20 The Canadian Statesman. Bowmanville. November 25. 1987 Pontypool Intended for Last Week My first obligation as your correspondent this week is to correct an obvious error in the amount cleared at the Roast Beef Dinner. The correct correct amount is $1,143, not $11,043 as printed. Sorry about this, but I guess I am human too, and make mistakes. mistakes. On Saturday, November 7th, the Pineridge Pagans Fastball team held a very successful dance party. The D.J. gave the dancers a good variety of music. There were three spot dances, a few door prizes, and a couple of trophies given out. A delicious lunch was also served around midnight. midnight. A fitti ng end of a good season. Have a safe, happy winter and we'll see you next spring. Long live fastball. The St. Thomas Parish Annual Christmas Bazaar is being held on November 28th at Grace Presbyterian Church Hall, Main Street, Millbrook, from 1 till 4. Features Features for sale are home baking, baking, craft goods, candy and cookies table, white elephant sale (used items), penny sale, indoor draw prize being a fresh turkey. The conclusion of the day will be a raffle draw for a cedar chest, doll house and gingerbread house. Raffle tickets will be sold at the bazaar and now are available available for sale from CWL and parish members. For more information aly>ut this fun event contact Lois Martell, 932-5353, Erica Perk, 944- 5640, Frances Graham, 932- 5247, Pam Molloy, 277-2078, Darlene Muller, 277-2770, Fran Ratcliffe 277-2340. Sunday, November 8th was Remembrance Day Sunday and Rev. Heather Smith delivered an excellent excellent sermon on the theme, entitled "In The Meantime, What Are We Doing?" The closing litany was very much appropriate for the occasion as well. There was a service at the Cenotaph in Bethany at 1:30 p.m. with a number of wreaths being laid. The three local ministers all had a part to play. The rain stopped and stayed clear until after the ceremony. Margaret Murphy has given a fine report of the Guides. There are 12 girls this year. They have been working on the Law Awareness Awareness Badge. They were instructed instructed by Gerry Gault. They had a Hallowe'en party and craft, and there will be a Christmas craft at the end of November. Christmas plans were to be discussed this past week. There will be enrollment on December December 2nd. Exciting things are in store for the winter months. Rose Sailer is a new leader. This year's Christmas Draw tickets are in, and are available from Fire Department personnel. personnel. As with other fund raisers, raisers, the money goes towards the purchase of equipment for the hall. This year's ticket sales, will be going towards towards the purchase of our Resusi-Annie. We are almost almost half way to the total cost of $2,300.00 and with your help, with the purchase purchase of a ticket, should help us surpass our goal, and we could have Annie in (nr hall in the early part of the new year. These fund raisers also help keep the taxes down in Manvers, so spend a buck, and help our department. When using wood, whether it be for pleasure, or heating purposes, burn wood that has been properly properly cured. This cuts down on the bulid-up that occurs inside your chimney. If your chimney has not been properly properly maintained, you are a candidate for chimney fire which can be far more dangerous and costly than you think. Take the time and clean your chimney or have it looked at by a professional. professional. You're better to be safe than sorry. You are reminded of the second half of the Country Christmas which is November November 21 and 22, from 1-5 p.m. November 28th will be the day in the MR Gallery, marking the beginning of a formal art I display by Jeanne Warren Crank of Cavan. Open House is 7-10 p.m. Saturday. This display, the last of the season, will grace the gallery until Christmas. The Gallery will be closed for the winter, and will re-open late spring of 1988. Thank you for your patronage this past year. We are sorry to learn of the death of Bruce Stephenson, Stephenson, as he was well known in the community for a long time. Also our sympathy to Dorothy Bowins on the death of her father, Lome Farrow. At the bowling on Monday, November 9, a donation donation was taken up to the Heart Fund in his memory. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Mucha have just had a two-week visit of Mrs. Mucha's nephew, Arthur Barney, his wife and daughter, from Labrador, Newfoundland. This time together was very much enjoyed. "People will follow your footsteps more readily than they will follow your advice." advice." i lnay fnr LOW, LOW . FRIENDLY ÊiinJ for PRICES and SERVICE r ■ ASSOFTTED Stokeiy Ware PRÔCZSSEO CKCBE FOOD, VBVCETA ftS SUCeSpDH . KWr SiROLêl (î# SUCESl KM4 i*L. 02. TIN Oli ALL PURPOSE FANCY MEDIUM 48's OK LARGE 33'ss ASSORTED VARIETIES, KIDNEY BEANS OR ASSORTED KIDNEY BEANS OR ïiÉeeM^-- Stokeiy Van Camp^*^CC| BakedBean» ql™ I chow* Bartlett Pear Halves or Fruit Cocktail az 2 m SMOOTH OR CRUNCHY Kraft Peanut Butter 1.49 750a JAR REGULAR OR LIGHT Kraft Mayonnaise 7 "r l WITH OR WITHOUT GARLIC WHOLE DILLS, POLSKIE OGORKI, BABY DILLS, SWEET MIXED OR YUM YUM M JAR 1 Bick's Pickles Just Juices or Fruit Nectars 3x280 mL TETRA QQ BOXES IVV SAK» Mandarin Oranges 284 mL TIN .99 SAK» Smoked Oysters 104 g TIN 1 1.29 SAJCO Solid White Albacore TUna 1 "n" 1 1.99 ASSORTED VARIETIES, LUXURY STYLE Purrr Cat Fbod CO 6-OZ. QQ TINS iVV PIECES It STEMS, RIVIERA .69 Mushrooms 10+L. OZ. TIN POWDERED ABC Laundry Detergent 12 L BOX 599 THREE STAR, LIQUID Fabric Softener 3.6 l 1 QQ JUG 1 iWV ASSORTED VARIETIES, POWDERED INSTANT MIX Carnation Hot 225- « Chocolate Drink cm g 4.99 ASSORTED VARIETIES, Hostess Potato Chips or Com Snacks 0429 a- 1 REGULAR OR MICROWAVE, TIO SANCHO Nacho Chips 19 pko 2 8 II ! ; ; . : i : : : | II ■ || ^2 1 NEW ZEALAND SPRING LAMB, FROZEN Lamb Shoulder O OÛ Chops 5.27k g Z,Q^ib. NEW ZEALAND SPRING LAMB, FROZEN Boneless Lamb ^ Shoulder Roasts3.95kB 1 ■ i wib. FRESHI Sliced Beef Liver 2.18kg FRESHI BUTT Boneless Pork Roasts MAPLE LEAF, ASSORTED VARIETIES . Breakfast Sausages ■99ib. STORE MADE DAILY, 12 INCH Pepperoni Pizza 700 g PIE 3.39 FRESHI BUTT Boneless * Pork Chops 3,95kg 1 1.79, F.W. FEARMAN'S, SWEET PICKLED, jwjw. Mi Peamealed end cuts «ml! Back Bacon 4.39kg^^ 1 CENTRE CUTS $4.83 kg, $2.19 lb. 9$ lb. STILLMEÀDOW "TREASURE TROVE" Chicken a Nuggets pkg 8 3.59 STILLMEADOW Chicken Breast a aa Schnitzel 225 g pkg. mi ■«# w SHOPSY'S, BOILABLE BAG Corned Beef or Pastrami pkgs a / / A, ■" MAPLE LEAF SLICED Bologna MAPLE LEAF. SELECTED SPECIALTY VARIETIES, SLICED Sandwich Meats 375 g PKG. 175 g PKG. MAPLE LEAF. Cocktail 250 3 PKG - Sausages or Wieners ^69 SHOPSY'S Football Salami chÏSs 499 HIGH LINER, INDIVIDUALLY QUICK FROZEN Sole Fillets 400 g bag BEE GEE, 36 PER RING, THAW & SERVE Cooked 14.99 Shrimp 340 g RING INSIGNIA, ASSORTED Fresh! Pastas 300 g PKG. SHOPSY'S, 5 PER PKG. Deli Sticks 125 g pkg. 1.59 1.99 INSIGNIA, ASSORTED Pasta Sauces 275 mL TUB 2.49 V. ■ ;'!!-: ' * X 1 1 . ; ; Ü '.■■■■ ' ■ ,, 0'\\:,h-,00000-'-\ V '.a..:;': , V,?, I. . i||| FROM OUR DELI FILLER'S, GERMAN OR CERVELAT Salami ,99ioo 449 I IT lb. SHOPSY'S Potato Salad or Colo Slaw .31100 g 139. MAPLE LEAF, CANADIAN, CREAMY Havartl *%QQ Cheese .88100 gOii 7» V Ask our OeB pkNwd to help you. The IGA Dell Is a great Grey Cup party centre. We have a great assortment ot party treys to suit your entertainment needs. ASSORTED COLORS, ATLANTIC SUMMIT REGULAR, SUMMIT FINE':: GRIND, 'mAOmON.rteOULAR. TRADITION FINE OR : TRADITION'-EXTRA FINE ; 359 g VAC FAX PKG. Tmiu-CLE » L-1 SArm&Eo : ? hoover OFCANAf-A. CANADA NO. i GRADE 7i:CANADA:NO,,-iJGRADE B::V;:!#)!; ..■ :7! ■■■'■WO:>■ 0'mi :!!i;!FtGii;JC:vû! ! : ■. ■: il'. . GGtrxiaGeG':': '.'7" .... V: : ! ! ■ : 1 • G : ! PRODUCT OF ONTARIO, CANADA NO. 1 GRADE ' Wkm Fresh Carrots Ws-^bag 1.29 PRODUCT OF ONTARIO CANADA NO. 1 GRADE *' Pi Cooking Onions 1.29 .25 PRODUCT OF U.S.A., CANADA EXTRA FANCY GRADE Golden Delicious yg Apples 1.74 kg lb. PRODUCT OF ONTARIO, _ CANADA NO. 1 GRADE JkM Rntahonse .55 kg PRODUCT OF ISRAEL 227 g M Unpitted Dates wg 1 .fcj PRODUCT OF U.S.A. PRODUCT OF ONTARIO, B, CANADA NO. 1 GRADE |B .89 In-The-Shell ,1 54 bXg 1.49 Fresh Parsnips^ PRODUCT OF MEXICO 1.79 PRODUCT OF CANADA, CANADA FANCY GRADE 1.74 kg .79lb. Pineapples each Anjou Pears PRODUCT OF COSTA RICA PRODUCT OF U.S.A., CANADA EXTRA FANCY GRADE Red Delicious --^ 1.74kg ,#y ' lb. Apples lb. ASSORTED VARIETIES Ttopical Plants 10.16 cm 4" POT .99 ASSORTED COLORS, FACIAL TISSUE Kleenex 0**200 .99 FROZEN, CHICKEN, BEEF, TURKEY OR BEEF & KIDNEY 40, 60 or 100 WATTS, n FROSTED Sylvania Light Bulbs 1/ OUR 72 REG. PRICE Savarin Pot Pies 8-OZ. PKG. e 159 PKG. OF 2 .99 PRESTONE II Radiator Anti-Freeze 4L JUG Coolant 6.99 FROZEN, MEXICAN VEG. IN CHEESE SAUCE, JAPANESE A ORIENTAL VEG IN SOYA SAUCE, OR CANADIAN, MEDITERRANEAN MEDITERRANEAN OR FRENCH STYLE VEG IN BUTTER SAUCE Green Giant 4 HA International Entrees pm g l ■!" 5-Pc. Place ^ â iîWÊSù 6<-i _ . m A? y ipLUS Setting Si ,::V ^ TAX O @ wwuw «nw on-rc. nxi imiw WITH A $25.00 V' PURCHASE èSStîSJBSliSi"^ Matching Accessories Arc Also Available LAST 2 WEEKS FROM OUR IN STORE BAKERY AVAILABLE IN MANY STORES : v fifra! FROZEN Sau Sea Cooked Shrimp 10-OZ. JAR 4.99 FROZEN, CHEESE, PEPPERONI OR DELUXE Totino's Pizzas 370-365 g PKG. 2.39 MILD, MEDIUM OR OLD, KRAFT CRACKER BARREL Cheddar Cheese 227 g PKG. 1.99 DILL OR ONION Kraft Chip Dips 6-OZ. PKG. 1.39 GRAPEFRUIT OR ORANGE Sunkist Juice 946 mL CTN. o> GO ■ I ■ u 1 • • • • '• " . / , is si ' ! 'la iRr» . -i 'V ËÊfjÊiÊ L 1 S !» l|li llll; : PRICES EFFECTIVE FROM MON. NOV. 23 TO SAT. NOV. 28, 1987. WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES. ... . g «Auaen . . p JÎ.W ;. . .isham \;l ' I .1 - ,1 l i 1 „ J 1 1 11 j . 1 < ill, Mil, geouiMii viitol MKW t«iii| nkmiogiSsi,: Nw ja, : imz , em r* ec«lien r " " lrUUv/3 ll. ti:.1 tew :j.: j tUtt OrC teii MU ttia K» Uiti |.v.a»'iiitr: is: sjs® . r r<;r6 si; •'.a B virbaw:fMi(K»i.-. ■/&&&&& ! ' S -ivpsÇîîp:, . .. . ; fl 8ttoft iHiotûtipe» pcr tetolEy, iiive pko. lkh 1 eewpoAi : : :: v! _ I -snifioii volitf.t-l .iGAinr.i» 'ileifiiy i: F Î 007023 d 8 fptUW/ qî'.'i.'WÆ'f 340H38rT* 9 i u«i eaa uuu vjm uub u3 lA'Ai svintiM tun e»u «»vr e*ia eut lûii «um su* twa nus» irai ALL SAVINGS ARE BASED ON OUR REGULAR PRICES i ■ iSCO El',: (i;4 '• GRAHAM IGA MARKET 225 King St. E., Bowmanville, Ontario OPEN - MONDAY TO FRIDAY 8:30 A.M. TO 10:00 P.M. SATURDAY 8:00 A.M. TO 6:00 P.M. Senior Citizens 5% Off On Personal Shopping, Wednesday Only