I Lucky Ticket Wins More Than $180,000 The Canadian Statesman. Bowmanvillc. April 5. 1989 5 Engagement Announced Last week, Frank Hill ofR.R.3, Bowmanville (Cour- tice), won second prize in the March 25th 6/49 draw. The prize was $181,439.90. Mr. Hill is 73 and retired. He and his wife Bernice are pictured above holding the cheque. They have two children, 11 grandchildren, one great grandchild, and plan to buy a house with their windfall. Euchre Players Busy in Tyrone Tyrone News byB.V Euchre There were thirteen tables tables of euchre in play at the St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church Church St. at Temperance, Bowmanvillc Sunday, April 9 11:00 a.m. "NOBODY IS AGAINST YOU" "HA' are eager to share Christ with you" Information -- 623-3432 The Rev. W. L. Chatterton Minister Community Centre on Friday Friday evening, March 24, 1989, with the following results: results: First Dave Hall followed followed by Bessie Mager, Barb Cochrane, Edgar Mill- son, Blanche Baird, Harold Swain. Ladies' Low Blackburn, Blackburn, Men's Low Frank Andrews. Andrews. 50-50 Draw Fred Griffin, Walter Murphy. Special Prizes Agnes Schofield, Schofield, Ruby Cochrane, Fred Griffin. There were 17 tables of euchre in play at the Old Tyrone Tyrone Hall on Monday evening, evening, March 28, 1989, with the following results: Bernice Bernice Renton 86, Fred Griffin 85, Glenn Lowery 82, Hazel Murphy 82, Ross McRoberts 81, Richard Manns 46. Special Special prizes Ed Millson, Blanche Jones, Ann Park, Fred Yeo. Balmy weather, dry un- der-foot, tempted eighteen Rector • Assoc. 155 Years of Community Service Hlotpr's ^nglrcan (Etpirdf Temperance Street, Bowmanville, Ontario SUNDAY, APRIL 9TH, 1989 EASTER II 8:00 a.m. Holy Communion 11:00 a.m. Children's Service -- The Reverend Byron Yates B.A., S.T.B. -- The Honorary Asst. The Rev. A. D. Langley TRINITY UNITED CHURCH Church and Division Streets Bowmanville, Ontario Church Phone Office Phone 623-3912 623-3138 Rev. Frank Lockhart M.A., M.Div., M.Th. Michelle Morrison-Glover B.A., M.R.E. SUNDAY, APRIL 9TH, 1989 11:00 a.m. Morning Worship "Living in God's World" Coffee after Church For inlormalion on Nursery Care and Church School Call 623-3138 Serving Bowmanville and area since 1835. Liberty Pentecostal Church Martin Road and Highway No. 2 Bowmanville 623-5182 Pastoral Staff: Rev. Vern O'Brien, Pastor Paul Shank, Asst. Pastor 9:45 a.m. Christian Education - Classes for all Ages - 11:00 a.m. and 6:30 p.m. SPECIAL SERVICES of Praise, Worship, Music and The Word with dino andreadis (of Montreal) ************** NEXT SUNDAY EVENING April 16th - 6:30 p.m. The life changing film "A MAN CALLED NORMAN" featuring MIKE ADKINS jFellowship and Refreshments following the film EVERYONE WELCOME Tuesday 7 p.m. Youth Wednesday 7 p.m. Young Adults and Crusaders (ages 6 -12) tables of euchre players out to the Tryone Community Centre on March 31st, with the following results: First Ada Richards, followed by Kathleen Watts, Cora Schoonbeek, John Schoon- derbeek, Mary Thompson, Gord Moffatt. Ladies' Low Verna Robinson, Men's Low Roy Werry. 50-50 Draw Ross McRoberts, Betty Kuyer. Special prizes Garnet Goyne, Ken Flint, Ruby Griffin. Easter Church Service "Christ the Lord is Risen" was the compelling processional processional hymn which was embellished embellished with the carillon as the choir entered the church in procession, swelling swelling the congregational singing. singing. The Junior choir dramatized dramatized its Easter story song to the enrichment of everyone. The Senior Choir truly ministered ministered with "The Lord's Prayer", led by Jacqueline Vaneyk and expressively accompanied accompanied by Tim South- >L lEanl'a plmteZt (lllnivdy Minister: Rev. N. E. Schamerhorn, B.A., M.Div. Organist: Mr. Douglas Dewell Church Secretary: Helen Mclnnes 623-7346 SUNDAY, APRIL 9TH, 1989 11:00 a.m. Morning Worship Service will be conducted by the members of the U.C.W. Sunday School Kindergarten through High School Nursery care for pre-school children every Sunday If you're new to Bowmanville, we invite you to make St. Paid's your church home. St. George's Anglican Church Newcastle Village Sunday, April 9th, 1989 EASTER II 8 a.m. Holy Communion Tl a.m. Morning Prayer SPECIAL CHOIR EVENT Sunday, April 9th 8 p.m. Festival Singers ALL WELCOME MIDWEEK SERVICES Wednesday 9:30 a.m. Holy Communion Rev. Douglas VV. Hall 987-4745 k FINAL AUTHORITY:; SCRIPTURE '"All scripture is givenj Lby inspiration of Godd and is profitable for î "doctrine, for reproof, Ffor correction, for J instruction in righteousness." 2 Timothy 3:16 , THE HOLY BIBLE:, infallible, inspired < and inerrant Non-denominational Gospel Services Thursday, April 6th 8 -- 9 p.m. at Newcastle Public School 385 Beaver Street - ALL ARE WELCOME - f THE BAHA'I ^ FAITH HEALING WORDS FOR THE WORLD Beware lost ye offend the feelings of anyone, or sad- don the heart of any person, person, or move the tongue in reproach of, and finding fault with anybody... anybody... Boware, beware that any ono rebuke or reproach reproach a soul, though he may bo an ill-wisher and an ill-door. "BAHA'U'LLAH" For more information ploaso write to: THE BAHA'I FAITH P.O. Box 36 Bowmanville, L1C 3K8 or Call (416) 623-7621 Legion Poster Heads for Provincial Finals i Brown's Legion contest poster has already won numerous awards and is the running for further accolades. well at the piano. The Reverend Reverend Bonnie Kelly entitled her positive message "The Power to Overcome". The children's story was the mysterious transformation from caterpillar to butterfly. The majestic recessional was "Christ the Lord is Risen Risen To-day", to "Easter Hymn" tune, followed by the "Llanfair" tune, played by Jacqueline Vaneyk at the organ, organ, accompanied by Tim Southwell at the piano. Happy Happy Easter! Social Congratulations to Darrel Glaspell and Michelle Godin, Godin, who were married on Saturday, March 18, 1989. Miss Karen Vaneyk, Len- noxville, P.Q., spent a few days' winter break from her school teaching duties with her parents, Jacqueline and John Vaneyk. Miss Deb Roy spent the Spring Break holiday at Daytona Beach, Florida. Sean still in Sean Brown, a 13-year- old student at Bowmanville Senior Public School, and son of Fraternal Affiliate. Rick Brown, has advanced to the provincial finals of the Legion's annual poster competition. competition. He has certainly made the members of Branch 178 of the Royal Canadian Legion Legion very proud. Scan entered the Poster Competition for Remembrance Remembrance Day, and he won first place in the branch competition. competition. He then went on to zone level where he also placed first in the intermediate intermediate level. The next level was the District F competition where he again placed ahead of all competitors. Now, for the first time in Branch 178 history, a local student is eligible to compete compete at the provincial level. Sean's poster has gone on to provincial competition and even if he does not place at this high level his poster will be displayed in a special youth centre in. Niagara Falls along with other district district level winners. It will be on display during the provincial provincial convention in May. Sean has received recognition recognition from the branch, zone, and district in the forms of certificates, trophies, trophies, and monetary rewards rewards and he certainly is to be commended for his achievement to date. Winners Winners at the provincial competition competition go on to the Cana- da-wide competition later this year. Branch 178 of the Legion is very proud of Sean. Whenever Whenever nis poster is finally out of competition, whether he continues to win or not, it will be displayed proudly in the Legion Hall before Sean gets it back to remind him of his accomplishments in the competition. i : , vA\\ i Y'\ : \ V: David and Birte Stainton, Cobourg; along with Harold Harold and Ruth Comer, Oshawa; are proud to announce the engagement and up-coming wedding of their children, children, Deanna Lynne Stainton and Harold Gordon Corner. The wedding to take place October 28,1989 at Enniskillen United Church. Vincent Massey News Waverley Public School A Mystery! by Rebecca Vatcher Spelling, Math, Art and 'more. What a lot of work! Ms. Porter's class is studying studying Native People in Environmental Environmental Studies and in Art they are making things to do with them such as bead necklaces. A mystery for Ms. Porter, the class is making mystery folders with criminal reports in them. I read Ainsley Boudreau's. In her crime she wrote that she poisoned her neigbours by putting poison in their tea when they came over. In gym the children are making making up routines and in Math it's division. What a great class! Busy Ait Bees by Heather Youngman Lately, Miss Lovett's class has been very busy. They are doing Spring activities activities and they are studying animals and their babies. On Friday, March 31 they visited a farm and sugar bush in Kendal. Also in May they are going to the Metro Toronto Zoo. In April they will be doing a science unit on mystery powders and coloured solutions. Lately, they have been learning to E rint sentences in note- ooks. In phonics they are doing two and three letter blends and vowel sounds. In reading they are using Basal readers and are following along with the read-along program on the television. In developmental writing they are choosing their own topics for stoiywriting. Most of their stories are about: the farm, Spring, animals and things related to these subjects. In math they are learning to tell time by the hour and by the half hour. Also, in math they are adding adding and subtracting facts to ten and they are studying two digit numbers and place value. Soon they will be doing doing linear measurement. They are also doing art and music activities which correlate correlate with the language art program. They sure have a handful! The Sugar Bush by Amy Ramage Last week, Mrs. Purrott's kindergarten class went to the Downes' sugar bush in Kendal. They saw lots of animals animals there and babies too! Later they went on a wagon to the sugar bush. When they got there they saw the tapping of the trees. Then they went to a sugar shack and saw pure maple syrup. Now that they are back they are doing activities about the trip to the sugar bush. The class had a very enjoyable enjoyable time and I'm sure the other classes will too! Waverley Public Competes in Boardwide THINKBOWL by Stephen Clancy On the 29th of March, the Northumberland and Newcastle Newcastle Board of Education held their 9th annual THINKBOWL at the Lions Centre in Cobourg. Mrs. Clement drove Waverley's THINKBOWL team to Cobourg Cobourg to compete at 8:15. Inside, Inside, chatter was exchanged until Anna Mary Pulla, the special education resource programmer, spoke over the loud speaker. We all sang O Canada and that was followed followed by two minutes silence. silence. After that, Mrs. Pulla gave all three categories (elementary, senior and high school) instructions on the procedures. Elementary's problem was finding a solution to extinction extinction of endangered species. species. Rhea Phillips came around if you weren't sure or clear about something in the booklets. Inside the booklets were such things as listing 20 solutions and getting getting criteria for selecting your final solution. At the end, you had to summarize all of the information and try to sell your idea to the "public eye." The booklet consisted of nine pages. For a break, muffins, apples apples and juices were served. Gary Tushingham, the Director Director of Education, spoke with all the teachers, princi- pals and guests. Waverley's team included: Thomas Cookson, Craig Vatcher, Kelly Browne and I. When our team was finished, we all handed in our master- ieces of brainstorming to rs. Phillips. On that day, I still remember seeing those brightly lit lightbulbs above everyone competing in the THINKBOWL. New Joiners by Cindy Richards At Waverley Public School the secretaries registered registered 42 junior kindergarten students and more will be coming. They started at 8:45 a.m. and never finished until until after 4:00 p.m. that day. The registrations were being held at the office. In Editor's Mail Once again this year the Cancer Research Society Inc. of the Prov. of Quebec is sending letters to the households households in Ontario soliciting funds for Cancer Research. The Cancer Research Society Society Inc. is not part of the Canadian Cancer Society and it does not deal with Educational Educational Programmes or Patient Services. Their envelope envelope even states that donations donations are used PURELY for research. Of the money raised by the Canadian Cancer Society, Society, 57% is allocated to Cancer Cancer Research, 18% to Patient Service, 15% to Educational Programmes at both the youth and adult level, and 10% to Administration and Fundraising. Before you donate money be sure you know where your money will be going and what jyour money will be doing. To help the Bowmanville Bowmanville and District Unit 108 of the Canadian Cancer Society your donations should remain in Ontario. I hope this will clear up some misunderstandings. Yours truly, Ernie Eves 1989 Campaign Chairman. Chairman. Back from the March Break back to school now let's see what's ahead of You! "The Third Term" Mrs. Dykeman's class - This term for E.S. Mrs. Dykeman's class is studying Space. Astronauts, and Living in Space. For math they're going to be doing division, volume and metric measure. They are writing and publishing their own nooks as well as making their own plays. Mrs. Read's class - Mrs. Read is always keeping her class busy with fun activities. activities. They have just started 1 minute math that helps improve their adding skills. They also do printing of numbers and how to print them in written form. They also keep in touch with Mrs. Read by writing their journals journals every* day during quiet time. The most fun of all is Book Boxes. Everyday the children will pick a book and read orally to the class and Something To Think About DIRECTOR ROBERT B. WILLIAMS PSYCHOSOMATIC REACTIONS intense. Can anything be done about this? It is sound policy (or a person person who is grieving to seek frequent frequent medical checkups; to get extra sleep, rest, and exercise; to oat well; to maintain social contacts; and to be kind to oneself. oneself. Remember: the grieving person IS more physically fragile fragile than usual. During the period of mourning, mourning, many people suffer from physical problems which could be labelled "psychosomatic." Physical side effects ol mourning can Include a number of possible ailments, ranging from headache attacks to asthma, asthma, fatigue, indigestion, constipation, constipation, Impoteiicy, skin rashes, shortness of breath, dizziness, weight loss, fainting spells, palpitations, palpitations, tightness in the chest, loss of appetite, nausea, etc. More serious diseases can also be linked to boroavomont, especially especially when the boroavomont is MORRIS FUNERAL CHAPEL 4 Division St., Bowmanville Telephone 623-5480 Serving Durham Region Since 1881 , ^ INCREDIBLE^ SALE on Drapery, Upholstery and FABRIC from $4.00/yd. We are clearing stock to make room for our new spring collection! 488 King St. W., Oshawa (across from Oshawa Centre) to Mrs. Read. The list of fun work goes on and on! How's that for the beginning of 3rd term? by April Turner Mrs. Yellowlees' S. K. Class Mrs. Yellowlees' class has just got four new programs for their computer. On the 28th of March the morning class had an Easter egg hunt. Mrs. O'Reilly came in and demonstrated how to make Ukranian decorated eggs. On the next day the class got a hamster. On Monday they are going to have a vote to choose a name. Almost every day the kids go to the store and buy things for the hamster. They are also making Little Care Bear booklets. The teacher puts numbers at the bottom of the page and they have to make that many shapes. They certainly seem to be having fun doing that. That's all for this week, so look us up next Thursday, by Tammy Bunce. Randolph's For A Happier, Healthier And Longer Life Attend the One Night Introduction to the NUTRITION SEMINAR FEATURING VEGETARIAN COOKING Sponsored by the YWCA Presented by Leona Alderson From Kings way College, Oshawa PLACE: Bowmanville High School DATE: April 11,1989 TIME: 7:00 p.m. COST: $5.00 per person REGISTER: YWCA at 623-YWCA TO BE FOLLOWED BY A Four Night Course On VEGETARIAN COOKING PLACE: Bowmanville Seventh-day Adventist Church DATES: April 18,25, May 2,9 TIME: 7:30 p.m. each evening COST: $25.00--Includes Notebook and Recipes. (Spouse free if sharing materials) REG 1STER: 623-6031 or 263-8809