the 163rd ANNIVERSARY ANNIVERSARY OF NEWCASTLE NEWCASTLE UNITED CHURCH ON SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 15th. Mr. Graham is presently a candidate for the doctorate in theological studies at Drew University , New Jersey, Jersey, where his area of specialty specialty is the history of liturgy. liturgy. Mr. Graham, son of Mrs. Lena Graham of Newcastle, and the late Alf Graham, was born and raised in Newcastle where he began his early studies in music. Before coming to his present position ofassistant organist at Grace Church on-the-Hill, Mr. Graham was lecturer in church music music at the Atlantic School of Theology, Halifax, N.S. from 1979-85. In Halifax, he was also professor of organ music at Dalhousie University University and director of music at All Saints Cathedral. Those attending the Anniversary Anniversary Service in Newcastle Newcastle United Church on November November 15th will have the opportunity to hear Mr. Graham play a number of organ selections beginning at 9:45 a.m. During the service, service, music will be provided by the Junior ana Senior Choirs and by "The Country Four." The title of Mr. Graham's address will be: "Building Spiritual Houses." Following the service of worship a light lunch will be served. Vincent Massey News a a a nan o 1 fx/ onnt fnr fnn ^ It was a penalty shot for the Demolitions. Doug Parkins, ready to kick, was restlessly waiting for Mr. Stapleton to blow the whistle. Tweet!!! and Doug Parkins kicked and he scored!! There was only one minute left in the game and the Demolitions won 1-0 against the Hurricanes. Hurricanes. What an exciting game! Vincent Massey has Been playing houseleague soccer for a month ana a half. We had some tough games but it was a lot of fun. The other teams were Strikers, Strikers, Thundercats, Globe Trotters, Windwhistlers, Breakaways, Wildcats. Congratulations Congratulations to all the teams for participation and good sportsmanship. Hannah Whately In Mr. Stapleton's class they are doing subtraction in math. In spelling they are doing individual cards. First we write the list words in our spelling list word books, then we do the activities in our work book. When one of the children is done he or she puts their name cards on the test board and another child will dictate to that child and then they'll switch. In reading they are doing a booklet on Remembrance Day with activities, such as illustrating "In Flanders Fields." In E.S. They're doing more work on Australia and finishing finishing up a home project on conservation and pollution. Everything is going well here and I nope it stays that way. Michael Pot. All the students in Mrs. Medd's classroom think that the year will be a good one, not only because Mrs. Medd is their teacher but because of the way she does things. Such as: when the students do their studies about the world they do some neat things with" their atlases. They get to trace their maps instead of using photocopies. They are now doing a monster monster unit and on October 30, instead of a Hallowe'en party, party, they had a monster party. Here are some comments from a few of the students. JACK: Jack says he likes math the best because Mrs. Medd gives him helpful hints that make it easier for him to understand it. ANDREW: Andrew says that so far he liked the field trip we took when we went to the Outdoor Education Centre a few weeks ago. . MANDY: Mandy says that her favourite thing is the Physical Education program that Mrs. Medd does with the class. She is teaching them the basics of soccer ana soccer rounders. 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