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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 15 Nov 1989, p. 5

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c J 1 , *■- V* The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, November 15,1989 5 Opposition to Laidlaw Plan Former Minister Returns for Trinity Anniversary U.C.W. Meets in Tyrone From Page 4 County Waste Management Technical Advisory Committee Committee to assist that county in its search for a landfill site. 1. A landfill site will not be placed within 500 metres of a recognized body of water water or lake. 2. A landfill will not be put within 500 meters of Class I, II or III Wetlands. , 3. A landfill will not be put within 500 meters of a town, village, or built-up residential areas. 4. An area with natural recharge capabilities such as gravel and sand pits will not be selected. In addition to this very specific criteria, their Committee Committee also wants to avoid a site that needs to be "engineered" "engineered" by using a liner, preferring instead a site that can utilize natural soil properties to prevent seepage. seepage. Victoria County would also like to avoid using good agricultural land. We hope that their criteria will be of some interest to you when developing our own criteria for Durham. The fact that a site has .existed in a "legal non- conforming" status for many years is not an acceptable criteria to justify changing our Official Plan. Laidlaw has tried to portray portray its "Infill" proposal as a small extension of an existing existing site. However, the existing existing site has a long history of environmental problems, is hydrologically complex and is unsuitable for a landfill site. To perpetrate this situation situation (simply because it is there) for a period of two years or two weeks is indefensible. indefensible. Respectfully Submitted, D.J. Scott, Chairman Committee of Clarke Constituents (786-2494 or 229-5190) P.S. Please ensure that our Committee is copied on all reports and correspondence correspondence related to Laidlaw's "Infill", Sewage and "Main Expansion" proposals. M Paul's Pntleh Cl|urd] Minister: Rev. N. E. Schamerhorn, B.A., M.Div. Organist: Mr. Douglas Dewell Church Secretary: Helen Mclnnes 623-7346 SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 19TII, 1989 11:00 a.m. Sacrament of Baptism Parents will meet with the minister in the Fellowship Room on Thursday, Nov. 16th at 7:00 p.m. SUNDAY -- 2 P.M. Service celebrating the 50th Anniversary z of 1st and 2nd Brownies in Bowmanville. Sunday School -- Kindergarten through High School Nursery care for pre-school children every Sunday If you're new to Bowmanville, we invite you to make St. Paul's your church home ORTHODOX CHRISTIAN REFORMED CHURCH Located north of Bowmanville on Concession Four just west of Liberty Street SUNDAY WORSHIP 10 a.m. and 7 p.m. WED. BIBLE STUDY: 8:00 p.m. Rev. Richard C. Sowder 263-8333 mm iyiA •> m ,vv; >>>/ TRINITY UNITED CHURCH Church and Division Streets Bowmanville, Ontario Church Phone Office Phone 623-3912 623-3138 ' Rev. Frank Lockhart M.A., M.Div., M.Th. Michelle Morrison, B.A., M.R.E. WORSHIP SERVICE 10:30 a.m. SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 19TH, 1989 "Using Our Gifts" Nursery Care Available Church School: Ages 3 to 14 St. George's Anglican Church Village of Newcastle SUNDAY SERVICES Book of Common Prayer 8 a.m. Holy Communion 11 a.m. Morning Prayer 2nd and 4th Sundays Holy Communion 1st and 3rd Sundays WEDNESDAY SERVICE 9:30 a.m. Holy Communion Rev. Douglas W. Hall 987-4745 j 1 A former pastor of Trinity United Church, Rev. Wesley Oake of London, returned returned for Trinity's 154th anniversary service Sunday morning. He is pictured here, at right, with Rev. Frank Lockhart and Michelle Morrison, Trinity ministers. ministers. Jubilee Marks 50th Year » P / ; ; ' * . ; ;. : ' ' 1 I by B. Jones Ladies of the UCW gathered gathered in the C.E. wing of Tyrone Tyrone Church Wednesday evening for our November 8 th meeting. Jean Slemon opened the meeting with a verse on "The Poppy". The meeting was reversed reversed in order,so Elsie Roy and Edna Wood started the Devotional period. Edna read a poem on "Remembrance" "Remembrance" by Major Campbell - followed by Elsie reading - "2000 Crosses" from the Readers Digest. Hymn 401 - Onward Christian Soldiers was sung. Elsie read - "Not afraid to die" and Edna closed the devotional devotional with "Freedom must be bought" and Prayer. Elsie then introduced the guest speaker Constable Mike Bevan of Whitby who has been with the Durham Regional Police for 26 years and works in Crime Prevention. Prevention. He stated that in 1986-89 there have been some 2500 break-ins - approximately 51% into homes with unlocked unlocked windows and doors and some folks who make this their profession can manage a three minute entry. entry. Constable Bevan had a short film - entitled "Your home is your Castle" After watching it one under stands. It may be your castle, castle, but not too private. he showed us different types of glass, some of which didn't offer much deterient to someone intending to get in. Then he really got our attention attention when he talked on locks - most interesting and very enlightening. There was a question and answer period. Elsie R. thanked Constable Constable Bevan and Jean thanked the group for the informative informative meeting. We are invited to lunch and had a chance to look over the items the officer officer had spoken of. The business part of the meeting started with the Secretary's report. Correspondence was read. A letter of thank you from the Oshawa Presbyteri- al Women. A letter of resignation was read from Susan Plea- sance. Ann Pleasance stated that anyone wishing tickets for a bus trip to see the Living Living Christmas Tree at Lindsay, Lindsay, It will be 1st come first served, on December 9th at 5:30 p.m., leaving Bowmanville Bowmanville so if you're interested don't wait too long. It was voted on to have our meetings in the afternoons afternoons from December to March. The December meeting s7. . r-;; f . T'-\ > ^ - n IS»" * will be on the 13th the sec-! ond Wednesday and left up- to the Executive to plan. \ Collection was received- and dedicated. -j Treasurer gave her report- and from this Doreen Parks' moved we give $100 to the Bursary Fund and $75.00 to; the Presbytery Fund. Edna! Wood seconded the motion < Carried. Jackie Vaneyk spoke of the several letters she gets! on "leadership" and has very good worship material if anyone would like some for the meetings. Don't forget the Annual Craft and Bake Sale November November 25th from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. The UCW are looking after the Bake table with Carol Southwell and Anri Pleasance offering their services. services. Some mention was made to stagger the times of bringing in the baking but that is not meant to be too strict. Ann mentioned the 4-H girls are having a display at Bowmanville Library Betty Pascoe had a letter from the Oshawa Men's Hostel Hostel where there is a need for towels, food or whatever you can give. So Betty made a motion, Pat Drysdale seconded it to give $100 to this need. Carried. Carried. Reverend Kelly closed the meeting with prayer. 1 Jack and Jill Dinner and Dance Saturday, November 18th Tickets -- 623-3138 HEAVEN'S GATES & FLAIVES "A DRAMATIZED REAL LIFE PRESENTATION YOU'LL NEVER FORGET." Played before capacity crowds Cast of Fifty Sound and Lighting Effects Sunday, Nov. 19th 6:30 p.m. Monday, Nov. 20th 7 p.m. Liberty Pentecostal Church Hwy. No. 2 and Martin Rd. Bowmanville, Ont. 623-5182 Nursery and children's ministry provided THE BAHA'I FAITH There is no paradise, in the estimation of the believers in the Divine Unity, more exalted than to obey God's commandments, and there is no fire in the eyes of those who have known God and His signs, fiercer than to transgress His laws and to oppress another soul, even to the extent of a mustard seed. "Baha'i Writings" For more information please write to P.O. Box 36 Bowmanville, Ont. L1C3K8 -- or Call (416) 623-7621 III Thursday, October 12th, was the night that the ladies of Liberty Pentecostal Church ! field their festivity. jim* 155 Years of Community Service jsft. InlfiT's JXiiglican (ttl]itrcl| Temperance Street, Bowmanville, Ontario SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 19TII, 1989 TRINITY XXVI 8:00 a.m. Holy Communion 11:00 a.m. Holy Communion Mid-week Communion Wednesday, 9:30 a.m. Rector -- The Reverend Byron Yates B.A., S.T.B. Assoc. -- The Honorary Asst. The Rev. A. D. Langley The Salvation Army Bowmanville Citadel 75 Liberty St. S. CHURCH SERVICE TIMES: 9:30 a.m. -- Family Christian Education (Sunday School) 11:00 a.m. -- Holiness Worship 6:30 p.m. -- Praise Service Come and join us at a Community Church where Christ makes the difference. For more information call 623-3761 Corps Officers/Pastors: Captain and Mrs. Shirran Women's Ministries President, President, Donna ,. Schultz, chaired the Jubilee" Celebration Celebration for a crowldf of:(40) women. women. The decor, wyas. most attractive, attractive, as each-- table featured featured a different colour, with matching balloons, ribbons, paper napkins and place- mats. The women were welcomed welcomed at an ornate table setting with (2) tea and coffee coffee services, candles and a beautiful cake. It was hosted JESUS THE ALTOGETHER i LOVELY ONE I 1 "Behold My Servant,! ' whom I have chosen,' My Beloved, in whonri My soul is well pleased., | A bruised reed shall Hel not break... in Hisj ' name shall the Gentiles" trust." Matt. 12:18-21 Isaiah 42:1-4 THE HOLY BIBLE EASILY EFFORTLESSLY PERMANENTLY! JOHN HAYES, B.A., BSW COMPLETE! NO WEIGHT GAIN WRITTEN GUARANTEE SEAN HAYES, B.A., M.A. No matter how long you've been smoking; no matter how much you smoke. Attend the Hayes Centre for Hypnotherapy group hypnosis clinic. You will never have a better chance to QUIT SMOKING FOREVER l The Hayes Centre Is Canada's largest, most successful and reliable stop smoking centre. With over 35 years experience in the field of habit control and behavioral chanoe' a consultant to the federally appointed LeDain commission on Drug Addiction. The Hayes Centre is world renowned lor Its technique and proven success rate that cannot be beaten. By the end of the clinic 97% OF ALL PARTICIPANTS WILL THROW AWAY THEIR CIGARETTES AND COMPLETELY STOP SMOKINGl You can join thorn I If you are like the thousands of clients who have already benefitted from our programme, you won't crave cigarettes, you won\ suffer the discomfort of withdrawal symptoms, you wool gain weightl YOU WILL STOP SMOKING PERMANENTLY IN ONE NIGHTI Hypnosis is not mystical, or supernatural. YOU DO NOT LOSE CONTROL OR GO TO SLEEP. It is SAFE, POSITIVE AND RELAXING, Hypnosis works because it is meant to work. It is part and parcel of tho normal functioning of the mind. ■i The clinic is COMPLETE IN ONE EVENING - JUST3 HOURSI No matter how sceptical you may be, no matter how many times you may have tried - THIS TIME . you WILL QUIT! Attend our clinic. Be there and experience it all around you and LEAVE A PROUD, PERMANENT NON-SMOKER. And that's not all - You will receive a WRITTEN GUARANTEE, Free admittance to a Hayes Centre clinic if you ever start smoking again. Arrive early. Bring this ad for [ Wj" a bonus, Bring as many friends as possible - Do it together. It's fun and rewarding. You each receive a bonus with the one ad. ' We accept Cash, Visa, MasterCard Registration at the door from 6 - 7 p.m. CLINIC FROM 7 p.m. -10 p.m. Monday, November 20th Holiday Inn, 1011 Bloor Street, Oshawa - Exit Harmony fid. off 401 Beware of Imitations 100% Canadian jracious women: Mrs. ary Holmes and Mrs. Lo- ryne Burgess. Everyone enjoyed the singing and worship led by Jane Jeans at the piano. Testimonies from (2) of our members, Dorothy Mongrain Mongrain and Bev Ricard, were such an inspiration as they shared what Liberty Church has meant to them and how the reality of Jesus has proven proven faithful. Dorothy Mongrain Mongrain sang a very fitting solo entitled, "Via Dolorosa. The guest speaker was Mrs. Nina Shoemaker from Evangel Church in Oshawa, whose husband is Presbyter of this section. Fancy sandwiches sandwiches and birthday cake were served as the ladies fel- lowshipped afterwards. We will not soon forget Liberty Church's 50th Anniversary, Anniversary, OUR JUBILEE! Our next meeting will convene November 30th. - the Christmas "Latin Supper", Supper", 6:30 p.m. All ladies are welcome. Please phone Church office for tickets, (623-5182). / i'ti? fir Iffeïr»! <* '?: Î • 1 " 10 À gt_ Wm. m l •n - r.\ j \ *" ,ÿ .... VV J >' \ i i: If • n Investiture 1 Ceremony for St.John's Sparks ■ These little ladies are Sparks and they all received their buttons of investiture at St. John's Church recently. Standing in the back row are: Lisa Draper, Stephanie Stephanie Archambault, Melissa Anonichuk and Patricia Robb. Seated are: Annie Hunter, Hunter, Kristine Hughes, Crystal Doyle, Melody Crossen and Deanne Greene. Their leaders are Lynn Archambault and Nancy Crossen. HAYES CENTRE FOR HYPNOTHERAPY [STOP SMOKINGl IN 1 NIGHT MAKE THE RIGHT MOVE AG iU' -J.ll I p i -f till .* r m JiU J > "NO DICKER PRICES' 9 Hurry while selection is still good '89 FÈSTIVA L 2 DR. Dark charcoal clearcoal, grey cloth bucket seals. 1.3 L 2 V, 4 cyl., engine. AM/FM cassette 4 complete complete symlech. Stock #9U321. only s 8,995* '89 ESCORT LX HATCHBACK Crystal blue clearcoal, dual elect, mirrors, AM/FM cass., P.S., interval interval wipers, auto, trans., complete symlech. Stock #9E55. 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Stock Z/9TA29. only $15,938* '89 MUSTANG LX HATCHBACK Oxford white, auto, trans., speed control, cass., dual elect, mirrors, styled road wheels, p. lock group, complete symlech. Stock //9M79. ONLY $13,398* '89 T-BIRD LX Deep Titanium clearcoal, air cond., front floor mats, keyless entry, 6-way p. seats, hi-level audio JBL, cass. system, light/convenience group, p.a., complete symlech. Stock //9TB391. only $20,689 MUSTANG LX HATCHBACK Scarlet red, air cond., auto., speed control, cass., premium sound, elect, mirrors, P. windows, windows, styled road wheels, P. locks, lloor mats, complete symlech. Stock //9M612. only $14,668* '89 TEMPO L 2 DR. Twilight blue clearcoal, aircond., elect, mirrors, cass., sport instrumentation, instrumentation, inter, wipers, auto, trans., complete sym- tech. Stock //9TE119. ONLY $12,489* '89 TEMPO L 2 DR. Silver clearcoal, air cond., elect, mirrors, cass., sport instrumentation, instrumentation, inter, wipers, auto, trans., complete sym- tech. 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