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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 14 Feb 1990, p. 26

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The Bowman ville Branch of the Red Cross Blood Donor Clinic honoured some of their donors with cer- John Pleasance, 50 units;RayHeeringa, 35 ria Hickson, 35 units; Dwight Hickson, 35 sent from the photo are Leonard Creamer, White, 8 The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, February 14,1990 Section Two Guest Speaker Addresses Canadian Club Also at the Bowmanville Men's Canadian Club meeting last Wednesday, Marlene Marlene Buttery and Wayne Coombes (right) were on hand to provide some musical entertainment. Thanking the singers was Howard Anyan, entertainment chairman chairman with the club. New Semester at C.S.S. by Charlene Kloos C.o.urtice Secondaiy Sfiktii&as begun another sen. .,lsi\ Now, everyone begins begins up to 4 new courses that they will take until June. Quite a few new students students have joined the school, either for the first time or by returning after a semester off. We welcome them to C.S.S. and say farewell and good luck to all those who will not be returning. Last Thursday, report cards were given out for the end of semester one. Along with the reports was a pamphlet for teens and parents parents on suicide prevention. A Courtice Newsletter was handed out at that time too that included a nuclear awareness instruction sheet. Another session of Driver Training has started. There are , two classes that will meet once a week for in- class instruction. The students students also drive for one night a week in an instructor's instructor's car. Graduation photos will be taken on February 13,14 and 15. Every graduating student is asked to have their picture taken for a yearbook photo. Packages can also be purchased. The Courtice Band and Drama students could reserve reserve their place on the trip to see Les Misérables. Since eight places remained, the offer was open to all C.S.S. students on a first come, first served basis. Last week, a wrestling tournament was held in and Mike Mosley placed 3rd and 5th'representing Courtice. Courtice. Congratulations guys! ■ The opportunity was given given in homeroom for students to make suggestions about the Courtice Student Planners. Planners. These are given to students students free of charge to keep for their personal use. They are similar to monthly date- book planners where students students can record due dates, important events, etc. Students Students were asked to comment comment on such things as the size and content of the planners. planners. Finally, a Great Milk Race has been planned for this week. It is a challenge against other schools, based on milk consumption. Hopefully Hopefully lots of Courtice spirit will go into this event. THE LUNG ASSOCIATION DURHAM REGION WE GRATEFULLY ACKNOWLEDGE MEMORIAL DONATIONS RECEIVED -- IN REMEMBRANCE OF -- Tillic Acton Gerald Law Mrs. Mildred Askew Mrs. A. Lewis Mildred Ashley Mrs. Annie Lewis Robert Arend NormMaddock George Azzopardi Howard Maigie MnrgBniley Mr. McAncrin Blanche Baird I'etcrMcCormick Rowcna Barclay Mr. Bill McGuire Mr. Fred Barr Gordon R. Mcllwain Sr. Mr. Orval Bennett Catherine McKeown Mrs. Mary Bernier Hugh Miller Mrs. Margaret Bishop Marg Miller Ruth Breen Mrs. Muriel Morris Mrs. Renne Burton Robert Newell Don Christie Mr. John Noble Hazel Cochrane Mrs.JoyceO'Rcilly JackColhary Mr. Lome Page Hilda Constable Mr. Parks Ross Cook Mr. Stanley Patterson Fred Coulter Timothy Potter Raymond Cowlc Dove Powell JnmesCummin# Lester Rothbun Mrs. Lola Davidson Melinda Ross Mr. Jack Duncan CamlllioSamcls Mrs. Dyke Donald Schmid 1 JackElllott JimShctlcr Erik Erikson Mr. Henry Short Mr. Frank Ferguson Herbert Shuormnn Reeve Flarlty EdgarSImotte Mrs. Alma Forbes Mrs. Della Smith James Frost GlodysSmlth Mr.Glcndiiming Jim Somerville FronkGrny Mr. Edward Sproglcwskl ElsloGroentroo Margaret Squires Dorothy Gregor Mr.JohnSzczypctok JuckGutowski Mr. Bev Taylor Mr. Kenneth Hartwell G. Tennant Mr. Win. Hazulton Mrs. Il.Tliornhtirn Evelyn Heron PctoTomllnson Tony Hickey Patsy Tuck Clmidellolïman William Wade Mr. John Kelly Mary Ware Mr. George Kill Ivy Aubrey Weeks Wilma Krulthof James Weldon Mr. Bill Landry Mr. Jim White Mrs. Noroen Larocquo K. Whyte JuckWIttstock Those thoughtful contributions helped hind programs to assist local residents suffering from asthma, lung cancer and emphysema "//one life has breathed ca8ierbecausQ you have lived, you have succeeded" Ralph Waldo Emerson Sea Cadets are Best in Flotilla Long Time Blood Donors Honored for Generosity The Canadian Club had a meeting Wednesday, February 7, at St. John's Anglican Anglican Church in Bowmanville. Guest speaker was Bob Shafer of Tyrone Mills. Pictured Pictured here are two members of the club who were on hand to thank Mr. Shafer at the conclusion of his speech. From the left are: Edgar Wright, Mr. Shafer and Roy Lunriey. After the competitions were completed and the points totalled up, Bowmanville Bowmanville Sea Cadets were the Cock of the Walk, the best in the Flotilla. The event took place February 2nd, 3rd, and 4th. in Trenton and included included Cadets from Port Hope, Peterborough, Bancroft, Bancroft, Belleville, Trenton and Bowmanville. The Sheerlegs team and the Drill teams both placed' 1st., the Range team placed 2nd. and the Swim team placed 3rd. with many individual individual 1st. place winners. They also competed in the First Aid event but did not place. 'Die winning teams and individuals will now go on to compete in the Provincial Provincial Competitions. The following Cadets took Ê art: Sheerlegs team - Elgin romell, Adam Estabrooks, 1 Zafar Hakim, Kristen Plummer, Plummer, Mark Plummer, Kyle Stanish. Range team - Melanie Brooks, Zafar Hakim, Mark Plummer, Elaine Stevenson, Kyle Stanish, Jason Ivanoff. First Aid - Elgin Bromell, John Bromell, Jason Ivanoff, AnneMarie Stevenson. Swim team - Shannon Bowen, Melanie Brooks, Ste- Ê hen Cook-Abbott, Adam Istabrooks, Jason Ivanoff, Michael Martin, Sherri Metcalf, Metcalf, Douglas Smart, AnneMarie AnneMarie Stevenson, Elaine Stevenson, Cameron Tomkins, Tomkins, Karla Tutkoluk, Kevin Tutkoluk, Kyle Stanish, Lee-Anne Tressider. Drill Team - Elgin Brom- el, Melanie Brooks, Stephen 1 Cook-Abbott, Adam Estabrooks, Estabrooks, Zafar Hakim, Jason Ivanoff, Michael Martin, Sherri Metcalf Kristen Plummer, Douglas Smart, Kathy Smart, AnneMarie Stevenson, Karla Tutkoluk, Kevin Tutkoluk, Krista Ellis, Ellis, Andrew McKeever, Shawn Smith, Kyle Stanish. All parents and friends are invited to attend the Navy League fund raising dance on March 3rd. at the Legion and Cadet Àwaii Night on April 10th. at the Legion Hall. Submitted by Don Scott. «I,-. tificates at a clinic held here last week. The people were thanked for giving 35 units or more of blood. Pictured Pictured here are, from the left: Larry Forsey, 35 units: sen Susan Whitehead, 35 units; Grant Peter Parker, 75 units and Don Blake, 50 units. Ab- 35 units; 35 units; units. 3 from the $ast A Look Back at the Front Page Stories That Have Shaped Our Community Wins County Public Speaking Award vcwuME^n 16 Pages BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY «, IMS- lUc Per Copy NUMBER I Tfîree Time Safety Award Winners At a special dinner on Fob. 12th at the Lions Centre Ontario Hydro's Region Manager Adam Smith, lclt, paid high tribute to stall members of the Rural Ontario Area Hydro hero who have won their third safely certificate. They haVo had no lost time accidents since 1959. Area Manager W. Rex. Walters is receiving the special award. Kinsmen Will Proclaim Cystic Fibrosis Week During Last Week of May rtekkn tided. Yfhe Bowmanville Kinsmen "V*t dinner meeting at the ling Dutchman'Motor Hotel iVviis Founder's I celebration of the <5th _pirthday. Irvine Brown, the Past Dia trlct Governor, Introduced the epeakcr, James Poulos, Toronto, Toronto, National Director of Kin Expansion, who pave on Inspiring Inspiring talk on Kin ideals end aspects of the organization's organization's national policies. John Gcddcs moved a vote of thanks to Mr. Poulos for hLs informative address. President President Brunt also expressed his personal appreciation to t. thespecial speaker. ' r '" , )îir' J roast to the Associa" lion of Kinsmen was proposed by Osborne Williams, o Past President. The national Dir- 1 ector of Kin Expansion, Mr. Poulos, responded. Many Cobourg Klrvmen were present at the Founder's Night dinner meeting. They Boy's Death Accidental Says Jury iiern vuunty, pi inqueML held thi the.mn Hall I of AiclWd non Dr. G. M. Rennie, Port Perry, Perry, in Acting-Coroner tor Durham Durham County, presided at the this morning at 1 into the death! . .. Gordon Toit, age, six years, R R. 2, Ncstlcton. The Jury found that the lit-j lie boy's death was caused by an accident, and the verdict abiblvrd the driver of the vehicle vehicle Involved, Eric Russell Ward, Claremont, of any blame or negligence. The occident! happened on No. "A Highway' last October. Thv Jury also brought ini the following rider to the verdict: verdict: "We recommend that stu- denti whose homes are on! mldn highway* he picked un 1 and discharged by the school, bui In front of their own homes, and that the bus remain remain on the highway with /inhere operating until itu denta arc clear of the high' way. "We alto recommend that consideration be given to an amendment to the Highway Traffic Act which would require require all traffic In both direction» direction» to coma to * atop while flashers are operating on school buies. ' Glen Martyr» was foreman of the jury, grid Vie oilier Jury member* were Ralph Ames, Harry iiaundrr*. George Hell- man and I/aiIi MvFeeten, Five Break-ins Early Friday Sin flip ral-rf finur, nf 1'iitl.y morning then* were five break-! Ine m the town, end elmott HIM) end a quantity of Ug*r- ftlei wire stolen, . At I'addv'a Teuco Wallon, Hm* Mud Ktiil, titiwern ini and h laiton* of uysirUn wen taken, ami 19.U3 was iiok'â* '«m llowmiitville Auto I'anUTtbevnal vsikagei of ngitrllfi amt si was itnlrn flout May Gibbs' fiunoco Malien Malien Mitiutrn'* Motor* and How- wile arc supporting Bob Olson, .. member of the Cobourg Kinsmen Kinsmen Club, for nomination os Deputy-Governor of Zone C. The election will take place ssasMSssOT April. Art Hooper, a Past President, President, who is the representative representative of the Bowmanville Kinsmen Kinsmen Club on the Arena Board, stated that the Kin Crest and Plaque has been placed in the (TURN TO PAOC TWOl Placed 66 Children For Adoption in 1964 C.A.S. Director Reports President Read Budge at the annual meeting of the North- umbcrland-Durham Children's Aid Society at the Lions Community Community Centre on Tuesday evening welcomed the large number of people attending, and said that their presence signified interest in the worthwhile worthwhile work of the organization. organization. Rev, Fred Swann was called called upon, by: President Budge to open the meeting with prayer. prayer. President Büdge paid tribute to the late A. J. Bel- Ictt, Port Hope, treasurer of the organization, who died some months ago, for his devoted devoted work. A member of the executive, D. H. Bullock, Port Hope, succeeded Mr. Ballet! Ballet! as treasurer, the president president stated. The Chairman of the Nominating Nominating Committee, Mrs. Allan B. Sylvester, presented the committee's report, and moved Its adoption. This was seconded seconded by T. Jones, Cobourg, and carried unanimously. The officers elected by acclamation acclamation for the coming year were: Honorary President, A. L. Blanchard, Hampton, Warden Warden of the United Counties; Honorary Directors. Rev. L. Clearly, Port Hope; D. R. Mav- bee, Campbelliord; H. C. Campbell, Bailieboro; Rev. E. C. Kelloway, Cobourg; Reeve Sidney Little, Bowmanville, and Mrs. H. S. Winfield, Port President Read Budge, Port Hope; Vice • Presidents,. T. Jones, Cobourg, and Rev. Fred ITUHN TO PAGE TWO) Need More Canvassers Red Cross Campaign After Sunday Those 64 Plates Are Illegal The deadline for obtaining obtaining 1965 car licence plates Is less than a week away. Transport Minister Irwin Haskett today reminded owners that 1965 plates must bo on all passenger and dual purpose automobiles and motorcycles by midnight next Sunday, February 28, when 1961 plates will ex- "As announced previously previously and widely publicised, there will be absolutely no extension of the deadline," said Mr. Haskett. "Plates went on sale on December 1 allowing a full three months for their purchase". Saturday, February 27 Is In fact the lut day le obtain obtain plates before the deadline. deadline. l)rlv*r%#»«mÉÉ»a.A* w with 1961 plates after midnight, midnight, Sunday, February 28, will be liable to a fine of up to 150.00. As of February 2!, plates had not been purchased for 422,501 vehicles or 21.9 per cent of the total In the prov- Soviet Chinese Communism Compared by Speaker at Canadian Club Meeting A warning concerning the Implacable essence of Communism Communism was expounded by Dr. J. B. Hardie, M A , Ph D, Halifax, in his address at the meeting of the Canadian Club of West Durham. The meeting meeting was held at Trinity Church auditorium on Monday evening. Dr. Hardin's subject was "Hie Unfriendly Giant, A Study in Communist Evolution." Evolution." In Introducing the guest speaker, the president, Mrs. Mworri Samuel, told the club that Dr. Hardie La the Professor Professor of Hebrew and Vie Old Tcrtament at Pine Hill College, College, Halifax. She mentioned that he sneaks Russian fluently fluently u well as four other languages languages and Is also a qualified linguist In many oUiers. Dr. Hardie, a Scotsman, served In the Imperial Army. Middle East Intelligence Corps during World War II. He was * Captain In the Canadian Intelligence Corps from 1930 V) 1939, ami U still on Vie atrength of the Army Intelligence Intelligence Training Company, Halifax. "Communism l* the most Influential single factor In Vie world because of its size, which Is more titan one third *TUMN TO TAOt TWOl Monkeys Arrive from Thailand >50 ntinvill, Hun Nriinol w,i, mu miri.ii, Inn nuiliine mi HMn Irani niiifi ol Mine I'lHI. Ill- lifi',1 t||l! ere lie, in* UWilgfttd by ih« Hu*., nimvill, I'vlut, I An even (town (libliim monkey, liml « (ml trip over llie weekend, They Ini (liflr Inline In Tlmilnml <m oumliy end errlvnl lieie liy |dene un Mondiy afternoon, etch weerlng » liindmidn klinimi (o protect (him from (lie add, Un- furlunelely, one did not lurvlvr, lint the rut ol them were w dellghtid to lit litre that they climbed all over Dowminvllle Zoo owner Keith Connell.wlien hi uncrited them Lèverai of Urn anile Utile animal! aie nulle lame and Ilia Con- nvl ibildmi, intludliiH Alin, ihuwn here, have been having a wumleilul time with than, The Incresu-te In the cost of living is also felt within charitable organizations, with Red Cross no exception. Not only is the exist of operation rising but alio the demands on the Society. The Blood Program is one example. The need for blood increased .over 6% last year in Ontario, with the same Increase Increase estimated for 1865. This is approximately 17,000 more bottles of blood, bringing bringing the total to 297,000 a year. To meet these demands not «TURN TO PAGE TWOl Rabid Fox Attacks Small Dog f-A fox suspected to be suffering from rabies attacked attacked a small dog on the verandah verandah of a home at 14 Mill Lane on .Monday. It also tried to bite the lady of the house, Mrs. Lee, when she came to her dog's rescue. Fortunately, she was too fast for it and had already closed closed the door when It came That fox Is still on the loose although police chased It north as far as the Bowmanville Bowmanville Curling Club. All schooj children were warned to be careful If they saw the animal. The attacked dog will be In quarantine for some weeks. Fortunately, It has been Innoculated for rabies. Near Newcastle, a farm Collie thought to be suffering suffering from rabies, was shot by Provincial Police early Wednesday Wednesday morning and the head will be sent for an- According to Dr. J. E. Hendry, Federal Health of Animals Branch here, rabies among animals appears to be on the Increase In this area at the present time. (Bits and (Pii Ellen Millson ol Orono Public School and dauqhler of Mr. and M,s. Edward Millsbn, Orono, was chosen the top public speaker in Durham during the county finals in the United Church, Orono, Tuesday evening. She spoke on Sir Winston Churchill, the Man of the Hour, and will now enter the district finals in Havelock. Havelock. President Ross Stonchousc of the Durham County Club of Toronto presented the winner with tile club's trophy and invited her to attend and speak at their March meeting. Alex Carrulhers M.P.P. Says teces BEAR SHOWS UP -- Last week an item In this column mentioned a photo taken in 1912 outside Harry Allin's Grocery showing a man and a bear pulling on an act. This week the bear identified himself, none other than Luther "Toot" Nichols, Carlisle Avenue. Many years ago, someone gave his mother a fur coat and she made a bear suit out of ik He and the late Roy "Bar" Billing worked up quite an act they put on at parlies, Hallowe'en ' rand almost &uy-*pcci»l-»vwit. « -- t t t t t CONGRATULATIONS -- Last week, Harold Skinner of Tyrone was elected President of the Canadian Sheep Breeders Assn., during their an- nukl meeting In Toronto. t t t t t WINNERS -- George Parker and Cy Trowln arc In the money this week. They won draw five and six In the Kin Investment scries, winning $50 apiece. t t' t t t DID IT AGAIN - Mrs. Wilson Vivian (Dorothy) of Tyrone received a phone call from California on Monday notifying her that she had won second prize In an International contest held recently by a cleaning unit company. First prize was $7,500 but she had lo be content with a mere $2,500. Her nephew Gary Hoskln of Osliawa, who had arranged for the original appointment also won $750. Mrs. Vivian has been winning contests for years, Including two cars, a movie camera, watch and sizeable sums of money. t t t t t RETAIL COURSE - Next Monday night at the Bowmanville Hotel, candidates will start on a 10 week course of Instruction In Retail Management. This Is sponsored by Bowmanville Chamber of Commerce In cooperation with (lie Dept, of Education Education of Ontirlo, with participation restricted lo owners or operators of businesses. Persons Interested Interested should contact Don Milligan at Ills IGA store this weekend to enroll, or write to Box 1210, Bowmanville Bowmanville Chamber of Commerce. t t t t t CORRECTION - In the report of the Public Speaking Scml.FInala at Blackstock Inst week, there was an error. Robert Fraser of Darlington almuhl have been listed as second In the contest, nnt fourth, He spoke on the voyage of the Kon Tiki. t t t t t GET AROUND -- A card arrived this week from Itutli end Norm Scott, formerly of Hrookdalc- King,way Nurseries «ml now nf Toronto. Apparently, Apparently, they are cither holidaying nr on business In Antigua, Montserrat (where they were gucili of the Chief Minister) Dominica ami then on lo Puerto Rico. Norm reporta there ore many Canadians Canadians In the West Indies. Could he lie has bought an Island or something, because the card showed Scott's Held Bay, Dominica, West Indies, t t t t t TIME PASSES -- The announcement today ol the death ol film comedian Stan Laurel will bring hark many memories lo rapidly aging adults of enjoyable sllcriioon matinees spent In the Royal Thtalre some years ago, lie and partner Oliver Hardy, alio deceased, brought good, clean unso. phlitlcatril humor to the screen that could lie enjoyed enjoyed by people ol any age. BLAMES TEACHERS - Warden Arthur Ilian- chard, reeve ol Darlington township, was among those attending an exeeullvo meeting ol Mayoia. ami Reeves at Campbelliord on Salurday, lie ail- dimed the gathering hrlrlly, hut llie main speaker waa llie President Mayor Gordon tilronaeli nf lam- don wlm was iiutipoltrn III Ills condemnation ol skyrocketing roil* nf education, laving most ol llie Maine on the Onlarlo Teachers' hederallim fur "Zeithlrbeddlng, duplication ami waste." No doubt, some reply lo hi* attack will lie fotllicomlng In due lime, No one from Bowmanville Council el- , fended, Ontario's Government Recommends Increase to $100 for Old Age Pensions Tho Ontario government, while endorsing the Canada Pension Plan, strongly recommends recommends that the present $75. E cr month Old Age Security e raised to $100., Alex Car- ruthers, M.P.P. Durham, stated stated to on Orono ond District Credit Union meeting in Orono on Monday evening. -- Out of 1,481,000 people over 65 In 1965, he said, only 131,- 000 will ever receive ony benc«l fits ond these will average no more than $33.00 per month over ond above their present Old Age Pension. Mr. Carrulhers suggested that the changing economic climate of our society has created acute problems for our aging population. Compulsory retirement, the Tart that fewer fewer people ore working for themselves, urbanization, In- <TURN TO PAGE TWOl Re-elect Cavan Reeve Head EMO Committee The first meeting of the Emergency Measures Committee Committee of Council was held In the Counties Building, Cobourg, Cobourg, on Friday, February 0, 1965. 1903 members ore: A. L. Blanchard (Warden), Reeve Darlington Twsp.; L. A. Hoo- ton, Reeve Cavan Twsp.; Sidney Sidney Little, Reeve Bowmanville; Bowmanville; A. L. Brown. Reeve Campbcllford; G. !!. Ron, D/Rceve Murray. L. A. Hoot on was re-elected Chairman for the coming year with Mr. Brown os Vice Chnlrmin. i Prrsînt nt tho meeting was Mr. J. A. K. Rutherford, Dir- ector of EMO for the Province, Province, who explained what Is being carried out In the rest of the province In planning for o nuclear or natural disaster disaster ond urged the Committee Committee to extend their activities for Emergency Welfare and to study all aspects of n counties counties wide Emergency Communications Communications network. Also present ns guests were, Mrs. Muriel Edwards of Co- bourg, the Emergency Welfare Welfare Director, and Mrs. Lennli Fisher, Deputy Reeve of Cobourg Cobourg ami past Vice Chairman Chairman of the Committee. The.-c meetings are held monthly. Second in Speaking Contest Merit- Y«o nf Antioch I'uhllc School w«i «warded wcoml Vila- In tin- Diiilmm I'ulillv Spctkliik final* nt llionu on Tut'iilay «ivt-niiiu. Him »|toki- on quick ."«mil (lien IlniliiMin ol llownmiivlllu I,mm Chili preientiiil her willi tlm Mom Club tllilclil ami olio prewnted lnillvrilu.il li(i|ilile« In oilier contcitantt from West Dill ham, Leaving Here Next Monday Rev. Fred Swann Rev. .Fred Swann, who has been the minister of St. Andrew's Andrew's Presbyterian Church here for four years, is leaving next Monday for Brantford, Ontario. Ho has accepted a call from Knox Presbyterian Church, Brantford. He will also be in charge of Mount Pleasant Presbyterian Church, which Is situated seven miles south of Brantford. Although he regrets leaving Dowminvllle In many ways, Mr. Swann Is looking forward to taking tin his duties M Minister of Knox Presbyterian Church. Brantford, which l* undertaking * building program, program, and looks upon his new •--ointment as a challenge. Jhlle here Mr. Swann has been * member of the Northumberland Northumberland . Durham Children's Children's Aid Society, end • has hern prominently associated with Urn work of the orginl- ration. Ho wss President of the Bowmanville Ministerial Association In 1961, end an active member of the How- minvllle and District Chapter ITUHM TO PAGE TWO) Explosion Rocks Area This Morning A limit nplesloti shook llowmsnvllle 1st* this morn- Ini, but •vi'smtily no damage damage mulled, Information lias been relayed relayed from 'Ihe Port Hue* Guide staff »»ha underluok an esIemUe InvesUgsllun Hut Ih* noli* was a euuln boom rsuied by an alrtdsn* over Ih* liemforl Mrldge ares, north ef Hire Lake, The elferli were fell In l'elrihoruuih, Pmi tlm»* amt Trenton as writ as In Ibis ate* amt as fsr west m thin»»*, An Air lerce Informant Informant SUIlfiled that It wss sn ssldesyrrsd IHst It could fuse been rsused by » lMl, bomber with the Hint- trilo Air Vommsnd, .Hnllebbomls throughout the errs hsve been buif m rllliens tiled I» find *ul sshst htd bM>h*Med, Near the llemfoit hrldie are*, ime min leemled that dl»H« *4 III* vf( IsU ibrhie, „ •'

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