18 The Canadian Statesman. Bowmanville. August !). 1989 Classifieds 'A Man for All Seasons' Completes Four Performances Phone 623-3303 Classified Deadline -- Monday 4:30 p.m. Auction Sales * Sat., Aug. 12,11 a.m. • To be held at 100 Cedar St., -corner of Cedar and Richmond * Sts., Ajax. To include many fine I antique pieces of furniture and collectables. ' Jacques and Hayes roll-lop desk, Jacques and Hayes hall stand, marble lop parlor table, round oak table, 5 ft. harvest table, pine washstand, oak rocking chairs, 9 pc. walnut diningroom suite, 2 . French doors, grandfather clock, gingerbread clock, 6 chicken coop chairs, drop-leal table, armoire, i ■ soapstone table, mahogany and • ' oak buffets, pine cabinets, Royal Doulton dishes for 8, hanging Tif- ' fany lamp, crocks, limited edition . prints and oil paintings, plus lots of collectable glass and silver and much more. Garry K. Powell, Auctioneer, Auctioneer, 1-263 : 4252. 32-1SN Sat., Aug. 12,11 a.m. Property sold. Mr. and Mrs. German German GRAY, 5 miles west of Marmora Marmora on County Rd. 3 (Cordova Rd.) or 12 miles east of Havelock on County Rd. 48. Candle color TV; dishes; 20 pc. dinnerware, 2 sets; cooking utensils and cookware; cookware; Phillips coffee maker; end ..tables, china cabinet; dehumidifier; dehumidifier; blue hall runner; elec. ' air purifer; rangette; Viking auto. . washer; Simplicity dryer; , • dressmaker's table; floor lamp and • table lamps; wood heater stove; 3 ' "corner shelves; pictures (Robert - . Woods); green Danish chesterfield and chair; hall mirror; loveseat; fire " screen and tools; white desk hutch and stool; vanity and mirror; 2 arm chairs; chest of drawers; curtains and drapes; hanging plants; X- mas decorations and lights; quantity quantity of tools; trowels; wood chisels; hammers; axes; elec, saw; vise; sander; Craftsman 8" table saw; Remington elec, chain saw; creeper; weed eater; garden tools; emery grinder; rubber tired wheelbarrow; wheelbarrow; counter and cupboards; 12 steel posts; muskrat traps; lawn furniture; stovewood; MTD lawnflite mower and grass catcher; Ford LGT. 145 riding lawnmower tractor (42" cut, hydrastalic drive, 42" snowblower, hydraulic garden plow, disk, cultivator, tractor chains (good). Numerous other items of interest. Terms: Cash or cheque with ID. Owner and Auctioneer Auctioneer not responsible for accident accident or injury day of sale. Roy and Rod Williams, Auctioneers, Carripbellford, Ont. (705) 653- 3533. Lunch available. 32-1S ■Sat., Aug. 12, 10 a.m. Mitchell Auction Building 2 miles East of Omemee on No. 7 Highway, 3 miles North on Emily Park Road. Large quantity of carpentry tools, some machinist tools, 540 Cockshutt 3 pt. tractor with trip bucket, 205 MF 20 h.p. diesel tractor tractor with Case rotary mower 8 h.p., 11 h.p. lawn tractors, 1981 Cadillac Cadillac Seville, certified. Antique furniture furniture - 9 pc. waterfall dining suite, Duncan Phyfe table (2 leaves, seats 14), Chatham kitchen cabinet, gate leg table, washstand, pine chest of drawers, other bedroom bedroom and livingroom furniture, modern pine roll top desk, . Panasonic microwave convection oven, other appliances plus a very large selection of mise, effects. Tools -10 a.m. Tractors - approx. 1 p.m. Doug Mitchell, Auctioneer, R.R.4, Omemee, 705-799-6769. 32-1SN Advance Notice of 2 Catalogued Antique and Collectable Outstanding Auctions Mon., Sept. 4, Labour Day Mon., Oct. 9, Thanksgiving Day Selling from various estates, ' seniors giving up housekeeping, private collections, and others. Selected quality furniture, fine antiques, antiques, collectables, china, art, figurines, etc. Anyone wishing to consign quality articles to the Labour Day sale should contact us immediately (our holidays are over now). Catalogues go to print Aug. 21. New larger Oshawa area sale site. Inquiries invited. Phone 263- 8710, Steve Liptay Auctions, R.R. 1, Bowmanville. Auctioneers of quality furniture and fine antiques^ Thurs. Evening Aug. 10 6 p.m. Furniture, Antiques and Golf Course Mowers Auction sale of furniiure, antiques and golf course mowers from a Richmond Hill home, selling at the Wilson Sales Arena, Uxbridge, Including Including 9 pc. diningroom suite, 2 oak parlor tables with claw feet, diningroom table and 6 chairs, 2 sideboards, pineapple 4 poster bed, antique barber's chair circa 1930 (excel.), 3 pc. bedroom suite, oak desk, filing cabinet, showcases, showcases, mantèl cfocks, 2 leaded glass windows, coins, qty. ol dishes dishes including Limoges, crystal, cups and saucers, depression glass, silver pcs., 4 front end mount lawn mowers including Jaguar, Yazoo, Hustler, 1 front end reel type, 1979 Dodge Aspen (new tires), plus many other Items. Sale managed and sold by Lloyd Wilson Auctions Ltd., Uxbridge, 416-852- 3524 or 9755. 32-1S Thurs. Evening, Aug. 17 5 p.m. Antique Furniture and Glassware Auction sale of antique furniture and glassware for Mrs. Eleanor Harris, Uxbridge, and a Beaverton estate, selling at the Wilson Sales Arena, Uxbridge, Ont., Including diningroom suite, chicken coop chairs, gun stock chairs, settee, Victorian chairs, extension table, drop leaf table, parlor tables, buffet, buffet, dresser, bedroom suites, cedar chest, chest of drawers, piano bench, sewing machine, fern stand, trunk, Lowry organ, oil painting, floor lamps, swivol rocker, chesterfield and chair, oil lamps, linens, doilies, wooden golf clubs, fridge, slove, spin washer, dryer, qty. ol glassware including hand painted Royal Nippon, R.S. Prussia pc., cups and saucers, Bennington bowl, Bavaria plates, flow blue dishes, Limoges dishes, crystal, depression, cornflower, bisque figurines, crocks, tools, canoe. Full details next week. Sale managed and sold by Lloyd Wilson Auctions Ltd., Uxbridge, 416-852- 3524 or 9755. 32-1S Auction Sales AUCTION SALE Every Monday, Tuesday and Thursday at 6 p.m. At Myles King Auctions 33 Hall St., Oshawa All consignments welcomed. Estate Estate sales, etc. Est. in 1967. Myles King, Auctioneer, 725- 5751. 8-tfS Sat., Aug. 12, 6:30 p.m. Pethick's Auction Barn Haydon Sale to include contents of area home plus a hairdressing salon from Oshawa. To include bedroom suites, modern diningroom suites, armoires, large pine sideboard, refrigerators, refrigerators, stoves, stacking washer-dryer unit, 18 cu. ft. freezer, oil paintings, plus 9 styling chairs, large pedicure table, 6 dryer chairs, 2 hydraulic chairs, 4 styling stations, mirrors, sinks, propane pool heater, nearly new lawnmower and lots of collectable items. "Saturday's Auction Action" Garry K. Powell, Auctioneer, 1- 263-4252. 32-1 SN Mon,, Aug. 21, 7 p.m. Real Estate Auction at estate of late Oliver Wesley KNAPP, R.R. Orono Turn west off 35 on Clarke Rd. 10 just north of 115 and 35 junction. Legal description part lot 28, Cone. 9, Town of Newcastle, Regional Municipality of Durham. 100 acre farm with rolling hills, smaller barn and 2 storey insul. brick house. The farm fronts on 2 roads, about half is cleared, balance heavily • wooded. The farm is serviced by excellent roads and close to most conveniences. There "is a possibility possibility of Ige. quantities of sand or gravel on the farm as there are pit operations in the area. A prospective prospective bidder can get permission to dig test holes by contacting the auctioneer. auctioneer. The property is zoned agricultural. agricultural. Terms $5,000. at sale, balance 30 days. Subject to reasonable reserve bid. Selling as is. Ideal hobby farm or prospective pit. Property must be sold to settle estate. To view contact Orval McLean McLean Auctions (705) 324-2783 Lindsay, Orval or Barry McLean, Auctioneers. 31-3SN Corneil's Auction Barn Fri., Aug. 11, 6 p.m. Refinished platform farm scales, walnut tea wagon, oak diningroom extension table, round walnut pedestal dining table, 4 oak diningroom diningroom chairs, corner china cabinet, odd wooden kitchen chairs, washstands, antique chest of drawers, modern dressers, almond almond 24" electric stove, 12 cu. ft. almond deep freezer, almond G.E. auto, washer, Duncan Phyfe drop leaf table, antique wooden bed, chesterfields, spin washer, wooden rocking chairs, wool winder, winder, balloon back chairs, oak office desk, wicker book shelf, quantity of tools, china, glass and collectable collectable items. Don Cornell, Auctioneer, R.R. 1, Little Britain, (705) 786- 2183. 32-1 SN Estate Auction Sat., Aug. 12,11 a.m. Selling the estate of Mrs. Muriel Fleming and the late W.J. Fleming Fleming ot Belleville to be held at Warner's Auction Hall, Hwy. 2, Colborne. Antique oak china cabinet w/glass 3 sides, 1/4 cut oak bookcase with glass doors, 9 pc. diningroom suite with table, 6 chairs, buffet and breakfront china cabinet with upper glass doors, other diningroom diningroom table with Queen Anne leg and 4 odd chairs, two bedroom suites - one depression type with bevelled glass mirrors, other burled walnut with matching douille douille bed, 2 door wardrobe, man's wardrobe chest and two night stands all in excellent condition, unusual antique walnut table with split pedestal - can be used as two flat-to wall hall tables, old pressback rocker in excellent cond., 26" portable color TV complete complete with stand, converter and remote remote control (approx. 1 yr. old in excellent cond.), French Prov. sofa and chair, single bed, sofa bed, double pedestal oak desk with matching swivel chair in excellent cond., cabinet sewing machine, antique walnut dresser w/mirror, other dresser and matching chest, single door wardrobe, 6 h.p. Craftsman snowblower, small quantity hand and garden tools, dishes, pots, pans, glassware, linens linens plus numerous miscellaneous miscellaneous articles all sold with no reserves; reserves; Terms: Cash, cheque, Visa, M.C. Sale starts 11:00 a.m. Gary Warner, Auctioneer, 355- 2106. 32-1 SN Estate Auction Thurs., Aug. 10, 6 p.m. Disposing of a large quantity of tools including primitives, collectables, collectables, etc. from the hobby and workshop of a resident late of the Town of Port Hope (unnamed (unnamed family request). Plus a home full of furniture to be held at Warner's Auction Hall, Hwy. 2, Colborne TOOLS consist of: Craftsman radial radial arm saw, 2 small wood lathes, older drill press, jig saws, hand saws, old wooden planes, 6" planer, planer, old wooden carpenter's boxes, wrenches, 2 alum. ext. ladders, grinders, wheelbarrow, industrial shop vac, hammers, masonry' tools, tool boxes, squares, levels, draw knives, old named qt. oil bottles, bottles, named milk bottles, drills, Sanders, Sanders, roto-tiller, ladder jacks, step ladders, old baby carriage, olus countless other articles from this old workshop. FURNITURE includes: includes: 2 door f.f. fridge, matching 30" range, auto washer, dryer, color TV, chest freezer, antique walnut buffet, small desk, Duncan Phyfe dining fable with 4 carved back chairs, wooden rocker, other rocker, sofa and chair (like new), coffee and end tables, Ige. doll house, quantity doll furniture, davenport, antique vanity, 5 drawer walnut chest, occasional chairs, dishes, china, glass, lamps, pictures, pots, pans, etc. plus numerous household arllclos too many to list. Largo sale with a lot ol inlorosling articles. Sale starts: 6 p.m. Two Auctioneers soiling Inside Inside and out. Terms: Cash, Cheque, Visa, M.C. Gary Warner, Doug Denny, Auctioneers, 355- 2106. 32-1 SN AUCTIONEER Don Stephenson Phone 623-1726 Estates, farms and all consignments wanted. 20-tfSN RESPONSIBLE family, one child, is looking for minimum two bedroom bedroom house in Bowmanville area for 21 months, no pets, non- smokers, price level $900./month. Phone 599-9797. 32-2S OBITUARY Arthur Charles Tuson A long-time resident of Oshawa and Newcastle Village, Village, Arthur Charles Tuson died at the Oshawa General Hospital on Thursday, May 25,1989. He was born in Toronto on December 23,1914, a son of the late Charles and Lily Tuson. Mr. Tuson served with the Oshawa Fire Department Department for 32 years, retiring as a captain in 1975. He enjoyed bowling for many years with the Oshawa Firefighters and the Storey Park Bowling League. In later years he became became an avid golfer, as a member of the Newcastle Golf Club and, during the. winter months, at St. Petersburg, Petersburg, Fla. Mr. Tuson is survived by his wife, the former Florence Adeliza (Flo) Spencer, whom he married in Toronto on January 27, 1940; a son, Charles and his wife Barbara Barbara of Harrisburg, Penn.; a daughter, Mrs. Terry De- Guerre (Joan) of Oshawa; four granddaughters and three great-granddaughters. A sister, Ada of Oshawa, also survives him. Morris Funeral Chapel conducted the funeral arrangements, arrangements, and a service was held in the chapel by the Reverend Douglas Hall, followed by interment in Nëwcastle Bond Head Cemetery. Cemetery. Memorial donations to the Palliative Care Unit of the Oshawa General Hospital Hospital or the charity of your choice would be appreciated. CONTINUOUS LEARNING REGISTRATION DURHAM COLLEGE IN OSHAWA : 2000 Simcoc St. N. Sat., Aug. 19 / 8:30 am - noon in the Athletic Complex Gymnasium Tues., Aug. 22 / 6:30 - 8:30 pm Thurs., Aug. 24 / 6:30 - 8:30 pm in the main cafeteria IN AJAX - 400 Monarch Avenue Mon., Aug 21 / 6:30 - 8:00 pm Wed., Aug. 23/6:30-8:00 pm IN PORT HOPE -12 Mill St. S. (old custom house) Fri., Sept. 1 / 10:00 am - 6:00 pm Sat., Sept. 2 / 9:00 am - noon ONGOING REGISTRATION starting Aug. 21 8:30 am - 8:30 pm / Mon. - Thurs. 8:30 am -4:30 pm/Fri. TOLL FREE 1-800-GG8-5843 By phone 436-1100 (VISA or By fax 436-9774 Mastercard only) In person Oshawa Campus Registration office Bowmanville Youth Drama Club's production of "A Man For All Seasons" concluded its four-performance run on Saturday after entertaining enthusiastic audiences audiences at Bowmanville High School. The cast included, 1-r front row, Jay Kelly, Shawn Healy, Andrew Goad; middle row, Jonathan Goad, Jeff Thompson, Neil Wind, Alane Walker, Dan Meraw; back row, Greg. Tink, Greg. Brown and Jennifer Berti. No Church Service Until September Enniskillen. News by B. Wright Fred Dayes Born in Beverley, East Yorkshire, England, on February February 27, 1911. Fred Dayes. was the son of Herbert ana Harriet Dayes, fishmongers. Orphaned at the age ot four, he lived with his sister Florrie until she was widowed, widowed, he then was sent to the Barnardo Orphanage in London, and from there to a group home in Blewbury, Berkshire County. On March 21, 1921 he arrived in Canada and lived first with the Hanna family in Janetville, and then with the Clarence Ginn family of Cadmus. He attended Cadmus Public. School, and Cadmus United Church where he sang in the choir.He was a member of the Cadmus, Blackstock and Port Perry United Churches respectively. respectively. In his youth he worked as a farm hand at the farms of W. Philp, M. McKee, O. McQuade and R. Brown at Cadmus Grist Mill. He was married April 20, 1935 to Mabel Elford of Cartwright Township, living in the township at the "McGill place" and the "Hyland "Hyland Farm", purchasing their own farm in 1956. Fred delivered rural mail and for 30 years drove for C. Carton, K. Burley and Charterway Charterway Bus companies. In 1965 - he" returned to England for the first time in 44 years, and when he retired retired from bus driving in 1977 he was honored at a retirement retirement dinner by his employers employers and co-workers. In October of 1987 Fred and Mabel retired from farming and moved to Port Perry. Surviving are his wife Mabel, children Alan, Clifford, Clifford, Lorraine, and Jim, 11 grandchildren, one great grandchild, and several nieces nieces and nephews in England. He was predeceased by brothers and sisters Florrie, George, Elsie, Tom, Alfred, Frank, and Evclvn. Funeral services were held at the Wngg Funeral Home. Port Perry, Tuesday, July 18, 1989 with the Reverend Reverend R. Lc Page officiating. Interment Ncstloton United Cemetery. On Sunday, August 6th, we held a joint church, service service with Tyrone at Enniskillen Enniskillen church. Ralph Werry took charge of the service. During that time we sang beautiful hymns. It was a real treat to have Ray Ashton Ashton acting as our organist. Thanks Ray. Reverend and Mrs. Joe Lafave and family arrived from Westville, Nova Scotia on Friday evening evening and he was asked to assist assist with the service. It was indeed a surprise and a pleasure to have this family back in our congregation and it was great to have Reverend Joe bring his message message to us. He based his message on the.,Storms of Life. As he explained, there are many types of storm we all have to go through. After the service there was a social social time of eats and fellowship. fellowship. We wish to commend Ralph Werry our little lay assistant, for excelling himself himself and doing such a superb job. . Recycle MeL We also would like to thank Reverend Joe Lafave of Westville, Nova Scotia for consenting with such short notice in helping us with the message. The churches will be closed for the rest of the month of August. Church will resume on September 3rd at the regular times. At the recent Enniskillen, Tyrone Congregational Meeting, Reverend Bonnie Kelly was accepted by the congregation of the two churches. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Steve Flamminio on the birth of their baby bundle of pink. Reverend and Mrs. Joe Lafave, Nikki and Benji, Westville, Nova Scotia were Saturday visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Wright and Betty. Betty. Our community extends deepest sympathy to Mrs. Rose Grifiin, ner son Robert and daughter Muriel on the death of a beloved daughter and sister, Mrs. Laura Lon- go. Our sympathy also goes to her husband, and children. children. Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Lamb visited on Saturday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Gary Groeneveld, Bowmanville. Bowmanville. Mr. and Mrs. Art Trewin, Haydon, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Hope, Blackstock, Mr. David Stainton, Cobourg were visitors visitors this week with Mr. and Mrs. Len Stainton. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Brent Clemons, Bowmanville on the birth of their baby bundle of blue. Mrs. Wilfrid Bowman and Miss Myrtle Ivnnson were guests of Mr. Ivnnson Tamblyn recently at the Garden Gate Restaurant, Cullen Gardens. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Wright and Betty were Sunday Sunday evening callers of Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Grose, Cour- tice. Mr. and Mrs. Brian Hall, Bayfield, Mr. -arid Mrs. Bob Richardson, Lotus, Mr. and Mrs. John Borrowdale, Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Harvey ' McGill were Sunday • supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Virtue. Mr. Russell Russell Naylor, Whitby, Miss May McMillan Oshawa were Wednesday visitors. Mrs. Wilfrid Bowman and Miss Myrtle Tamblyn spent several days with Mr. and Mrs. Ray Demers and Shawn, Kingston and while Recycling is Smart: Do Your Part! Private Sale - Bowmanville Save Yourself Brokerage Fees • Well maintained older semi. • Updated heating, wiring • Detached garage • Large private yard • Stable neighborhood, quiet but still close to downtown shopping, banks, schools, churches. • 3 plus bedrooms A Real Bargain at $124,900 Call 623-3274 to view this great starter, Investment, or retirement property. John Deere delivers. For your growing commercial needs, check out the latest John Deere innovation today. Nothing Runs Like a Deere 1 ' AMT'" 622 • 10-lip Kawasaki engine with pressure lubrication and overhead valves • Four-wheel drive with differential lock for excellent traction • Side-by-side seating • Full steering wheel, accelerator and brake pedals ease operation ' Flotation tires minimize soil compaction so it floats over mud and muck > Carries heavy loads and handles a wide variety of terrains $ 4,995. FARM & GARDEN LTD. ÏAUNTON RD. E. I MILE EAST OF THE MUSHROOM FARM ON NORTH SIDE SALES & SERVICE 623-1122 there were dinner guests of Reverend Dr. and Mrs. R. B. Green. Glad to report Mr. Bob Speakman is home from the hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Lafave, Nikki and Benji, Westville, Nova Scotia were weekend visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Keith McGill. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Stainton were Saturday Saturday evening supper and Sunday lunch guests. The Piggott family held a picnic at McRae's Point near Lake Simcoe on Sunday. Get well wishes go to Mrs. Paul Ostrowski (nee Joanne Nimigon) who is a patient in Mississauga Hospital. Hospital. Your friends here are thinking of you. REMINDER VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL! For All Children Ages 4 -12 yrs. Theme: "COME WALK WITH JESUS" Crafts, Contests, Games, Choruses, Sing-A-Longs, Bible Stories and Refreshments. This is a warm healthy atmosphere for your children, taught by experienced teachers who care about your kids. MONDAY, AUG. 21 through FRIDAY, AUG. 25 9:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. at LIBERTY PENTECOSTAL CHURCH Cor. Martin Rd. and Hwy. No. 2, Bowmanville For transportation or further information Please call 623-5182 EVERYONE WELCOME! Have All the Supplies for your building needs Lumber' Moulding Insulation Panelling Suspended Ceiling Tiles • Paint • Light Fixtures • Dry wall • Floorings • Stain Ceilings Orono Fuel and Lumber Station St., Orono 983-9167