) ) Section Two The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville. December 23,1987 Women Share Pot Luck Luncheon Figure Skaters Take Part in Competition Tyrone News by B. Vaneyk (intended for last week) Carol singing was to take place at Tyrone Church on Monday evening, December 21st, at 7:00 to 9:00 p.m., with Jacqueline Vaneyk at the organ. CHRISTMAS LUNCHEON About 40 women of Tyrone community gathered gathered at the invitation of the United Church Women to share a pot luck luncheon on Wednesday noon, December December 9, 1987. The decor was festive and the food was holiday cuisine. A Life Membership was presented to Jacqueline Vaneyk, when Jacqueline's mother, Mrs. Audrey Roscvear, Hampton, pinned on the significant significant crest. Jac queline's sister, Arlene Yeo, was also in attendance. attendance. For details of the entire enjoyable program see the write-up by Blanche Jones, press secretary. WHITE GIFT SERVICE The beautiful rainbow which arched over the choir A merry Christmas to you and those you hold most dear! Thanks for your continued support. rtisans 18 Silver Street, Bowmanville, Ontario L1C 3C3 (416) 623-2708 MEfi-Ry CHRISTMAS and HAPPy NEW y EAR from Management and Staff Jt&utcuje Jlottie (ledtauna+d atut ^laoeAti Bowmanville Mall 623-3023 ACCIDENT OR TRAFFIC TICKET? CALL loft piqued the curiosity of church goers as they arrived arrived on Sunday morning, December 13th. Bobbi Clark, aged in a shawl, and David McKinncll, visibly decrepit, reminisced the beginnings of White Gift Sunday tradition. Steve Phillips, Tracy Powers, Susan Shrigley and Ellen Vaneyk depicted the continuing continuing outreach of the White Gifts. The congregation congregation presented their white gifts. Earla Bundle led the service which ended as surprisingly surprisingly as it began, with a wave of balloons and blessings blessings being touched and sent off from one another. During the service the third Advent candle was lit by Tom Pleasance. The choir sang "So Gentle the Donkey that Carried the Maiden", accompanied by Jacqueline Jacqueline Vaneyk. "I Know I'll Never Touch a Rainbow", Rainbow", was sung by Carol Southwell, Gail Hasiuk, Ellen Vaneyk and Earla Rundle. Notices: Thursday morning Bible Study. Friday Friday evening Bible Study 7:30 p.m. Tyrone Church Nominating Committee needs a treasurer for 1988. Christmas Eve Service Service at Enniskillen Church at 7:00 p.m. All welcome. HAPPY BIRTHDAY Many Tyrone friends and neighbours of Mr. Leslie Coombes, who now resides in Oshawa, attended Open House at the home of Wilma and Rowlie Coombes, Taunton Taunton Road, to help celebrate Les's 80th birthday. About one hundred well-wishers also included representatives representatives of such groups as the Oshawa Senior Citizens' Choir and the Seniors Bowling Bowling League. Les and his family contributed to community community and church activities activities when they resided near Tyrone. LONG SAULT FAMILY CHRISTMAS The Annual Community Christmas pot luch supper which is sponsored by Long Sault Club 50 for all the community's families took place on Sunday evening, December 13th with a good turnout. It is gratifying to have the participation of new residents of the community. community. Wednesday until Sunday, visiting at Glenholme School, nursing homes, high schools, etc., talking to people, putting on miniperformances miniperformances and helping out They joined in the treelighting ceremonies at the Oshawa Civic Centre and entertained Ontario's host families to a many nations nations exposition. A banner banner with a central dove of peace motif was completed by host families who brought a piece of ribbon to weave into the banner. Consumers Gas Company and The Oshawa Times cosponsored cosponsored the Saturday night performance of "Time for the Music". Obituary Cecil Vannatto A resident of Bowmanville, Cecil Vannatto, died on October 31,1987. He was the son of the late David Henry • and Elizabeth Vannatto. He was born July 20th, 1912. He was also a life member of the Oddfellows. Born in Manvers Township, he lived in Enniskillen and Kendal before moving to Bowmanville in 1951 where he worked for the Goodyear Rubber and Tire Company until he retired. He is survived by his brother Andrew of Thunder Bay, a sister Eva of Bowmanville, Ethel of Port Hope, Bill of Thunder Bay and Shirley of Owen Sound. A funeral service was held at Morris Funeral Chapel on November 2/87. Rev. Edward Schamerhorn officiated followed by an interment at Lakeview cemetery in Newtonville. Before you send it, seal it... with a Christmas Seal! Join the fight against lung disease. i vt a Former Traffic Police Office be your voice in court. NO COST CONSULTATION. LOW COST REPRESENTATION 436-7194 _ , 249 KING ST. E. ■# (ACROSS FROM THE OSHAWA PROVINCIAL COURT) SOCIAL I.» I. ' Mr. and Mrs, G. Kovacs attended attended the 85th>ibirthday celebration of Aunt Allie Mitchell at the home of Ruth and Clarence Mitchell, Mitchell, Markham. Sorry to hear that Stan Goble is once again in hospital. hospital. Odette Aliaga, Mexico, and Vibeke Frandsen, members of the Up With People cast which performed performed to a full house at the Civic Auditorium on Saturday Saturday night, were billeted with Paul and Bessie Vaneyk. Vaneyk. One hundred young people representing about 20 countries, carried out community involvement in the Oshawa area from We owe our success to customers like you, and we're very grateful. 'May you have a joyous Yuletide seasonl "Servicing All Your Automotive Needs" SWICE CENTR 114 Liberty Street South Bowmanville 623-9376 May you and your loved ones have a sale and joyous Holiday Season, a healthy and 1 prosperous New Year! DON IRVINE 108Waverley Road Bowmanville 623-4482 Uht a good neighbor. State Farm is there STATE FARM INSURANCE COMPANIES Carudiin Hud Offices: Scarborough, Ontario These members of the Bowmanville Figure Skating Club were heading to Scugog on December 12 for the Scugog Frolics Competition. In the back row, from left, are: Hilary Jennings, Laura Bullock and Lisa Talotti. In the front row are Leanne Jennings and Andrea Mirsch. Road Status Changed A debate which arose in October has been resolved, now that Lake Road in South Bowmanville has been redesignated to rural status. At the December 16 regional regional council meeting, the Durham Region's planning committee recommended changing the arterial road .status ol'Lake Road, located south of Highway 401, to collector collector status. The change was unanimously unanimously approved by regional regional councillors. In July, an application was sent to the Town of Newcastle on behalf of the owners of three parcels of land in the area. The applicants applicants requested that the subject road be designated as rural. At the October 13 Newcas tle town council meeting, which considered the application, application, Mayor Winters expressed expressed concern over the redesignation of the road. He questioned whether a rural road could support the industries in the area. The regional planning committee, however, found that based on constraints to future development in South Bowmanville and the amount of traffic generated in the industrial park area, an arterial road was not required. required. This will reduce the developer's developer's construction costs of the road by nearly $2 million. million. Lake Road can now be built to rural standards and it will be constructed as a two-lane road rather than a four-lane road Councillor Diane Hamre ^«rr^üiii 1 ®f GOOD jjyi May (hose who seek', find the way to that peace, love and understanding (lint only lie onn give. Orchard Park Furniture stated when the issue first came up at council in October, October, it would be good business business to keep the costs of the lands south of Highway 401 down. This would help attract attract industry. In addition, the region approved approved an amendment to the Town of Newcastle Official Official Plan. It gives the Newcastle Newcastle town council greater flexibility in determining construction standards for roads in designated industrial industrial areas. LOOKING FOR THE PERFECT GIFT? Dive AH E ELECTROLUX A NAME YOU CAN TSUSTI CALL TODAY FOR MORE INFORMATION: JAMES AMEY Sales and Service _TOLL FREE 1-551-6523 365 Wilson Rd. S„ Oshawa, Ont. (416) 723.4163 Happiness is... |H Christmas! And good friends like you! Thanks for the privilege of serving you. from all of us at mother mod Custom Draperies and Interiors 34B King St. W. -- 623-2826 -- Bowmanville warm, wonderful season of Yuletide bring happiness to you and yours. You've been wonderful to know and serve. Delta Faucet Inc. 250 Baseline Road East, Bowmanville 623-9333