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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 30 Aug 1989, p. 17

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r/'.&'M w^ 0 ' Panasonic Technics S' HITACHI MEm Me/haek WTER&1N CANADA LTD AUTHORIZED SALESCEHTRE fSg • -■; ..' ■ > BSali A.O.T.S. Holds Annual Corn Roast The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, August 30,1989 17 Wesleyville News by E. Barrowclough Intended for last week Sunday morning's grey skies didn't release any rain to dampen the hour of worship worship for Hope charge of the United church. The service was held at the lovely park by the river at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Kowal where there was plenty of parking space and level ground for congregation and lunch tables. It is surrounded surrounded by trees, and a brief history history of the area was given by Jackson Peacock during words of Welcome. The large earthen dam by the water was the site of Elliott's mill and material from the Osaca church can be seen in one wall of the Kowal barn. Reverend Reverend Sedgwick's sermon told of the unpopular reception reception given to those who predict predict disaster from wrong use of lives and environment, whether it is in the time of Jeremiah or our own day. Four ladies sang "Have Thine Own Way Lord" accompanied accompanied by guitar, while congregational singing was unaccompanied except by the familiar voices of a flock of wild geese as they flew by, low overhead, during the hymn. It was a fine service and following it, a delight for all members to chat with each other and visit friends. Thanks were expressed to Mr. and Mrs. Kowal for the privilege of meeting there and announcement made that the last outdoor service for 1989 will be held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Rob Beebe, on August 27. It was announced that there would be Open House at the home of Lloyd and Mary Kellogg on August 27th, from 2 to 5 p.m. on the occasion of their 40th wedding anniversary. Harold and Verna Austin returned home on Saturday, August 12, from their holiday holiday trip to the Northwest Territories. They spent one night at Tuktoyaktuk, that very northern town, and report report the whole trip comfortable comfortable and enjoyable. George Best has been home from Port Hope hospital hospital for more than a week and is progressing favourably. favourably. He is able to walk without without a cane but has to take great care, for a fall would be disastrous for mending bones. Phyllis Clarke is home after after spending 10 days in Port Hope hospital and continuing continuing treatment at home to strengthen blood supply. On the weekend of August August 15 and 16, Carroll and June Nichols and grandsons Michael and Matthew journeyed journeyed to New York state to share in a reunion of Carroll's Carroll's mother's family. It was a pleasant trip and as always always a delight to be with relatives at such a gathering. gathering. The men's club, A.O.T.S., of Hope charge neld their annual Corn roast at Bowman's Bowman's woods on Friday evening, evening, August 18th. Some regulars were unable to be present but there was a good crowd with the usual jolly time and delicious food. Visitors with Murray and Jean Payne last week were Gerald and Shirley Brown, Newcastle; Cam and Shirley Schiedel, Kitchener; Awry Martin and . sister Helen Bainbidge of Hamilton, Ontario; Ontario; and Earle and Marcia Brown of Fort Lauderdale, Florida. Eric and Linda Oliver, Kathleen and Robert of Wa terloo have been visiting Linda's parents, Arnold and Kay Thomdyke. One day last week a fawn came on the lawn by the house and was curious about the lawn ornament of a Canada Canada goose which moves around with the wind. It stayed some time, walking back and forth, coming near but did not touch it. Because there was no goose smell, it must have decided it was just another part of the landscape and walked away from it. There have been many calls at this house from people people in difficulties on. 401 but for the first time last week the driver of a huge van came to phone his company in Toronto. For some unexplained unexplained reason, his second propane tank which was supposed to be full, was empty. Christine Rowland, Hilary Hilary and Simon visited with Mrs. E. Barrowclough on Saturday afternoon and brought along with them the latest guide book in the Rowland series. It is the Rowland Pocket Guide to Ottawa and contains a wealth of material for the visitor to the capital, with a briefhistorical sketch. August 17,1949: Racoons and wolves have been attacking attacking chickens and sheep; on Friday evening a large crowd enjoyed movies shown outside the the Carroll Nichols' Nichols' home, by Richard Lyon with commentary, fine moonlight night. Junior farmers held their monthly meeting at Barrowclough's beach. Games in charge of Barbara Wilson, Elizabeth- ville, Lloyd Kellogg led singsong singsong around the bonfire, about 40 present including Milford Wnite, Jean Noble, home economist for 4 counties, assist. Agri. Rep. Sidney MacDonald, Bowmanville, Bowmanville, Eleanor Roche, Quebec City. Group Travels to Buckhorn Art Festival A number from our community community attended the Buck- horn Wildlife Art Festival last weekend. It is always a pleasure to view the latest works of art dealing with wildlife by such a variety of renowned artists including Ken Huxley, Jim Majury, Alfred Chau, Michael Dumas Dumas and some 100 others, some well known and others amateur artists. Each appears appears to have their own individual individual style and what turns one person on doesn't always always appeal to others as to be expected. As well as paintings there were also a few booths of wood carvings and ceramics. ceramics. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Carmichael Carmichael and Crystal spent last week end at Dunnville assisting assisting at a boat racing event in which they picked up two second place positions positions in their race. Sunday's races were cancelled due to "high seas". On Sunday evening August August 20th a small gathering of the Malcolm clan was held to observe the 40th wedding anniversary of Ralph and Ruth Malcolm in Toronto. Since Corrie and I were in the Royal York attending attending the A.M.O. Convention, Convention, Ralph and Ruth, Eileen and Howard Malcolm took advantage of the occasion for a social hour and later enjoyed dinner out at the Whalers Wharf. Never a quiet moment when you get these six Malcolms together. Quite a pleasant evening. As indicated it was our pleasure to represent Man- vers Twsp. at this Convention. Convention. Mr. Dennis Sweeting, Reeve of Lindsay and Warden Warden of Victoria, did an excellent excellent job of re-enacting the first gathering of A.M.O. whose 90th anniversary of its founding was being observed. observed. In fact he did such a good job, you'd almost be led to believe that he was present at the original event (Sorry Dennis). Among the special events was the presence presence of Donald Blenxarn M.P. for Mississauga South, Chairman of the House of. Commons Standing Committee Committee on Finance. Although he made a very good presentation presentation of the Conservative Govt, plan to enact a 9% Federal Sales Tax to replace the current undercover 13% tax now in place, his verbal pitch was not received with much enthusiasm. Many reservations to the tax were expressed by those present. The new provincial Minister of Municipal Affairs and Minister of Housing spoke with considerable conviction at the Wednesday morning session as to what he hoped to accomplish. On Tuesday, evening there was considerable par ticipation by those attending the A.M.O. 90th Birthday Costume Dance. A number of excellent costumes were present on the occasion. The most interesting workshop from our point of view was a presentation by the Clerk Administrator of nearby Ennismore on introducing introducing lot levies and how to justify them. More on that anon. . i Kevin Anyan | The Dust has H ^ » settled on ^ssâSFfea Great Gar Deals. Roger Swan Auto Centre R.R.#6 Bowmanville 683-2906 Hobnobbing With Harvey Oh where, oh where, has our summer gone? Here it is the mid-August and already summer appears appears to be half shot. All those unmistakeable signs of approaching Autumn are surfacing already. The hot, humid days suddenly turn quite cool with the arrival of sunset. Probably due to the earlier drought, those fields of corn that encompass us and hold us hostage, have already begun to rustle in the breezes. The barn swallows which appeared to have vacated the premiese, reappeared in large numbers when we mowed the lawn following the recent downpour. They speed along a few feet from the earth at incredible speeds in pursuit of their winged appetizers, zigging and zagginng, missing the tractor mower by a hair, and playing chicken with its operator. operator. The swallows are second only to the hummingbirds, in our opinion, in their flying flying skills. Our Malconia hummingbirds have been extremely extremely active lately. They zoom and dart at the speed of Superman from hither and yon in a continuous game of tag only pausing long enough to get "gassed up" at one of our three liquid sugar and water filling stations. stations. A pair of goldfinch dropped in as if checking to see if winter feed handouts have started yet. The robins have disappeared, at least Our People Moke the Difference Goliger's Travel SINCE 1955 • Airline tickets at airport prices • Unbiased prolessional advice • Personal service • Free ticket delivery • Cruise desk • Holiday vacations • Group travel division • Corporate rates Bowmanville Mall 243 King St. E. 623-1511 temporarily, with their last edition of kids. The bulgy- eyed cicada with the body of a bloated June bug but with diaphanous wings, continues continues his shrill call from the tree tops. The blatant blue- jay reappears for the first time since last Spring for a brief visit. The floral beds have taken taken on the appearance of the last roses of summer. The purple petunia pots have lost their get up and go, and àre looking tired and anaemic. anaemic. Even a dose of geritol couldn't revive them to their earlier colourful elegance. The tomato patches that once looked like a batch of green golf balls, now has rosy cheeks that overnight become luscious mouthwatering mouthwatering tomatoes. However, However, hidden among these beauties lurk the jolly green monsters - the tomato worms. On our latest inspection inspection we picked off a couple of dozen of those creeply, crawly creatures, varying in size from itsy-bitsy ones to jolly green giants tne size of small weiners. If left alone, they can defoliate the patch in a few days and then have a tossed salad including the tomatoes themselves for a bedtime snack. The second edition of sweet com is now ready for consumption. The honey and cream is mouth-wateringly delicious when smothered with butter. Yes sir, autumn is just around the corner. Now is a good time to remind you that Manvers Township's version of the Duck races (3 or 4) planned for at an earl- er date, will be held on Sat., Oct. 14th at 1:30 p.m. And the location is the Pigeon River at the junction of 35 Highway and the 12th Concession Concession of Manvers. Let's dig in and make the event a success success not only in raising a bundle for the Victoria County Senior Citizens home furniture fund, but also a fun event and an opportunity opportunity to meet and greet your friends and neighbours. Splurge for a good cause and rent a Duck or two, at only $5.00 per quack. Tickets are available from any Councillor Councillor or at the Township office. Happy 40th Anniversary Mom and Dad Your Kids! 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