Easter Bonnets Enliven Horticultural Meeting '■ • ; Orono News by I. Challice Quote -- "A house is built by hands, but a home is built by hearts" Mr. and Mrs. David Gilbank Gilbank and family, Pontypool with his mother, Mrs. E.L. Gilbank on Easter Sunday. Mrs. Jenny Bowins, Mrs. Sandra Bailey and girls and friend from Oshawa enjoyed Easter dinner at Franklin House, Bethany. Mrs. Arlene Bolton was guest solist at Kirby, Sunday Sunday morning. A very large crowd enjoyed the early breakfast of ham and eggs served in Kirby church prior to service. Mrs. Deanna Harmer, Oshawa, Mrs. Nancy Heck- bert ana Wes, Jenny, Apple River N. S., and the 0. Chal- lices were Saturday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Dean Warren and family, Peterborough. Peterborough. Spring must surely be on its way, as the birds are back in flocks, the water is roaring down through the park, and the boys and girls are out on skateboards and bikes! Congratulations to Donald Donald White, son of Carman and Bertha White on again winning another, "Genie Award" for "Best-Overall Sound" in movie "Dead Ringers." This is Donald's 3rd award in sound production! Mr. and Mrs. George Car- son with Mr. and Mrs. Barton Barton MacNeil, Oshawa for Sunday Easter dinner. Last Friday luncheon guests of Mrs. Edith Taylor and her daughter Mrs. Anna Marie Thomson - Mr. and Mrs. Ross Taylor Scarborough Scarborough and afternoon visitor, Mrs. Taylor's cousin, Mrs. Ken Foster, Milton, Ontario. Holiday dinner guests of 0. Challicc's Mr. and Mrs. M. Harmer, Mr. Don Chal- lice, Oshawa, Mrs. Nancy Ileckbert, Becky, Rachel, Jessica and Jenny all from Apple River, Nova Scotia; Mfrs. Mark Wilson, N. S. Mr. and Mrs. Murray Brown, Peterborough. Peterborough. Mrs. Edith Taylor and Anna Marie Thomson were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Victor Evelyn, Bow- manville on Easter Sunday. Horticulture Spring Meeting The first spring meeting of Orono horticulture society was held Thursday, March 23, in main hall of Orono United Church, with an excellent excellent attendance. Special guests in attendance included, included, Miss Anne Bourke, dist. director of dist. # 17 O.H.A.; Mrs Vicki Lesnick; Pres, of Newcastle Society; Mrs. Narda Hoodkamp and Mr. and Mrs. Jack Crago, all from Newcastle; Mrs. Verna Robinson, Vice Pres. Bow- manvillc Society and Miss Doreen Perrett, Bowman- ville. Mrs. Doreen Lowery welcomed welcomed eveyone and "0 Canada" Canada" was sung, with Mrs. Mary Caswell at piano. Our secretary Carol Mostert read minutes and a great deal of correspondence and announcements. Easter Lilies, Hydrangeas, Azaleas, Tulips, Daffodils $9.95. From _ BE VS F L O R A L 162 King St E., Bowman ville 623-3377 A special entertainment feature of this meeting was the invitation for all tne ladies ladies to don their "new Easter Easter Bonnets." Fourteen ladies joined in the music of "Easter "Easter Parade" and paraded to a very appreciative audience. The winners of "most attractive attractive bonnet" went to Inez Harris, and the "most imaginative" imaginative" went to Eleanor Terrill, Terrill, with a delightful basket of Easter "goodies" as her bonnet. Lorna Atkins introduced our special guest of the evening, evening, Mr. Doug Lycett, who delighted the crowd with his very lovely slides and talk on his favorite topic "Lilies". Douglas is of course well- known to everyone in our area, but his knowledge on lilies was a surprise to many! Altho' some of our members had been out last summer to view his beautiful beautiful gardens, we were amazed to hear, he has been growing lilies for 7 years, and hybridizing for 4 years. The colorful slides displayed displayed such exotic names, as "Lions Dance", "Artie Snow", "BeJing", "Pinache" "Divine Madness", just to name a few.The florets range in size of 2"-3" across to 7"-7 1/2", and in delightful colors of creams, yellows, rose, pinks, mauve, melon etc. Doug also had a good display of books. Full sunshine and plenty of moisture are prime reguir- ments, and of course good soil condition. Following a g uestion and answer period, loug was thanked by Isabelle Isabelle Challice and rec'd a hearty round of applause for his interesting topic. Our 1989 year books were available available and Pres, thanked the committees who put the material material together and especially especially our member Trudy Dy- ball, Kendal, who set up all type. Doreen called Trudy to come forward to receive a very lovely Boston Fern and letter of appreciation for all her excellent work. Lucky draws were held and announcements of Dist. 17's coming dist. Convention and Miss Anne Bourke brought greetings from dis- srict, and invitations for everyone everyone to attend this important important event in our Horticulture world. A delicious delicious lunch was served by Vera Staples, Donna Hutton and Mrs. Minnie Zegers. y I Despite small attendance at the Good Friday evening service, a dedicated group of members witnessed a veiy meaningful service. ■ Easter lilies and a pretty vase of fresh flowers in loving loving memory of Mrs. Rena Tamblyn were at the altar. Marlene Ross led the "Lenten Symbol of Good Friday Friday the "Crown of Thorns", and Carlos Tamblyn assited in placing the crown on the cross. The choir, under direction direction of Mrs. Joyce Gray rendered rendered "God So Loved The World." Mrs.Marion Milnes rendered rendered a beautiful solo, and this much appreciated. The Sacrament of Communion Communion was celebrated in a new presentation. The elders elders and members all came forward to Communion table and receive'd the elements from Rev. Milnes, assisted by Mrs. Gilbank and Mrs. Marie Tamblyn. The congregation congregation were assisted by elders elders Mr. and Mrs. Challice. St. Saviour's Church News Food for thought- Jesus took our place that we might have His peace; He took our sin that we might have His salvation. The flowers in the church are to the Glory of God and in loving memory of: Her Father - given by Lena Shetler; James and Mary Crow, and Lenard and Elizabeth Bourne, given by Mr. and Mrs. Spry, John Breen given by Peggy and family; Mr. and Mrs. G. ■ Johnson and Verna Hanou- ski given by Steve and June Johnson. Next Week's service - "Octave of Easter" 9:30 a.m.- Holy Communion and sermon. sermon. Next Saturday, April 1st - at 11 a.m. - St. George's - "Penny Sale" and "New To You Shoppe", Bake Sale, and luncheon at St. George's Parish Hall. Thursday, April 13 - at 7.30 p.m. - St. Saviour's Adversely Adversely Board Meeting. Town Hall Card Party There were 15 tables of euchre on Wednesday. March 22 at the town hall card party. Following re- sults- High Scores - Marion Sears 81, Carl Todd 77, Don Thompson and Norma Moffat Moffat 76, Hilda Caswell 74. Low Score - Olive Little Lucky draws - Marion Sears, Harold Allen, Bertha Fisher, May Tabb, Marg Todd. Euchre every Wednesday night 8 p.m. Ladies please bnng lunch. Orono United Church News A capacity crowd in attendance attendance at the Easter Sun- . day morning service. A very enjoyable hymn sing - led by Marlene Ross prior to service: service: The Explorer girls and leaders Mrs. Bertha White and Mrs. Reader came into church as Processional and took part in Christ Candle and New Life symbols. The girls then sang several delightful delightful songs and gave readings readings on "Symbols of New Life." Very excellent special Easter Music, with choir rendering "My Redeemer Liveth", and during offering a trio of Nancy Barber, Carol Carol Hoooper and Marlene Ross presented "It Took A Miracle". Mrs. Joyce Gray at the organ and piano. Greeters at door - David and Sharon Staples and family. Ushers on Sunday - Bill Hannah, Gerald Rainey, Gordon Atkins and Donald Lycett. Birthday greetings Sharon Weeks, March 27, Pamela Werry March 28, Muriel Patton - March 28, Gordon Mills March 30, Miranda Miranda Weeks March 30 Mary Tamblyn March 31. We thank the Explorer f irls for their part in Sun- ay service. Seven members will graduate on May 10. This ceremony will take place at Mother and daughter daughter banquet. Four Explorer girls have been members 4 years and wrote their story in to-day's bulletin. They are Tereza Henderson, Tamara Kent, Christine Reader and Joanna Joanna Van Dyke. Congratulations Congratulations girls on your interesting interesting stories about life as an explorer. Up coming services April 2 - Service under leadership of Gideons. Marvin Marvin Colvin will be leading service and Mr. Yman Wy- lan as guest speaker. April 9 - Marion Milnes. guest speaker as Reverend Milnes is at Myrtle Church. April 16 - Pancake Brunch in Orono Church hall sponsored by Sunday school and M & S Committees. Committees. April 11 - Tuesday, there will be session workshop on visiting, Orono and Kirby sessions. 7 p.m. - 7.30 p.m. - Business Business Meeting 7.30 -10 p.m. - Visitation Workshop. Minister's Study Leave - April 1-8. Reverend Don Stiles will be available for church emergencies. (987-4250) Bible Study - The Gospel of John Wednesday a.m - 9 -10.30 a.m. Ladies group. Wednesday p.m. - 8-9.30 p.m. in Friendship Room. For March 29-Read John 20-21. Circle your calendar for Wednesday, May 4 for Bd. of Stewards "Spring Supper". Supper". More details later. Spring has sprung, The grass is riz; And here is where The bargains is. \ '--A ^mi .rA^' Save $ 800.°° Ain \\v \ J PC COMPATIBLE LAP TOP COMPUTER 1400 ;lt Get MS-DOS® Power and a Highly Legible Backlit "Supertwist" Display Software not included Only $16.49 per week ■ Full-Function IBM® PC Compatible ■ High-Quality Supertwlat Backlit LCD Display a High-Performance 7.16 MHz Clock Speed a Featurea Two 3 1 /i" Built-In Dlak Drives a Removable, Rechargeable Battery Pack Battery pack enaurea Handy carrying caee power when you need It (or aaay traneport Reg. $2495.00 Bowman ville Audio-Vision 20 King Street West Telephone 623-2312 "Bowmctnville's Complete Electronics Store" The Canadian Statesman. Bowmanville, March 29, 1989 9 Congregations Hold Joint Easter Service at Bowmanville Museum When our photographer returned to town from was served at Trinity United. Our cameraman also Newcastle early Sunday, a crowd had begun to gather tried to visit the Ebenezer sunrise service at the pro- at the Museum on Silver Street for the joint Trinity vincial park, but they had already dispersed when he and Maranatha service. Later, a pancake breakfast arrived. Home Improvement Show March 27 -- April 1 If you'd like to make your house more like your castle, drop by our Spring Home Improvement Show. You'll find the latest ideas in everything from decorating to renovations to repairs. There's never been a better time to improve the state of your estate. The Centre for Everything. vi oshW CENTRE 4M The Centre for Me.