I 10 The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanvitle, December 23,1987 Section Two Enniskillen Students Present Christmas Concert iww siai Seaiotii QneetUufi -4§ Warmest thanks for your patronage. To all, we wish a joyous holiday season. Clinton and Glen Farrow SAND GRAVEL EXCAVATING Newtonville Now and throughout the year, we wish you 366 days of Yuletlde cheer! from all of us at Akers Auto Glass 19 Silver St., Bowmanville Telephone 623-4225 Qhristmas ^Memories As we experience tde warmtd and wonder of this festive season, may all.tdat is Cdristmas emdrace you and yours. «CI from the folks at Dykstra's Delicatessen Food Market 77 King St. W. 623-3541 Bowmanville Bowmanville W.L Holds Christmas Dinner Executive members of Bowmanville Women's Institute Institute met in Trinity United Church Hall, Thursday, December December 3, to prepare the Christmas Dinner. The tables were tastefully decorated. Women's Institute Institute grace was said in unison and 27 members and seven guests sat down to dinner. Alter the meal and the chores were done, Mrs. C. Bell, President, thanked all. The meeting opened with the singing of 0 Canada and the Institute Ode. Father Langley, assistant pastor at St. John's Anglican Church was the pianist. Roll call; Christmas verse or memory, was well answered. answered. Motto - "International Thoughts" was prepared and read by Mrs. H. Millson. Father Langley played the piano and sang a solo "Silent Night". Mrs. Tomlinson Tomlinson gave a reading "Twas the Night Before Christmas" assisted by Mrs. C. Bell. The seven guests present were Rev. and Mrs. Langley - Jamaica, Mr. and Mrs. Phil lips - Wales, Mrs. Mary Ke- rekes - Germany, Mrs. Grace Flonk - Holland, Mrs. Sheila Martin - South Africa. International Christmas Homes. Each guest told about the customs and how they celebrated Christmas in their county. The guests were thanked and each one was given a gift on behalf of the members of the Women's Institute. There was an exchange of gifts among the members. A sing song, Christmas Carols Carols was enjoyed. The minutes minutes of the last meeting were read, The Financial report and correspondence were f iven by the Secretary reasurer, Mrs. C. Downey. The meeting ceased with the Mary Stewart Collect and a social hour followed. Tea and Christmas Cake were served. The next meeting will be held Jan. 7, 1988 in Trinity United Church Hall, at 2 p.m. Visitors welcome. Wishing you A Merry Christmas and a Happy New year. - Anne Brine. P.R.O. ,' ; Christmas came to Enniskillen Public School on Wednesday, December 16, With two performances of their yearly Christmas concert. The "gang" above Were part of the play "Christmas on Angel Street" which was put on by the children in grades four, five and six. From left: Mark Weir (kneeling), Asa Sctioonderbeek, Joel English, Tony Willson, Jason Griffin and Danny Penwar- dëh. Although the photographer was unable to stay for the performance, it was odious that a lot of hard work had gone into the yearly festivities. Triple F Andy Bonsma 31 Clarence Van Niejenhuis.. .31 Art Atkinson 26 Bill Vroom 25 Ron Bonsma 25 John Rozema 20 Dirk Van Abbema 19 Anne Vandergaast 19 Peter Glasbergen 16 Hammy Vandergaast 13 High Single Ladies Nel Van Abbema 248 High Single Men John Rozema 306 High Triple Ladies Doreen Bakker593 High Triple Men Bill Vroom 805 High Average Ladies Nel Van Abbema 200 High Average Men Bill Vroom 224 -affray \>'.v Ti EVERYTHING IN THE STORE Monday, Dec. 28th Only HENRY gk % BUILDALL TWO LOCATIONS TO SERVE YOU □ nor I : U' M | ~ll--II--If Donniez] c w M KIM WAV #2 0 , o u eioo* v npqc I la BASE UNI X nzzTc ZLti Sale prices are cash and carry only OSHAWA 100 Bond Street W. 728-1617 Monday - Friday 8:00 n.m. - 9:00 p.m. Salurday 0:00 a.m. ■ 6:00 p.m. COURTICE Bloor Street East 436-3648 Monday • Wednesday 8:00 a.m. • 6:00 p.m. Thursday • Friday 8:00 a.m. • 9:00 p.m. Salurday 8:00 a.m. • 6:00 p.m.