iv V Actin;Pif on Saturiây reunion'iorf Midland Regiment Holds Annual Reunion in Bowmanville - oca mm >■ „ & ^ ^ : ^xmmâSsË, A ' Surviving members of the Midland Regiment that was mobilized in this area early in World War II, held their annual reunion at Branch 178, Royal Canadian Legion on the weekend. On Saturday afternoon, they BlSt>^S®7® frrfJSSnrc" marched to the cenotaph, led by the recently revived Legion Pipe Band and held a Remembrance service and laid a traditional wreath. The Canadian Statesman. Bovmanville, May 10,1989 17 in Editor's Mail Dear Editor: KENDAL HILLS CITIZENS CITIZENS GROUPFORMED Last November, residents in the Kendal neighbourhood neighbourhood began gathering to determine determine the truth and the threat of land grabs around Kendal and up into the sur- ; rounding Ganaraska River headwaters. Now formed into a committee chaired by Kathy Guselle, the group has taken the name SAGA, - short for their vow to "SAVE THE GANARASKA - AGAIN". The commitment initially is to prevent any change to. • the Durham Official Plan which would permit Estate ■ Residential Housing devel-T opments to encroach upon the Ganaraska highlands in the Town of Newcastle, and later Hope Township. Longer range concerns will he to protect these entire entire fragile lands from mass housing or dense human use of any kind, and ultimately to seek adequate protection for the magnificent natural features and as yet relatively relatively unharmed uplands which deserve to become part of our local and regional heritage. heritage. Please contact Ann Dilks ....983-9727. Following a Remembrance service at Bowmanville's cenotaph on Saturday, Midland Regiment veterans were about to march back to the Legion when this pic- Courtice Girl Guides Receive All Round Cords Five members of 1st Courtice Girl Guides received their All Round Cords on Wednesday, May 3rd at a special celebration marking this unique event. They are in the front row from the left, Nicole Nekkers, Tammy Langille, Andrea Hiltz, Kara Melanson and Tasha Stéfanis; back row, Darlington District Commissioner Commissioner and Unit Guider Gale Coburn, Guider Ann Paterson, Ranger Belinda Anselstetter, Guiders Diane Liscombe and Rita Liscombe. L.O.B.A. Holds?Oth Annual Session ture was taken. In the evening, they attended a banquet banquet attended by nearly 150. Brighton Major of the Legion pipe band, Don Brooks, played the Lament afternoon at the Cenotaph. Alongside are the Midland Regiment , Stan Dunn and one of the originals, Scotty Broughton of 90 AXXESS NISSÀ'S SPORTS CARS FOR PARENTS Totally redeigned for the 1990's, Mss,n Axxess comes standard wit, 40% more power, implored handling and loads of I standard features. Including, 3J front wheel drlv^ or optional all wheel drive|| speed manual or automatic ov&dpjve, power steering, brakesWrrors and door locks, AM/FM cassetteV,ereo, double sliding rear doors, 5 or Ipassenger seating plus much, much lore. PRICED from ONLY $16,990 CHECHDNB OUT TODAY! MIDWAY MOTORS imissaiw rt 1300 DundaS E. n 5p Whitby 668-6828 Customer First OUR VOLUMES -LUNG MEANS YOU SAVE! Thurs., May 18 Recognized as Museum Day Newcastle has joined communities around the world in recognizing Thursday, Thursday, May 18, as International International Museum Day. Council passed a motion declaring the day at Monday's meeting. meeting. Mark Jackman, curator of the Clarke Township Museum Museum and Archives, made the request. In a letter to council, he said: "This date has been set in order for museums museums around the world to celebrate the role they play in every community and at every level. It is a day for the world's citizens to stop for a moment and think about their local museum and its importance to the cultural ana educational development development in their area." New Executive For Optimists The Bowmanville Optimist Optimist Club had their election Wednesday, April 26,1989. President Bill Whaley is pleased to share with you the new Executive and Board of Directors for 1989 and 1990 which takes over in October of this year. President is - George Marmara, Vice President - Gary Bennett, Vice President President - Clare Howse, Past President - Bill Whaley, Treasurer - Bill Rourke, Secretary Secretary - Sam Ivanoff, 2 year Directors - Armand Breton, Ken English, Ron Bull, 1 year Directors - George Clark, Henry Piekenbrock, Jim Wintonyfc. The 70th Annual Sessions Sessions of the Right Worshipful Worshipful Provincial Grand Lodge of the Ladies Orange Benevolent Benevolent Association of Ontario East were held in the Lions Centre, Bowmanville, April 20-22/89. The proceedings commenced with the exemplification exemplification of the scarlet degree degree for the candidates by a combined degree team of members from Black stock L.O.B.A. #849, Tyrone L.O.B.A. #1244 and Kendal L.O.B.A. #1420. The active officers were introduced and escorted to their stations by a prepared drill team once again composed composed of the members of the three area lodges. The colors of the association and the apple blossom were combined combined in the corsages worn by the teamjand- also presented presented tti ' etrcft Officer.' The word "Love" was the basis of the floor work-performed by the team to the music "In An English Country Garden" Garden" ana "Butterfly." Rt. W. Sis. Verna Wood- beck, Prov. Grand Mistress opened the sessions in ritual form, honors were given and everyone was given a warm welcome. Sis. Linda Erwin #1244 and Sis. Diane Lowery Lowery #1420 were appointed as &nùUfi*Uf, you QijU and CjteetinyL... Ik) Hast Fmeut follet in the World mmmoi SINCE 1930 It's time to call your Welcome Wagon hostess. Sandra Yates Phone 623-5873 Muriel Moynes Phone 623-7741 pages for the sessions; Sis Phyllis Lowery # 1420 and Sis. Terrie Griffin # 1420 were appointed as guards. Sis. June Deguere # 849, Sis. - Cathy Switzer # 1420, Sis. April Switzer # 1420' and W. Sis. Pat Griffin #1244 were responsible for the sale table. Brookes Memorial J.O.L. #525 initiated a candidate during their part of the sessions. sessions. As the Prov. Grand Black Chapter of Eastern Ontario and the Prov. Grand Loyal Orange Lodge were also meeting at this time the branches of the Orange Family joined together to parade to St. Andrew's Pres- by. Church for Divine Worship. Worship. Reverend W. Chatterton Chatterton delivered a truly inspiring message and the organ ' music of Mr. Corrie Kuipers greatly enhanced the service.; The Chaplains of all three branches read scripture selections during the service. Upon leaving the church the members went to the cenotaph for a brief service of remembrance remembrance at which time the Provincial Grand Masters and Mistress laid wreaths in memory of all who have served in the armed forces. Following a short social time a delicious banquet served by the Lions & Lionesses Lionesses was enjoyed by the delegates and their guests. The butterfly, the symbol of E eace and love, was chosen y Rt. W. Sis. Verna Wood- beck when she attained her office two years ago. Butterfly Butterfly pins were sold (these are" now all around the world). As a result of this project, À cheque for $10,000.00 was presented to the Administrator Administrator of the Belleville General Hospital for the purchasing of equipment for the pediatrics pediatrics dept. The choice of the Junior Orange Lodge #525 was to give the "Pennies" from J.O.L. Lodges collected during the past year to the Memorial Hospital, Bowmanville. Bowmanville. A dance followed the banquet. R. W. Sis Mary Hayes L.O.B.A. #97 and Rt. W. Sis. Mary Thompson L.O.B.A. #583, both visiters, from the Prov. Gr. Lodge of Ontario West, acted as scrutineers for the election of officers, which was conducted by Rt. W. Sis. Vivian Alexander Imm. P. Gr. Mist. Rt. W. Sis. Evelyn Frost, P. Gr. Mist, conducted the installation of the following officers. W. Sis. Marion Hill, Prov. Gr. Mist.; Rt. W. Sis. Marilyn Erwin, Dep. Gr. Mist. (L.O.B.A. #1244); Rt. W. Sis. Doris Dixon, Jr. D. Gr. Mist; Rt. W. Sis. Carol Mitchell. Gr. Sect.; Rt. W. Sis. Gloria Birtch, Gr. Treas.; Rt. W. Sis. Heather Brown, Dep. Gr. Sect.; Rt. W. Sis. Cathy Bradley, Dep. Gr. Treas.; Rt. W. Sis. Delia Johnson, Gr. Chap.; Rt. W. Sis. Maude Jaques, Gr. Junior Junior Dir.; Rt. W. Sis. Brenda Lowery, Gr. Dir. Of Cer. (L.O.B.A. #1420); Rt. W. Sis. Roberta Griffith, Gr. Sr. Lect.; Rt. W. Sis. Berneice McCaully, Gr. Jr. Lect.; Rt. W. Sis. Florence Williams, Gr. 1st Aud.; Rt. W. Sis. Pat Griffin, Gr. 2nd Aud. (L.O.B.A #1244); and Rt. W. Sis. Marie Cowan, Gr. 3rd Aud. Belleville will host the sessions in 1990 and the newly installed Prov Gr. Mist., Rt. W. Sis. Marion Hill has chosen the dove as her symbol and the Alzheimer Alzheimer Society as her project. MAY 12,1989 CANADA HEALTH DAY WHEREAS May 12 has been designated Canada Health Day by the Canadian Hospital Association Association and the Canadian Public Health Association in commemoration of Florence Nightingale's birthday. WHEREAS this year's theme for Canada Health Day is "Health Promotion; Get involved - Volunteer!" Volunteer!" was chosen in recognition of the enthusiasm enthusiasm and commitment to health promotion. WHEREAS the Town of Newcastle recognizes .health promotion, health .education and the network network of health services as valuable community resources. THEREFORE I, Marie Hubbard, Mayor of Newcastle, Newcastle, hereby proclaim Friday, May 12, 1989, Canada Health Day in the Town of Newcastle and urge all citizens to participate in healthy activities activities to mark this important day. Date: May 8,1989 Marie Hubbard Mayor of Newcastle Canadian Statesman Carriers Needed! We need carriers for the following routes: • R.R. 3, R.R, 6, (Maple Grove, Hwy. 2, Holt Rd.) - 29 papers - • Prospect, Lamb's Lane, Fourth, Veterans, Scugog - 26 papers - • Scugog, Frederick, Rehder, Edsall, O'Dell, Second - 25 papers - • Temperance, Wellington, Elgin, Prospect, Horsey - 26 papers - (Papers to be picked up at the Canadian Statesman Office 62 King Street West, Bowmanville) • McFeeters Crt., Souch Crt., Barley Mill Cres. - 27 papers - • Orchard Park, Mearns, Peachtree - 28 papers - (Papers to be picked up at Bowmanville Mall) • 150 profit per paper delivered • Collections required (every two weeks preferred) • Carriers billed at month end PLEASE CONTACT: S6t Canadian Statesman Telephone 623-3303