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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 11 May 1988, p. 26

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8 The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanvillc, May 11,1988 Section Two Plenty of Smiles at Public School Fun Fair mjc Jîetocasrtle independent Editors: Hazel and Jack Crago Telephone 987-4201 Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Bill Storks were his brother and wife Mr. and Mrs. Allan Peterman, Peterman, Toronto. On Friday evening Ruth and Wallace Couch, their daughter Wendy and friend took Ruth's mother, Mary Garrod, out to dinner to celebrate celebrate her birthday. Visiting with Mrs. Raye Friedlander on Sunday were her son Dean, wife Olga and grandson, Jason. All went out to diner for Mother's Day. On Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Sierd De Jong, Tammy and Derek, Ruth and Wallace Couch and Wendy and Mrs. Mary Garrod enjoyed dinner dinner at Millbrook with Tom and Rosie Couch and children. children. On Tuesday Mrs. Pauline Storks attended a property meeting of the Children's Aid Society in Oshawa. Mr. and Mrs. George Buckley spent the week-end of April 30th on a bus trip to Windsor co-sponsored by the bus company and the Ontario Tourist Marketing Board. Last Thursday and Friday Friday George and Madeleine Buckley visited with Mr. and Mrs. Roy Abra, Owen Sound. Birthday greetings to Marjorie Gray, Isobel Gamier Gamier and Lisa Marie Wright. Congratulations and best wishes to Reverend and Mrs. Donald Stiles who will observe observe their 28th wedding an- niversaiy on May 14,1988. On Mother's Day, Mr.and Mrs. Robin Alldred entertained entertained their families to Sunday Sunday dinner. Mrs. Kathleen Kimball enjoyed Mother's Day dinner dinner with daughter Joan and son-in-law, Michael Cowle, of Bowmanville. The Newcastle Village and District Historical Society Society will be having their general general meeting on Monday; May 16, 1988 at 7:30 p.m. in the Centennial Room of the Community Hall, Newcastle. Bring a treasure or two to display - not necessarily Ca- nadiana. This is a Share Your Knowledge Evening. Please come ana enjoy! Last Wednesday through Friday, Miss Candy Storks, Parry Sound, and her mother mother Pauline Storks attended the convention of the Ontario Ontario Association of the Children's Children's Aid Societies in London. London. On Friday evening at the Newcastle United Church Sunday School Hall, the annual annual pot-luck dinner of the Progressive Conservative party was held. Included was a farewell to Mr. P. Allan Allan Lawrence. Week-end visitors with Mrs. Wilda Johnson and Gary were her mother, Mrs. A. Cole and sister Doreen Crosbie of Agincourt. On Sunday all went to the Elmhurst Elmhurst Resort for brunch. Also enjoying this happy family gathering were Mrs. Doris Trimble, Bowmanville, and sons, John of Markham and Mr. and Mrs. David Trimble, Ian and Michael of Ajax, Glenda and Brian Rumbles, Krista and Mark, of Norwood, Norwood, his mother. Georgina and David McNeil. Rides on the pontoon boat on such a beautiful day, topped off the dinner. For-Mother's Day Bill and Marg Wade, Port Hope, took his parents, Harry and Mabel Mabel Wade and his cousin Doug and Elizabeth Wade ana, children, of Oshawa, out.to brunch in Cobourg. Marg : and Liz were especially honoured honoured as they celebrated their birthdays. ! Mother's Day dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. John' Scott were daughter Cathy Scott, of Toronto and daughter daughter Cindy and her husband Ken Morrow and their new babe Kristy-Lynn, of Oshawa. Enjoying dinner on Sunday Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Skelding and girls, Port Perry Perry were Mrs. Doreen Lake, Mrs. Elizabeth Skelding and Mr. Raymond Chapman. ' Mrs. Elizabeth Skelding and Mrs. Doreen Lake enjoyed enjoyed Tuesday luncheon with Mrs. Doris Prust. All their families called on Albert and Myrtle Pearce on Sunday - Larry, Barb, and boys; Wayne, Kim and chil-. dren, Bethany; Ric, Marilyn and children, Port Perry; Elizabeth and Ted Walton and boys, Bowmanville. On Saturday Myrtle and Albert Naylor attended the Midland Regiment Reunion in Lindsay. Miss Doris Spencer is a patient in Memorial Hospital, Hospital, Bowmanville. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Call and their daughter Lynda and her husband Glenn Farrow, Jan and Ryan, of Newton- ville enjoyed Mother's Day dinner at the Flying Dutchman, Dutchman, Bowmanville. On Saturday afternoon. Mrs. Call, daughter Lynda; and grand-daughter Jan, attended attended a shower for daughter-in-law-to-be, daughter-in-law-to-be, Marilyn Duff at Blackstock. Mrs. Margaret Brereton remains a patient in Memorial Memorial Hospital, Bowmanville. On Friday evening about forty relatives and friends gathered at St. George's Parish Parish Hall where a miscellaneous miscellaneous shower was given in honour of Miss Joanne Collier, Collier, daughter of Bette and Win Collier. On Saturday afternoon in the Lions Room of the Newcastle Newcastle Community Hall a miscellaneous shower was held for Miss Susan Miller. The Newcastle Senior Cit-i izens enjoyed their bowling banquet last Tue'sday noon " at ; Port Hope Légion Hall: They returned to Parkview to distribute the prizes to the bowling whizzes, after which games of cards were enjoyed enjoyed in Parkview Lounge. Mr. and Mrs. George Gray, Stephen and Michael, Scarborough, visited on Sun ' ;h n day with his and Mrs. Alfre. parents, dGr Students Say Thanks to Co-op Employers The co-operative education program at Bowmanville High School paid tribute to its employers last week with an employer appreciation breakfast held in the high school cafeteria on Wednesday, May 4. Presentations were made to new coop coop education employers and those who have provided co-op placements in previous previous years. In addition, there was an introduction of adult co-operative education employers and a presentation of the Ontario Co-Operative Education Association certificate of merit to Barb Vibert, a student who is completing her co-op placement placement at the Scugog Professional Building. This year's recipient is shown here along with Mary McCaw, head of co-op education (right) and Lynn Shreenan, coop coop education monitor. There are now a total of 180 B.H.S. students participating in co-op education programs. That's the largest co-op enrollment in the Northumberland Northumberland and Newcastle Board of Education. ™. Mr. ray. Alecia Spencer enjoyed supper with the family. Sunday visitors with Mrs. Nellie Spencer were Terry and Mary Lynn Bernard, Jessica and Stefanie, of Flesherton and Tara and Ray McCabe, Tiffany and Jasmine of Shelburne, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Bennett, of En- nismore, visited on Thursday Thursday and took her mother out to dinner. Mr. Tom Spencer is a pa tient in Oshawa General Hospital. Mr. Herbie Paeden mains a patient there. ' Mrs. Vera Barchard, Oshawa, visited last Monday Monday with Mrs. Margaret Pearce. Following the baptism of their children at Newcastle United Church on Sunday, May 8.1988, mothers Anne McFadden and Lynda MacGregor MacGregor hosted a reception at the home of David and Lynda Lynda MacGregor. Attending this happy occasion were parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bruce MacGregor, London, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Eilbeck and Susie Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Albert McFadden, of Comber; Comber; aunt and uncle Mr. and Mrs. David Davidson, of Comber; grandmother Mrs. Agnes Beaton, of Toronto and Sam and Kathy Cureatz and sons, of Kendal. Fortieth Wedding , Anniversary On Saturday, May 7,1988 at the Base Line Community Centre,'Marion and Ross AI- lin celebrated their 40th wedding wedding anniversary, supported by their .family; son Gordon and his',wife Nancy and children children Heather, Adriénrie and Trevor, of Guelph; daughter Marie and her husband Ross Brownlee and Mia Lynn, of Guelph; Calvip and ms wife Kelly and Scott, of Camborne. Camborne. In the afternoon the barbershoppers, The Horseless Horseless Carriagemen, of whom the groom is a member, surprised surprised the happy couple, by singing some numbers. In the evening, prior to the dance, the Harmonicats (of whom Ross is also a member) member) entertained. Relatives and friends attended from Newcastle, Bowmanville, Orono, Oshawa, Orillia, Belleville, Fonthill, Toronto, Port HopevCavan and Peterborough^, Peterborough^, The happy couple rèceive«manÿ : carias, gifts and fleVajh'e. and congratulatory congratulatory messages from M.P.P. Sam Cureatz and Ontario Premier David Peterson.. St. Ge&rge'e Anglican <i $$$ Church. For the Rector, the Reverend Reverend Douglas Hall, this week marked s 25 years in the g riesthood. In celebration, St. aviour's Church, Orono, had a surprise service at ten on Sunday followed by a luncheon. The St. George's Churchwarden co-operated in the scheme by secretly arranging arranging for the Lay Reader of St. Saviour's to take the service of Morning Prayer in Newcastle at eleven. Originally Originally Mr. Oakley Peters was to take this service but was unable to do so due to illness. Mr. Hall celebrated Holy YOUR NEW POLARIS DEALER IS NOW IN HAMPTON Nothing heats the way we're built. N j w|c z So I 2 "X 5 * JU □ D TOWN OF HAMPTON TAUNTONFOAOCAST n D n ■ TIC NO. J MWV. T&C Small Engine Repair Inc. Sales • Service • Parts R.R. 1, Hampton 263-8469 Foravery limited time Electrolux quality is available for a very low price Discover the amazing difference of the Electrolux Discovery II upright vacuum cleaner...without question I he most innovative vacuum on the market today. It moves easily from carpels to floors cleaning better, faster and with less effort. Unrivalled by the competition, this revolutionary cleaner weighs only M lbs., has more features and boasts a unique |wo-motor system for more power and cleaning efficiency. As a special offer you can own this superb Electrolux vacuum cleaner for the lowest price ever, only $369. This offer is limited and you must act quickly. Call your Electrolux i branch today to have one of our Home V Care Representatives show you the ,\\ Discovery II in the comfort of your home. Reg. $449. Special limited offer r*sy-Hi|(ching« »( quick. ck«n irwruy. ELECTROLUX WATCH FOR OUR GRAND OPENING Saturday, May 14th at 290 King St. E., Newcastle (Next door to Grulfies) Telephone 987-1313 FOR SERVICE, CALL 433-1900, PAGE 21424 Wcliulux Cflmttlu reserves the ilftlil In limit qtiaiilllivs. < Hier k»mhI while iiii.mlillrs Iasi. I'Aty lin,wlnn available. Majurt redit cards nrcepied. No Iradc ln* act iepletl will) litis idler, Over 2,500 new euthorlietl Fleet minx nutlet* will *non open aero** Canada. DUtrlhutor viiqulrtew welcome, call your neareat Fleclrolux branch. The sun was shining and the crowds were strong for the Newcastle/Newtonville Public School Fun Fair on Saturday, May 7. The well-attended event offered offered refreshments, a video of the school's Christmas pageant and plenty of games for all in attendance. Face painting was also a popular event. In the photo above, three-year-old, Amber Lynn Atkinson re-, ceives some rosy cheeks to go with her smiling face from her mother, Beverley Atkinson. Communion at eight, completely completely unaware that he would not be returning at eleven, or what was in store for him. On Thursday afternoon, the Rt. Reverend Terence Finlay, Co-adjutor Bishop, was at St. George's to examine examine the candidates for confirmation confirmation from both congregations. congregations. In the evening the Advisory Board met in the Parish Hall. On this Sunday, May 15, Holy Communion will be celebrated at eight and eleven eleven in the morning, and in the evening Rt. Reverend Hugh Stiff will confirm the prepared prepared candidates from St. Saviour's as well as St. George's. The Confirmation Service wil be followed by a reception in the Parish Hall. On duty for May are Sidesmen, Mr. John Cunningham, Cunningham, Mr.and Mrs. Walter Walter Gibson and People's Warden. Warden. Mrs. Diana Grandfield. UnitedChurch News Mother's Day and Christian Christian Family Sunday was observed observed at Newcastle United Church on Sunday, May 8, 1988. Layreaders were Mrs. Gertrude Gray and her daughter Mrs. Jennifer Pisa- ni. What Makes a Family? was the title of Reverend Donald Stiles' sermon. The Junior Choir sang two selections, Look Up to- the Sky and God Made Me and Others. The Senior Choir rendered the anthem, The King of Love My Shepherd Shepherd Is. Children baptized oy 'Reverend Stiles were Erin Leigh Eilbeck McFadden, daughter of James and Anne McFadden and Megan Lynn Eilbeck MacGregor and Robert John MacGregor children of David and Lynda MacGregor, all of R. R. 3 Newcastle. All tickets for the May 12th Casserole Luncheon have been sold. On Sunday, May 15th, the film Creation in Crisis will bo shown, describing life on a farm both in Canada and in Africa. Couples Club members and friends have reservations reservations for supper and tour of Cullen Gardens on Sunday, May 15. Tickets for the annual Beef Barbecue and Strawberry Strawberry Supper on Father's Day, Sunday, June 19 are available from Pearl Rickard. Rickard. May 12th is the date by which the Municipal Enumeration Notice mailed to your household must be completed and returned. Five easy steps to complete your notice CifxkYX | Just look at the "*"* front of the notice and check the information shown... that's all you have to do. The explanations explanations on the back are to give you further details if you need them. CéÀn T If any of the information shown about occupants is incorrect, simply cross it out and write in the correction. Add information about new occupants, including children. If you don't have enough space on the notice, attach a separate piece of paper with, all the details. ** Complete section 5 • about French- language education rights.. .. it's new for this enumeration. In areas of the province where school boards operate both English and French schools, English-and French-language school trustees will be elected. If you have French-language education rights, you will Wf~ j be able to vote for French- language school trustees. Wf 4 Sign your name in the space provided at the bottom of the notice. ■nw»?îërSîë5îTa«wCnï5m!r77555MSd;^^5w ,(2X fnu£n -- vfpn ^ Return the notice kJlV'fJ Ve by May 12th in the postage paid envelope. / z z Ontario NEED HELP? If the information on the back of the notice doesn't answer your questions, call toll free 1-800-263-1988 or contact the Regional Assessment Office shown on your notice,

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