Students Re-enact Trial of William Lyon Mackenzie Section Two The Canadian Statesman. Bowmanvillc. December 23, 1987 11 The Dim and Distant Past by Gretchcn Ballantync The trial of William Lyon Mackenzie was held in the Bowmanvillc Court House Monday, December 7,1987. The staging of Mackenzie's Mackenzie's trial was part of a unit of study for the Bowman- ville Senior Public School's grade eight history class. This active learning concept concept was devised by John Veldhuis, grade eight core teacher at the senior public school. It shows students that learning can be fun as well as informative. "The kids have an opportunity opportunity to study by doing. They realize that the characters they are dealing with arc real flesh and blood people, not just fairy talc figures from the history book. Only a small segment of the trial was performed in , the court house. The rest is to he filmed at the school and on location at the Port Darlington Marina. Mr. Veldhuis Veldhuis is making a video of the entire trial for future classroom use. The trial is of three men charged with destroying Mackenzie's printing shop and throwing his press into the Toronto Harbor. William William Mackenzie had been writing virulent criticism against the FamilvComoact O Come Let Us Adore Him May peace on earth and good will to all mankind prevail as we celebrate the miracle of Christmas. From all of us at . Flowers By Jackman Bowmanville Mall Telephone 623-3365 50 Years Ago. Several Bowmanville churches will hear special addresses on Sunday next. Reverend F. H. Cosgrave, Provost of Trinity College and an outstanding preacher, preacher, will be guest speaker Sunday Sunday morning at St. John's Anglican Church. Raymond Gilmour, Durham Durham County oratorical champion and representative representative from Crooked Creek, won first prize in the oratory contest held Friday evening at Brighton under the auspices auspices of District Ratepayers and Trustees Association. Five speakers who were winners of their respective county contests entered. Raymond won the honours honours with his short address, "Sport on the Farm". Second prize was awarded awarded Re ta Turpin of Northumberland Northumberland County, speaking on "My Wild Insect Collection, " and third prize went to Prince Edward County. This lly i ham County had a representative representative in the contest and great credit is due the winner. winner. Finals of the provincial contest will be held at the O.E.A. at its meeting in Toronto Toronto next spring ana by his victory Gilmour is entitled to be a contestant. 25 Years Ago. Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Thorndyke, Wesleyville, attended attended the banquet sponsored sponsored by the Agricultural Society Society of Coldsprings, last Wednesday. Arnold was presented presented with the trophy he won for crop achievement this year. Merry Christmas Thanks for letting us serve you! Ruth Gail Tracey Caroline Sylvia's Nail Care and Sophisticated Lady 33 King St. E., Bowmanville 623-1964 623-9648 A very special trial was held in the Bowmanville Court House, December 4. Bowmanville Senior Public School students staged the trial of William Lyon Mackenzie. The court case was a unit of their history studies. These students found being a part of the action a much more interesting way to learn their lessons. Pictured above (left to right) are: Jeremy Tymoshik as the prosecuting attorney, Marc Ferguson as the judge and Christine Watters as the defence attorney. and the government of the day, angering a number of individuals. The students have found this part of their history unit the most interesting.- "We've never done anything anything like this (the trial) before before and it's really fun. I find we know the facts better better when we actually get to re-enact the whole thing," said Jeremy Tymoshik, who plays the prosecutor in the trial. The students were responsible responsible for writing their own scripts. They got most of the information from their textbook. Mr. Veldhuis feels that the students get a better historical historical perspective of the time of Mackenzie, by being responsible for knowing more than just what came to pass in the court room in 1835. "The students must find out how they dressed in those days in order to create the costumes, find out- how the legal system worked, as well as knowing the details of the trial. In the end, these kids really know their stuff," explained Mr. Veldhuis. ONLY BOWMANVILLE OSHAWA DODGE DEALER » KlNGY AR MOTORS LTD. 1^23 1428 KING SI f OSHAWA wLm 723-1175 ■B 723-1176 NOW OPEN SATURDAYS! Come see: Robert Bennett. Ron Peters. Lyle Smith. Terry Peters or Ted Whitmq Ask your neiqhbor why they bouqhl their new car Irom Kinqvai Motor-, 4 * HUMl 4 MVU i 1 "L IS • :«• 8v7=| II from the friendly folks at Bun King Bakery 138 King St. E., Bowmanville Telephone 623-1121 -- OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK -- Breads, Buns and Pastries Baked Fresh Daily on the Premises 24-HOUR NOTICE PLEASE on orders for Weddings, Banquets, Restaurants and Special Events Local Toastmasters Hold Nomination Night at Lions Community Centre •• Irene Konzelmann "Share in Leadership" was the theme of the opening opening remarks by the Chairman, Chairman, TM ( joe Christl. A very appropriât^ motto, for it was Nomination'Ntght last week for Bowmanville Toastmasters. Toastmasters. Haying just successfully successfully chartered their club, the Toastmasters were preparing preparing to vote for a new executive executive before the end of'this year. The Table Topics Master, Master, TM Rob Owens, taxed the listening skills of his fellow fellow Toastmasters. After providing providing background information, information, members were asked to introduce "the guest speaker." speaker." Proper introduction of a speaker is a skill that most people might have to acquire through trial and error. Members of Toastmasters hone this skill at weekly meetings. The Toastmaster of the evening, TM Marilynn Dow, introduced the two speakers. TM Nancy Barnes spoke on "The Joys of Gardening " and "Prospects of 1988" was the theme of TM Rob Owens speech. The trophy for Best Speaker was awarded to TM Owens. The General Evaluator, Evaluator, TM Irene Konzelmann, called on TM Jim Allin and TM Connie Nelson to evaluate evaluate the speakers. The trophy for Best Evaluator was awarded to TM Nelson. Toastmasters Bryden and- 1 Nelson shared the trophy for -Best Table Topics Speaker. The Spark Plug was won by TM Konzelmann. Bowmanville Toastmasters Toastmasters meet weekly at the Lions Centre. Everyone is welcome to visit. There will be no meetings during the holiday season. Bowmanville Toastmasters Toastmasters meet again on Tuesday, Tuesday, January 5th, 1988 at 7:30 p.m. Go our Merry Christmas wishes for joy, peace and togetherness. Thank you for sharing our love of animals. from the staff at Terribrae Pet Foods and Supplies 73 King St. W. 623-1752 Bowmanville t t f Christmas is the time for old friends to get together. Why not stop in and visit us? We wish you and your family the happiest happiest holidays ever. It's been great getting to know you over the past year. "More Than Just a Truck Stop" FIFTH- WHŒL TRUCK STOPS Highway 401 and Waverley Road Bowmanville -- 623-3604 OftM M-HOUR* A DAY . . , SEVEN DAYS A WESK