i Section Two The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanvillc, November 18. 1987 3 Cancer Society Coffers Benefit from Hit-a-thon Unanimous Support for GO Expansion The Bowmanville Jaycettes sponsored a hit-a-thon in August with the proceeds going to the Cancer Society. Society. The winner, Stephen Brown, is seen above with the gym bag that he won for his hitting efforts. The fund-raiser took place over a two week period of league games, with the players obtaining sponsors The Bowmanville and District Unit of the Canadian Canadian Cancer Society held its first meeting of the 1987-88 year on Monday, October 26 at the Lions Centre. Our new President, David Tillcock, called the meeting to order and welcomed the new Campaign Chairman, Ernie Eves, by wishing him every success for the 1988 campaign. The Treasurer, Rita Tillcock, gave the year-end report noting that we surpassed surpassed our target of $34,000.00 by reaching a grand total of $52,659.93 from campaign receipts. In Memorium receipts were $12,314.25 and Bequests were $300.00, bringing our total incoming money to $62,274.18. Thank you Bowmanville Bowmanville area residents for your support! Our Patient Services program has had a very busy year providing emotional emotional and finanical support support to our cancer patients. Requested ostomy supplies totalled $3150.00 and the cost for the provision of a room at Princess Margaret Lodge during treatment of a family member was 201.00. We would like to thank our drivers for being such a dedicated and understanding understanding group of people. 339 trips were made taking 444 patients. The drivers were reimbursed almost $10,600.00 for gas mileage which adds up to many hun- universal Life insurance... so flexible it can adjust to your changing needs and a fluctuating economy. Check with State Farm. flM.'sSi DON IRVINE 108 Waverley Road Bowmanville 623-4482 Like a good neighbor. Stale Farm is there. Many thinking people are pre-arranging funerals At quiet times, along with their own private thoughts, many people --both young and elderly --are making the sensible decision to pre-arrange theirfuneral. Their wishes are made known well before time of need, removing stress from surviving relatives. Call or write for our selection of brochures on the various aspects of funerals and pre-planning. Northcutt Elliott Funeral Home 53 Division Street BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO L1C 2Z8 Phone 623-5668 ["«'■rar /tenir, '"rTim'-wimr/sira r ??i!Finr '-irrwr IÜÏ fü'jM mm h/JO ONLY ROWMANVIl l E OSHAWA DODGt DFAIFR Kl\(i\ All MOTORS LTD. i Mi'; I I 723 11/3 723 11/6 i --i MUNI 8 ■H ■ *T7l m NOW OPEN SATURDAYS! (Ionic* set* Robert Bennett Ron Peters l y le Smith Terry Pelvis or Ted Whiling A*.k y ou i neighbor why Ihey houghl Iheii now tju Imm Kiih|v,ii Mulm -, for their hits. Also on hand for the presentation were, from left, Ernie Eves (campaign chairman for the Bowmanville and District Cancer Society), Bonnie Bonnie Brown (Jaycette co-ordinator for the hit-a-thon), Stephen Brown, and David Tillcock (president of the Bowmanville and District Cancer Society). dreds of miles travelled. If you would like to become a volunteer driver, please call our Transportation Convenor, Pat Schell. We are always in need of more drivers to take cancer patients patients for treatment. Our two Education volunteers, volunteers, Mary Tillcock and Gwen Meraw, reported on the Cancer Society's Education Education Conference they attended. attended. Both felt it was a very worthwhile and informative informative Weekend and are looking forward to putting together educational programs programs for the community. You are reminded that our unit has films and presentations presentations available to your group or organization. These can be booked through Mary for Adult Education, and Gwen for Youth Education. Either of these ladies are very willing willing to visit your group or classroom to present a program program on any cancer-related topic. Out Patient Services Chairman, Kay Rehder, with two of our Reach to Recovery Recovery visitors, attended a workshop in Lindsay this past month and received up-dated training and information. information. Our Slate of Officers was presented with almost all positions filled. However, we are still in need of a Public Relations Chairman and a Special Events Chairman to complete complete the slate. If anyone is interested in becoming a volunteer for one of these positions, we would appreciate appreciate hearing from you. Both positions are vital parts of our team's effort to uphold the Cancer Society's mandate of giving cancer patients hope, or educating, the public, and of raising funds for the cause. We do hope to hear from someone who would be interested in either P.R. work or in organizing organizing special events for us. Christman is coming and our Unit still has available our best-selling cookbook "Smart Cooking". It makes, an excellent gift and is priced at $14.95 with a percentage percentage of the sale going to Cancer Society funds. Bowmanville and District Unit Executive: President David Tillcock (623-4326); Vice-President • Fred Tip- pins (623-2468); Secretary Betty Dakin (623-2895); Treasurer Treasurer Rita Tillcock (623- 7155); Campaign Chairman Ernie Eves (623-4104); Adult Education Chairman Mary Tillcock (6234326); Youth Education Chairman Gwen Meraw (623-5632); Patient Services Chairman Kay Rehder Rehder (623-5865); Reach to Recovery Convenor Ev Werry (623-2823); Transportation Transportation Convenor Pat Schell (623-5573); Medical Advisor Dr. Paul Hoy (623-1161). by Carolyn Hepburn Newcastle councillors have thrown their full support behind the proposed proposed GO Train extension route to Oshawa. Councillors also voted in support of an exemption exemption for the project from hearings under the Environmental Environmental Assessment Act, which would help the GO Train arrive by the 1991 deadline. At the council meeting on Monday, November 9, a presentation from Ian Williams, a consultant with M.M. Dillon Ltd., outlined the preferred route and sites for stations. stations. From the four possible extension routes from Whitby to Oshawa, Alternative Alternative 3 has been chosen based on analysis of advantages advantages and disadvantages disadvantages and the input received received by the public, elected officials and municipal technical staff. The proposed route will run from Whitby south of 401 along the Canadian National Railway Railway tracks then head north to the Canadian Pacific Railway line just east of Thorton Road in Oshawa. The route would then continue along the CPR tracks to a lay-over station west of Courtice Road in Newcastle. Newcastle. Under the present proposal there will be one station just south of the Oshawa Centre and a second one east of the Holiday Inn in Oshawa. According to Mr. Williams, Williams, the present extension extension from Pickering to Whitby would allow service service to begin by the end of 1988. It is hoped that the extension to Oshawa would see service by 1991. Under plans several years ago for a proposed Light Rail Transit (LRT) system, an environmental environmental assessment was already already passed. While ad : mitting that assessment, is no longer valid, Mr. Williams said that the present route has even fewer impacts than the LRT line. Without an exemption from hearings, Mr. Williams Williams said that the job of reaching Oshawa by 1991 would "be a very difficult difficult task." In voting favorably for the motion in support of the route and exemption from environmental assessment assessment hearings, there ivere a few questions about the proposed layover layover station which is to be built in Courtice. The station will only be used for storage and light maintenance, according according to Mr. Williams. Councillor Frank Stapleton raised concerns concerns about possible noise and diesel fuel emissions from the engines engines that would stay at the station overnight. It was explained that the engines would plug into an electrical current current in order to keep warm for start up in the mornings. "They will be completely completely quiet," said Frank Goh, from GO Transit. Also of concern was the amount of parking at the terminus station near the Holiday Inn in Oshawa.; Councillor Diane Hamre mentioned the real advantage of the station to Town of Newcastle Newcastle residents and wanted to know if provisions provisions for ample parking were in the plans. Mr. Williams explained that the site did have proper parking and was also expandable if needed. Support for the proposed proposed route has already come from Durham's regional regional council and Oshawa city council. A similar presentation was to be made at Whitby city council on Tuesday, November November 10. A second series of public public information sessions are also scheduled for later this month. Town of Newcastle residents residents will have a chance to look at the plans and ask any questions questions of the consultants on Wednesday, November November 18 from 3:00 - 9:00 prm. at the Lions Centre in Bowmanville. ACCIDENT OR TRAFFIC TICKET? CALL Let a Former Traffic Police Office 1 be your voice in court. NO COST CONSULTATION. LOW COST REPRESENTATION 436-7194 249 KING ST. E. W -M (ACROSS FROM THE OSHAWA PROVINCIAL COURT) SHURE MACXKTSTKKKii SHARP COMPACT TOSHIBA PLAYER PORTABLE SYSTEM 1 r.\lira in a-: ^ , r *9.95 ncoMMdSScv terming DIGITAL AUDIO WMIZlIltl *99 RCA 12" Black 1 White warranty 55995 AM/FM RADIOS ^ STEREO HEADPHONES I $2995 VMS VIDEO HEAD CLEANERS $2495 SOUND PARTY PORTABLE STEREO (TOSHIBA COMPLETE^ CHÇ/I VHS H|,R x DELUXE AUDIO SYSTEM STEREO VCR WIRELESS REMOTE AM/FM CASSETTE s 56 66 ) RCA PRO WONDER VHS CAMCORDER •SUPER LOW LIGHT LEVEL •FULLY AUTO •AUTOFOCUS POWER ZOOM SOLID STATE M0S SENSOR NO INTEREST FINANCING UNTIL (SHARP WIRELESS REMOTE VHS VIDEO RECORDER • 80 channel pro set • HO CIRCUITRY 1988 THAT'S RIGHT ABSOLU TEL Y NO INTEREST CHARGES UNTIL 1987 ON A GREAT SELECTION OF KRAZY CONSUMER ELECTRONICS' ALL ITEMS SUBJECT TO PRIOR SALE *1744 EMILY 17.31 WEEKLY *488 ItBfl 20" REMOTE $388 XL100 SOHO STATE " rca 40" Bid screen MONITOR-RECEIVER :: F l ,^=TE ONLY 30.19 WEEKLY AUDI0/VI0EO JACKS •CABLE QUARTZ TUNER *3244 VIDEORECORDERS TELEVISIONS COLOR TELEVISION $ 333 TOSHIBA VHS $499 LESS THAN $6. 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