) i i V I CLIP 'N' SAVE Save $ 50. 0< on any insurance windshield claim deductible. Good for most makes and models. Limit one per purchase # Expires December 12th, 1987 ! y t t I f i j * i r t * i » t IHa pH fâæWiSSS from Canadian Tire 18 The Canadian Statesman. Bowmanvillc. November 25. 1987 Special Speakers Describe Careers at Senior Public School Pontypool News byl On Saturday, November 14th, there was a very successful successful event in the Pontypool Pontypool Community Centre of Christmas Crafts and Bake Sale and Tea Room for the convenience of the customers. customers. It was a festive atmosphere atmosphere for the beginning of the season. There was even music suitable for the occasion. occasion. Many people from all over the surrounding communities communities displayed their wares at different decorated tables. There was a number of draws for those who like to try their luck. The whole event was sponsored by the " ' ool U.C.V ~ New Executive Elected at Horticultural Society ypool U.U.W. Even Rena Rena Heather Smith made Approximately 21 careers were represented at the Bowmanville Senior Public School Career Day program program held November 18. Just a few of the speakers in the morning session are shown above, along with the Vice Principal ofthe Bowmanville Senior Public School, Sherry Summersides. From left to right are: Brian Purdy, Advertisng Manager for The Canadian Statesman; Mrs. Summersides; Gord MacWatters, of Muchmusic; Sherry Greengrass, also of Muchmusic; Dave Clements, a chemist at Goodyear; Judy Devitt, of Memorial Hospital; Ron Strike, a lawyer with Strike and Strike; and Stephen King, an architect. Two of the speakers, Sherry Greengrass and Ron Strike, are former students of Bowmanville Senior Public School. • Tyrone U.C.W. Donates to Big Sisters by U.Jones. Ladies of Tyrone U.C.W. ofthe ovem- TVn met in the C.E. Wing < church Wednesday, Ni berllth. The two ladies of the group, Marg Knowlton and Marion Hoar, opened the meeting with Marion reading the "Histoiy of Mr. McCrea." The theme of the devotional was Remembrance Day and Marg asked that as she read "In Flanders Field" each lady go forth and place a poppy in front of the cross on the table in remembrance of those who died in the war. This was followed by prayer. Marion read the scripture- Romans 14 verse 19 and The Healing of the Nations.-Call to Hope-Call to Peace. Roll call was answered by a - memory of the war. President Jackie Vaneyk called on Elsie Roy for the October minutes. Business from the minutes were: Tyrone Craft sale Novem ber 28th-Ladies buy a quilt ticket-therefore paying for the table, moved by Carol Southwell and seconded by Marion Hoar-Carried. Arlene Rowan made a motion motion to have the UCW give $50.00 to Big Sister Movement. Movement. Doreen Park seconded it-Carried. Treasurer Carol Southwell gave her report and the offering offering was taken and dedicated. dedicated. Secretary read a letter from Joyce Killen of Auberge and a note from Grace Smith. Jane Smith reported on the Manse meeting on Monday. Dates to remember- November November 29-Outreach meet ing. Dei lecember 6-Sunday Scholl Pagent 7 p.m. December 7-Executive of the Committees in CE Wing. Secretary-correspondence- reported on birthday cards- and Get Well cards she had sent. _ Betty Pascoe moved we give Jean Slemon money for the Upper Room Books and Marion seconded the mo- tion-Carried. Jane Smith made the motion motion to pay for the piano tuning-sec. tuning-sec. by Edna Wood. Doreen Park moved and Arlene Rowan seconded the UCW give a donation to the church treasurer. Marion and Arlene 1st and 2nd a motion to have the craft bake table money given to the M.& S. Fund. Doreen moved and Betty seconded the motion to donate donate 1/3 or $50 to everybody who attends conference as to the Leadership Fund. Christmas meeting December December 9th-12.30. Ann Pleasance and Carol Southwell will be contacting folks about the dinner. : Eâéh'mêntBer bring a per- ' sonal gift to be sent on to Auberge. Auberge. Jackie reported in short of her week-end at Five Oaks. Jane gave us the number of the CNIB Information line- 434-8031. Tyrone Vegetarians & Other Village Happenings Hallowe'en at 4H Club Wow! what a meeting we had! The Tyrone Vegetarians Vegetarians had a Hallowe'en Party on November 2nd with every 4H member dressed dressed up in costume. We first said the 4H Pledge, led by oi : President, Jenny Janssens. The minutes were read and accepted, then we leafed through our books. Nancy Pleasance led us in a game. Finally, we were allowed allowed to eat the food everybody everybody had made. It was delicious! delicious! The meeting was adjourned adjourned until November 9th. --Press Reporter, Tom . Benschop. Euchre There were 15 1/2 tables of euchre in play at the Community Centre on Friday Friday evening, November 6th, with the following results: 1st Les Taylor folowed by John Broome, Laverne Clemens, Clemens, Harold Burgess, Len Cain, Isobel Farndale. Ladies' Low: Edith Clemens, Clemens, Men's Low: Jack Cook. 50-50 Draw: Norm Woodcock, Betty Kuyer. Special prizes Ruby Griffin, Verna Robinson. Ailcen Warder. Victims of Friday the 13th were Dorothy Maclnally, the low lady scorer and Ace Richards, men's low, at the regular card party at the Community Centre. From the bottom up on this precarious precarious day were 6th place Bernice Renton, 5th Eileen Warder, 4th John Kuyer, 3rd Charles Nesbitt, 2nd Sharon Sharon Watson, while Mary Thompson got off scott free, placing first. 50-50 Draw Alf Millson. Agnes Schoffield. Special Prizes Verna Robinson, John Watson, Bernice Wells. There were 13 tables of euchre in play at the Old Tyrone Hall on November 9th, with the following results: results: Bernice Renton 96, Aleck Moffat 95, Nerta Masters Masters 87, Lorna Swain 86, Ai- leen Turner 82, Verna Robinson 48. Special prizes went to Marion Artym, Norma Cochrane, Eileen Warder, Charlie Nesbitt. Special draw: Marion Artym, June Wilson, Barbara Barbara Cochrane. The Car Rally which was sponsored by the Finance Committee of Tyrone Church on Sunday afternoon, afternoon, November 15th, was a great success and spun off lots of funny stories. The winners were John and Jacqueline Jacqueline Vaneyk, 2nd Kim Vaneyk and Mike Lettner, 3rd Dale Pascoe and Craig Bowers, 4th Ellen Vaneyk Vaneyk and Marilyn Vaneyk. We hope those who never did return have been found by now! Coming activities: Thursday Thursday morning Bible study and Friday evening Bible study as usual. Knitters are casting on a few stitches for the woolies for the Mitten Tree on December 6th at 7 p.m.at the church. A "Forum on Family Violence" Violence" on Sunday, Nov. 29, at 7:30 p.m. with Mr. Don Sider who will show films. Mr. Sider is a counsellor with Durham Region Services. Services. 60 Plus Club On Wed., Nov. 11,1987, at the Tyrone Community Orange Hall, 50 people sat down to a hot lunch of scalloped scalloped potatoes and various meat dishes which was quickly disposed of followed followed by cake, whipped cream and tea. There were nine tables of cards with the following results: results: Ladies' High: Ruby Griffin Griffin 79. Men's High: Don Cochrane Cochrane 81. Ladies' Low: Dorothy Beech 46. Men's Low: Harold Swain 51. Everyone enjoyed the afternoon afternoon of fellowship and laughs. We would like to wish all our patrons who support our endeavours a very happy holiday season. There will not be any hot lunch in Dec. due to the many activités in the month of Dec. Our next lunch will be Jan. 13,1988 at 12 noon. Have a good holiday. See you in the new year. Submitted by Ann Park. Program-Marion introduced introduced the guest Mrs. Helga Ecclestone of Oshawa. One of her interests is Cal- ligraphy-It is usually started as in Basic Italics-at a 45 degree degree angle. Osmolite pens are used with many different widths of nibs. Helga showed us the way she makes up cards, signs andwedding invitations and then says she has them reduced reduced to her specific requirements. requirements. Mary Bostleman, a sister of Helga's, who was unable to come, sent her book and some work she does-called Scherenschnitt (fine paper cutting in detail, which can be framed-made into cards-a very exciting hobby indeed). Then Hélga brodgntrbjht'her wood work-with Felft Art painting which is lovely. She had a display of the wood from rough and the 15 steps to finish a piece. On the plaques which her husband cuts out and makes up for her-she must sandpaper, water water base varnish, then many steps before she can trace the pattern on-Paint, then varnish varnish with metal, she uses dull black car paint. Bakes it on- draw your pattern, paint, dry, and then spray varnish. But the end results are well worth all the work. Arlene thanked our guest and Jackie added her thanks and invited all to lunch of- guess what-pie and whipped cream and tea. Pontyp verend a visit with her daughter. The weather cooperated and there was an excellent turnout. turnout. As per other years, Marilyn Jennings, President of the Canadian Foundation For Ileitis and Colitis, Peterborough Peterborough Chapter, was selling "Cakes For Cures". The proceeds proceeds from the sale of these cakes goes towards research, education and patient services services for those afflicted with these Inflammatory Bowel Diseases. The Peterborough chapter is new, for the convenience convenience of patients, their health care workers and the public. November is Public Awareness month. For more information contact Marilyn at Box 2, Lindsay, Ontario, K9V 4R8 or phone 324-0307. Winners of the draws were as follows: Shelley Krause- witz of Pontypool - Cake. Alta Curtis, Pontypool, Doll. Shannon Sytnyk, Pontypool - Groceries. Nettie Aiken, Pontypool (believe it or not!) - Afghan. Maureen Hogan - Cake Door Prize, Peterborough. Peterborough. Noreen Brasier of Lindsay - Avon Surprise Pack. On Sunday, November 15th, Reverend Heather Smith conducted a very thoughtful service about using using our talents even if it means running the risk of failure. God can always help us in the right direction. 'Die theme and'atmosphere was set right with the specially printed Call To Worship, which was read in unison. The congregation in Pontypool Pontypool are learning some new hymns, and the first one, "Just A Closer Walk With Thee" was one of them, typed on an insert sheet. A piano has been chosen for the Pontypool sanctuary. Its $500-costswill be paid for from.- contributions - not from the regular or renovation renovation fund. Anyone willing to contribute'part of the cost, please put a chegue or cash in an evelope marked "Pontypool United Church - for piano", with your name and/or envelope number for income tax receipt purposes. These can be put on tne offering offering plate or mailed to the treasurer,! Stewart Walker, P.O. Box 255, Pontypool. Any child or young person in any age-group of the Scout or Guide movement who attends either the Pontypool Pontypool or Bethany church/ Sunday School regularly and who is interested in doing doing the necessary prepara- 3 The Bowmanville Horticultural Society's new executive for the upcoming year is shown here, following following their meeting last Wednesday, December 18. In the front row, from left, are: Verna Robinson, 1st Vice president; Heinz Netten, President; Sue Net- ten, director; and Isabel Challice, District President. In the second row, from left, are Dick Gibbs, director; Doreen Perrett, director; Nancy Barnes, secretary; Merl Slute, Past President; and Bill Darch, director. In the back row, from left, are: Marie Lyall, director; Millie Hodgson, treasurer; Bob Kinnear, director; Donna Sutherland, Junior Leader; and Winnie Billing, Billing, director. tion for their "Religion in Life" emblem, please give your name to Reverend Smith. The Pontvpool Church choir is looking for new members. If you enjoy singing singing and are willing to share your talent in this form of leadership, please get in touch with Arlene Bolton at 277-2084. Choir practice at the church on Tuesday evenings evenings at 7:00 p.m. The High Bowler for November November 9th was Marie Finney Finney with a single of 213 and a double of 399. On November November 16th, Toby Arbeau won the strike fund. The ladies enjoy the friendly competition competition Doth on their own teams and one team vs. another. The Christmas visit of the Victoria County Resource Van will be at the church on Tuesday, December 15th. This is a Preschool Lending Library. Children may borrow borrow a book or record and a toy. Mothers may borrow a resource book. There is a different different play project each month. Cost is $5 per family per year. This would be a worthwhile investment for 1988. The organization will issue you a registration card for easy transactions each month. The Centre in Lindsay Lindsay offers children's equipment equipment which includes infant car seats and baby carriers on a rental basis. Please phone 324-7900. In the next week or two, I shall be giving you another one of my calendar checks for the Christmas season. Watch for it and get out your marker pens to write the events on your calendar. u Just a couple of items of interest interest from the latest Council Minutes of November 3rd. The Water Maintenance Op erator will install the required required by-pass system in the pumphouse for the Pinè- wood Water System. A representative representative from the Central Region office of the Ministfy of tne Environment has been invited tothe regular December December council meeting. The township approves the installation installation of a street light for John Street in front ofGlenn Bradley's residence. ! "When parents cannot control control their children in tlie home, it is difficult for the government to control them on the streets." ! Are there new ways ians? Ask ' Ross Freer, or your agent. * Suite 204, Peterborough Square, 360 George St. N. Peterborough. Ontario K9H 7E8 (705) 743-0677 7238-11 "Lease To Own" 1988 Pontiac Firefly from Kevin Anyan for only $37.15 per week plus tax 48 month lease, 100,000 km O.A.C. with $1,000 cash or trade-in. KEVIN ANYAN COWAN PONTIAC -- BUICK LTD. BOWMANVILLE - ONT 166 King St. E. Telephone 623-3396 till 19 Silver St. at Church Pineridge Auto Parts across 623-4225