U The Canadian Statesman. Bowmanville. November 25, 1987 Section Two Newtonville News by 0. Henderson l Oth Bowmanville Beaver Colony Growing by Leaps and Bounds Intended for Last Week Mr. and Mrs. Bill Liuny. Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Boughen, Miss Bcrncice Milligan, Mrs. Oliver Henderson, Henderson, Sharon Buttery, Jean Dutton, Jean O'Neill, Bessie Stephenson, Doreen Lake, Helen Hobbs and Elizabeth Skelding were among the people who visited visited with Solina Women's • Institute at their hall on Monday evening. We heard the Account of the Area Convention held at the Royal York in Toronto also Rev. Nancy Knox spoke and two of her friends. They told not only the history but also of their two weeks spent with different families at Nicaragua. They showed slides and a question and answer period followed with lunch later served in the basement. Mrs. Marie Trim and Bernice Bernice Henderson visited their sister Mr. and Mrs. Bill (Margaret) Wade at Oshawa on Wednesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Phil Gilmer Mr. and Mrs. Don Robins, Mrs. Janet Paeden, Mary Vir.kle, Mr. Jack Kimball, Janice and Jean Kimball, Bernice Henderson, Lena Clysdale were among those who attended the Anniversary Anniversary services held at Newcastle Newcastle Church on Sunday when Mr. Fred Graham played several organ pieces and was also the guest minister. Mr. Hesper Dean of Orono, visited Tuesday evening with Mr. and Mrs. C.R. Farrow. Starkville Bowling 50/50 draw Jean Fallis. Team standings are Mar- gueritas 22, Fuzzy Navels 22, Pina Coladas 20 and Singapore Singapore Slings at 16 points. Two hundred games, Cindy Millson 228, Vi Patterson Patterson 225, 217, Peggy Millson 227, Jean Arnold 224, 212, Sandra McAliese 224, Lois Walker 222, Jean O'Neill 219, Susan Floyd 213,203, Blanche Jones 211, Joan Argue 209, D. Scurk 201. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Henderson Henderson visited on Tuesday with Mr. and Mrs. Alf Perrin at Peterborough. Those attending Kendal Bazaar at their church on Saturday afternoon were Margaret Elliott, Lena Clysdale, Clysdale, Phyllis Peck, Olive Henderson, Janet Paeden, Mary Vinkle and Bernice Henderson. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Lee of Cambray spent a few days with Mr. and Mrs. C.R. Farrow Farrow and the ladies attended the bazaar at Welcome on Wednesday afternoon. Also attending were Phyllis Peck, Bernice Henderson, Janet Paeden and Lena Clysdale. Over 30 people enjoyed the bus trip to the Royal Winter Fair on Sunday which left Newtonville at twelve o'clock. Another bus trip is planned for this Friday, Friday, November 20th to the Scarborough Town Centre, leaving Newtonville at 8:30. For further information call Marlene Stacey 786- 2507 or Inez Boughen at 786- 2239 Mr. and Mrs. Trueman Henderson were dinner guests on Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. Moreton Henderson Henderson and Edward ofMorrish. Brad and Stacy Goodwin of Bewdley spent the weekend weekend with their grandparents grandparents Mr. and Mrs. Sid Stacey. Mr. and Mrs. Doug Jones and infant daughter of Sherwood Park, Alberta, Mr. and Mrs. C. Cornish of Orono, Mr. and Mrs. John Cornish of Oshawa and Mr. and Mrs. C.M. Jones enjoyed the flower gardens and had dinner at Cullen Gardens Whitby, on Sunday. Another craft class was held at the school on Thursday Thursday evening when small straw hats were decorated to be used as wall hangings. Mr. C.R. Farrow had lunch on Saturday with Mrs. Kay Kimball. Don and Donna Robins were the church greeters on Sunday Rev. Ransom named his sermon "What's the Prognosis?" The choir sang as anthem "Take my Yoke upon You." The church was beautifully decorated decorated complete with an archway and vases of flowers flowers by Kathy Shaw. Miss Annette Annette Harness, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Claude Harness, Harness, was married at the church with reception afterwards afterwards at Oddfellows Hall at Dale. We wish to thank Kathy for all her work and caring for us to enjoy on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Henderson Henderson of Oshawa, visited on Saturday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Henderson. Henderson. Mrs. Shirley Stapleton and Bernice .Henderson with the Shiloh ladies- travelled by bus to Woodbine Woodbine Centre on Thursday for a shopping spree. « X Remembrance Day service service was held at--the Cenotaph on Wednesday morning. Mr. Bill Clark assisted assisted by Rev. Ransom con- Roy Bacon OBITUARY 111 13 years, Roy Bacon, Me aged 67, died in Hospital, Bowmanville, » 1 ■ - s\ ■ • lemoriai fospital, Wednesday, November 4, 1987. Born in Snowdon, Twsp, Haliburton, and educated in Lindsay, he was the son of John James Bacon and Ethel May Bacon. He was married June 29,1946 to Mary Elizabeth Elizabeth Lemon. A resident of Bowmanville 43 years he had previously resided in Lindsay. An employee employee of Goodyear Tire and Rubber Co., Bowmanville, he retired 13 years ago. He was a member of St.Paul's United Church. During World War II he served with the 45th Seventh Army Field Regiment. Regiment. Left to mourn his passing are his wife Mary, a daughter daughter Darla (Mrs. Herb Madill) two grandchildren, one great grandchild, two brothers, brothers, Jim of Lindsay, Harry of Woodville, and many nieces and nephews. Reverend E. Schamerhorn officiated at the funeral sévices sévices held on Saturday at the Morris Funeral Chapel. Bowmanville. Mrs. Milford McDonald was the organist. Pallbearer were Messrs. Rick Woolncr,Henry Madill, Larry McQuire, Maurice Bacon, Bacon, Bill and Norm McDougall. McDougall. Interment Bowmnvi" metery. The 10th Bowmanville Beavers grew by leaps and bounds with an investiture ceremony on Thursday, November 12. Also joining the group are four new leaders. Pictured above in front, from left: leader Doug Fallow, Michael Shrives, Benjamin Gillepsie, Jason Greenham, Ryan Bruce, Nicholas Vanstone, David Hare, Christopher Honing, and Brian Dymarski. Back row, from left: leader Donna O'Neill, Joey Engel, Chad Wubbolt, Steven Degraaf, Tyler Fry, Michael Fallow, Thomas Hamilton, Gordon O'Neill, leader David Gillespie, and leader Lynne Fallow. Visual Arts Centre Plans Super Draw Two airline tickets to anywhere anywhere Wardair flies in Canada Canada will be given away in the Visual Arts Centre's upcoming upcoming Super Draw. Along with the airline tickets will be prizes consisting consisting of $50 dinner certificates certificates to a number of fine re- stauraunts throughout the Durham Region. The winning tickets will be drawn on Sunday, December December 6th, when the volunteers volunteers of the Visual Arts Centre will hold a Yuletide celebration at the Cream of Barley Mill in Bowmanville from 2 p.m. to 4 p.m. A stunning tree, delicious food, hot spiced cider and traditional Christmas music from some members of the Oshawa Symphony will be part of the afternoon's afternoon's festivities. But the highlight will be the draw for the Wardair flight and the 12 draws for dinner invitations invitations to fine restaurants throughout the Durham Region. Region. Town of Newcastle restaurants supporting this fund-raiser include The Dutch Oven, The Forum, ducted the services. The school children were also in attendance and their readings, which were composed composed by them, were also read. The students also made their own wreaths and these were laid including including four others by the Legionnaires. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Henderson Henderson visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Bev Henderson Henderson at Port Hope. and Hanc's Chicken and Ribs. Port Perry's Murray House and many fine Oshawa restaurants are also sponsors. Ticket holders are entitled entitled to a preview reception and discount of 10 per cent on paintings offered in the Super Christmas Sale of Art which commences December December 7. AH proceeds go towards the restoration of the Cream of Barley Mill. There are only 500 tickets for this event. If you haven't yet purchased your ticket, call 623-5831 between the hours of 1 p.m. and 4 p.m. for reservations. itivrç-'. -aA «. II "Lease To Own" 1988 Pontiac Sunbird S/E Wagon Equipped .with bucket seats, air conditioning, stereo cassette and much more. Call Weldon Brown $62.37 per week plus tax 48 month lease, 100,000 km O.A.C. with $1,000 cash or trade-in. i caw AIM WELDON BROWN PONTIAC -- BUICK LTD. BOWMANVILLE - ONT 166 King St. E. Telephone 623-3396 "Lease To Own" 1988 GMC Safari SLE Mini Van Fully loaded, air conditioning, power windows and locks, cruise control, stereo and much more. Call Cliff Sinclair $92.28 per week plus tax 48 month lease, 100,000 km OAC. with $1,000 cash or trade-in. COWAIM PONTIAC -- BUICK LTD BOWMANVILLE -- ONT CLIFF SINCLAIR 166 King St. E. Telephone 623-3396 QUAN TV & APPLIANCES TOSHIBA 21" STEREO MONITOR •DIRECT ACCESS ■ h REMOTE |siebeo|1 hits decoder •CABLE READY PHILIPS 21" STEREO *949 QUASAR 20" REMOTE *F=5B 3YR.WAAR *499 •CABLE READY PHILIPS 14" COLOR •CABLE READY *249 MOFFAT DRYER •SAFETY START •4 HEAT SELECTION •4 PROGRAMS *349 MÔFFAT WASHER •II LBS. HEAVY DUTY •WATER LEVEL, i TEMP. CONT. '•* PROGRAM $ 539 Q.E. MICROWAVE •DUAL WAVE •TOUCH PAD 1.0 CU. ill -POWER LEVEL *309 PWOFFAT COMPACT •AUTO DEFROST •TOUCH PAD •POWER LEVEL •DUAL SPEAKERS •CABLE READY •UNIFIED REMOTE *849 PHILIPS Z1" STEREO MONITOR •DECODER «UNIFIED REMOTE I Ï. M I H II «FULL ON-SCREEN DISPLAY *699 WHITE WESTINGHOUSE -SOLID ELEMENT 3LASS COOK TOP >399 QUASAR 26" COLOR CONSOLE •AFTTUWNG •COLORLOCK •3YR. WARRANTY •WOOD CABINET *579 TOSHIBA COLOR TVs •CABLE READY •REMOTE CONTROt •BLACKSTRtPc TUBE 20* *499 14> >399 ' LOW MICIti MOFFAT RANGE FRONT' 579 30' WHITE WESTINGHOUSE BUILT-IN OVEN STD. DELUXE •PROBE «ROIST •ALMOND OR WHITE COOK TOP *499 *289 TOSHIBA AND PHILLIPS VCR •2-HEAD REMOTE •DIRECT ACCESS •CABLE READY •4/14 DAY TIMER *399 MOFFAT FRIG 0 » 13 CU. FT. *619 FREEZERS f.SCU.FT. *299 I2.3CU.FT. *339 I5CU.FT. *399 TOSHIBA, GENERAL ELECTRIC MICROWAVE . • 1.44.6 CU. FT. [H -7» WATTS Eg •TOUCH PAD =S «CLOCK •50MTH WARRANTY >349 I ! .piifllli «r u >n 4421 HWY. 7 UNIONVILLE 477-3737 234 CHARLOTTE PETERBOROUGH 876-1818 2104 HWY. 7 CONCORD 226-1001 191 KING ST. W. OSHAWA 725-36Q0 -^^IL wed., Thurs., Fri., SatSngjÿ r November 25 - 26 - 27 - 28 We have one of the largest collections of 10K and 14K Italian Gold ever assembled. The savings are absolutely incredible! GcSuii G<M no St. W. W 623-1933 ^ Bowmanville 78 King St. W. 1 i t! V