Stye Newcastle 3nhepenbent Editors: Hazel and Jack Crago Telephone 987-4201 On Sunday, December 3rd, 1989, at Newcastle United Church, the County Town Singers will present a concert in aid of Alzheimers. Sympathy is extended to relatives and friends of Mary Malik, R.R 2 Newcastle, Newcastle, who passed away on the week-end. On Wednesday Mrs. Lena Graham entertained her brother Jack Kimball, Port Granby, sister-inJaw Kathleen Kathleen Kimball and Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Pethick, of Toronto. Toronto. On Sunday evening Mrs. Doris Trimble, Bowman- ville, entertained Mrs. Lena Graham, Helen Nesbitt, Margaret Rudman, K. Kimball, Kimball, all of Newcastle and Isobel Harris, Bowmanville. Mrs. Bill Lawler, Whitby visited on Wednesday with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Crago. Birthday greetings to Derek De Jong, Bertha Pow- News from ^Yelverton |By Harvey Malcolm "Glad to report that Mr. BalfoUr Moore is expected to be* released from Port Perry Hospital early this week for convalescence at home. The Wilson family observed observed the mutual birthdays of Norman, Ann and Norma with a Chinese dinner in Oshawa area with all members members of the family in attendance. attendance. Belated Happy Birthday Birthday to all. Our recent advent of winter winter conditions has apparently apparently also affected our winter edition of visitors to our bird feeders. Back in full force are the blue-jays, a flock of juncoes and a few goldfinch in their winter dress. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Good- hand of Alvinston Ontario spent a couple of days with Eileen and Howard Malcolm last week. Jim is the 1st Vice Pres, of the Ontario Pork Producers and attended attended the Annual Meeting at Cavan of the local producers of that area. Sony to hear that Mrs. Lome McKee fell and broke her hip recently. All join in wishing her a quick arid complete recoveiy. < The War Amputations y, ■ of Canada m Your donations support the CHAMP ami PI.AYS APE Programs ell, Christopher Selby, Elizabeth Elizabeth Skelding, Bill Lake, Peter Peter Lake and Clifford Flintoff. Sunday visitors with Miss Dorrene Powell and Floyd, Lake Shore, were Patti Andrews, Dan and Ja- nelle, Mr. and Mrs. Harley Sherman and Donald, of Beeton, and Mrs. Maurice Coulter, Downsview. Saturday visitors with Mrs. Nellie Spencer were Mrs. Jewell Wilkin and her daughter-in-law, Mrs. Lany Wilkin and her three sons of Scarborough. Sunday visitors visitors were Ruth and Ray Bennett, Ennismore, Pat and Archie Bernard, Flesh- erton, Ivan and Joan Matthews, Matthews, Consecon. Mr. and Mrs. Ray McCabe and their three little little girls, Tiffany, Jasmine and Brandi, of Shelburne, also visited on Sunday, helping helping grandmother celebrate her birthday. Last Monday Mr. . and Mrs. George Buckley visited with her cousin, Miss Jessie Lamb, Omemee. Mr. Philip Metrailler, Dundas, was a Monday overnight overnight visitor with his father, John Metrailler. Sunday supper guests of Mrs. Mary Garrod were Mr. and Mrs. Tom Couch and children, of Millbrook and Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Couch. The Newcastle Horticultural Horticultural Society's Christmas Show and Pot Luck dinner will be held at the United Church Sunday School Hall on Tuesday evening, December December 5th., On Wednesday evening Mrs. Gladys Wood enjoyed supper with Mr. and Mrs. Robert Wood and family. Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. John Scott were Cathy Scott and Chris Ed- muson, of Toronto. V 'Wednesday' Visitors ' with' May : Burley and ' Arthur Clark were Mr. and Mrs. Harry Burley, Port Hope. I On Sunday Mr. ana Mrs, Don Burley, Wingham, visited visited his mother, Mrs. May Burley and Mr. Arthur Clark. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Murray. Murray. Frankford and daughter Colleen who was home from McMaster University for the week-end visited on Sunday with Arthur Bedwin and Fred, Lake Shore. On Wednesday, Mrs. Shirley Shortt, Bowmanville, Bowmanville, visited her brother Mr. Harold Couch. When we called the Wades for news on Monday, Harry reported that he and Mabel were under the weather with flu. Hope you're feeling better'soon. On Tuesday evening the regular meeting of the Newcastle Newcastle Lioness Club was held. Anyone wishing to donate donate articles for their Christmas hampers may leave them at a designated place at the Newcastle IGA store. On Thursday Pauline Storks accompanied the Grade 3 class of Newcastle Public School to Victoria Hall, Cobourg to see and hear the Funland Band. On Sunday evening Pauline Pauline Storks and friends enjoyed enjoyed Thornton Wilder's Our Town at Oshawa Little Theatre. Mrs. Helen Lovekin- Symons arrived home Tuesday Tuesday after spending a week with her son Prof, and Mrs. James Lovekin, Colbome. Newcastle Brownies The. 2nd Newcastle Brownies are pleased to announce announce their first annual Tweenie enrolment ceremony, ceremony, on Wednesday, November November 22,1989. We proudly enrolled enrolled 12 new Brownies. Congratulations to Rachel Anderson, Lindsay Hawes, Lee-Ann Cannon, Melinda Kelly, Cheresse James, Michele Michele Smithson, Becky King, Cara Murray, Michelle Noble, Noble, Tiffany Wilson, and Nicole Nicole Waddington. Our theme this year was Winter Wonderland. The girls dressed as carollers in their woollen mittens and scarves, and sang a happy welcome to our new girls. To earn their hostess badges, Jessica Henderson, Melissa Carroll, Hazel Packer, Packer, and Nadine Pierce worked hard on making invitations invitations and later served refreshments. Jennifer Woo, Cheresse James, Jennifer Wilson, Tiffany Tiffany Wilson, and Lindsay Hawes all made some delicious delicious cookies for our guests, , as part of their Bakers Badge. ; : : : ' Our sixers this year are Amy Schumann, Jennifer Patrick, Jessica Henderson, and Melissa Carroll. They proudly, led each of their new Brownies to the Magic Pond to say their promises. Marisha Caswell, Jennifer Jennifer Woo, Jennifer Bennett and Lindsay Hawes, our seconders seconders this year, proudly sang and helped to make our new Brownies feel very comfortable. Congratulations to all girls for a wonderful and enjoyable enjoyable evening. A special thank you to our Guiders Eleanor Eleanor Henderson Tawny Owl, Johnna Chard Bright Owl, Terry Caswell Cheerful Owl, and Marion Knapp District District Commissioner. Your time, dedication and enthusiasm enthusiasm is greatly appreciated. /: Check our EVERDAY LOW PRICES yfV 10 K Sleepers From $r^99 623-8164 SHOP EARLY FOR BEST SELECTION 10 K Diamond Stud Earrings 0NLY $ >| A 95 4:4; (While supplies Inst) 10 K "Stairway to Heaven" Diamond and Sapphire Ring ONLY Offert /\00 14 K Genuine Births tone and Diamond Ring tOO *220' *199' 10 K Charms, Chains Bracelets, Earrings Fantastic Selection 10 K Boys Rings 10* , _ Our Everyday OFF LOW Price. Men's and Ladies' Watches 2 Year Guarantee Let Us Wrap That Special Gift For You • FREE Layaway • Custom Work • Appraisals • Jewellery, Clock and Watch Repair 243 King St. E., Bowmanville Centre Kiosk Open 7 Days A Week Thanks also to Guides Karen Karen King and Victoria Smith- son. By Karen Patrick, Brown Owl. Anglican News On Sunday, November 26, 1989, at St. George's Anglican Anglican Church, the flowers on the altar were to the Glory Glory of God and in loving memoiy of the Coulson ana Lovekin families, given by Helen Symons. Holy Communion Communion was celebrated at eight o'clock and Morning Prayer and Sermon at eleven eleven o'clock. The First Sunday in Advent, Advent, December 3, Holy Communion will be held at eight o'clock and again at 11 o'clock with the lighting of Advent Candles. The Wednesday morning group enjoy quilting and crafts at ten in the Parish Hall. The Youth Group meets Friday nights at 7:30 p.m. in the Parish Hall. Youth Worship Worship Sundays at 9:30 a.m. On Sunday, December 17 at 7 p.m. at St. George's Anglican Anglican Church a Service of Lessons and Carols as has been given in King's College Cambridge, England, since 1918, will be presented. The Rector, his wife Helen and daughters Ruthann and Valerie will host a reception following in the Parish Hall. On Wednesday, December December 6 at 7:30 p.m St. George's ACW Christmas party will be held in the Parish Parish Hall. Audrey Moir and Melanie Andrews will demonstrate demonstrate seasonal table arrangements. arrangements. Unwrapped gifts, suitable for mother and or child of Higgins House in Oshawa will be gratefully received. United Church News On Sunday, November 26, 1989, a basket of flowers , from the funeral of Frank:/ Gray, along with, pots of yellow yellow V chrysanthemums, graced the sanctuary of Newcastle United Church. The senior choir sang The Lord's Prayer. Mrs. Shelly Wright of Horizons of Friendship was guest speaker, speaker, presenting how that body helps the people of Central America to better their existence. existence. Reverend Donald Stiles presented the minute for Missions, explaining that hree will the mission three b decorations for re- each donation made next Sunday and a Sacrament of Communion Communion will be celebrated on Sunday, December 3rd. Sunday School concert practice will be held on Sunday, Sunday, December 3rd, after church service. Lunch will be provided for the children. Parents may stay for that time and work at Christmas crafts. The Sunday School concert will be presented on December 17th at 7:30 p.m. Newcastle Village Bowling Monday Night Ladies League Betty Major 177, 194, 229, Marilyn Major 198, 215, Cindy Poirer 178, 193, Marilyn Kent 188,197, Bobbie Bobbie Tims 201, Loma Crockett Crockett 194, 216, Gail Tutkoluk 188, Cindy Plain 193, Bernice Bernice Henderson 197. Tuesday Seniors Vance Cooper 211, 186, Jenny Hicks 152, Albert Pearce 175, 244, Jean Holmes 175, Kay Powell 170, 156, Jack Holmes 187, Stan Allin 198, Ron Burley 154, 173, John Thom 169, 154. Thursday Mixed League Wes Forget 242, 182, B. Forget 184,186, 216, T. Kin- dratiuk 177, C. Nicholson 208, G. Forget 178, Joe Men- donca 190, 206, 179, John McGuey 188, Joe Forget 236, 218, K. Jury 263, B. Richards 191, M. Travers 175, Ken Boyd 222, 281, 212, Fae Forget 211, 207, 208, J. Kindratiuk 204, 200, T. Ritchie 183, 253,182. Youth Bowling Michael Coe 109, 108, Tommy Whitehead 102, 142, Matthew Caswell 101, Tim Harness 102, Angela Dar- rach 108, Leigh Wood 113, Nathan Coyle : 121, Shaun Hentig 106, 109, Doug McCurdy 123, 138, Richard Jenkins 174, Angela Coe 123, Grant Burke 149, 140, Sherry Foster '"113, 130, . Barb Metcalf 105, 117, Kevin Kevin Tutkoluk 210/136.': Juniors •? ■■ H> Nicholas Boyd 65/ Sara Castellano 73, Steven Scott 82, 71, Jeffrey Giles 80, Chris Lynch 83, Lori Giles. 117, Jeff Scott 87, 156, Robert Robert Walton 73, 100, Rene Bedard 84, 88, Kelly Holmes 65, 90, Carly Schmahl 71, Adam Stripp 93, 78, Nathan Stripp 69, Jordan Schmahl 91, Amanda Storks 83, Nicole Nicole Norton 102, 85. DURHAM THE REGIONAL MUNICIPALITY OF DURHAM NOTICE OF PUBLIC MEETING Take notice that the Regional Planning Committee will consider at a meeting to be held on: TUESDAY, DECEMBER 5,1989 AT 11:00 A.M. PLANNING DEPARTMENT BOARDROOM 105 CONSUMERS DRIVE, WHITBY A PROPOSED APPLICATION TO AMEND THE DURHAM REGIONAL OFFICIAL PUN AND THE OFFICIAL PUN OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE. The proposed amendment, as submitted by the Council of the Town of Newcastle, proposes the extension of the Bowmanville Major Urban Area in order to accommodate a residential subdivision development. The subject area is indicated on the map below. TOWN OF NEWCASTLE Subsequently, the Regional Council will consider the recommendation of the Planning Committee at a meeting to be held on: WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 13,1989 AT 10:00 A.M. COUNCIL CHAMBERS, REGIONAL HEADQUARTERS BUILDING 605 ROSSLAND ROAD EAST, WHITBY The report related to the proposed application is available for inspection in the offices of the Planning Department, 105 Consumers Drive, Whitby, or by calling Ms. Kay Dtyden, Planning Department (Whitby) 668-7731/(Toronto) 686-1651. Requests to make a presentation before the Planning Committee concerning the proposed application must be foiwarded to Dr. M. Michael, M.C.I.P., Commissioner of Planning, 105 Consumers Drive, Whitby, Ontario L1 N 6A3, and should bo received by Friday preceding the meeting. Requests to make a presentation before the Regional council concerning the proposed application must be foiwarded to the Regional Clerk, Regional Headquarters Building, 605 Rossland Road East, Whitby, Ontario L1 N 6A3, and should bo received 48 hours prior to the Regional Council mooting. FILE NO. 89-135/D/W Gary Horroma Regional Chairman C. W. Lundy, A.M.C.T. Regional Clerk The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, November 29,1989 17 MIRACLE'S celebrate with us| Prices effective at Miracle Food Mart and Miracle Ultra Mart in all departments subject to availability Mon. Nov. 27 until Sat. Dec. 2. 1989 only. Savings indicated are off our own regular prices. We reserve the right to limit quantities. Coke Classic or Regular or Diet COKE OR SPRITE 24 x 280 ml tins Limit 4 cases per family purchase Unit cost 8.98 per 100 ml 599 750 ml bottle Plus .40 each bottle deposit Unit cost 6.5C per 100 ml POST BRAN FLAKES 400 g box Frozen Concentrated MIRACLE FOOD MART ORANGE JUICE 355 ml tin GOLD SEAL SOCKEYE SALMON 213 g till Limit 4 tins per family purchase Assorted Flavours DEL MONTE TETRA JUICES pkg. of 3 x 250 ml Fresh From the Tropics LARGE SIZE DOLE BANANAS •86 per lb #<^57 Cut From Canada Grade A Beef BONELESS BLADE SPENSER STEAKS OR ROASTS Q59 per kg 2" per Product of U.S.A., No. 1 Grade FRESH CALIFORNIA ICEBERG LETTUCE .79 each TASTE DELIGHT CINNAMON ROLLS, BROWNIES OR CHOCOLATE SWISS ROLLS pkg. of 5 .99 MIRACLE COUPON 1149 MIRACLE MEAT COUPON 1. 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