®be Jîcbcastlc 5ubepmbent T Iie Can ml in ii Statesman, Bowmanville, November 9, 1988 13 Foresters Make $3,000Donation to Arena Campaign Editors: Hazel and Jack Crago Telephone 987-4201 Kristin Elizabeth Blaker, daughter of Gordon and Munel Blaker, Newtonville, was christened at St. George's Anglican Church, Newcastle, on October 9th, 1988,1:30 p.m. God-parents were David and Lenora Blaker, Ottawa, Ontario. The Reverend Douglas Hall officiated. officiated. Following the christening, christening, a reception was held at the home of her grand- g arents, Mr. and Mrs. C.P. laker, Bellwood Dr. Guests present were great- grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Norman McConnell, Stirling, grandmother Marilyn Robson, Robson, Whitby,-- great uncles ana aunts, Mr. and Mrs. Hany Danford, Stirling, Mr. and Mrs. Lionel Blaker, Peterborough, Peterborough, Mrs. Anna Hall, Belleville -- uncles and aunts, Mr. and Mrs. T.W. Blaker, London, Mr. and Mrs. C. Bruton, Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs. R. Bateman, Mil- ton, Cathy Blaker, Yellowknife, Yellowknife, N.W.T., and Kevin Peake, Whitby -- cousins Jennifer and Amy Bateman, Michelle and Christopher Blaker, Dana and Brian Blaker, Timothy and Nicholas Nicholas Bruton. Other relatives and friends present were, Mrs. Jean MacKenzie, Mr. and Mrs. R.Beauregard, Vermont, Vermont, U.S.A., Mr. and Mrs. James Bunn, Frankford, Philip Hall and Sally McFee, Stirling, and Mr. and Mrs. B. MacDonald, Orono. Come to an interesting Christmas Workshop which the Newcastle Horticultural Society is hosting on Tuesday Tuesday evening, November 15, in the Centennial Room of the Newcastle Community Hall. Since President Donna Morrow now resides in Bethany, Bethany, the executive will E lease meet at 6:30, an hour efore the workshop commences. commences. Last Monday Pat and Archie Archie Bernard, of Flesherton, visited with her mother, Mrs. Nellie Spencer. Birthday greetings to Jackie De Jong, Edna Sunday, Sunday, Byron Cryaerman, Joe Visser, Shannon Couch and Phyllis Sundstrom. On Saturday evening after after the Newcastle United Church turkey supper Mrs.. Kathleen Kimball entertained entertained Mr. and Mrs. Newton Ashton, Bowmanville, Mr. and Mrs. Vance Cooper, Oshawa and Newcastle friends. Mrs. Pauline Storks attended attended a public relations Children's Aid Society meeting meeting last Wednesday. Friday dinner guest of Wilda Johnson was June McCauley, of Oshawa. Mrs. Hilda Call returned recently from a two-week visit in Kamloops, British Columbia with Thelma and Walter Dowe. Thelma wishes wishes to be remembered to all her Newcastle friends. The Remembrance Day Service in the village of Newcastle will be held at the cenotaph on King St., beginning beginning at 10:45 on Friday morning, November 11. Mrs. Dorothy Duncan, Executive Director of the Ontario Historical Society will speak and show slides dealing with Ontario's changing food traditions, at the Monday, November 21st Newcastle Village and District District Historical Society meeting meeting at the Community Hall, beginning at 7:30 p.m. Week-end visitors with Mrs. Rave Friedlander were Dean, Olga and Jason Friedlander, Friedlander, of Toronto. On Saturday, October 29. Ron and Marg Burley ana Mary Berry, of Orono, drove to Coldwater to the dedication dedication of a room in the library in honour of the Foster Russel Russel family, of Cobourg. Mrs. Russell was Jean Dickinson from whom Marg and Mary took piano lessons and Ron took violin lessons. Mrs. Dorothy CufTe has just returned from a three- week visit with son Tom, his wife and their son Wesley of Richmond, British Columbia. Tom says hello to all his friends here. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Skeld- ing and girls, Port Perry, visited visited Sunday afternoon with his mother, Elizabeth Skeld- ing. Saturday evening guests of Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Powell were Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Markle and Andrew, Scarborough. Mrs. Helen Markle of Osnawa, Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Hunt and boys, Pontypool, Andy and Helen May, of Bowmanville. Dale Hunt and Wayne Markle were celebrating birthdays. Many happy returns! Last Wednesday, Gray- den and Adrien Hunt spent the day with their grandparents, grandparents, Mr.and Mrs. Stanley Powell. In the evening Stan and Kathleen were dinner guests of Judy Powell and Jill Coombes, a birthday celebration celebration for Stan! Sunday supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Wade were Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Wade and family, Oshawa, and Mr. and Mrs. Bill Wade, of Port Hope. . We welcome home Mrs. Gladys Wood who has spent three weeks in Memorial Hospital, Bowmanville. Her daughter Maxine Felgate, of Unionville is staying with her. Saturday visitors were Mr. and Mrs. Reid Wood, and Sunday visitors were Mr. and Mrs. Harold Wood, Oshawa and George Felgate, Felgate, Unionville. Miss Lori Rowe, Humber College, spent the week-end with ner family, the Vern Rowe's. Mr. and Mrs. RonPearce and girls, Lindsay, were Sunday dinner guests of his mother, Mrs. Margaret Pearce. Mr. and Mrs. Robin - All- dred were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Alldred, Oshawa. Mrs. Pearl Woodhams, Toronto, also spent the day with Leslie and Neta. Visiting last Tuesday with her mother, Mrs. Edna Hou- den, were Jack and Fiorina Howard, of Fenelong Falls. Saturday overnight guests of Jean and Jack Holmes were his sisters, Ruth Pollard, of Streetsville and Jean Shupak of Toronto. The ladies enjoyed meeting old friends at the Newcastle United Church turkey supper. supper. St. George's Anglican Church .News On Saturday, November 5th, the ladies of the A.C.W. held a veiy successful annual annual Craft and Bake Sale. Our congratulations to the lucky rame winners who were Mr. R. Davidson of Newcastle, who won the carved duck; Mr. I. Jackman of Wilmot Creek, who won the food hamper; Mrs. Donna Alldread Alldread of Newcastle, who won the porcelain doll; Mr. S. Brereton of Newcastle, who won the,large. doll; Mrs. R. Tomlinson, of Newtonville, whq won the doll and cradle, and Mrs. G. Adams, of Orono, Orono, who won the beautiful afghan. Everyone at St. George's would like to thank all who supported them, and helped to make this a very successful day. On Sunday, November 6th, all members of the congregation congregation were asked to reach out to friends and neighbours, and bring them to church for the 11 a.m. service. service. Quite a lot of visitors were present, and a very nice coffee hour followed the service. All residents of Newcastle are reminded there will be a Service of Remembrance at Newcastle Village Cenotaph at 10:45 a.m. on November 11th, for those who gave their lives in war, that we may live in freedom. The 11 a.m. service on November 13th at the church will also commemorate the sacrifice given by all veterans, and will be a Remembrance Service Service with a piper. United Church News The annual turkey supper at Newcastle United Church was once again a successful venture. We had a little chat with Frank McMullen, who drove from Scarborough to enjoy the meal and social time. On Sunday at Newcastle United Church the Sacrament Sacrament of Holy Baptism was celebrated when Reverend Donald Stiles christened Amanda Jane Taylor, daughter of John and Ann Taylor and Ryan Ricky Mal- ette, son of Larry and Betty Malette. The Senior Choir sang Keep Us in Thy Care. Two minutes of Silence for Peace and Remembrance were observed. The sermon by Reverend Stiles, One Woman's Faith was based on the scriptures read by lay The Canadian Foresters have contributed $3,000 toward the Skate '88 fundraising drive. From left to right George Moore and A1 Farrow of Skate '88 accept the cheque from Foresters Milt Dakin, Michael Puk, and Clarence Bell. reader, Carole Brunton. The Trillium Unit of the UCW meets on Thursday, November 10, in the Board Room at 2 p.m. The Couples and Family Club and Mrs. Dorothy Payne are sponsoring a concert concert at the Newcastle Community Community Hall on Sunday, November November 20 th, at 3 p.m. Sunday, November 13 is Anniversary Sunday when The Very Reverend Dr. Bruce McLeod, former moderator moderator of the United Church of Canada, will be guest speaker. Everyone welcome! Newcastle Community Bowling Monday Ladies Louise McKnight 185, Marilyn Kent 200,193, 228, Dorothy Drysdale 226, Lor- na Crockett 216, Bernice Henderson 207, Betty Major 182,224, Joyce Major 195. Tuesday Seniors Marg Burley 159, 167, Ron Burley 215, 227, George Buckley 194, Vance Cooper 180, Jack Holmes 177, Jean Holmes 183, Jenny Hicks 162, Albert Pearce 172, Stan Powell 155. Thursday Night Mixed League J. Kindratiuk 175, Ken Boyd 226,201, T. Kindratiuk 207, M. Hen tig 178, Joe Men- donca 226, Faye Forget 189, 213, 202, 6. Lewis 234, 225, B. Richards 193, Joe Forget 190, 240, B. Brown 179, 217, Don Wright 212, C. Nicholson Nicholson 181, Wes Forget 199, K. Jury 181,193, C. L 213. ycett 206, Saturday Youth Seniors Barb Metcalf 185, Nina Darrach 214, 121, Jenny Whitehead 111, 207, Angela Darrach 106, Richard Jenkins Jenkins 128, Kevin Tutkoluk 143, 165, Karla Tutkoluk 106, Tammy De Jong 181, 150, Marcus Werheia 111, Justin Hughes 143,110, Matthew Matthew Coyle 133,147. Juniors Julian Norton 69, Jordan Schmahl 92, 65, Nathan Coyle 105, 95, Patrick Caswell Caswell 70, Nick Tutkoluk 72, 88, Chris Lynch 73, Matthew Caswell 92, 75, Timmy Harness Harness 108, 94, Jeff Scott 71, Susan Sausedo 91, 77, Vincent Vincent Norton 113, 81, Nicole Norton 76,.67;- -W ' -< r (. ;"£.v vote JOHN O'TOOLE separate school TRUSTEE FOR INFORMATION 623-4832 ' > 1 - ; - : ■ - ■ ® E . ISMS • , ■ v . I ■ V glfg ' #31 : ' : ' .. ■ The of Bowmanville The Improvement of The development of Larger Shopping Facilities. ■ ■ • The Protection of our Community from Landfill Sites • The Financial Health of our Town ■i®: 111! The Improvement of our I Recreational facilities The Development of Job Opportunities ,; V E' I V I , '■ | I EE.: \ mwi Regional Councillor WARD 2 AS A FAMILY MAN HE CARES