t. The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, August 23,1989 21 : m 1111 4if m X v i m 1 £s \\ ). ■ y 1BB Z/S 4i( 1 •i m x m : Ï I Eij '-ï 1 rarTByn l^SHSPr _ 8 ; : ! ; > Help! It's inventory time and thousands of dollars worth of inventory inventory MUST BE SOLD to allow for incoming fall stock. Every item in the store is priced down for this sale. VX AiV B<9L mm Wed., August 23 rd to Sat., August 26th DOOR CRASHER SPECIALS 3 rf f TED DENNY, President à : Valued at $7.95 Stereo Head phones $30 AM/FM Auto Reverse, Car Stereo sly Valued at 89.95 rno/ „...py/p_ Car Speakers 30 watt capability O n ïaF'Sy/ inly vî# M.S.L. 79.95 It's all on sale. Don't miss it! - Panasonic Color TV's from $199.95 -Technics Digital Disc Player $279.95 - RXCW43 Super Portable $199.95 - Cordless Phones - Telephone Answerers - Camcorders - VCR's and Lots More! ! : ■Â ; PV-2901-K Video Cassette Recorder - On-screen display programming - 155-Channel digital quartz tuning with auto set - Auto functions: On, Rec, Off, Play, Rew, Eject, Timer - High speed Omnisearch 21X (SLP) Valued at 539.95 SDG-16 Home Stereo Includes: - Turntable - Receiver - Dual Tape Deck - Stand - Speakers Sterns Only yw $13.24 Per Month PC-28S81S 28" Color Console TV - Great Picture - 5-Year Warranty IS Valued at 1,199.95 $43.03 per month PV-400-K OmniMovie Camcorder - Low Light:? Lux - High-Speed Shutter (1/1000 sec., 1/500 sec.) and lots more Complete with case M.S.L. 2729.90 Only " 1449 $51.30 per month y EASY PAYMENT TERMS (O.A.C.) - Jit i Q i m r*i ¥ 1 1 £fy LJ; O» w is "Your Complete Electronics Store" 58 King Street West Telephone 623-2312 Happy 4th Birthday, Christopher mm mm ËÉlSÉp. • ' mm MS Hi Christopher. We love you and wish you a happy e yo . 4th birthday big guy from Buggy and Nanny Kemp of Bowmanville. Christopher is trie son of Chris and Madeline Graham of Oshawa and grandson of Leona Graham of Pickering. OronoNews Quote--"Economists report report that a college education adds many thousands of dollars dollars to a man's lifetime income income - which he then spends sending his son to college!" Mr. and Mrs. Dale Wall- gren and family, Fruit Vale B.C. and Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Trull, Bethany, were last Thursday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Jim Sutherland. Sutherland. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Wan- nan and two youngest children children were week-end guests of his mother, Mrs. Doris Wannan. Congratulations to our neighbours, Orville and Betty Betty Chatterton on the arrival of another new grandson, born to Carol and Hank. Mrs. Jenny Bowins has returned home from a motor trip to U.S.A. with daughter Sandra Bailey and Rachel. Last week's visitors at the O. Challice's - Mr. and Mrs. Warren Challice, Mill- brook; Misses Robin Fish and Kerry Lyn Challice, Pontypool, and Mrs. Laurie Deveraux, Oshawa ( a new teller in our bank). Congratulations to ' Mercer's Mercer's Garage, on the installation installation of new gas holding tanks. This was a very large job, and drew much interest from young and old alike! Received an invitation several weeks ago to a very special birthday party! For my hubby's (Orville's) Aunt, Mrs. Florence Darroch, Carnduff, Sask. Celebrating her 100th birthday August 27. A large banquet being held in her honor in Christian Christian Education Building. She held the honor of being her own church treasurer for over 60 years, in Caire- vale, Sask. More new homes being erected around community. New home on street going down to I.G.A.; and several new homes on formerly Antioch Antioch road. Bridal Shower A very happy event took place last Monday evening August 14, when friends and relatives of bride-elect Miss Kim Sherwin was honored at a miscellaneous bridal shower. Party held at home of Mrs. Doreen Wood and cohostesses cohostesses were Nancy Cowan Cowan and Melanie Sharpe. The bride-elect received many lovely gifts and graciously thanked everyone for their gifts. Kim is to be married Saturday, September 23, and is daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Laurence Sherwin. Large Barbecue and Picnic Held in Orono's fair grounds on Thursday evening evening and sponsored by Progressive Progressive Conservative Association Association and co-sponsored by Mr. Sam Cureatz M.P.P. and Mr. Ross Stevenson M.P. A large crowd of between between 1200 and 1500 devoured devoured 2500 steakettes and 120 dozen cobs of fresh com. The weather really cooperated cooperated and added to the tasty food, a fine program of music, provided by our local musician Ed. Morton, and another group "A Touch of Class" from Port Perry, entertained entertained the crowd. •Added note-- To prove our politicians "really work" for us, Mr. Stevenson Stevenson was seen next morn- - ' ing with the clean-up crew! Social News Have you our readers really noticed the exorbitant prices these days for fruit? Peaches not really plentiful, blueberries scarce, due to drought, apples (early) are down in crop and prices so high. It sure must be mind- boggling for large families to go grocery shopping. The Nutritionists tell us to eat more fruit and veggies, plus poultry and fish. With the fruit prices soaring and fish a real financial challenge, the problems of menu fixing grows more difficult each trip to stores. Miss Tricia Boyd and Miss Rebbecca Kimmett, Lindsay are spending a few days with Becky's grandma, Mrs. Dorothy Bailey and aunt Mrs. Eileen Billings. Mr. and Mrs. Fay Adams, and Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Pi- gott motored to Brantford last week, to visit Alfred's sister, Mrs. Rusk, a patient in hospital. Congratulations to Alfred and Hazel Pigott on holding the winning ticket at the draw, held at Fifth Wheel Restaurant for $500.00 worth of beef. Mrs. Leila Werry, Mrs. E. 'Billings and Mrs. Dorothy Bailey attended Church service, service, Sunday morning at St. Paul's United Church, Bowmanville Bowmanville and were luncheon guests of Miss Mary Jewell. Four Generations of the Clemens Boys Shown above are Bryce's three happy fathers: Great Grandfather Laverne, Grandfather Ron and Father Brent Bryce Mitchell Clemens was born on August 01, 1989 to happy parents Brent and Mary Elisabeth (Nee MacMillanJ. The proud grandparents are Ron and Carrol Clemens, Warren and Molly MacMillan and Great Grandparents Laverne and Edith Clemens and Edgar and Annie Wright.