\ \ Thc (:ma,lian Statesman. Bowmanvillc. November 25, 1987 Section Two Waverley Public peopl Fligh Miss Burtenshaw's Class by Heather Watson Miss Burtenshaw has two classes. She has a Junior Kindergarten in the morning with eighteen students. Then she has Senior Kindergarten in the afternoon with seventeen seventeen students. They have a very interesting playtime. They ride bicycles, play with hullahoops and skipping ropes. The class has activity time when the students go to different centers. There are centers like water. When each student goes to the water water center they play with boats and other things that float. Another center is sand. Most of the students build mountains with tunnels going going through. Other students have toys that they play with in the sand. There are five more centers. They are painting, dress-up, measuring, measuring, fisn and blocks. Miss Burtenshaw has one bulletin board just outside of her classroom. The bulletin board is filled with colourful paintings and drawings. When each student comes in they all get their nametags behind the door. Miss Burtenshaw Burtenshaw has a number of helpers come in. The students students have show and tell every Tuesday. The class brings in interesting things. One of the students brought in a carrot that looked like a potato. They are learning the numbers from one to ten. The students are learning the alphabet from A to Z. Most of the class knows the whole alphabet. The students students read the alphabet to Miss Burtenshaw. At the very end of the day the class has quiet time. Miss Burtenshaw Burtenshaw reads a book to all of the class. The students really enjoy having Miss Burtenshaw. Burtenshaw. Computer Club by Chantal Axelson. This year Mrs. Pitt and Mrs. Clement will be teaching a computer course. The first term the course will be available available to Grade Four. The reason reason for this activity is so that the children can have a chance to learn computer skills and learn computer programs. This course is for students that are interested in learning about the computer. computer. It is really interesting working with computers. Remembrance Day by Jennifer Little Waverley Public School's Miss Donafeld, Kerrie Anne Lowery grade six, Allan McCullough grade six and principal Mr. Reid organized an outstanding program for Remembrance Day, Wednesday Wednesday November 11, 1987. A special assembly was held in the gym at 1:00 p.m. Students Students from grades four to six were there and three special e gave presentations: ight Lieutenant Firth, Padre Padre Shirran and Mrs. Sheehan. Sheehan. Mr. Mills' grade three class sang "Maple Leaf Forever" Forever" ana Mr. Thompson's grade five class sang " Where Have All The Flowers Flowers Gone". Ms. Porter's class read two poems and Miss Donafeld's class read a poem "Hugawar". Kerrie Anne Lowery, Ryan McKee and Jennifer Little from Mr. Ralfe/Mrs. LaChanse's grade six class read poems. Also students from Mr. Thompson's class read poems. We hope that next year's Remembrance Day assembly will be as good as this one! Fall Tripe to the Outdoor Education Center by Kelly Browne Mr. Mills, Mrs. Perry and Mrs. Hilborn went to the Outdoor Education Center last week. Mr. Mills went on Thursday, Mrs. Perry went on Friday and Mrs. Hilborn went on Monday. Their schedules were mostly the same, a fifteen minute bus ride, and after they were settled in the cabin they went on a hike during which they saw Willy the Willow tree (which some people hugged) and the Magic Roller Coaster Coaster (which is a piece of hilly land). After lunch they worked on three different sheets. Mr. Mills' class did a sheet about insects and weather and Mrs. Perry's and Mrs. Hilbom's completed completed sheets called Nature Beyond Beyond our Noses and Spaces and Places. It looks like these classes had fun on their trips. What Is Remembrance Day All About? by Kelly Browne What is Remembrance Day all about? It's about men, that wounded cry out. It s about caring and grieving grieving too, It's about freedom trying to break through. It's about life and death and war, It's about Cnadians closing the door, That's let in these bad things done. But the war is over, We've won! We've won! Before you send it, seal it... with a Christmas Seat! Join the fight against lung disease. "KEEP YOUR FOOD COSTS DOWN - SHOP BY THE BOX" (1.50 PLASTIC BOX DEPOSIT) Z FROM CANADA PACKERS AND CANADIAN 1 ■ DRESSED MEAT PUNTS ■ |STEAKS* ■ROASTS | * SIRLOIN! * HOUND! ■■★T-BONE! (LIMITED QUANTITIES) I PORTERHOUSE! (limited quantities)! kg ONTARIO WHITE MUSHROOMS 3" 1" PRODUCT OF CANADA - FRESH OR PREVIOUSLY FROZEN CHICKEN 5 LB. LIMIT BACKS ATTACHED kg UN:GRADE "A "FRESHOlfl ROASTING 2" I III! IIIN'iM 2- 4 LB. AVG. 3- BIRD LIMIT It 'lb o PRODUCT OF ONTARIO -s--freSH IJlittidildihWsHI SM or PORK NO CENTRE CHOPS REMOVED! kg' YORK FROZEN VEGETABLES ÎMivcnwcrcTAD. r=o CANADA FANCY • MIXED VEGETABLES 1 kq BAG • PEAS & CARROTS a • CORN BUSINESS DIRECTORY ACCOUNTANCY WILLIAM C. HALL B.Comm. Chartered Accountant 35 King St. W., Newcastle Phone 987-4240 DOUGLAS R. FREEMAN, B.A., C.A. Chartered Accountant 1913 DundasSt. E., Whitby, Ontario Phone 576-4619 JOHN MANUEL, C.G.A. 118 King St. East, Bowmanville Phone 623-6555 WINTERS, SUTHERLAND & MOASE Peter A. Hobb, C.A. Chartered Accountants 23 Silver St. Bowmanville 623-9461 FROZEN ASSORTED minus URGE FAMILY PACK OF 12 e 465 g BOX FROM ONTARIO PACKERS CUT FROM CANADA GRADE "A" BEEF SHOULDER 4 BLADE STEAKS kg FRENCH'S 175 mL JAR LB. 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Phone 623-2375 Newcastle Phone 987-4600 FROM ONTARIO PACKERS CHOICE CANADIAN FRESH NEVER FROZEN kg O 70 VEAL 1 CD 0.10 shouiberI.Oj CANADA PACKERS FREf>H OR PREVIOUSLY FROZEN I kg LB. FROM ONTARIO PACKERS FRESH kg HOCKS 5 LB. lUMIT NEVER FROZEN LB. QUALITY PACKERS TOWN CLUB 2 -3 LB. AVG VAC PAC SWEET PICKLED kg A HA SWEET PICKLED Æ A a 3.73 S8ZS™ 1.69 PRODUCT OF CANADA VAC PAC FROZEN UTILITY GRADE ROCK CORNISH kg 18-20 OZ. (AVERAGE LB. ££5 CANADA PACKERS W MAPLE LEAF BRAND SIDE BACON 500 g (17.6 OZ. VAC PAC) CENTRE SUCED RINDLESS 3 PKG. LIMIT ALL BEEF OR REGULAR 450 g VAC PAC HNERSiM I3PKG. LIMITl PKG. ■■WW QUALITY PACKERS BONELESS " T0W N CLUB" BRAND DINNER 2-3 LB. AVERAGE VAC PAC kg LB. QUALITY PACKERS AT DELI COUNTER "TOWN CLUB" BP *iND COOKED kg LB. PRODUCT OF CANADA WHITE FETAH CHEESE DEMPSTER'S ASST. SLICED BREAD **3 69' 450 g LOAF HIVIcHA 4 OZ. 113 g TIN COCKTAIL SHRIMP CARNATION 3.67 OZ. 104 g TIN SMOKED OYSTERS MIX OR MATCH OR EA. FAIRLEE • ORANGE e SWT. OR UNSWT. GRAPEFRUIT «APPLE JUICE 6 LIMIT 2LJUG READY TO SERVE CATELLI URGE 28 FL. OZ. 796 mL TIN HABITANT SOUPS ASSORTED GENERAL MILLS SNACKS EA. 140 g BOX NATUROPATHIC MEDICINE LAURENCE A. GREY, N.D. Doctor of Naturopathy Nutrition, homeopathic, and botanical medicine; Colonic therapy & acupuncture 50 Richmond SI. E., Suite 2 McLaughlin Square Oshawa, LI G 7C7 Phone 433-1500 REFLEXOLOGY BY ANNA Anna M. Bragg, R.N By Appointment Only R.R. 4 Bowmanville, Ontario L1C 3K5 Phone 623-9198 WITH THIS COUPON 11 6 LITRE BOX "coupon VALID UNTIL SATURDAY, NOV. 28/87. LIMIT I ONE BOX ONE COUPON PER | FAMILY. IN-STORE RETAIL 4.99 PER BOX lkg ■■WW vilLLJL lb. >iVV] UlliiVlliJ |■ Vw 1 nsvPïBLüSHïHüï""! Æ fl^" VuOTe < Mtl Eté;. CBEan C SF£SE 1 TDEJP COUPON VALID UNTIL SATURDAY, NOV. 28/1987. LIMIT ONE BTL. ONE COUPON PER FAMILY. IN-STORE RETAIL 2.69 1LQ1187 I WITH THIS COUPON COUPON VALID UNTIL SATURDAY, NOV. 28/87. LIMIT ONE PACKAGE, ONE COUPON PER FAMILY, IN-STORE RETAIL $1.79