I 8 The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanvillc, December 9, 1987 Section Two MCDONALDS GIFT OF CHRISTMAS -- The Bank of Montreal's Bowmanvillc branch is in the process of collecting donations to the McDonalds Gift of Christmas campaign. Throughout the month, they'll be accepting unwrapped donations donations of toys and gifts which donors may place in a bin. Bank of Montreal branches throughout the Durham Region are collecting the toys and foodstuffs this month for distribution to needy Durham Region families. In the past, the McDonalds Gift of Christmas has helped approximately approximately 600 families each year. HOLLY DAYS -- The Durham Region Lung Association will be delivering baskets of fresh B.C. holly to elderly shut-ins and residents of nursing homes and chronic care hospital wards this weekend. Visits will be made to Ajax, Beaverton, Bowmanville, Oshawa, Pickering, Pickering, Port Perry, Uxbridge and Whitby. Over 60 volunteers are participating in the project. Incidentally, don't forget to make your Christmas Christmas Seal donation this month. The Durham Region target is $140,000. And every little bit helps the Lung Association activities in Durham. COMMUNITY CARE NEWS -- The latest newsletter newsletter from Community Care reveals that the organization currently has 615 registered clients on file. It's truly a growing concern. Community Care also advises that the annual Christmas Dinner will take place at the Bowmanvillc Bowmanvillc Legion Hall on Monday, December 14, commencing at 12:30 p.m. PLANNING GRANT -- The Durham Region has received the final payment of a $61,000 community planning grant provided by the Ministry of Municipal Affairs. The final installment installment of $9,150 will be used towards preparation preparation of a comprehensive Planning Management Management Information System. John Eakins, Minister of Municipal Affairs, announced the funding last month. DURHAM NUCLEAR AWARENESS OPENS OFFICE OFFICE -- The new office of Durham Nuclear Awareness will be opened Thursday, December December 10, in Oshawa. The office is located at 26 1/2 King St. East. That's on the north side of King, just east of Simcoe. Guests are invited to drop by between the hours of 1 p.m. and 8 p.m. Refreshments will be served. The organization is also associated with the Nuclear Awareness Project for disarmament and the environment. SCHOOL NAMED AFTER LOCAL BOWMANVILLE BOWMANVILLE COUPLE -- The Simcoe Hall Children's School is being re-named in honour of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Campbell this week. On Friday, December December 11, a tree trimming party and naming ceremony will take place at the school which is located on Townline Rd. South in Oshawa. On that date, the Simcoe Hall Children's School will be known as the Campbell Children's School in order to recognize the contribution of a couple who have done so much for handicapped handicapped children in the Durham Region. The Simcoe Hall Children's Centre, where the school is located, has also been re-named. It will be called the Grandview Rehabilitation and Treatment Centre of Durham Region. DID YOU KNOW -- That the Bowmanville Kinette Club has raised a grand total of $1,213.13 for supplies used at the Comunity Care Foot Clinics held at St. Paul's United Church see 1983. Their support has helped to keep this operation "on its feet", so to speak. It's just one example of how service organizations organizations in this town assist the public in ways which are not always well known. TIME'S RUNNING OUT--for the Christmas decorations decorations contest in the Newcastle Village area. In fact, the folks who wish to have their decorated homes considered for a first, second or third prize are invited to call the Newcastle Village and District Chamber of Commerce at 987-4395. The deadline is December 14. (That's next Monday.) Judging is on December 18. CATCHING UP WITH SANTA -- Bowman- ville's downtown merchants have brought Santa Claus to the Veltri Complex where he will meet the youngsters on Saturday, December December 12 and 19. Over in the Bowmanville Mall, Santa Claus will be available for consultations consultations Thursday, Friday and Saturday, December December 10, 11, and 12 as well as those same three days next week, December 17, 18, and 19. Oh yes. He's also going to be on hand Monday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday at the Mall, immediately before Christmas. Drop by and say hello. MORE SHOPPING NEWS -- Don't forget that the Bowmanville downtown merchants will be remaining open until 9 p.m. from now until Christmas for the benefit of shoppers this festive festive season. And there will be free parking downtown on the final week leading up to December December 25. CHRISTMAS BOOK -- Local author Charles Ewert has completed his annual Christmas book for children, with illustrations provided . by Ron Phillips. This year's offering is called "A Simple Act of Courage" and funds raised from the sale of the well-illustrated volume will go towards the Participation House Project. Project. Specifically, the funds will be used to purchase purchase a six wheelchair lift-equipped van for use by area residents who require wheelchairs. wheelchairs. The story is about the courage needed in the day-to-day life of a handicapped person. You can buy your copy at Rickaby's, in Bowmanville. Bowmanville. . . . - , . sSVÜ'r ' ■ ' SCHOOL BOARD APPOINTMENTS -- Verna Shackleton, a trustee on the Northumberland and Newcastle Board of Education for the past three terms, has been chosen to chair the board for 1988, She took over from past chairman Bob Willsher, of Newcastle, at the school board's organizational meeting on December 3. Diana Stewart will be the vice chair of the Northumberland Northumberland and Newcastle Board of Education. WONDERFUL GIFT IDEAS -- are available at the Visual Arts Centre in Bowmanville's Soper Creek Park from December 7 to 17. We're referring to the VAC's Christmas Inspirations art sale which consists of paintings priced mainly at $100 or less. The paintings are on display from 1 to 4 p.m. daily and on Wednesday Wednesday they may be viewed from 1 p.m. to 8 p.m. For further details, call 623-5831. AMAZING ESCAPE -- A Bowmanville man was the passenger in an emergency landing by a single-engine plane in Oshawa on Sunday afternoon. afternoon. Brian Lipop, of Bowmanville, and the pilot, Graham Hedges, of Pickering, both walked away from the. wreckage without a scratch. The two were returning to the Oshawa Airport from Peterborough when the engine died during the final approach to the runway. The pilot landed the aircraft on Ritson Rd. North, between two rows of hydro wires. Miraculously, there were no cars in the way. It was described as a one-in-a-million landing. The plane, a Zenith 250, is a write off. Damages are estimated at $15,000. J EXTENSION PROGRAMS • SPECIAL REGISTRATION : DURHAM : COLLEGE • IN OSHAWA - • 2000 Simcoe St. N. • Sat. Dec. 12 from 9:00 a.m. - noon • in the Athletic Complex Gymnasium • Tue. Dec. 15 from 6:30 - 8:30 p.m. 9 in the main cafeteria » IN AJAX - • 400 Monarch Avenue » Mon. Dec. 14 from 6:30 - 8:00 p.m. q Wed. Dec. 16 from 6:30 - 8:00 p.m, • ONGOING REGISTRATION - • starting Dec. 14 - you can register from • 8:30 a.m. - 8:30 p.m. • at the Oshawa Registration Office, • Monday to Thursday and from 0 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. 0 on Fridays. • COURSE LISTINGS • AVAILABLE AT . REGISTRATION OFFICE e MOVIE FOR KIDS RAISES FUNDS FOR NEEDY--This Saturday, from 2 p.m. to 4 p.m., the movie Pee Wee's Big Adventure will be shown at the Bowmanville Mall Cinema. The event is sponsored by the Optimist Club and the Kinsmen. Those wishing to attend are requested requested to bring a new, unwrapped toy or canned goods as the price of admission. Proceeds Proceeds will be donated to the Salvation Army. BAND CONCERT -- Those talented musicians' at the Bowmanville High School will be performing performing their Christmas concert this Thursday, December 10. The performance commences at 7:30 p.m. in the B.H.S. auditorium. WIN RESTAURANT VOUCHERS -- The following following dozen happy people were winners in the Visual Arts Centre's latest fund-raising effort. Each of the following received a voucher voucher for dining out at one of the Durham Region's Region's finest restaurants. Their names were drawn during Sunday's opening of a sale of small paintings at the Visual Arts Centre. Winners include G. Lanteigne, R.R. 5 Bowmanville Bowmanville (Bellamy's); Helen Nelles, Bowmanville Bowmanville (El Stavro's); L. McRobbie, Bowmanville (Kreb's); Mel Garland, Leskard (Fazio's), Wayne Martin, Oshawa (The Forum); Joan Appleton, Appleton, Bowmanville (Hanc's Chicken and Ribs); Mary Lettner, Hampton (Dutch Oven); Tom Scott, Ajax (The New Globe); Bonnie Koenig, Orono (Magic Car); Annabelle Sis- ■ sons, Orono, (Pat and Mike's); Sandra Zakarow, Bowmanville (Murray House); Pat Elliott, Bowmanville (Trellisus); J. Davidson, Oshawa (Trellisus). The biggest prize, consisting of a trip for two to any Wardair destination in Canada, Canada, went to Linda Brankston, of Oshawa. Incidentally, Incidentally, the Visual Arts Centre's sale of small paintings (which make ideal Christmas gifts) will continue to December 17. A fine selection is still available. SplûMjfiM Water Distiller The fully automatic water distiller that brings beautifully healthful water into your home like never before To order a distiller for your family, for pre-Christmas delivery, phone Stewart Snider at Canada Trading BLACKSTOCK 986-4467 Region Briefed on Task Force 9 s Progress In 1979 a train derailment in Mississauga released substantial amounts of chlorine gas into the area, causing the evacuation of 250,000 residents. Concern over public safety re llting from the transportation of dangerous dangerous goods in the greater Toronto Toronto area prompted the Minister of Transport to commission a task force to address the issue. Durham Regional councillors, councillors, at their November 2 council meeting, were briefed on the progress of the Toronto Area Rail Transportation of Dangerous Dangerous Goods Task Force study. Harold Gilbert, chairman of the task force, and his associates, associates, explained to council council that the task force was formed in 1986. Their mandate mandate was to examine rerouting rerouting and improving the safety of railway systems transporting dangerous goods. "Three corridor alternatives alternatives arc being studied. First is keeping the existing system. Second is the Parkway Parkway Belt, which cuts off at Milton, and passes north of Thornhill. The other route heads even further north and skirts the communities. It avoids the urban south of Durham," explained Neil Irwin a representative for IBI Group, the consultants on the project The task force also looked at the risks involved in transporting dangerous goods. They found that CP rail has been a consistently good performer when compared compared to other North American American Railroads. According to the study released released by the task force, 48.2 per cent of the cars of CN and CP carried dangerous goods in 1985. These goods include more than 3000 dangerous products. Many are used by industries and some are used in everyday life, like chlorine for pools. Taking into consideration the existing railway system, a projected level of risk for the 1991 population was made. It indicates 4.1 statistical statistical fatalities per year. This level of public risk is relatively low when compared compared to other societal risks, staled the report. If the decision makers accept this level of public risk the existing routes will be maintained. However, if the risk is thought to be too high, the recommended alternatives will be considered. They range in cost from $54 million million to $1,686 million in capital capital expenditures. The task force wants to ensure that the public has an opportunity to make their views known. A drop- in centre has been organized organized for December 10 for Durham. It will be held from 5:00 to 9:00 p.m., at the Centennial Building, Regal Room, 400 Centre St. south, Whitby. The chairman of the task force reminded council that the group had no mandate » to construct facilities or im- ! plcment any of the opera- ■ tional changes. I Not until the Minister of * Transport, John Crosbie, receives the final report in March 1988, will any position position be taken on rail transportation transportation of dangerous goods in the Toronto Area. popples Stick Ons - Ninja headband - Ninja Belt & Dagger - Ninja Shurikans - Muppet Babies or Masters Of The universe zipper Clips - Skate Board Smack Ups - Disc Shooter - Thundercats Pendant - Cabbage Patch Stamps - Whitman cutout Books - Whitman Sticker Fun Books - Young & Lovely Doll-Doll Clothes 59.99 LESS BIWAY COUPON s 10.00 49.99 LESS MAIL-IN COUPON $ 10.00 10.00 * m m ! VALID ONLY WITH PURCHASE I YOUR L 9f LAZER TAG CAME J ÇQÇJ ■i.% \ . i ij u H rj ? ;