10 The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, September 27,1989 Orono Busy with Birthdays and Weddings New Executive for Bowmanville Drama Workshop Orono News by I. Challlce Quote--"A bachelor is a fellow who believes in life, liberty and the happiness of pursuit"!-- Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Todd Mercer, who were married Friday, September September 22, in Orono United Church. Reverend Fred Milnes officiating. The groom is son of Wayne and Patti Mercer and the bride Audrey is daughter of Jim and Jane Tomlinsen, Newcastle. Newcastle. Several Orono ladies enjoyed enjoyed a sponsored bus trip last Wednesday to Flora and district. Those in attendance, attendance, Mrs. Inez Harris, Mrs. Gladys Greenwood; Mrs. Edith Gordon; Mrs. Dorothy Robinson. Yard sales were popular in Orono Saturday morning. One at Mrs. Victoria UÏÏ- mann's and one at Everett Brown's, and one at Kirby church! Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Pi- gott, Mr. and Mrs. Les All- dread, Oshawa and Mr. and Mrs. Robin Alldread, Newcastle, Newcastle, were all Saturday evening dinner guests of Mrs. Pearl Woodham, Toronto. Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. 0. Challice were guests at the Mowat- Stewart wedding held in Columbus Columbus United Church Saturday, Saturday, September 23, and the reception was held in Thunderbird Golf and Country Country Club. The groom, James is son of Mr. and Mrs. Grant Stewart, Oshawa and formerly, formerly, Pontypool. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Cardno, who were married Saturday, September September 23, in Burns Presbyterian Presbyterian Church, Ashbum, and reception in Thunder- bird Golf and Country Club. The bride is the former Kim Sherwin only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Sherwin, Orono. Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Bailey Bailey and son Shawn (Brock University) Mrs. E. Billings- and Mrs. Dorothy Bailey were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Kimmett and family, Lindsay, on the occasion occasion of Wayne's birthday. Leskard News The first euchre party for fall term, was held Thursday, Thursday, September 7 in Leskard church hall, with good attendance. attendance. ; The high scores were- Walter Mitchell 76, Ruth Yeo 75, Olive Little 74. Low scores - Jean Allin, Darlene Simpson. Next card party - Thursday, Thursday, October 5 at 8 p.m. The Leskard unit #5 of Orono U.C.W. held their first meeting of fall recently and we would urgently invite invite all area women to join us, as new members. Our meetings are a fine example of Christian fellowship, tun and a time to get to know our neighbours. If you are interested in joining us call 983-5922, 983-5067 or 983- 5429 for more information. Kirby News The Kirby bake and yard sale was well attended and a goodly sum of almost $800.00 was realized. A vote of thanks to all who donated and supported us in this worthy event. 30th Wedding Anniversary Despite the threatening skies and fear of the remainder remainder of the tropical storm "Hugo", a very large crowd of well over two hundred folks turned out Friday eve-, ning, September 22, at Man- vers Community Arena. The occasion of the 30th wedding anniversary of well-known local couple Wesley and Jeanne McMahon of Bethany. Bethany. The hall was prettily decorated decorated with flowers and large printed signs for the happy occasion, and the crowd were from far and near. The couple received many congratulations, pretty pretty cards and flowers from tneir host of friends. The music was supplied by the Orono "Mellowtones", comprising James and Doreen Doreen Lowery, Carlos Tam- blyn, Carmen White, Gladys Brown all from Orono, and an added treat the music of Tommy Cinnamon, on String Bass and also Tommy, Tommy, Carlos and Gladys on vocals. The group were also assisted through evening by Dave Masters on drums, Les Fairhurst and Robert Sisson on piano. As usual all enjoyed enjoyed the music and dancing, dancing, and many old acquaintances acquaintances were renewed! A delicious luncheon was served to large crowd, and all joined in singing "For They Are Jolly Good Fellows", Fellows", and wished the bride and groom many more years and both improved health. Those in attendance from Orono and surrounding areas areas included, Mr. and Mrs. Don Hamm. Mr. and Mrs. 1-Ierb Duvall, Mr. and Mrs. Ken Gray, Mrs. Jennie Bow- ins and the O. Challices and of course the music group "The Mcllotones", 4T Club Mooting Congratulations to the Orono 4T Sr. Citizens Com plex who recently celebrated their 10th anniversary! The September meeting was held Thursday, September September 21, in complex hall, with 46 members present, for a delicious pot-luck dinner. Casseroles of every variety and dinner topped off with a pretty birthday cake and ice-cream. Those celebrating birthdays in September - Art Clough; Ed Cousins, Jim Sutherland, Harry Wade, Fred Graham, Horace Best, Jack Miller, Jim Woodward and Isabelle Challice. Following dinner the business meeting, and election election of officers with following following results-- President - Pauline Boyd, Vice President - Everett Brown, Secretary - Leila Werry, Treasurer - Benny Woodward, Sunshine Secretary Secretary - Gladys Woodward, Entertainment Committee - Gladys Brown, Ted Coombs and I. Challice. Following business period some enjoyed enjoyed cards and others joined in fun of carpet bowling bowling downstairs. Orono United Church News The Orono church congregation congregation joined in with Kirby church anniversary on Sun day morning, at Kirby church. Guest speaker was Reverend Doug Warren from Hampton Church. Special Special music was provided by Mrs. Charm aine Prole, on Trumpet; the Mellowtones orchestra; Martha Farrow and Kirby Choir. A delicious luncheon was enjoyed together together by the crowd downstairs. downstairs. Happy Birthday greetings greetings to - Wayne lung September September 25, Lome Hardy September 24, Brad Copping September 24, Alvin Yeo September 27, Isabelle Chalice Chalice September 29, Todd Hutton Hutton September 29. Up-coming Services in Orono - Sunday, October 1 - World Wide Communion 11 a.m., Kirby 9.30 a.m. Sunday October 8 Thanksgiving Service. Sunday, October 15 11 a.m. Orono United Anniversary. Anniversary. Volunteers needed - Orono Orono Meals on Wheels will be delivered three days week, as of October 1st liveries on Monday, Tuesday, Tuesday, and Thursday. Meals supplied by Bowmanville Memorial hospital. If you can spare extra time to help deliver, please call community community care office in Bowmanville, Bowmanville, 623-2261. Attention all card players! The Fall euchre parties commence this term Wednesday, October 4, 8 FI DOUG IBBOTSON Excavating and Grading Complete Line of Excavating Equipment Phone: 987-4049 Newcastle . 4517 Houston Tracker Systems <7 # E *% A DIVISION OF 711121 ONTARIO INC. Siding, Soffits, Fascia, Capping Roofing, Doors, Windows, Trough (fS§pT') No job too big or too small Telephone 623-9828 Bol Bowmanville, Ont. Peter E. ffeslin, LL.B. BARRISTER & SOLICITOR Family Law Real Estate 120 Waverley Rd., Suite 214 Bowmanville Telephone 623-5554 JO-ELEN SPORTSWEAR & GIFTS Suppliers to Teams, Schools and Clubs Corporate Gift Packages 102 Queen Street Bowmanville, Ont. L1C 1M6 (416) 623-8161 J. Wayne Aasen Olde Tyme Fish & Chips 136 King St. E. Bowmanville 623-1781 Mon.-Thurs. 11 am--7 p.m. Friday -11 a.m.--9 p.m. Saturday -11 am--7 pm. We take pride in serving quality Fish and Chips. ^ WHITE S ANTENNA SYSTEMS Channel Master ® Specials on Do It Yourself Kits or Professionally Installed Compléta Systems as tow as $399.00 • TV Towers • Boosters • Antennas • Antenna Rotators • Used Antennas • Transmission Wire • MATV Systems Hardware and Accessories Serving all of the Durham Region for over 20 years. Written Guarantee - Free Estimates R.R. # 6 Bowmanville (Courtice) EL WHITE 436-2120 £ .m. in Orono Town Hall. adies are invited to bring lunch. The fall horticulture shows are excellent, and goodly number of entries. We judged the Newcastle show last Tuesday night and along with their flower and vegetable shows, they featured featured mouth-watering apple and pumpkin pies, (complete with whipped cream). Sorry I couldn't stay for lunch! We also attended the Bowmanville Bowmanville fall show on Wednesday Wednesday evening and again a good, colorful show. Their judges for evening were two Orono ladies, Mrs. Minnie Zegers and Mrs. Carol Mos- tert. Orono fall show and Country Store are Thursday, Thursday, October 5 - 7:30 p.m. and guest speaker, Mrs. Helen Helen MacDonald on topic "environment". "environment". Remember our very first Jr. district Convention Convention October 14 in Orono United Church - (9 a.m. - 3 p.m.). Our Congratulations to our Yelverton Correspondent, Correspondent, on 35 years of faitnful news reporting! It sure must be a healthy job, as we witnessed witnessed him and his better half dancing the "light fantastic", fantastic", last Friday at Man- vers Arena! Jaycettes Sponsor 2nd Egg Scramble The Bowmanville Jaycettes Jaycettes will be scrambling the streets of Bowmanville this Saturday, September 30th, from 10:00 a.m. in support of local charities. This is their Second Annual Annual Egg Scramble. You will find the Jaycettes coming to your door for the donation of an egg and then going to your neighbour to request a donation to buy the egg. It's great fun and a great way to meet people. In May of last year, the club raised $328 for the Salvation Salvation Army's local food bank. Thanks to the generosity generosity of the people in the Roser/Martin Road and Wa-. verley/Lawrence subdivisions. subdivisions. Watch out this month - The fun will be in and around the Hobbs/Simpson Avenue subdivision. Please be ready to greet the Bowmanville Jaycettes. For further information, contact Jaycette Louise at 623-4768 (evenings). Bowmanville Drama Worshop's new executive held a busy session last week, but took time out for this photo. Members are, front row 1-r, Georgina Preston, Jean Sheridan, Joe Daliymple, Nick VanSeggelin, Pat UNITED WAY ROUNDUP -- After a week of campaigning, the United Wafy of Oshawa/ Whitby/Newcastle has reached 15 per cent of its goal. The latest tally indicates a total of $438,750 has been raised. That's up from last year when just over 12 per cent of the target was collected in the initial week. Remember. Your gift helps 42 agencies serving the Oshawa, Whitby, and Newcastle communities. Please give generously. COURTICE COMMUNITY CENTRE -- The Town of Newcastle is now looking at alternatives alternatives for financing a community centre located on the 30-acre site at the northwest corner of Courtice Road and Highway Two. The municipality municipality is in the process of deciding what the centre will consist of. No doubt, the progress of this project will be discussed next Tuesday, October 3, during the annual fall general meeting of the Courtice and Area Community Association. The meeting is slated for 7:30 p.m. at the Courtice Secondary -, School Cafeteria. Guest speaker is Newcastle Mayor Marie Hubbard. ORONO STUDENT ON BOARD OF YOUTH MAGAZINE -- Marcia Blaschkè, a grade 12/13 student at Clarke High School, has been named to the advisory board of a national magazine for teenagers. TG Magazine announced the appointment appointment of 65 students from across Canada to the 1989-90 advisory board. They form policy, comment on content and generally give the 50- year-old publication its direction for the coming coming year. SPECIAL PROJECTS AT CLARKE MUSEUM AND ARCHIVES -- To help raise funds for the Clarke Township Museum and Archives' building program, the museum is selling beautiful wall calendars featuring 19 photographs photographs from the museum's collection. They're available at the museum gift shop. We also note that there's a big second-hand book sale coming up Saturday and Sunday, October 7 and 8. You can buy books for pennies at this event which runs from 12:30 to 4:30 in the afternoon both days. Finally, there are still a fevy spaces ramaining in the chair caning workshop, although although the course is filling up fast. The workshop workshop begins Tuesday, October 3. For further information, call 983-9243. DURHAM COLLEGE OPEN HOUSE -- You're invited to expand your horizons next month at the October 23rd Open House at Durham College. College. You can experience fashion shows, and exhibits, meet the college's robots and experiment experiment on state-of-the-art equipment and advanced advanced technology. BABYSITTER TRAINING AT SENIOR PUBLIC PUBLIC SCHOOL -- Starting Tuesday, October 10th, there will be a babysitting course at Bowmanville Bowmanville Senior Public School. Hours are from 5:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. The Family Education Resource Centre of the Durham House Child and Family Centre is offering this eight-week session. Teenagers who would like to be more confident and proficient babysitters arc invitd to attend. For information on fees and other details, please call the Centre at 579-2021 or 686-4353. The Centre offers a variety of other workshops including one which lakes place on October 2 in Oshawa entitled "Living With Teens". AT THE VISUAL ARTS CENTRE -- Special workshops .coming up include monoprinting, which takes place this Sunday, October 1; and raku pottery which will take place on Sunday, October 15. The monoprinting workshop is conducted conducted by Jane Dixon who has exhibited her work widely at the Centre and is a well-known Durham artist. Instructor Paulus Tzaing will conduct the raku courses. He has demonstrated this ancient technique on a number of TV programs programs and has been exhibiting and selling his work in the Toronto area for several years. Christmas basketry is the subject of a workshop which will take place on Sunday, November 5. Don't forgot that the annual juried show of fine arts will remain on display until Sunday, October October 1. RETIREMENT LIVING -- On Thursday, October October 5, the library will begin its retirement series with a discussion of "Healthy Lifestyles". Lifestyles". Registration begins Friday, September 29, at 10 a.m. at the Bowmanville branch. For further details, call 623-7322. BIG FIRES START SMALL -- This is the theme of the Town of Newcastle Fire Department's Department's Fire Prevention Week program. Fire Prevention Week commences on October 8. LUNG ASSOCIATION OFFERS INFORMATION INFORMATION ON BREATHING PROBLEMS --Beginning --Beginning Wednesday, October 18, the local Christmas Christmas Seal Organization will be offering a four- session information series entitled "All About Breathing Problems". The Durham Region Lung Association notes that topics discussed will include the causes of breathing disorders, allergens in the environment, and various coping coping techniques. In addition, the Association will be offering a program for young asthmatics asthmatics on the subject of simple self-help techniques. These are intended to help three to 12-year-olds keep their asthma in check. For further information, call the Durham Region Lung Association at 436-1046. BOWMANVILLE HOME FEATURED IN MAGAZINE -- The October issue of City and Country Home will include a glimpse ol' a restored restored 16-room Victorian home in Bowmanville. Bowmanville. Bccchwood, located on Beech Avc., is owned by Gail and Duane Berry. It's the 113- year-old former residence of Bowmanville Mayor William Forsyth Allen. The October edition of the magazine features country homes and is available at the newsstands now. KINETTES HONORED -- The Bowmanville Kinetic Club was among the volunteer organizations organizations recognized at the March of Dimes Awards Night held in Oshawa on Friday, September September 22. There were a total of 32 volunteers present for the evening and 19 awards were given. Friday's program was also a celebration of the fact that the March of Dimes has had an office in Oshawa for the past 10 years. SPECIAL GUEST AT ONTARIO STREET SCHOOL -- On Monday, October 2, Dr. Roseann Runte will visit Ontario Street Public School. She will be speaking on the topic of "Making the Most of French Immersion and Post- Graduate Opportunities. Dr. Runte is principal of Glendon College in Toronto and has written numerous articles in the field of French literature literature and language ediibation. She will be speaking speaking at 7:30 p.m. " ! NEW 4-ii PROJECT -- "Breakfast to go" will be one of the topics discussed in an upcoming 4-II project which emphasizes quick food preparation preparation ideas. Highlights include learning to use the microwave oven and comparing convenience convenience foods with meals made from scratch. All young people ages 11-21 are invited to sign up for this project. You can find out more information information by calling the 4-H leader in your community or by telephoning the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture and Food at 623-3348. UNITED WAY SEMINARS -- The Oshawa Whitby Newcastle United Way will be offering a series of informative seminars next month in order to raise funds for United Way and to provide provide learning opportunities.for the community. The topic of the first program is "You've Got to be Kidding" and it focuses on developing capable capable young people and helping high risk youths. This program lakes place at Durham College on October 4th under the leadership of Stephen Glenn, an internationally acclaimed psychologist and consultant. There's also an evening program entitled "Giving Kids Skills to Survive in The Real World". This session is October 3 at seven p.m. in G.L. Roberts Collegiate. Collegiate. Further information is available from Durham College Management Centre at 576- 0210. Future topics in this series will include "Grief or Growth...The Choice is Yours" and "Unlocking the Human Potential." COUNTRY CHURCH AND COLOR TOUR -- On Saturday, September 30, a country church and color tour is planned for the Peterborough area. The itinerary includes 12 rural churches of various denominations. All 12 will be open from 10 a.m. to four p.m., with refreshments available available at noon at two of the stops. Tickets are available by calling Ann Haste (728-3304). All proceeds will be donated to the Camp Bur-Ba- Lac Capital Fund to aid the Trent Valley Association Association of Baptist Churches in purchasing a 17-acre Christian campsite in the Kawarthas. BOOKMARK CONTEST --The deadline for the bookmark drawing contest at the Newcastle Public Library will be October 6. If you haven't picked up the contest form yet, there's still time to do so at any of the three library branches, Maijerrison; back row, Anna Blake, Elaine VanZant- en, President Sheila Majid, Peter Sobil, Jan Leak, Barb Tukker; absent, Randy Aldread and Joan James. HAMILTONS INSURANCE SERVICE Main Street, Orono Telephone 983-5115 Serving your insurahee needs since 1942 BAR-B-Q CLEARANCE SALE NOW ON Burners and Parts for all types of B.B.Q.'s Garden Grill B.B.Q.'s at excellent prices Propane, Propane Cylinders, Cylinders Retested We will dispose of your old propane cylinders free. Phone 436-2015 Mon. - Fri. 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. Sat. 8 a.m. -12 noon w*âl- BASELINE 401 Patrick G.Deegan DENTURE THERAPY CLINIC 5 GEORGE STREET, BOWMANVILLE 623-4473 or 623-6477 BRINK'S EXCAVATING R.R. #2 Newcastle, L0A1HO * Trenching * Gravel & Top Soil * Grading & Levelling * Septic Installations * Back Filling * General Excavating * Dump Truck Service (416) 987-4995 Affordable Dream Vacations! 1 Free Vacation Planning Services PERSONAL AND CORPORATE , _ . TRAVEL SERVICES 1 Discount Cruises 68 King St. E. (Veltri Complex) Bowmanville 623-6600 ■ Airline Tickets > Charter Vacations • Honeymoon Packages • Hotel and Car Reservations Travel Agents International nfl We're with you all the way. Over 300 Agencies in North America Reg. 2758550 j A ÜMietmrf •* "KRACO" Ir-20Q0| Carpentry & Contracting LpîïE? • Custom Homes • Renovating • Additions • Barns • Designing • Drafting • Permits • Finishing Give the headaches to us! Box 401, Newcastle 987-5400 Quality Body Work Quality Painting FREE ESTIMATES ON BOTH INSURANCE AND NON-INSURANCE WORK Open 5 Days a Week Monday through Friday COWAN I PONTIAC - BU/CK LTD BOWMANVIUC -- ONT 166 King Street East Telephone 623-3396