» Section Two The Canadian Statesman. Bowmanville. November 30. 1988 11 Newcastle Firefighters Make Donation to Hospital Building Fund News from Ontario Street School Local Couple Wins Award at Winter Fair The Newcastle Station Two Firefighters' Associa-, fighters raised, the money. They made an identical tion has decided to donate $700 to the Memorial Hos- contribution to the Muscular Dystrophy Association, pital Bowmanville Building Fund. The cheque is be- Accepting the donation on behalf of the Hospital ing handed over by Captain Ron Potter, who helped Foundation is Rex Walter (left front), organize the November 4 dance at which the fire- Several weeks ago, as part of a special Hallowe'en programme,, the Bowmanville Bowmanville High School French Drama Club presented some wonderful plays for our grade 3-6 classes. In the afternoon, afternoon, a Hallowe'en assembly assembly took place in our gym with many scary and spooky presentations including including Mme. Warren-Grybas' class rendition of the Monster Monster Mash. Feature Teacher This week our feature teacher is M. Jean Antoine Marchand. He has been teaching grade five and six at Ontario Street for eight years. He is from Windsor, Ontario Ontario and before he became a teacher he worked in a factory factory for two years. He also worked as a custodian for the Windsor Board of Education Education in order to pay for his university education. He moved from Windsor to North Bay in order to complete complete his teacher education at Nipissing University. He has two children. Daniel Daniel is 6 and Yvonne is 4 years old. His hobbies are playing tennis, baseball, building things with wood and gardening. gardening. His favourite singer is Paul Simon. His pet peeve is disorganization. His favourite favourite books include Gone, with the Wind, and stories on the civil war. He likes to think that the children should have fun while learning learning and his favourite subject is math. He admires parent volunteers volunteers because of their tremendous tremendous efforts to assist with projects in the school such as the grade 6 exchange. exchange. He likes teaching grades 5 and 6 because the children are enthusiastic about school and they are neither too old nor too young to participate in most activities. He lives on Main Street in Orono and his favourite television television program is 60 Minutes. Minutes. Mr. Marchand and the Exchange He has been organizing the cultural exchange for grade six students at Ontario Street for five years now. He says it is a great way for the students to use their French and to experience the French culture. It also provides them with a way to use everyday French in a meaningful way. Student Helpers There are many student helpers here at Ontario Street School. For example, phone duty which allows students to act as secretaries when Mrs. Beacock is not present, library shelving and distributing monitors, juice sellers, ana bus patrollers. There are also students helping helping Mme. Smialek and Mile. Dewey's kindergarten class at lunchtime and during recess. recess. Well done everyone! Written by : Megnan Sim, Randi Thertell, Stephanie Maxwell. / ? y : I! 5 I »} iL If b PLUS! ON ALL IN-STOCK '89 CORSIC AS & TEMPESTS NO MONTH LYPAYMBTTS I ■TIL APRIL'S» AND GM PAYS THE INTEREST FOR 90 DAYS 1 Now you can have a good old family Christmas with a great new family car, without having to put out a lot of cash before Christmas. See your Ontario GM Dealer today about any new '89 Tempest or Corsica currently in-stock, and still have something left to put in your stocking. HURRY, rrS ALL OVER DEC.17TH! YOUR ONTARIO GM DEALERS CHEVROLET • OLDSMOBILE • CADILLAC • PONTIAC • BUICK • CHEVY & GMC TRUCKS t % ] TUmiMII KllOmiRf RMMNUj tQffor applies to all now 1909 Chovrolol Corsicas and Pontiac Tomposlspurchasod from participating GM Dealer's inventory, between November 28, 1900 and December 17, 1900. Offer UUIWUUII MUTumuui i im «wvv muui w , |7uu, VIIUI available only to qualified retail buyers financing their purchases through GMAC on a minimum twelve month financing contract. All credit applications subject to GMAC approval, No financing payment required for 120 days and no interest accrues for 90 days after dale of vehicle purchase. Purchaser will bo responsible for the payment of applicable taxes, insurance, registration and licence fees at the lime of the transaction. Offer includes uM Dealer Association participation. Fleet, lease and factory orders not eligible. SEE VOUN GM DEALER FOR FULL DETAILS. SEE YOUR PARTICIPATING GM DEALER FOR FULL DETAILS. ONTARIO GM DEALERS ASSOCIATION, c/o 180 LESMILL ROAD, DON MILLS, ONTARIO M3B 2T5 KELLY LEGAL SERVICES 41 TEMPERANCE ST., BUWMANVILLE, ONT. Mervyn B. Kelly, B. Comm., LL.B. RESIDENTIAL PURCHASES - RESIDENTIAL SALES RESIDENTIAL MORTGAGES - WILLS POWERS OF ATTORNEY - PROBATE LEGAL AID ACCEPTED Free Initial Consultation On: DRIVING CHARGES - ASSAULT CRIMINAL CHARGES - DIVORCE WILLS, ESTATES AND PROBATE Office Hours: Weekdays -- 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. also Evenings and Saturday by appointment Telephone 623-4444 Lawrence McLaughlin and his wife Linda have won the Brewers' Association of Canada Challenge Trophy for Barley (Open Class) in the Royal Agricultural Winter Fair. They have shown seed at the Blackstock and Port Perry Fairs previously previously but this is their first time to show at the Royal. Mr. and Mrs. McLaughlin farm about 475 acres near Nestleton and specialize in hogs, beef cattle, corn, wheat and barley. Their son and daughter both attend the University of Guelph. Howard Collins (right) director of communications for the Brewers' Association of Canada, presented the award which includes $500 and a silver tray. C.S.S. News by Lisa Scattcrgood In basketball, the girls team were playing at LOS- SA in a well-fought game where they lost by seven points over all. Good try and better luck next year. Election fever hit Courtice on the twenty-first of November. November. Some people of our school scrutinized for the real election and people in the older grades voted for real in the library. For the students in our school we had a mock election election to see what people thought about their heads of the federal parties. Of the student body sixty- six percent voted. The school results indicated a minority government. Brian Mulron- ey won with 217 votes, John Turner came second with 180 votes and Ed Broadbent came last with 177 votes. About twenty-five ballots were scrapped because of not voting properly. Who knows what would've happened happened if the other thirty-four percent voted and the twenty-five twenty-five ballots had been marked properly? Class rings made by Jos- ten's were shown at our school last week. The catalogue catalogue had many types of rings and stones to choose from. One of Mrs. Ryan's and Mr. Seigher's Art classes went on a school trip to Toronto Toronto to see Berthold Inc. and Cooper and Beatty. Berthold shows artwork from all over the world while Cooper and Beatty makes artwork that is shown on everyday things. An example example of this is "shake and sip Quik shake." Soon, volleyball for girls and basketball for boys will be starting. A healthy but a not large turnout is expected. expected. Before you send it, seal it... with à Christmas SeaU The Federal Building 41 Temperance Street Suite 202 Bowmanville, Ont. THE ^ LUHj association Many thinking people are pre-arranging funerals At quiet times, along with their own private thoughts, many people -- both young and elderly -- are making the sensible decision to pre-arrange their funeral. Their wishes are made known well before time of need, removing stress from surviving relatives. Call or write for our selection of brochures on the various aspects of funerals and pre-planning. Northcutt Elliott Funeral Home 53 Division Street BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO L1C 2Z8 Phone 623-5668 EXPAND YOUR LIVING SPACE Perfect for kitchens, baths, spa enclosures, family rooms, pafio rooms, and dining rooms. Buy Now and Save • Nine different systems, including bronze or • while aluminum or curved laminated wood. • Exclusive features such as Heat Mirror" 1 glazing, Pow-R-Vent® cooling, and built-in shading provide year-round comfort CALL or VISIT tor COMPLETE DETAILS WHITBY SHOPPING FAIR 25 Thickson Rd. N. 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