6 Loving, caring, giving: At the heart of the Christmas spirit Section Three The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanvillc, December 23, 1987 Meaning of Christmas transcends place and time Artistry of simplicity One of the easiest of all imaginative exercises is to paint a picture of a "greeting card" Christmas. The first ingredient is snow, blanketing rolling hills, preferably, and gracefully draping the boughs of trees, usually evergreens. The sun shines, of course, but on a scene sculpted out of the elements of winter. Then, moving indoors, there arc roaring fires, festoons of evergreens around doorways doorways and along banisters, cups of steaming wassail or hot toddies, as everyone gathers gathers around that grandest evergreen of all, the Christmas tree, with its ropes of cranberries and popcorn, its glittering lights and its myriad of ornaments. However, turn the world upside down, for a moment, and travel to southern climes, where snow is replaced by an occasional occasional tropical shower, and evergreens by palm trees. Yet, Christmas it still is, because nl the spirit which pervades the season. In Australia, and the rest of the southern southern hemisphere, Christmas occurs not ill winter, but during the sultry summer months, which means that the events which make up Christmas Day are likely to shape up somewhat differently. Christmas dinner is likely to he a picnic picnic and. rather than dressing up in layers of finery, Australians arc as likely to he wearing bathing suits on Christmas Day, at least after church services arc over. Many of the Australian Christmas customs customs have roots in the Yulctide celebrations of Britain...but with a difference. The weather decrees that the pleasures of winter--which for so many of us arc synonymous with the celebration of Christmas--be foregone. Hence, there arc no Yule logs, no sleigh rides, no reindeer. Instead, there arc the Christmas bell and the Christmas bush, enjoyed, of course, with that same sense of community and family feeling which characterizes Christmas'celebrations Christmas'celebrations around the world. In many Latin countries, too. the scene is different from what we imagine. It's not .simply that the seasons arc reversed: reversed: rather, in many they do not experience experience winter, as we know it, at all. Generally, Christmas celebrations ic- llecl the local climate as well as the local culture. The celebrations occurring on the island island of Jamaica, for instance, are colorful colorful and perfectly characteristic of that island's heritage, a fascinating blend of European and African traditions. On that island, hands of roving entertainers. entertainers. the Jankannus, have set the stage for Christmas festivities lor almost 200 years, combining evocative dancing with mysterious, mesmerizing music. The singers, dancers and musicians usually are brightly attired, and the faces of many arc hidden by fearsome masks. One of the central figures in these performances performances is John Canoe who. masked and bewigged, wears an enormous and elaborate headpiece which depicts a boat teeming with dolls representing individuals individuals typical of Jamaican life, among them plantation workers and military men. In Chile, the warmth of the climate We value the friendships we've built with customers like you. Hope you all have a happy holiday GENERAL CONTRACTOR Jack and Alice Burgess and Sons of JACK BURGESS Plumbing and Healing Hampton • • • 263-2151 creates a significant inconvenience for Viejo hisntcro, the jolly old gent who distributes presents and whose mien and behavior strongly resemble Santa's. Because chimneys, where they exist, arc of minimal proportions. Viejo A/.v- cuero is unable to fit in them. His solution? solution? To climb in à window, which provides the same results, although less colorfully. In Brazil, boat rides and picnics arc the order of the day on Christmas, and fireworks are a popular form of entertainment. entertainment. Some European customs arc observed in Brazil: Among them is the setting up of the Nativity scene, in Brazil called a pesebre, as well as a Christmas tree, though in Brazil this is adorned with glimmering candles. On Christmas Eve. Midnight Mass is followed by a festive supper, and on Christmas morning, the children of each household open their gifts, left by Papa Niiel in shoes which they had lull out the night before, as well as hidden about the house for them to find. And. red and green arc the colors of the season in Brazil, just as in so many other, colder countries; however, it is not holly hut eucalyptus and red tropical llowers which provide the brightness. In Costa Rica. too. tropical flowers in a myriad of brilliant hues arc a central part of Christmas decorating. Because the country's jungle areas arc- rich in exquisite orchids, people make trips to pick their own. in the same way as many Americans head to the forests to cut down their own Christmas trees. Costa Ricans use the armfuls of flowers they have culled to embellish the manger scene, which is called a /xmul. And. they form wreaths from available greenery --in their case, cypress boughs ornamented with red coffee berries. In Ecuador, mountain Indians, garbed in finery, mount llamas on Christmas Day. and ride down to the ranches where they work, carrying with them presents of fresh fruit and vegetables for the Christ child who is the center of attention where He lies in the presebre. or creche. The Indians present their gifts, and at the same time ask His blessing on their family and animals for the year to come. During the day, the ranch owner mounts a fiesta for his employees, and provides them with a festive dinner of roast lamb and accompaniments. In the evening, he sends his workers back home- laden with gifts. In Lima, the capital of Peru, along with more traditional Christmas celebrations. celebrations. arc a parade in honor of the Virgin Mary and a bullfight. And. in Puerto Rico. Spanish. American American and indigenous island customs mix for a celebration which incorporates the 'best of all worlds, with caroling before Christmas, and gifts on Christmas and Epiphany, too. SANTOS ARK A TRADITIONAL FOLK ART FORM of Puerto Rico. This I9lh century century example, in carved painted wood, is from the collection of the Museum of American Folk Art. It depicts a Nativity scene, moving in its simplicity. In the center, center, the Christ child lies in His crib, flanked by the figures of Joseph and Mary, who are joined hy a pair of farm animals, whose heads are bowed in reverence. Photo: Terry MeCinniss. Hoping you oil enjoy miles of smiles this bright Christmas time... and accept our special appreciation for your friendship and loyalty. WALLACE AUTO SUPPLY Main St. Orono 983-5614 141 King St. E. Bowmanvllle 623-5402 It is my pleasure to wish you every happiness this Christmas. 31 opte 3Ro68eau DECORATIVE ART STUDIO Art Supplies and Instruction Orono 983-5312 greetings Dear Santa: We have been very good all year. We are really looking looking forward to Christmas. Me, Jillian would like a baby and a vacuum cleaner. My sister Jenelle, would like Alf. My brother Brad, would like a race car set and a pair of hocky skates. Love Jillian and Jenelle and Brad. P.S. Don't for get to drink your Christmas cocktail, and d remember to give Ru- dolp one' to keep nis nose red all night. cMe; /Hi A'. The nicest thoughts that Christmas brings to mind are those that include the feelings of love, peace and brotherhood that we all cherish. At this happy time, we would like to extend our sincere thanks to all of you who've been so kind and thoughtful. 7m, Gary, Carol, and Staff The Village Bakery, Delicatessen and Tea Room Main St., Orono 983-9779 (^ver the river and through the woods...bringing with us tidings of true Christ mas spirit. It's been our pleasure to serve you. Management and Stall of HUTTON TRANSPORT 623-2521 Waverlay Road South Bowmanvllle from ! LIGHTS, VIDEO, ACTION 110 Waverley Rd., Bowmanvillc 623-3658 SlUETiG niœ The joy of giving and sharing makes this Holy Season truly the most beautiful. DURHAM hi AL 1 ST AT F LTD Broker 99 King St. E., Bowmanvllle 623-3911 •oOe«> Cheery holiday greetings to all our good friends and patrons. It's been a pleasure serving you. Tim's Rent-All Ltd. 102 King St. W. Bowmanvillc 623-4321