Two Scouting Awards Made Recently The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, December ifi. 1987 9 u \ ; r i : ' Has.. . Recently, West Durham Boy Scouts had the opportunity to present two appreciation appreciation awards. The first was to Dan Bonikowsky for his service as District President. Dan will be remaining active as Past President, and he will also be representing Quinte Region at the Provincial Council. District President Roger Leetooze made the presentations. T-- BWS Ill 1 '••• -- - L,, -o X x uV B, xWrMht ^ | U.C.W. Dinner Oq December 8th the U.C.W. ladles enjoyed a delicious dinner ah the Magic Car Restaurant In Oshawa. The committee of Rev. Ruth McKInnell, Jill Haskins, Alma Rowan and Aggie McKenzie had done a great job of planning the dinner and afternoon programme. The tables 1 were decorated with ChNstmas arrangements".' After finishing dinner, we enjoyed some carol singing, then Aggie and Ruth acted in a very humorous skit "Excuses,, Excuses, Excuses". No one will risk'sleeping In on Sunday morning now. They could be caught without their dentures or with their curlers still In. Alma read scriptures taken from Luke and Isaiah. Jill had a Devotion on Christmas, Are we celebrating for the right reasons. Keeping the spirit of Christmas alive, are some of our thoughts on others less fortunate. Jill led In prayer. After more carols were sung Alma asked the benediction. A few items of business were finished and we parted singing "We wish you a Merry Christmas. Thirty seven ladles were in attendance. We missed those who were unable to be with us. Mrs. Russell Ormlston, Oshawa and Mr. Fred Wright, Bowmanville were Friday evening dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Wright and Betty. On Sunday we held our annual White Gift and Mitten Tree service. The Colour of Love was the title of the service with Rev. Ruth McKInnell taking charge, and the Sunday School teachers helping take care of the children throughout the service. During the service the children sang anthems and we had one duel with Danielle and Elizabeth Alloway and Brenda Nielson played a piano solo. The little folk took up the offering. The congregation took part In the Litany of Gifts. After the White Gift Service we brought the untrimmed tree to the front of the pews and the Congregation and Sunday School adorned the tree with mitts, toques and scarves with Rev. David McKInnell taking charge of this part of the service. Mr. and Mrs. Dick Howe had their two grandsons, Kyle Huggins, Courtlce and Michael Howe, Oshawa as overnight guests. Deepest sympathy goes to Mrs. William Mahaffy and family of Blackstock on the death of her husband. Bill was a resident of Enniskillen for a number of years. Mr. and Mrs. George Carson, Orono, Mr. and Mrs. George Wolfe, Port Perry, Mr. and Mrs. Harry McLaughlin, Nestleton were dinner guests of Miss Myrtle Tamblyn and Mrs. Wilfrid Bowman, celebrating Stella's birthday. Mr. and Mrs. John Avery, Nicole and Christopher, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Avery were Committee of Clarke Constituents Dear Mayor Winters, Councillor McKnight, Councillor Cowman I am a resident of Clarke Township, in Newcastle Region. Region. I wish to vehemently express my OPPOSITION to the proposed expansion of the Laidlaw Landfill site. This operation will serve to do nothing for our area, except to drive down , property property values, pollute some of the last remaining A-l prime agricultural 1 land in the province, and make our area the "Garbage Capital of Ontario." I strongly object to this disgusting treatment of taxpayers; taxpayers; we pay for the main- tainance of roads, for school taxes, and all the other items that come out of the tax dollar. What do we get in return? No garbage collection collection at reasonable cost, no protection against toxins' that pollute our environment, environment, no attention paid to our concerns whenever we object to MAJOR changes to our IMMEDIATE ENVIRONMENTAL ENVIRONMENTAL AREA, and we are treated as second class citizens (I.E. little children children that don't know what Saturday evening dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Rekkef, Scott and Lisa to help Scott celebrate his birthday. Many happy returns of the day, Scott. Miss Myrtle Tamblyn, Mrs. Wilfrid Bowman were supper guests of Mrs. Clifford Naylor and John, Columbus and attended the Christmas concert of the County Town Singers In Columbus church.. A pre-Christmas service was held àt Enfield United Church on Sunday afternoon with Rev. David McKInnell conducting the service. Bible Lessons were read by Rev. McKInnell, Mr. D. Griffin and Julie Griffin. A number of Christmas carols were sung by the children and congregation With Mrs. K. Knox at the piano. A very special addition to the service was a vocal duet by Misses Elizabeth and Danielle Alloway. A vocal trio by the Knox family, Elizabeth and Jennifer and their father Ken, Mrs. Knox accompanied them. Rev. Ruth McKInnell favored us with a solo "The Beatitudes" accompanying herself on the guitar. The Enfield ladles served a delicious lunch following the service. "Canadians may enjoy the scent and beauty of a natural natural Christmas tree without fear, simply by exercising a bit of care and common sense", says Gerald S. Mer- rithew, Minister of State for Forestry and Mines. More than 40 million Christmas trees will be decorated decorated ' in homes across North America this holiday season. Charles Van Wagner, research research . scientist at the Pètawawa National Forestry Forestry Institute says, "A freshly bought conifer that has had an inch or so cut off the base diagonally and is kept immersed immersed in plenty of plain water is virtually fireproof." fireproof." Christmas tree cultivation, cultivation, an $80 million industry is becoming an increasingly increasingly significant segment of Canada's major resource industry: forestry. Minister Merrithew notes, "Canada exports a large percentage of what we produce, and forest products make up a good part of our total export trade. The lion's share of our Christmas tree industry's industry's product is exported to the United States." Consumer demand for natural Christmas trees is rising. This comes about as a result of the commitment to quality by Canada's Christmas tree growers, who adhere to rigid standards standards governing the shape and freshness of the trees. As well, the public is now better informed about the relative safety of natural Christmas trees. Care, safety and a fresh Christmas tree are the key: "Balance of 6 year warranty left on my demo, as well as 8.9% financing ( And it's in better than new condition)" COWAN PONTIAC BUICK LTD iiOWMANVtlU ONI RON MUTTON 166 King St. E. Telephone 623-3396 LETTERS TO THE EDITOR we are talking about : especially especially things such as the now-tablea NUCLEAR DUMP?) Do you realize that this dump may still be foisted upon us, and that with the nuclear power stations that are already in close proximity proximity to us, that we are already already on the way to becoming becoming the sewer of the province. "If you need a place to chuck your waste andsuch, just sent it to our area' is a very appropiate slogan. But hold on there is a problem. We, the citizens, to which you are sending this "YUCK' DO NOT WANT IT'. Metro Toronto is now looking to "drop" its garbage garbage down on us. NO WAY, FELLOWS --KEEP IT AT YOUR DOORSTEP. We have enough of our own to try to dispose of without taking in partners. I belong to a group of area residents known as THE COMMITTEE. OF CLARKE CONSTITUENTS CONSTITUENTS FOR THE ENVIRONMENT, ENVIRONMENT, INC. This group was formed in 1981, at the outset of this problem, to fight the expansion expansion of the landfill site, that was then owned by the Hale family. The politicians would not listen to us when we expressed our misgivings misgivings about the expansion and the dire effects it could lead to. Now who was right, Mr. Mayor and councillors? There have been numerous numerous problems with this facility facility over the years, and the- objectives of area residents have been repeatedly IGNORED. IGNORED. The Environmental Environmental Ministry is aware of leachate leachate occurring, profiles and height guidelines have been overextended, the creek is polluted and the hours of posted operation times have been violated many times. When the present reasons, he has done an about - face on the matter and opposes it. Could the reason be that now that the very dire RAMIFICATIONS RAMIFICATIONS of this expansion begin to loom larger than life, that he sees the dangers involved? At the time, I, and all other members of our group were opposing this, our protests fell on DEAF EARS. Well, all of a sudden, those same EARS seem to have been cleared of the blockage that was there before. Is it non better to listen a lot more closely, the first time, to the concerns of the citizens in the affected areas, for who but they will pay the EVENTUAL EVENTUAL CONSEQUENCES. But no, the almighty politicians politicians know what is best for their constituents without even asking them their feelings feelings on these matters. This is the way things are done in modern society. Well, "ENOUGH IS ENOUGH"!!! The residents of this area do NOT WANT THE LAIDLAW LANDFILL LANDFILL site to be expanded. If the "Mayor and other elected elected officials" believe this, it is time to wake up and listen. Please don't try to smell the roses, the stench of the garbage garbage may be hazardous to you. The people of Ajax - Pickering Pickering are also opposed to a facility like this in their area but that does not give them the ALMIGHTY PRIVILEGE PRIVILEGE of foisting it off on their neighbours. Councillor Bob Mitchell stated in the Toronto Star that he is in favor favor of the Laidlaw expansion expansion proposal. What would you expect him to want? As long as it is not near his ju- risdicton, what does he care. I, as a private citizen, who lives in the affected area, am tired of all the government and private agencies, whenever whenever theyhave something NASTY to find a place for, they IMMEDIATELY think of this area. NO MORE!!! TO ALL THE POLITICIANS AND OTHER PEOPLE WITH IDEAS that fit this scenario, I, for one will not tolerate this horrendous treatment anymore; my taxes taxes make me an equal to ALL those who pay their taxes for the same services. These people would NOT stand for such shabby treatment for one moment, and neither will I. Do we want WASTE form all over Ontari, (any kind) polluted streaams, wells and farmlands, debris form vehicles that litter our roads, trucks of all sizes and descriptions (that come and goat all hours of the day and night)? Do we want Truck traffic that poses a danger to our children, pets, anyone out of a walk, and private vehicles (when we back out of the driveway) driveway) and school buses? "NO, WE DO NOT WANT ANY OF THIS. Wfc HAVE HAD ENOUGH'. ;ï I urge everyone to please, get busy and write ito your Mayor, Councillors, and local news media, before "The POWERS THAT BE IT - - - sneak - - - this expansion past us. Councillor Hamre is NOT the only one opposed to this matter, contrary to popular belief. If you wish further information information about the fight that we, the Committee of Clarke Constituents for the Environment, Inc., have been waging, please contact our group. (Box 128, Newcastle, Newcastle, Ontario, LOB 1H0). We have had very dedicated members fighting for us, but now we need your support. ENVIRONMENT MINISTER MINISTER JAMES BRADLEY, ARE YOU LISTENING? YOU SHOULD BE. Thank you for allowing me to voice my concerns and those of many in our area. Yours Hopefully, Cheryl D. Duval Private Citizen, Member of CGC for the Environment, Environment, Inc. Someone deeply concerned for the future treatment of our precious water, land and air. iFft; ; The second award was to Helen Thiessen upon her retirement as District Badge Secretary, a position she has ably filled for the last 11 years. Prior to this Helen was a Cub Leader for 11 years. > ' White Gift Service Held Natural Christmas Trees are Safe . z - An AtitO zios "Y T ' X /\-v; îw o ••• 0 O o-yvo.o.v ^ °o : r°M : o oVo °'° Pb °ô (A- y. Ap a H- P irinj! Iv l, I k m \ E< :|i F ; L l I=L !-- ' 1 . ■ . Uv \[ I . ex' tvv a i il». :/ ■ ,, * xri ■< 1 »il .. iKv I . ' f . , 1 I'.»! t , «Mi n L"i ■ t1V* y , a I V, / , v* t, nLS<M ? i ■ if r ti, SE--- Ji Ft ,11 , i 'I ifi m gMsali S'giifeüryi! : I - (lif, 4 'V ; 1)1 * àsftf Hi I P ' 'S'aiIlT 1 " ' Mil /I UJU t fcïTi T3S li J X OUR EXCLUSIVE All 9 pieces are included! •Room y 4 door buffet •Spacious lighted china hutch •4 High Back side chairs •2 Arm Chairs •Large formal table with extensions All 9 Pieces! Stunning Traditional Dining Room - An Amazing A splendid dining room of such is rru/y I / 1 I cause for Furniture Celebration '87! All 9 beautiful ^ V QlUCl pieces are crafted to the finest detail in a warm oak finish, combining solid oaks and oak veneers. Note the / Cb W W U M ■ table's handsome solid trestle base. This large formal // / Æ table extends to 90 inches and features a specials' \\ a ■ Æ automatic opening mechanism. X> s w mÈÊH gj I R The URNITURE STOR E FREE DELIVERY 77 KING STREET EAST BOWMANVILLE TELEPHONE 623-4466 OPEN THURS. and FRI. UNTIL 9:00 p.m.