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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 10 May 1989, p. 11

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V ) Orono Horticultural Society Enjoy Trip to Greenhouse The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanvillo. May 10. 1089 11 Orono News by I. Challlce Quote--"Man - A creature creature made at the end of the week's work - when God was tired." - Mark Twain A busload of Orono baseball baseball buffs travelled to Toronto Toronto on Saturday to see the Blue Jays game. A real good trip but no good news! Mrs. Jenny Bowins is spending a few days visiting her sister, Mrs. Rose Agner, in Hamilton hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Dean Warren, Warren, Amanda and Corey were weekend guests of her. parents, the O. Challices. Sure good to see the little Brownies and leaders out cleaning up along the streets, on Saturday. The T. V. was also showing the young folks all over the city, doing spring clean-up! Congratulations to the hard-working Pine Ridge Kinsmen wno held a car wash recently at the I.G.A. lot and raised $300.00 to carry on their work in the community. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Pigott Pigott entertained Mr. and Mrs. Les Alldread Oshawa to dinner last Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Bailey, Bailey, Mrs. Dorothy Bailey and Mrs. E. Billings were Sunday Sunday afternoon visitors with the Carl Kimmett family in Lindsay. They reported snow all the way back to Lindsay. Whatever has happened to Spring? Even the trees are slow to put on their spring coats, and growth in general is very slow. Vissers Nursery Plant Centrum Phone 263-2126 Landscaping, Sodding Planting etc. Free Estimates Flowering Shrubs • Box Plants Evergreens • Peat Moss • Potting Soil ■ Perennials • Trees miniNuuar. r Euonymus -- Now $4.50. _ We carry a good selection of Plants under $10.00 2 Year Warranty On All Plants Open Everyday • Sunday Closed at 4 o'clock VISA Accepted Mrs. Lena Clysedale. Newtonville and Mr. and Mrs. Alf Pigott visited Mr. Clarence Burley recently. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Moffat, Moffat, Mrs. Dorothy Bailey and Mrs, E. Billings attended the Barbershoppers Musical program Friday evening in Oshawa. St. Saviour's Church News Congratulations to the "Dinner Theatre" group on a resounding success! The meal was delicious, the singing singing superb and the fashion show brought the roof in. Now, through Faith in Action, Action, we can go about repairing repairing the roof in earnest. A very enjoyable evening was had by all and the comments- comments- where -when? Again? etc. Take it from there all who helped and participated in this very successful event. Thank you. Thursday, May 11/89 at 7.30 p.m. Advisory Bd. in Parish Hall. Parish Picnic - Sunday, June 11/89 at 10.30 a.m. in Orono Park. Sunday, May 14. at 9.30 a.m. St. Saviour's Saviour's Dedication Sunday. Dedication of a number of gifts, given to church. Wednesday, May 17 - St. Saviour's Salad supper! Sittings Sittings at 5 p.m. and 6:15 p.m. in Parish Hall. God's Groceries - Non- Perishable high protein food stuffs - needed for local food banks, to help those in need. Please place donations in baskets, at back of church. Smile - God Loves You. Town Hall Card Party There were fourteen tables tables of euchre at weekly card party in town hall, Wednesday May 3, and following following results - High Scores- Hazel Pigott 91, Aleck Moffat Moffat 89, Ea. Couroux 86, Jean Allin 84, Jane Bryant 81. Low Score - Marion Sears. Draw winners - Marg Linton, Bessie Stephenson, LOSE UP TO 20 LBS IN 4 WEEKS ONLY Weight Counselling Centre provides individual counselling by professional nurses/ nutritionists NO GIMMICKS NO HIDDEN COSTS For further information call: Oshawa 728-7656 Whitby 430-6352 Franchise Opportunities Available. Call 728-0129. COUNSELLING' C 'tlNT**' Dora MacDonald, Marie Couroux 2. Euchre party every Wednesday night 8 p.m. until until end of May. Ladies invited invited to bring lunch. Leskard Card Party. Ten tables of euchre at monthly card party, held Thursday, May 4 in Leskard Church hall. High Scores - Ken Gim- blett 88, Don Thompson 84. Low scores - Bill Forest, Russell Wright. . Lucky draw prize - Wanda Wanda MacNeil. Next card party Thursday Thursday June 1st at 8 p.m. Last one for this season. Greenhouse Tour Members of Orono Horticulture Horticulture Society enjoyed a delightful delightful tour of "Rekker's Greenhouses", last Thursday, Thursday, May 4. Rekker's another another fine example of a family family working together. The present generation are following following in their grandfather's footsteps and have received their love of gardening, down thru the generations. The father arrived here in 1948, from Holland and commenced work in G.M. After After several years they arrived arrived in our area and purchased purchased land from the late Charles Snowden, west of Bowmanville on Hwy. 2. The original organization catered catered to the roadside trade, but in 1965 became a three- family "Rekker Gardens Limited". Of particular interest interest to our group was the Automatic Seed Planting Machine, and this plants 512 seeds in one tray, at a time. The greenhouses are all heated by steam. Seeds are started at different times of year, pansies in Nov., begonias, Dec. but most varieties Jan. and Feb. This operation hires many people in area and they estimate they grow and sell between 3 and 4 million plants each year. John then showed us the various cooling-off greenhouses greenhouses where the plants are hardened and prepared for your gardens. A very interesting interesting new garden idea was the "Grow Bag". These plastic plastic bags are already filled with a blend of composted soil, high quality peats and essential nutriments. Holes are cut in the top of the bags and established plants are then set in to grow. They will provide ideal growth and save space. Ideal for patios, gardens or Sven verandahs. f^John was thanked by group for such an interesting interesting tour and he then presented presented everyone present, with a pretty mum. Orono United Church News The greeters at front door on Sunday morning, Clare and Joan Martin, and the ushers - Gary Ross, Grant Yeo, and Christopher Yeo Laverne Heard. Reverend Milnes led the "Songs of Praise" for the children's time. Sunday School teachers meet Thursday, May 11 at 7.30 p.m. We would especially like to thank everyone who brought food, bought tickets, Wide open spaces. Isuzu Trooper II $ $ 1500 OFF REMAINING 1988's 500 OFF 1989 PRODUCT • 6 doors (4 side, 2 rear) for maximum convenience • 2.6 L engine with l-TEC multi-port fuel injection • Power steering • Power disc brakes on all four wheels • Reclining captain's chairs with adjustable headrests • Cruise control • Two-tone paint package and body colour grille * Rear step bumper • Rugged, ladder-frame chassis with six rigid cross members • Heavy duty skid plates protect vital parts underneath PASSPORT OSHAWfl'WHITBV 1520 DUNDAS ST. E., WHITBY 430-2350 GM sewed and cleaned up for our Spring Supper, last Wednesday night. A special thanks to Donna Scott and helpers. - Bd. of Stewards. High C Group Monday' May 8th at 8.30 p.m. at Manse. We're getting to know Jesus Christ better through a video on His life and the Gospel of Luke. Any young people Grade 7 and up are welcome, whether or not you've been in Hi C before. before. Bible Study - Wednesday May 10 at 8 p.m in Friendship Friendship Room. Fulfilling the Great Commandment Commandment - Matthew 28: (11-20) Next Sunday is May 14. Mother's Day and Pentecost Sunday. May 21st - Sacrament of Infant Baptism. Unit H3 Meeting Fourteen ladies of unit #3 met Tuesday afternoon May 2 at the home of Mrs. Neis DeJonge for their monthly meeting. The group in charge of meeting, Jenny Bowins, Neis DeJonge and Isabelle Challice. Neis read the scripture reading from Genesis 1-13. and Jenny gave the Meditation Meditation "Planting and Reaping" and read a verse "The Package Package of Seed." "For The Beauty of the Earth", was sung, with Gladys Gladys Brown at organ, and Isabelle Isabelle closed with prayer. Dorothy Bailey read out an invitation to have our next meeting in June, at home of a former member, Mrs. Merle Gilbart, Peterborough. Peterborough. This was graciously accepted. At this time an address was read to Neis, who we're sorry to say, is leaving Orono Orono in near future, and a pretty cup and saucer was presented to her, from unit. Neis thanked everyone and invited everyone to come see them in their new home, near Brighton. A gospel hymn sing - along was much enjoyed by all and Isabelle conducted a "Tree Contest." A tasty lunch closed the meeting. Mrs. Inez Harris of Orono recently attended Scarborough Scarborough General Hospital's annual annual Blossom Ball at the Inn on the Park in Toronto. She was present to see her daughter, Mrs. Joyce Hird, R.N. of Whitby, receive the Hospital's prestigious Chairman's Chairman's Award for her "Outstanding "Outstanding contribution to the growth and development of the Hospital." Following her graduation graduation from Orono Public and High Schools, Joyce trained as a nurse at the Ontario Hospital in Whitby. Over the past 23 years, she has held a number of management management positions at the Scarborough Scarborough Hospital. Currently, Currently, she is Nurse Manager in charge of the Specialty Clinics. Clinics. The Hospital Governors received over 150 nominations nominations for their annual award. Three recipients were selected. In addition to Mrs. Hird, Mr. Allan Greve (Hospital Administrator), and Dr. David Naiberg (Chief of Otolaryngology) were recognized for their dedication and special contributions contributions to Scarborough General Hospital's three decades of service in providing providing progressive health care. "Joyce Hird is the very best example of a person dedicated to a lifetime career, career, to helping others, and to making certain that each and everyone of her twenty three staff members' careers are reflections of her own success!" (taken from "The Scarborough Scarborough General Hospital Foundation Awards Council). Council). Mrs. Inez Harris attended attended Sunday morning church service at St. Andrew's Presbyterian Presbyterian Church, where the present organist Mr. Ross Metcalf was surprised to see one of his former choir members. members. A dedication service was held for a beautiful new window. Guiding News By Karen Thompson Pitch-In Week was held across Ontario from May 1st to 7th. Many of our units participated by collecting garbage from around their meeting places. The litter chases were done by the 1st, 3rd, 5th, 6th Brownies and the 3rd Guides. Part of the Guiding program is to include include taking care of our environment. environment. Pitch-In Week is one way that Guiding can work with other organizations organizations and the local government government to clean-up our environment. environment. On April 15th, six Guid- ers from the Bowmanville area completed their Stage 3 training course. There were 24 Guiders from Central Area that participated and completed this course. All that participated received their Stage 3 pins from their own districts. The Guiders in our district were Sue Bradley, Karen Thompson, Nancy Staples, Pat Parkin, Jean Brownlee and Donna Benczenleitner. Congratulations! On April 13th, the 5th Brownies invited the 6th Brownies to join their meet- Highlights From W.I. Meeting in Newtonville The annual meeting of the Women's Institute of Newtonville was held on April 20th Thursday at the home of Mrs. Olive Henderson. Henderson. It began with a pot luck luncheon beginning at 12:30. After the meal, the business business part of the meeting was conducted by Mrs. May Burley Burley the first vice president in the absence of Berneice Milligan Milligan who was ill in hospital, with 10 members and 2 visitors visitors present. It opened with the Institute Ode. followed by the Mary Stewart Collect. The various reports were read and the correspondence was read including an invitation invitation to Morrish's 80th anniversary anniversary of the W.I. to be held in Port Hope on the 3rd of June. Mrs. Anna Hughes installed the officers for the 1989-90 year. We were reminded reminded of the District Annual Annual at Nestleton on Thursday May the 18th. An executive meeting was held at the home of Mrs. May Burley on April 26th to plan for the motto and roll calls for the coming year. Also speakers and bus trips were also suggested. ing. The girls were working on a new badge proposal for Endangered Species. Brian Brazier from CLOCA brought a slide presentation and talked about the Endangered Endangered Species in Canada. The girls were very enthused enthused by his program and had many very interesting questions and comments to make. The 5th Brownies sprinkled the 6th Brownies with some of the Magic Fairy Dust that they had found on their Leprechaun hunt in March. Both units would like to thank Mr. Brazier Brazier for taking valuable time to come and talk to the Brownies. On April 17th, the 6th Brownies went on a hike' from St. Stephen's School to the Goodyear dam and back again. They packed a snack and carried it in their backpacks. backpacks. At the dam, the Anglers Anglers Association were lifting lifting Rainbow Trout over the dam with fishing nets. Dave Lawson came over to the unit and asked if we would like him to explain what was happening. Mr. Lawson explained why they were lifting the fish over the dam and why the fish were going upstream upstream to spawn. He snowed the girls both a male and female female trout and showed them how to tell the difference. He also showed them some trout eggs. After this, he explained explained some of the habits of the trout to the Brownies. It was a fascinating experience for everyone. The Brownies would like to thank Mr. Lawson for taking his time to explain about the trout to their unit. Birthday Celebrations Hi, my name is Kristen Louise Brown and I'll be celebrating my 1st birthday on May 7th, 1989, with my big brother, Kyle, who will be 3 years old on May 6th, 1989. Our parents are Dave and Cheryl Brown and our grandparents are Murray and Carol Marchant Marchant and Harold and Joy Brown. And a big Hello to our great grandma, Mrs. Dorothy Hendren, Oshawa. STEVE'S FURNITURE SHOP RESTORES YOUR FURNITURE TO NEW BEAUTY • Antiques • Dining Sets • Bedroom Sets • Occasional Pieces • Upholstery . Refinishing Call for a FREE Estimate 97 Station St., Orono 983-9630 i,'I i,, i 11 1 1 Œ BARR'S AWNINGS & SHUTTERS SIDING (all types) SUN DECKS - SOLARIUMS - PATIOS Call DAVE Collect 986-4277 20 Years Experience Sales • Antique Cars Concerts • Open House O Be a Part of It! ...Parades • Barbecue • Baseball • Crafts • • Fitness • Quilt Show • Flea Market • • Square Dancing • •Garden Party • and Much, Much More... Town of Newcastle Heritage Week ' May 26 - June 3 For more information, call 623-5939 or 987-1266 or write Heritage '89 Committee, Box 187, Bowmanville LIC 3K9

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