I The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, January 11. l»89 15 Local Breeder Wins Awards at F air Plenty of holiday visiting was going on llth ANNUAL WINTER FURNITURE SALE -- at -- Settlement House ■Our BIGGEST Yet!' f' ' Come and see our greatly expanded store and shop our furniture values! You will find an even better selection of country furniture and decorative accessories. Ï0% to40% OFF all FURNITURE 15% OFF TABLE LAMPS During this sale all PAINT and all WALLPAPER (hundreds of books) will be 20% OFF REGULAR PRICES Many Unadvertised Specials! Sale dates - Jan. 14 to Feb. 16, 1989 Don't miss the Winter Clearance at DAPHNE'S, a store for ladies, just steps west on Queen Street. Settlement House 985-8234, 183 QÜEEN ST. PORT PERRY. ONT. LOB lNO Open 7 days. ■ Be sure to visit our country store in the fcnir House .. , y . ,, nnc 731 9131, 7791 YONGE ST. city for similar savings. thornhill, Ontario Neetleton-Caeearea News by Mabel Cawker Family Interests Holiday guests on Dec. 25, with Joan and Linda Arbuckle, Jennifer, Jennifer, Colleen and Marilynn, of Nestleton, was Mac McDonald of Whitby. On Thursday, Dec. 29, the Arbuckle family were luncheon guests with the McKee family of Haydon, and John's cousin Ken and Helen Arbuckle of Inglewood, were guests as well. On Friday evening, Dec. 30, John and Helen and girls visited with Ted and Mary Owen of Cavan. A full...but most enjoyable week of ac- tivities..re - the Yuletide Season! Sam and Mabel Cawker, Scugog Point Rd., were pleased to have as luncheon guests at the farmstead, this past Thursday, Jan. 5...four good friends...Christina Henderson of Edinburgh, Scotland, daughter Chris Davis, Hyde House, Scugog Pt. Rd., Marion Hall, Port Perry & Wms. Point, and Effa Stainton, Wms. Point. After the meal, an informal, informal, delightful visit was enjoyed, enjoyed, immensely...comparing notes...so to speak! Lawrence & Gwen Malcolm, Nestleton, were guests of Gordon & Lavcrne Brooks of Lindsay, recently. They were also overnight overnight guests with daughter Bonnie and Jim Billon and family of Lyndhurst. Nestleton friends were sorry to learn of the death of Bob Ford of Toronto...who passed away suddenly suddenly after a short illness. The funeral took place Jan. 5, in Toronto. His wife, Marion Taylor Ford (who died in 19BG) was a former Nestleton girl...and very active in the community. She was organist of Nestleton United Church for some years. Bob and Marion had a son Paul, who is a Meteorologist (one who reports and forecasts the weather). Our deepest sympathy goes out to Paul at this sad time in his life! Paul spent the weekend with cousin Lawrence & Gwen Malcolm, and they were luncheon guests with David & Joanna Malcolm and family on Sunday after the church service! We trust Paul will come again to Nestleton...we would like to know him...as we knew his clever mother, so well! At the Wed. evening euchre, held at the Caesarea Hall, two tied for the high score...Glenn Dean and Sharon Gooding with 80. Close behind in second place Paul Krawctts had 79. In third place Muriel Sims held 43. The tasty lunch was made by Debbie Pottery. A successful New Years dance was held in Caesarea Hall...with fun for one and all! The Ladies Auxiliary meeting Report from the Pines This is the Champion pen of lambs over all breeds at the recent 60th Royal Winter Fair, winning the Freyseng Trophy. They are owned by Lloyd Ay re, R.R. 4 Bowmanville, who also won the Champion Hampshire Ram and reserve Champion Hampshire Ewe. The Ayre families were honored along with 21 other families at the 60th Royal Winter Fair for their continuous showing over the last 60 years. Both Boyd and Lloyd Ayre were recognized at the opening pageant during during the Thursday evening Horse Show and along with their wives were social guests at the luncheon attended by Princess Ann. It's back to work at The Pines Senior Public this week. Shuffling feet in the halls, the slamming of locker doors, pencils being sharpened sharpened and various other school noises can be heard. In this report we'll humour you with some staff and student student New Year's resolutions and also a listing of upcoming upcoming events. While on a survey of the teachers for their resolutions, we found that some teachers don't make resolutions at all. For example, Mrs. Sunstrum refuses to make resolutions because she continues to break them. Mr. Medd and, Mr. Smith must have E.S.P/ because they both said, "My resolution is not to make a resolution." Mr. Nobes hopes for more student participation participation in 1989. Mr. Farrington's Farrington's resolution is to be as kind to all the staff members as he always has been. In my opinion, that means, look out, Mrs. Prole! Mr. Staples seemed to be just as nice, he resolved to be kinder to Mrs. Prole even though she picks on him continuously. If you are wondering what M.rs, Prole has to say about all of this, she says that she resolves resolves to walk more (mainly to keep one step ahead of Mr. Farrington). Mr. Prole's resolution resolution is to become just as slim as his wife. Mme. Brasch hopes to be on time for all of her appointments in 1989 and Mme. Brunt resolves resolves to be more organized. Lastly, but definitely not least, is Ms. Wilson's resolution, resolution, which is to take The Pines' 1989 school play to Broadway. And one last afterthought afterthought from our great janitor, Mr. Phillips; his wish for '89 is for all of us kids to wipe our feet before entering in hopes of keeping our school cleaner. Here are just some of the funny resolutions from the students: Jason Shepherd's resolution resolution is that he hopes to go down Ben's Bumps without wiping out. Good luck! Tri- cia Dubeau wants to stop turning into Wonder Woman Woman so often in case someone discovers her secret identity. Amy Dewulf has two hopes, each as funny as the other. First, she'll try to stay awake during teachers' lectures and she'll think up better excuses when it comes to doing the dishes. Aaron Staples resolves resolves to stop fighting with his beloved younger sister (Yeah, Yeah, Sure, Sure). Roxanne Dezan hopes that in 1989 all of the anger in the world will stop and people will be considerate towards towards one another. Terri Lynn Miller wants to get one B, just one lousy B in geography geography before the year is over. Mike McKilvie's very agreeable agreeable resolution is for the class to have more trips all year round. Karen Vanderveen's wish is to have fewer tests. Andrea Hartman hopes for more holidays (Way to go Andrea!) and on a more serious note she wishes for pence on earth. Katie Cli- menhage, 7C's notorious redhead, hopes to be able to ride her favourite horse, My name is IV inches ter Mote goftC amt white Cocker amt Hrittony Spanict. 3 years otet. 'If you've seen me please enft my master at 623-7163, Tfianft t)ou Dusty. Jeff Pearce's resolution resolution for 1989 is simply, to score only 50 goals! Only! Tristina Hickson is going to really try to stop breaking innocent innocent young boys' hearts. We've talked about some hilarious and some (very few) serious New Year's resolutions, resolutions, But now it's down to business. First things first, on January 14th both boys and girls grade seven teams are to attend a volleyball tournament at Bowmanville High. Both the girls and boys have eight teams each. GO TEAM! While we're on the subject, House league volleyball volleyball has just begun. Each class has at least one team and some up to three. Mme. Brunt states that this sport will take us to the end of Feb ruary. Both boys and girls basketball tryouts will be held soon and Mr. Prole hopes for a large turnout. On January 18th at Clarke High School a parent information night is being held for parents parents of grade eight students who will be attending grade nine in September. Tryouts for The Pines play will begin on Wednesday, January llth after school and we all hope that this year Ms. Wilson's Wilson's resolution comes true. That about wraps it up for this week's report and we hope you enjoyed our staff and student resolutions. Everyone Everyone from the Pines wishes you a successful 1989! By Tricia Dubeau, Tristina Tristina Hickson, Terri Lynn Miller, Miller, Jason Shephard. will be held in the Hall, on Jan. 16 at 8:00 p.m. A good attendance please! Starting in on New Year projects! Nestleton United Church Sunday, Jan. 8 at 11:15 a.m. saw a good congregation on hand for Nestleton Church, with Victor Tromans extending the cordial greeting at the door...and Jean Williams was the Usher. Norman Seli assisted Rev. Dale Davis throughout the service...reading service...reading Scripture, presenting presenting the timely theme for the children and so forth. Rev. Davis used for his topic, "Baptized In The Spirit" - a fitting message for Communion Sunday. We were favoured by an appropriate duet entitled, "In The Bleak Mid - Winter" rendered by Paul Ford & Janice Mackenzie, accompanied by organist Gwen Malcolm. A very impressive Holy Communion Communion was observed. After singing singing "Here, O My Lord, 1 See Thee Face To Face" the two ministers Rev. D. Davis and Norman Seli were assisted by Clerk of Session Richard Mackenzie, and members from the Board of Stewards - Jean Williams, Carol Hill, Arthur Weir and Reg. Hughes. The older children attended attended the Communion Service. Flowers gracing the Sanctuary were in memory of John Hall...placed by wife Marion...and Bob Ford of Toronto...placed Toronto...placed by son Paul. Keep in mind the following notices: on Wed. evening, Jan. 11 at 8:00 p.m. the Evening U.C.W. Unit will meet at the home of Joanna Malcolm. Guest speaker - Dale Davis. Next Sunday, remember the gift for the food bank! Nestleton Presbyterian Church The regular church service was held at Nestleton Presbyterian on Sunday morning with Mr. David Faulkner in charge. Joyce Taylor was the fine organist. The responsive responsive reading was Psalm II and the Scripture, Galatians - chapters 5 & 6. Mr. Faulkner's sermon on "Thoughts for the Year" was splendid...based on - what seeds we are sowing in our lives...good seeds or otherwise...and we'll reap accordingly! The Church Annual meeting will be held Sunday, Jan. 22, following service. Caesarea Community Church An average attendance on Sunday Sunday morning at 11 a.m. for the friendly community church, with Rev. Dr. W.H. Crawford in the pulpit. He took as his message theme "Delivered From Religion" based on Acts - Chapter 22, read by Karen Buchanan. John Doucette led the responsive reading. Kathleen Watts...back from a holiday...played the organ. Next Sunday at 11 a.m. - a warm welcome awaits you! Family Interests Jim & Audrey Leishman and William of Reaboro, were Sunday guests with Neta and Calvin & Yvonne Holland, Chad, Craig & AIanna...In the afternoon they all went skating at Blacks lock...later having dinner with Neta. A most enjoyable day for all! Bruce and Elaine Fish, Lisa & Laura and Larry & Dorothy Smith, of Oshawa, were holiday guests with Mrs. Neta Fish of Blackstock! Discount 'Designer Fabrics^ NOW ONLY $10. OO /yd. Values up to $60. 0o /yd. We specialize in: * Custom upholstery * Draperies * Wallpaper Down Decorating £ane 488 King St. W. Oshawa Across from Oshawa Centra , 433-1674 •p; WHY GO ANYWHERE ELSE? FOR THE FINEST USED CARS 1986 CORVETTE Brown, Glass Top, 4 spd. std. Stk. W130454A. „£29r995" $28,995 1988 OLDS ROYALE BROUGHAM Dark Blue, 4 door. Stk. 0329732A. $19,995. 1987 CAPRICE Maroon, Loaded. Stk. 02O4867A. 'JSttrfSîT $18,495 IP (OVER " '"t 125) i .. _ ; ««iya-M'-v 1985 PONTIAC GRAND PRIX BROUGHAM Green, air cond., aluminum wheels. Stk. //90115AA. _$1£9§jr $11,995 1988 SUZUKI SAMURAI 4x4 Green, std. Stk. #1610AA. Siym' $10,995 1987 OLDS 98 REGENCY BROUGHAM Grey, 4 door, loaded. Stk. 03O4361A. .sister - $18,900 1984 DELTA 88 Green, auto, ps/pb, air cond. Stk. /7165444A. _StM95" $10,495 1988 CHEV ASTRO VAN Blue, Fully loaded. Stk. Z/112604A. _$2WS5" $20,495 1986 CAPRICE Green, 4 door, auto, ps/pb. Stk. #188827A. _m995" $9,995 1985 CAPRICE Grey, auto, ps/pb, air cond., cassette. Stk. Z/114898A. _m^95" $12,495 1987 CUTLASS 442 Blue, Loaded plus T. Tops. Stk. #91002A. _$18£§r $17,995 1984 PLYMOUTH 1987 FORD 1988 CHEV 1985 PONTIAC VOYAGER BRONCO ASTRO VAN SUNBIRD Grey, 4 spd. Grey, std., air cond., Grey, Fully loaded. Grey, 2 door hatch- Stk. 0163729AAA. stereo. Stk. #1596A. Stk. Z/179827A. back. Stk. Z/157962A. 99T $10,995 _W§5" $15,495 _$203§5" $19,995 „S1W" $10,495 1988 CAPRICE Grey, Loaded. Stk. //169266A. _S26£95" $19,995 1986 CAMAR0 Red, with T. Tops, 5 spd. std. Stk. //335215AA. $15,995 1981 OLDS T0R0NAD0 Blue, V8, auto, ps/pb, air. Stk. 09O144AA. MWtT' $7,495 these cars are priced to sell quickly - come in early! GMAC FINANCING AVAILABLE CHEVROLET • 0LDSM0BILE CADILLAC • CHEVY TRUCKS