4 The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, April 4,1990 Bits and Pieces CANCER SOCIETY CAMPAIGN UNDER WAY - Don't forget that April has been devoted to the fight against cancer. The Cancer Society flag was formally raised at the Town Hall last week and in other locations locations throughout the municipality. The Cancer Society volunteers will be out in full force next Friday, April 6, for the annual Daffodil Sales. We understand that weather conditions in British Columbia have resulted in a reduced number of blooms this, season. Consequently, Consequently, each bunch of daffodils will have eight blooms instead of the customary 10. The quality of the flowers remains high, however. The Cancer Society hopes that its donors will understand the reason for the reduction in the number of flowers available for 1990. This year's goal in the Town of Newcastle is just over $60,000. BENEFIT FOR FOREST CENTRE - A dinner is being held on Wednesday, April 11, to assist the Ganaraska Ganaraska Forest Centre. The Centre, which is operated by the Ganaraska Region Conservation Authority, is located in the Ganaraska Forest. It offers outdoor education education opportunities for hundreds of students each year. Tickets to the dinner are available by calling 983-9667. PORT DARLINGTON COMMUNITY ASSOC. - The next meeting of this group will take place at eight p.m. on Monday, April 16, at the Port Darlington Marina Marina Hotel. Look for'the Association's volunteers at the Sunday, April 8th, fishing derby which takes place at the Bowmanville Creek. They'll be providing soft drinks, coffee, hot dogs, and muffins to the participants. participants. Busy Year for Sorority Xi Zeta Lamba Sorority Bowmanville Museum, Big has had a very interesting Brothers Assoc, and the year. Each member presents Hospital for Sick Children, an informative or entertain- We present a bursaiy at ing program and we often Bowmanville High School at have special guest speakers, their annual graduation We held our annual ceremonies also. "Friendship Night" at Trinity Trinity United Church hall to invite invite other ladies in our community community to join our chapter. Our president, Penny Ann Davidson, presented some insight into life in pioneer times. She demonstrated how pioneer women made clothes and bedding straight from the wool off the sheep's back. Through our Christmas Craft Auction, regal sales and weekly "Brown Bag" draws we raise money to help others in our community. community. This year some of our recipients recipients included Salvation Army, Memorial Hospital, Xi Zeta Lamba is very proud of the assistance we 've to the Red Cross Blood onor Clinics four times a year. Our members servè . cold drinks before donors give blood, and cookies and a hot drink following the donation. donation. Several social events are • held throughout the year and these are always a great opportunity for husbands and families of all members to get better acquainted. We would welcome new members at any time and if you are interested please call Penny Ann at 263-8443. Kinette Club Hosts Spring Conference Bowmanville Kinette Club hosted a Spring Conference here on March 24th at Memorial Park Clubhouse with a special guest in attendance. She was Wendy Reddington, National Kinette Co-ordinator from Edmonton, Alberta, pictured here with Linda Vanderzwet, left, of Oshawa Kinette Club and at right, Cathy Wiener of Bowmanville Kinettes. • Bowmanville H.S. News By Michelle Lowry There has been a lot happening happening musically here at B.H.S. in the last week. On Thursday, March 29, the Senior Wind Ensemble, played a concert for the Big Sisters of Oshawa at the Oshawa Golf and Country club. The Wind Ensemble the Overture of The Marriage Marriage of Figaro by Mozart ana contemporary pieces such as Mother I Earth. The Wind Ensemble Splayed an excellent concert and received received many kind remarks from the audience. On the following day, the Senior Concert Band played at the Clarke Festival at Clarke High School. The bands participating are adjudicated adjudicated but do not receive ranking. The band played well. Keep reading for future future concert dates for the Wind Ensemble and Senior Bands. In sports, _ Michelle and Nicole Devon! sh competed at the York University Indoor Indoor Track Meet. Michelle won a silver medal in the midget girls' 60m sprints and Nicole won a gold in both the junior sprints and longjump. Nicole made a new record in longjump with her jump of 5.48m. Congratulations, Congratulations, girls! On Friday, March 30, the co-ed volleyball team competed competed in a tournament. They played well and ranked in the top six of the 20 teams who participated at the tournament. tournament. On Monday, April 2 there was a York University dance assembly for arts students during period three. This assembly assembly gave students a chance to see the product of a Fine Arts course at York University and to learn more about dance. Finally, as a reminder to all students at B.H.S., our school is in 9 th place right now for the Great Milk Race. We have an increase in milk sales of 45%. So, keep supporting milk sales in the cafeteria and good luck winning t-shirts and free milk. NOBODY STACKS UP TOCM WITH OVER 20 MODELS TO CHOOSE FROM "N YEARS OR ON SELECTED TRUCKS GET UP TO A VWORtBATC Compare lor yourself. When you're looking fora good deal on a wide seleclion, nobody slacks up la your CM Dealers. For a limited lime, you can lake advantage or Ibis straight, no-nonsense financing offer on over twenty popular CM models, including: t lumina cm pm cutlass supreme regal cavalier sumo CUTLASS CIERA CENTURY beretta TEMPEST com 6000 SPRINTS, FIREFLY CELEBRITY CHEVY & CMC COMPACT VANS CHEVY & CMC COMPACTAND FULL-SIZE PICKUPS LEASE A CHEVY LUMINA OR PONTIAC GRAND PRIX LE MONTHLY FROM UNDER Yaw CM Dealer's right here hr you CHEVROLET• PONTIAC*OLDSMOBILE*BUICK * CADILLAC* CHEVY & GMCTRUCKS « WM* h I'M U i \M<1 <•■*•»' »•»*'# ( »•*(» ).»!*« ■* # HitVl INif IrV Mt H I#" 1 "* ; J IM-JI *H| 111 U»'|l I» -Hi, .« 11*1-4* Pit'll'. eMNm I'Wil'l'Win ■«•»!»• L l-"t I »"•«'*• e'wttiHet 1 »» « »'•< Him-» Wlllltl'iHll»* 1 «fie» n't* M it-'i jU.Ijthil«#4*i liW V* »i»*4 Ml Oll t Ntll|bllilM*lll 19I»»a4^|t#«i** *♦• s« IW t»lf ë -if w Mi»t-.ItiMf 0*ViniMIi <-**■ *4 * "•' y >liv 't*Hi i« i s-H-im An.*-|ellvWH.,'i#im iMi'MMH l»4*4 , H'M,v||'*-"'*MMkli«*|lthVl»- , ltl»*"-J* ( l. .« ■.!»• *»,,i ,* Ht m I ft »||»* • It tIMPt ■miii I* imo e«4l|Vi| t 4»lif|i| IHI « II *-il rw>* Lai mi M j,*U4* 4*4.1 jimiie»»» '«llimn , *^*N»«bti*4i|4*4U,*.| l»Mài •<i-i*..iv4 ^lM#-<'|4i'l ^!*-Ty«lltiii|i'M»Me*fl t,p***- 4* (*44*„.,4>*»'*.iiui*>-*i4*).* nfu ll«V Ilf*4-**W#'»»*-llrl , Mt 4 M IIt-JilI *,U|i4,«, M***,# ».#-.« I III I-.'till'••v»l4 ,, i»*e«i I *••■' f -# « -.1 ' • «il * it .Ijj StiYOUKrAfUICIHHNQOMDtAUHfOHfUllOimf, ONTARIO OM DIAURSYIDIRATION, (to 1700 fgllnlon Aw, i„ PanMllli, Ontario M3CIJI Prices effective at Miracle Food Mart and Miracle Ultra Mart in all departments subject to availability until Sat. 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