@t?E Newcastle Unbepenbent Editors: Hazel and Jack Crago Telephone 987-4201 The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, February 28,1990 11 Mystery of the Eyeball Explained at Science Fair On Wednesday evening, February 21, 1990, at the Newcastle Community Hall, the Orono and District Fiddle Fiddle Club had another very successful evening. The door prize (that lovely old cupboard cupboard door) which was won by Elizabeth and Maurice Courneyea last month Was won by Irv and Sharon Miller. Miller. Would you believe that Elizabeth and Maurice Courneyea were the lucky winners of the fifty-fifty draw - a little more useful than the door. A prize donated donated by Jim and Helen McGill was won by A1 and Shirley Dillon. On March 21st when the Orono and District Fiddle Fiddle Club returns to the Newcastle Newcastle Community Hall, maybe you will win that' door prize - better still enjoy the music! Mr. Morley Robinson, Starkville, visited Friday afternoon afternoon with his cousin, Mr. K Kimball. Mrs. Doris Trimble, Trimble, Bowmanville, was also a visitor.- Last Monday Mrs. Raye Friedlander returned home ■ from Bradenton, Florida. Last Tuesday.night a Lioness Lioness executive meeting was held. Miss Candy Storks, Mrs. Sandra Schmahl, Jordan and Carly, left Monday for a week's holiday in Florida. Mrs. Carol Fenton and son Jay, ■ of London, spent the week-end with her mother, mother, Mrs. Helen Hobbs. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Stephenson who are now great grandparents. grandparents. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Joseph Owens ( nee Merridy Stephenson), Port Hope, have a son, Joseph Lloyd. On Saturday'evening several several Lions - Tony Clement, Gordon Mouton, Ron Locke, Warren Tait,; David Gibson, Roy Hopkins, Brenton Rickard Rickard and Stanley Powell - and their wives enjoyed the District Fun and Talent Night at Stirling with their fellow Lions. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Bark- well, Elizabethville, were Wednesday supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. George Buck- ley. The Newtonville Women's Women's Institute met last Wednesday at the home of Mrs. Ruby Warburton, Newcastle. Newcastle. Twelve members enjoyed enjoyed the program and lunch E ut on by Ruby's group. The listrict Annual was discussed discussed and Eileen O'Hara won the contest. Birthday greetings to Joan Cowles, Howard Quin- ney, Del Rudman, Courtney Wood and Albert Naylor. Belated Belated wishes to Mr. Beverley Jaynes. To Bill and Marilyn Couch who observe their 35th wedding anniversmy on March 5 and to Vic and Molly Patterson whose anniversary anniversary is March 7, we extend extend congratulations and best wishes. On Saturday, February 25th, n bus load of Newcastle Newcastle Senior Citizens journeyed journeyed to Victoria Hall, Co- bourg, where the Northumberland Players resented Rodgers and ammcrstein's musical, South Pacific. On the return trip, a bountiful buffet dinner dinner at Welcome Court was enjoyed. Thanks to Madeleine Madeleine and George Buckley for another well-organized trip. Last Monday evening Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Powell were supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Hunt and sons, Pontypool. Master Adrien returned with his grandparents and spent Tuesday with them. weîfCsirdintïpts 0 On Sunday over 50 wili n e d ^ S - Ted ^ artin ' Brownies, havers, On Wednesday, Miss Dor- Spf? it it Pnwf.ll oninvpH thn Hav onrs to St. Georges for the 11 o clock service, in celebration celebration of the lives of Lord and rene Powell enjoyed the day with Mrs. Audrey Reid, Bowmanville. Miss Colleen Murray, McMaster University, Hamilton, Hamilton, spent Friday overnight with her grandfather, Mr. Arthur Bedwin and Fred, Lake Shore and has enjoyed a week at home with her..a arents, Ralph and Marlene 'urray, Frankford. Mrs. Nellie Spencer visit- ed on Thursday with her pa M daughter, Ruth Bennett, at Peterborough Civic Hospital and was'an overnight guest of her son-in-law, Kay Bennett, Bennett, Ennismore. Sympathy is extended to relatives and friends of Gordon Gordon Garrod Sr., whose funeral funeral was Saturday, February February 24,1990, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Burley, Burley, Port Hope, visited last Monday with Mrs. May Burley Burley and Mr. Arthur Clark. On Saturday, February 17, 1990, Mr. and Mrs. Ron Burley were guests at the wedding of Gregory Martin, son of Alec and Marilyn Martin and Lynda Heron, Courtice. On Sunday Robin and Wendy Rickard and sort/,, en Rudy entertained his çar-'V ents,Jean and Brenton Rickard, Rickard, Doug, Robyn and Keegan Keegan Rickard to a dinner party, celebrating Robin's birthday. Many nappy returns, returns, Robin. Newcastle Lions meet this Wednesday, February 28, in the Lions Room of the Newcastle Community Hall. Mr. and Mrs. John Dennis, Dennis, Mississauga, were Sunday Sunday afternoon visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Wade. Glad to report Mr. Frank Lady Baden Powell. The First Lesson was read by Scout Chris McSweeney, the Second by Guide Karen King. The prayer for families families was read by Brownie Hazel Packer and the Intercession Intercession was led by the First Newcastle Brownies. The flowers on the Altars and in the Chancel were in memory of Jack Holland and Gordon Garrod Sr. The latter, latter, a member of an old St. George's family, and whose mother was organist for many years, died Thursday evening. On Ash Wednesday, February February 28 at 7 p.m., St. George's, with the other village village churches, is invited to the Church of St. Francis of Assisi, for a service of Holy Communion and the Imposition Imposition of Ashes. To raise money for Outreach, Outreach, the Co-ordinators are taking orders for homemade homemade Hot Cross Buns. On March 3, the first Sunday in Lent, there will be services of Holy Communion Communion at 8 o'clock and elev- McGuey 252, 186, Wes Forget Forget 203, 234, Carol Lycett 208, 228, 237, Joe Forget 232, 209, 210, Ken Jury 197, 196, Marylou Travers 179, Ken Boyd 211, 180, Jackie Kindratiuk 176, 175, Ted Ritchie 220, 203, Donna Mendonca 220, M. Brown 180. Newcastle Village Youth Bowling Seniors Matthew Caswell 101, 135, Tim Harness 155, 100, Angela Darrach 104, Stacey Gartsen 130, Stephen Barber Barber 162, 127, Sherry Foster 150, 109, Barb Metcalf 116, Kevin Tutkoluk 143, 174, Grant Burke 120, 187, .Na than Coyle 119, Shaun Hen- tig 139, 135, Doug McCurdy 127, Richard Jenkins 115, 147, Renée Mathias 116, Chris Mathias 179, 117, Leigh Wood 127, Shannon Holmes 125,126. Juniors Nicholas Boyd 98, 101, Michelle Schyn 89, Sara Castellano 89, 82, Matthew Schyff 123, 72, Steven Scott 102, 77, Cheryl Perkins 74, Nicole Norton 67, 81, Jeff Scott 89, 66, Robert Walton 104, 118, René Bedard 74, 104, Michelle Alldread 83, 98, Kelly Holmes 90, Douglas Douglas Walton 111, 71, Janice Perkins 70, Jeffrey Giles 93, 122, Lori Giles 98, 111. Stacey Gonder (left) and Jenn Bruton were two grade eight students who took part in a science fair at St. Francis of Assisi school last week. The girls, as you can see (no pun intended) did their experiment on the eyeball. United Church On Transfiguration Sunday, Sunday, February 25,1990, baskets baskets of flowers from the funeral funeral of Gordon Garrod Sr., graced the sanctuary of Newcastle United Church. As an introduction to the Journey of Lent, Mrs. Shirley Shirley Coyle explained that each member of the congregation congregation should write his or ner struggle on a Hallelujah card ana through prayer and meditation these strug- il- pr H manville. Last Tuesday, Wednesday Wednesday and Thursday, Mr. and Mrs. Ron Locke attended the Ontario Department of Agriculture Convention at the Royal York Hotel, Toronto. Toronto. Did you know that the entertainment for the fall fairs is booked at that time? One hundred and sixteen fair queens from across Ontario Ontario attended the February 20-22 Fair convention. Our Fair Queen, Tracey Myles and her mother Gwen were present from Newcastle. Bill and Cindy Greenwood, Kendal Kendal and Carol Bailey from Orono. Tickets from Mrs. Stanley Stanley Allin are still available for the March 16 Toronto Flower and Home Show, sponsored by the Newcastle Horticultural Society. St. George's Anglican Church Friends and relatives from near and far filled St. George's to capacity on Saturday, Saturday, February 24, for a memorial service for Jack Holland who had died the previous week. In the few short years that Mr. Holland had been a resident of the area, he had become a valued valued member of the congregation, congregation, serving on the Advisory Board and beloved by the children as Mr. Magic. The service was conducted by the Rector, the Reverend Douglas W. Hall, assisted by the Lay Render, Mr. Oakley Peters and a full choir. The Venerable Arnold T. Wilkinson, Wilkinson, for forty years Rector of All Saints^ Church, The Kingswny, Toronto, gave the eulogy. The Archdeacon's friendship went back to Mr. Holland's days in the Donald Stiles delivered the sermon, Windows Into Wonder. Wonder. Another successful pancake pancake breakfast was held on Sunday morning, thanks to the stewards. An ecumenical Ash Wednesday Service will be held at St.Francis of Assisi Church at seven o'clock, February 28th. World Day of Prayer at 2 o'clock on March 2nd, 1990, held at Newcastle United Church will be led by members members of Maranatha Christian Reformed Church. Church women of Czechoslovakia have prepared this year's world day of prayer service, A Better Tomorrow, Justice for All. Guest speaker on Friday at Newcastle United •Church will be Reverend John Zantingh. The UCW Oshawa Pres- byterial will be held on Wednesday, March 7 at Trinity United Church. The Trillium Unit of the UCW meets on Thursday, March 8, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Holmes. , Newcastle Village Bowling ' Ladies League Betty Mtyor 192, 209, 175, Tammy Crossey 190, Marilyn Kent 218, 252, 181, Glenaa Castellano 175, Bobbie Bobbie Tims 187, Heather Rodrigue Rodrigue 195, 178, Shelly Rivers Rivers 195, Lorna Crockett 177, 182, Gail Tutkoluk 194, Cindy Plain 220, Carol Johnson 233. Tuesday Seniors Marion Allin 269, George Buckley 177, 152, Ron Burley Burley 188, Lil Bolderstone 160, Vance Cooper 200, 156, Alice Hopson 155, Jean Holmes 167, Lonnie Pardcr 176, 152, Stan Powell 151, 203, Albert Pearce 181, 150, R.C.A.F. during World War Eva Smith 154, Two and his moving tribute Thursday Mixed League Chris Nicholson 211, 214, 236, Greg Forget 236, Joe Mendonca 195, John evoked memories of then and the forty-five years since. "flal :■ ■ ■ • i ,■ h WINDOW AND DOOR CENTRE © dB DASH WOOD ,.aA. /sj J i-L-'yÿ':, '■ A 1200 Phillip Murray Ave., Oshawa 436-1344 .'V; ; n Sack to tilt & bettes 1964 Lumber Dealers Visit Oshawa Wood XX7 Y â< Y* w v w 1 ' gl es will be changed to Hal- Waterbury and Mr., Lloyd felujahs by Easter. The choir . Stephenson ape ,hpme'from-rendered the anthem, Be ! Memorial Hospital, Bow- Still My Soul'and Reverend Delegates to the Ontario Retail Lumber JDealers Association convention in Toronto this week took a side trip that brought thgm to the Oshawa Wood Products Products plant at Courtice on Wednesday morning. Their visit was timely because on Tuesday, they elected Wm. J. Henry, General Manager of Oshawa'Wood Products, Products, as their incoming president. While here, they toured the extensive facilities of the showroom, the yard and the other buildings and were loud in their praise of the layout, the orderly setup and the attractive surroundings. Top photo shows from left to right, Alfred W. Rennie of Leamington, President Wm. J. Henry, Harry Moore, Kitchener and Vice President Ross. Rodgers of Barrie. Lower photo was taken juti'-trofufc the large gathering boarded a bus to con- tinue their tour by having din^g^iat Oshawa Golf Club. Keen 4-H Member Select Tyrone Teacher For 10 Week Trip to U.K1 VOLUME 111 16 Pages BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, MARCH III, 1311.1 Hie Per Cr,|v NUMBER 10 ; Charmer Spring Hats on Display at Kinette Fashion Show and Cooking School Hits Stores For Money A smartly-dressed, well built young lady has been having a wonderful time in several local stores, hut possibly possibly this warning may end her career around here. In at least three stores, she has obtained cash refunds refunds for merchandise she didn't pay for In the first place. Her modus opcrandl Is as follows: She shoplifts articles, then takes them to the cashier and says she has changed her mind and wants a refund. She says she bought the articles yesterday yesterday and they weren't Just what she wanted. So far, she has been successful successful In having clerks or shopkeepers hand over the money In at least two stores. Varying descriptions have been given of this woman with a new twist, but none of them are too detailed, except except that she is a good-looking good-looking girl, of better than average average proportions. On Thursday evening, the main auditorium of the Lions Community Community Centre was crowded for the Bowmanville Kinetics presentation presentation of their Cooking School and Hat Show. Attractive local ladies acted as models during the hat show, when dozens of Spring hats were shown, courtesy of Widcmans Ladies' Wear. The models arc shown here, wearing some of the finery, from left to right, Eleanor Murdoch, Connie Wiseman, Virginia Faircy. Ulva Lathanguc and Pearl Frank. Still Vacancies for :Don Gilhooly iWel1 Produced and Performed Retail Course Students '^ a] ™ an \Drama Workshops Comedy If You Register Now Was 'Adult Entertainment' At the regular monthly I meeting of the Bowmanville The Retail. Merchandising]would like to benefit by tak- Recreation Committee held at ^ • • - . „ _ . mSc P c"hSmbc? y of 0 Com! l-ïîi™ S th" U "m 'ïraon' Æ' "»«>»«»» "! Ç /lOWPl^ f Cif D I/nil merce, which will be held on | Monday evening. i Mardi 4th, 1965, Don Gilhoolyf / v Vr WW LULfV KJ I 1I V* I fU/l Monday evenings during the Those wishing to enroll In,was elected Chairman of the 1 next 10 weeks, opened this : the course should contact Don j Recreation Committee. Ted week at Hi? Bowmanville Ho- Milligan, chairman of the com- faircy is Vice Chairman. Councillor Paul Chant is the Secretary, and Mrs. Jean Dc- vitt, Treasurer. , Councillor Chant, in step- the instructor for the course. ELECTION FEVER MOUNTS ping down ns chairman. He introduced the students on Election fever seems to be thanked the committee for »„, C î' C 1 lnS ,- t0 ,? nc ' v [Wltins political partita thrie thclr cooperation durinî his method of instruction, the case,days.. itimn chiirmin Mr rhmt history system, which has been ; Liberals have been hoIdinR| "tended a votï irf thanks to tel with 13 students register- mittcc in charge of arrange- cd. -ments, or call Mrs. Ron Frank, Jack Bentley, Toronto, an ; the secretary of the Bowman- associate of merchandising and I ville Chamber of Commerce, editorial services of Maclean- Hunter trade publications, is (Bits and (Pu leces Mis? <,*! Knox, : Hampton, was tcir-vd as one of the winners winners of 'the Junior Farmer Travelling Scholarships to Great Britain and Northern Ireland for 1065. Miss Knox will leave for the old country on May 14th and will spend approximately 10 weeks on n travelling scholarship visiting with young farm folk throughout throughout the British Isles. ^Delegates arc selected on Graduates Min lay Rudman, R.T. the basis of participation in Junior Farmer and 4-H activities activities in their home county as well as their general knowledge knowledge of Canadian agriculture. Thclr ability to meet with other other folk and speak to groups of people is also taken into consideration. consideration. Each applicant is nominated by a county committee committee and all applicants are in turn interviewed by a selection selection committee of three on a provincial basis. One other girl and two boys have been selected from the province with Mr. George Gear, Agricultural Representative, Representative, Brcce County, as leader of the group. Pat Knox has an enviable record of 28 4-H Club projects having been completed. In 1964, she represented the Ontario Ontario Junior Farmers on an exchange visit to Alberta. She is at present a county director for the Durham County Junior Farmers. Miss Knox has been one of the keenest 4-H members in Durham County, having completed completed 15 Homemaklng Club projects and 7 Calf Club projects projects along with 6 Grain Club completions In all clubs, she had over 75Te standing. In 1961, she was a member of the winning grain team In the Interclub Competitions In Guelph. She has been a member of] Junior Farmers for seven years being active on the countv square dance tram, attending Junior Farmer Camp and .ilio being selected to represent Om developed by the University quiet meetings and today the Jc , n n cvitt r or her out- ol Western Ontario, London, 'conservatives announced their ?,TndinR work trS,Srer 'Ont. nomination meeting will be Students, will be given the held April 7th in Port Hope. mcr mc past > car ' iopportunity to solve actu.il lEric Neilson. M.P., the Yukon; Other members of the Com- I problems and thus gain valu- member whose revelations 1 mittco arc Conn. Wes Ficc. - v •• " ~ able experience, -Mr. Bclitley brought rut the Dorion cti-, Jim Cot v, Ted Sheehan and Fire Destroys ,Mld ' ; advised others. wWquity will be the speaker. I Mrs. Margaret Luras. Bethany Home Sponsored by Kinette Club 200 Women Enjoy Evening Out Learn About Hats and Cooking Ilclhany -- A fire of un< known origin completely destroyed destroyed a two storey eight roomed house owned by Carl Smith and ocupled by Mr. and Mrs. Hans Srhulti about four o'clock on Monday afternoon. afternoon. , Neighbors were able to rescue most of the furniture on the ground floor, hut a shortage of water made It Impossible to save the house which Is situated on Cairns' lllll and earlier owned by the late Mr. and Mrs. David Cairns# .Mr. and Mrs. Schutls and their two children, aged 18 months and six months, went to Orono to stay temporarily with relatives. Fire af Beach This Afternoon Fire this afternoon struck again at the cottage home of Mr. and Mrs. G. It. Fortune, Fast Reach, but resulted in little damage. Bowmanville firemen were soon at the scene, hut Mr. Fortune had already extinguished extinguished the blare on the west side of the roof, lie didn't know what had ol Trinity United started It. Several weeks Peterborough, on: ago there was another lire *1 the same place, again on the roof but on the east side. HOW TO MAKE BISCUITS Want to learn the many ways of usin'* a homemade Ready Biscuit Mix? The Home Ec service of the Dept, of Agriculture announced such n meeting " ' Church March 21rd at 7:45 open to all ladles In the county Nearlv 200 women had a tree in a pastel colored flowcrl wonderfully enjoyable even-: pot filled with mints. These ing en Thursday at the out-! lovely little trees had been standlnglv .«ucccssful event'designed by the general con- sponsored bv the Bowman- venors. Mis. Williams and' ville Kinetics at the Lions Mrs. MaMcra. Centre. This was the presen- Following the prcamtiillnns tation of a fascinating show a delicious lunch was served, of spring and summer millln- bv the Kinetics. Two past; or.- from Widoman's Ladies presidents. Mrs. Gladys Stult Wear, and'an exceedingly m-'and Mrs. Eleanor I.armcr.| tcrcstmg Ontario Hydro Cook- were the lunch convenors. i ing School The general con- Five attractive Kinetics, vennrs were Mrs. Jean Wit- Mrs. Pearl Frank, Mrs. Ulva Hams, a past nrcsldcnt. and Lnthangur. Mrs. Virginia Mrs. Barbara Masters. Faircy. Mrs. Eleanor Murdoch President Evelyn Worry a™* Mr«- Connie Witcman. welcomed the large audience wxre the models for the Show that filled the spacious room! Fashions and Millinery for to capacity Tables for four Spring and Summer 1965. were arranged throughout the Mrs. Rita Wldrmon. who wore ] room, «nul each table was a smartlv tailored suit and a 'centred with a pretty toplarv rAnt Tw0 ' ' Courtice Srs. Win COS SA "B" Basketball Title Congratulations are being tarin at National 4-H Club extended to Miss Fay Rudman, Week. She wm a councillor daughter of Mr. and Mrs. at Camp Pretoria for three Norman Rudman of Newcastle, years and Is leader of C.G I.T, who took part In the area in Tyrone. She has been act- R raduatlnn ceremonies nt ive in Junior Farmer Choir ilnciton General Hospital re- work and It a member of Eldad crnltv. Miss Rudman trained Untied Church Choir, Mis* at Belleville General Hospital, Knox Is the daughter of Mr. and received her R.T. os a and Mrs John Knox at Hanip- Radiological Technician. She ton and Is at present a teacher Is now employed at Belleville in a junior room at Tyrone General. Public «School. Red Cross Campaign Continues This Month Through Rural Areas . The lnr.1 Blit# for the lint Mr* Walter Lawrence, Couit- mots SnvX^N it bring held to* li e - Mr, and Mr», W, J, Brown, T.iy, WrdtfvJav, Marih mill Hampton-,Mrs. A J. Reyn» >lml t«liurk will mil be tom* olds. Havdon-Mr. D, J, Cam- n|fi t *d (nr some time non. Janrtville-Carfare* -- The liramli Executive n Mn Join llolan, Leskird-Mr, most grateful to the town and Mrs, A, Louth», Long fill ens who mini *i captains Haull-Min (1. Smith, New. and midilv ai.islcd the Branth raille-Mri, W, M. HmMI, m nlitiiimmt enough canvass. Maple Grove-Mr. Bon tirook*, CÎ' Mr mid Mis I U Mare* Middle Moatl Ml» E (I, î* Mi-. It Bale, Mrs F, Cole, Twill, Orono-Mn, William M Mount ins, ! flam, Mrs V Grady, hhaw'a-Mfi IV U, I»* .mine. J Mumlav, II Gib- Newell, Tyrone ■ Mr», W. Park son, Mr* 8 James, J 11 ,!r, Davrv, Mn Wm Cowan, Wm Ansone who was mined Wallis, Mr, «ml Mi* P Griffin, during Hie lanvao, #mt would J Lis mu Jr, Mu I, l.vvai like to makv i dimalion to the, end w \v ihgn ll work of the local Bed Cron Mmi indies ihimichnut iln* llramh, mav lease their con- rural «in will be ca doling Hu miitimiii mnnlli Tlm>p hi ihaigo ... Hill caiiuiii m, tiiaikilgvk=*iUux Hiv, llussmansllle, Ont. HluilcnU mill temhi-r* At Courtice Hii:h Ikhtml nro i i C0l u |Hotul group xlncv HAUmliiv when their se ni nr hio« r^r ,î'r m h it 1 m y i J'WIW •**>Wll Icemtimc home from Midne will, llivlr first 1.IM «î.cÆin! Mr. » i TuiiV, C03SA "IV crown Photo .Imw», from row, left to ' 1 tight, Don SVeitlake, Jerry Mardi, John tiikuw, Jim llomvniiik, Wovnv Jonlon on,I Dour PccIIori hock row, Principal J, Speer., Mutineer Dob Cooper, limn lit,,illry, Jin Zivlliky, Jerry lleynoldi, Ed Spoelilre, llayne rolipchiik, E,l llanewlch and Couth Jock Nc.Ulti; ohrcni, IIleg Couch, BEST COMMENT - One of the best remarks about the Drama Workshop's play came from an elderly lady who attended. When asked hmv she liked it, she said "Well, you certainly couldn't find any moral in it." t t t t t WINNERS -- Two first year students from this area, attending Guelph University, distinguished themselves at the College Royal held recently. Dim Rickard, son of Mr. and,Mrs. Garnet Rickard was chosen Champion Beef Showman and presented presented with a tray. Ted Watson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Watson was declared champion in the fruit section, for displays of Durham County apples. i 1 t t t NEW SIGNS -- Alex Carrulhcrs, M.P.P, advised The Statesman that new speed limit signs will soon be erected in the built up areas between here and Oshawa, where sn many accidents and deaths have taken place in the past couple of years. They will cither be 30 nr 40 miles an hour instead of SO. Motorists would be well advised to keep their eyes open for this change. T V V T t TENDERS -- Mr. Carrulhcrs also advised that tenders for the Trout Creek bridge, one mile cast of Bethany on TA highway will close Mar. 14th, with the work to he completed by Sept. There will be no interruption in traffic. ■: •; t ENSIGN -- The Ontario legislature has begun its own flag debate by introducing a bill tn designate the red ensign with the Ontario coat nt arms as the official provincial flag. + + t t t GRACIOUS -- This morning's daily paper contained contained the news that Mrs. George Drew, wife of the former Premier of Ontario and afterwards leader n( Her Majesty's opposition in Ottawa had died after a brief Illness at age 5.1. She was a daughter of Canada's great tenor Edward Johnson. Johnson. Mrs. Drew was one of the most gracious ladies one would care to meet and the news of her death will be greeted with deep sorrow by her many friends and acquaintances, ERRATA -- Several weeks ago, ibis newspaper reported an accident near Ornnn Involving Jack Mercer and his car. According to Information received received since that report there were several errors contained In It. Mr. Mercer's car was only Indirectly Involved and was not damaged and the accident occurred nt Orono and Taunton lid. corner, lint on highway ,15. Apologies for any embarrassment caused, t v t t t CONGRATULATIONS - There is an announce, ment in this Issue that Don Morris has been elected president of Bowmanville Rotary Chili, following a long lino of local men wlm have done an excellent excellent job nf leadership In this cluli for many years. Also, there has been no direct mention of the fact that Cline Allin, It It. 4, Bowmanville, was elected some time ago ns chairman nf the Durham County District High School Hoard, Unfortunately, any photos of these gentlemen we have in oue flics arc an old they would hardly picture them as they ate today, Our best wishes go with them both lit their duties, t t t t FESTIVAL - The lilth Annual Peterborough Ktwanls Music Festival sinned last Thuradav and will continue until tins Satin,lav. II would he appreciated if Inhumation could lie tclavcd to us about at, y winners from this area, for un lusmn In the next Issm, i t t t t TOBACCO Growers of tobacco in Hu» and other areas In Ontario me knee ilctp m a dispute dispute concerning hmv much acreage they should grow on this scar. I'eler Newell, aira dircclm of Ihe Ontailo Fluc-Cuicd Tobacco drowns Assn , has come mil in favor nl a III per cent in crease m the tobacco crop tint year, But, agreement is lacking on this and ullicr proposals, The Rowmanville Dram* Workshop celebrated its fifth anniversary with the presentation presentation of the "Waltz of the Toreadors" Toreadors" in the Town Hall auditorium auditorium on Thursday, Friday and Saturday evenings. The artinc, scene scttinRs, costume?. costume?. and liRhtinc demonstrated demonstrated the remarkable progress made by group members in a few years. Unfortunately, the choice of the play, and the inclusion of certain obvious 'shockers" that were blatant in thclr lack of subtleness showed Indiscretion and insufficient insufficient .discrimination. The action of this comcdv, written by Jean Anouilh, took place in France in 1910. The I scenes were the study of General St. Pc, and his wife's adjoining bedroom. The stylized stylized atmosphere of thfe early I years of this century, and the isupcrficial manners of European European life prior to World War I [were well reproduced. , Jean Sheridan's talent as * director was evident, but the ]tvpo of material spoiled what icould have been a notable success. The play should have been advertised as adult entertainment entertainment because of its pseudo-sophistication. Doreen Kitney gave a brilliant brilliant performance in the in- «mate role of .Madame St. Pe, a former opera prima donna, possessive wife, self centred invalid, and a dominating personality. personality. John Amoburv played a hlRli ranking officer with authority. Bound to his imperious imperious wife, bored with his teen age daughter*, the general general dreamed of the love of hi* lile, and their meeting 17 • cars before at n ball at Sau- The sudden arrival of Yudernnhclle De Sic Kuvcrte quickened the tempo of the •THAN TO PAQC TWOt Guest Speaker Dr, l rink IMirKlnnon A lumninent native "fit Pi nut Edward Island, Dr. 1'iaiik MucKlnivm, will be lh«i -ntWr at the MarUi meeting of Hip L'diviilian Club of West Dmham, lit Trimtv United Uuinlt on Tueidiy, Much Itiih Dr M-uKmnnn it Principal ol Pi une of Wale* College, Ovti loth town end hut ipoken vvidclv in Canadian Club* and I'Htrr oiginlfktion*. Ho u Chairman of the PEL 1984 ( inh'nnifd Committee and Pirildrnt nf Hie Confrdcr*' umt Me mo r ill Building In Chnilnlltlmut He it alu» Miilinr of umiw woikt and mpn* im education, pohiuil memo i-irt twvmimrnl, ra* fi n ma Hip Go» rump • Gen* * f'ti'a l.deiAfv Aiwrd lor non* ftUiUll lit |9)1, oVA VaVA/