r i i » The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, October 10,1990 15 Phone Classified Deadline -- Monday 4:30 p.m. Phone 623-3303 r Pets iV v :; • ... For Rent Help Wanted Work Wanted Auction Sales ---FREE female tabby kitten, 10 •Oiweeksold. Phone 983-9637. ' - 41-1SN . pJfREE to good home - Beautiful • '■"healthy kittens. Mother is a beaut- ...ilujly behaved house cat. Will y c m"ake lovely pets, Phone 263- . 9098. 41-1S O'TSabY Cockatlels now ready, over j 200 babies to choose from. Also °^haby budgies (fancies), baby 10 lovebirds (peachface) and " v banaries. Also complete line of bird ""Supplies. Phone now for appoint- 4"fnent, 983-9311, Crazier Aviaries '*■7'} . ' 41-2SN -- Terribrae Pet Food ,, and Supplies Professional Dog Grooming 73 King Street West i Bowmanville 623-1752 "The convenient place to shop" e • 38-tfSN '^dASH paid for older English floral china, U.S. china, vases, plates, glass bowls, etc. Phone Christina,' 1-41.6-626-3655. 39-4N 1 Mb RAM for Apple Laser Writer ■ . II.. Brand new, $300. Phone 623- 3303.and ask for Mac. 41-tfSN TWO Radio Shack Model 4 com- -puters, .$200. for both, printer included. included. Phone 623-3303 and ask for Phil. - 41-tfSN He ; Real Estate For Sale AUCTION - Saturday, October! 3, r 10 a.m. Country building lots to 3.0 acres. See listing under "Auction Sales" for details, (416)986-4089. i I- 41-1SN-. Country Home •2 storey dwelling on one acre Jot good location on Hwy. 57, 10 miles north of Bowmanville in Enniskillen area. v Phone , 263-2526 'PRIVATE SALE Lesksrd Road, Approx. 25 year old bungalow, Suitable for 2 families. On large lot 204' XÏ50' deep, ($179,900.1st mtg. $100,000 at t-131/2%. Vendor can assist In financing. Also two commercial u- properties for sale «987-4252 or 786-2710 Ask for Roger : 41-2SN FOR SALE BY ■/, AUCTION 225 ACRE FARM Judicial Sale of: Part l and 2, Concession 11, Township of Manvers County of Victoria, Land Registry Division of Port Hope (no. 9). ONTARIO COURT (General Division), File No. 9281/87 BETWEEN: HAROLD PERCY et al. and TILBUR INVESTMENTS 3I1Ç . LIMITED et al., "'Pursuant to the judgement made F in this action there will be offered for sale by public auction In one parcel, with the approbation of the undersigned Judge by W. ( Frank Real Estate Ltd. auctioneers, auctioneers, at the farm property described described below at 1:00 p.m., on ---Saturday, October 20, 1990, the lands and premises known municipally municipally as the Tillbury Invest- monts/Henke farm property, R.R. >'#2, Janotville, Ontario, more particularly particularly described in the mort- .tgage registered In the Land Registry Registry Office for the Registry Division of Port Hope No, 9, as Instrument No. 78533. The property will be offered for ( sale subject to a reserve bid fixed Hrby the said Judge. r Tho purchaser shall pay by way of cheque to the Accountant of the Supremo Court of Ontario, on the day of the sale 10 per cent of -the purchase price and shall pay In rtho balance of the purchase mon- •n, oy by cortiliod cheque Into Court .(^Without Interest on or before UK Tuesday, October 30,1990. ^ Adjustments are to bo made as of ', 'dato of closing with the dale of closing to bo adjusted In favour of M.'.lho vendor. The Purchaser shall . search the title at his own ox- b« pense, In all the other respects, .aatho conditions of solo el the Court a /as modified by the conditions of .nn snlo settle by the undersigned, •C'.On the mortgaged lands and Hc'promlsos comprising npproxl- E unololy 225 ncros is erected a 3 bpdroom, 2 storey brick residence residence plus farm outbuildings, ■further particulars and conditions of sale may bo obtained from Mr, Cnnrlos A, Reid, W. Frank Real lEstnlo Limited, 234 King Street, .East, Bowmanville, Ontario, Can- l'Ida, L1C 1P5, Phone (416) 623- t-3393 or (416) 983-5914 (Homo) or (416)434.0009 (Mobile), Dntod nt Whitby, Ontario, this 24th dny of September 1090, neifiw D.M. Lawson Judge " 41-2SN 2000 PLUS sq. ft. store, 71 King St. W., Bowmanville, parking and loading at rear, separate office, modern bright facilities, $10./sq. ft. plus hydro. Phone 'George Van Dyk Real Estate, 623-4428. ^;41-tfS BOWMANVILLE, one bedroom ground floor of newer home, appliances, laundry facilities, parking, parking, private entrance, $585. monthly includes utilities. References. References. Available Nov. 1st. Phone 623-4071. . 41-1SN BOWMANVILLE, three bedroom back split, close to school, Go bus and 401, $1075. plus utilities. Phone 623-7853. 41-1SN BOWMANVILLE - Large four bedroom bedroom semi, finished rec room, two full baths, available Nov. 1, $965./ month plus. Phone 623-2212 after 4. 41-1S GARDEN Hill, 2400 sq. ff. 2 storey farm house, 10 rms., $1,1 OO./mth., first and last, references, days (416)985-3832, eve. and wknd. 985-9331, Garden Hill 797-2655. . 41-1SN LARGE house, four bedroom plus one, downtown Newcastle village, extra large lot with garage, available available immediately, $900. plus utilities. Phone 571-1979 or 434- 3221. 41-1SN NEWTONVILLE - One bedroom apartment, fridge, stove, all utilities included, $475./mo., 623-5700, ,263-4451. ■ 41-1SN OFFICE space in Bowmanville and/or Newcastle with main street frontage from a single private office office up to 500 sq. ft. Secretarial or reception services and use of copier and fax a possibility. Phone Dorothy 623-4445. 41-1SN ONE and 1/2 storey brick home with garage, two bedrooms plus den and rec room, high school area, Nov. 1st, $850., references, first and last. Phone 623-2453. ' 41-1SN ONE bedroom apartment, $595. plus hydro, first/last, includes fridge and stove, Bowmanville, dose to Central School. Phone 623-2601. 41-tfSN PORT Hope - 20 minutes from Bowmanville, three bedroom, two storey house, eat-in kitchen, four appliances, garage, $875. plus utilities, first and last, no pets, available available immediately. Phone 623- 2757. 41-tfSN ROOM for rent in Bowmanville for j/non-smoking female, private bath, parking, laundry facilities. Phone 623-9637. 41-1SN ROOM in private home in south west BoWmanville, use of kitchen and laundry and parking, prefer female, asking $70. weekly. Phone after 4:30 p.m. 623-2367. 41 -1S ' TWO bedroom bungalow with garage, garage, fridge, stove, dryer, $875./ month plus utilities, available Nov. 1, first/last, references required. Phone 623-4858. 40-tfSN RETAIL or office space, various sizes, King St., Bowmanville, large parking lot. Also parking spaces for lease. Phone 623- 5455. ; 6-tfSN IMMACULATE, unfurnished one bedroom with livingroom, 4 pc. bath, private entrance in new home.'Shared kitchen and laundry facilities, $500. monthly, non- smoker preferred. Phone 366- 4316 days, 623-9987 evenings. SELF STORAGE UNITS for rent, Newcastle Village from $45. Now Available 10'x 20', 10'x 15', 10'x 10', 5'x 10' Phone Lori at Newcastle Storage 987-3211 „ ncckl 40-5SN BOWMANVILLE - room'for rent with t.v., small fridge and micro- wave, shared bathroom facilities, close to 401, female preferred, Please call Kris at 623-0785 41-2SN Apartment, 3 bedroom ground floor, north end Bowmanville. Phone 623-4834. 41-1SN MILLBROOK - 4 bdr. house, 2 baths, fenced yard, $800 plus utilities, utilities, available Nov. 1 - Dec. 1. Phone 416-434-1147. : 41-1SN BROWNSDALE - Community Centre, Golf Course Rd., Newcastle Newcastle Hall available for dances, weddings, stags, etc. For rental information phone 1-705-277- 3668. 12-tfSN WHITBY - Two bedroom apartment, apartment, $800.; three bedroom, $1000.; fridge, stove, utilities, garage garage included. References, no pels, October 15. Phone 1-(416) 985- 7778. 40-4SN WEE, but wonderful I Newer condominium condominium with air-conditioning, balcony, ceramic floors, etc. This small but luxurious unit is perfect for bachelor or retired couple, $104,900. Phone Rob 623-8989. 40-3SN TWO bedroom basement apartment, apartment, kitchen walk-out onto patio, large living room, full bathroom, laundry facilities, $700./month, Waverley area, Bowmanville. Ptfone 623-1830. . 40-2SN BOWMANVILLE - Three bedroom house with garage, on large lot, near the hospital, $875./month, available available Nov. 1/90. Phone 983- 5428.41-1S BOWMANVILLE - Two or three bedroom apartment, 1 1/2 baths, walk-out to backyard, centrally located located in an adult complex, finished rec room and laundry, $755./ month. Write Advertiser 1519, c/o The Canadian Statesman, P.O. Box 190, Bowmanville, L1C 3K9. 41-2S BOWMANVILLE - Quiet Court,, close to 401, fenced, four bedrooms, bedrooms, first/last, $1050. monthly plus utilities, available immediately. immediately. Phone 623-5391. 41-1SN LARGE two bedroom basement apartment with large windows and fireplace, big yard with patio and playhouse and sandblocks for children, children, $650. monthly plus half hydro and water. Phone after 4 p.m. 987-4275. 41-1SN COZY one bedroom apt., downtown downtown Bowmanville, newly renovated, renovated, fridge and stove, large windows, windows, a must to see, $525. plus hydro, available Nov. 1st, first and last, references. Phone 623-1103. 40-2SN TYRONE Community Centre for rent. Most up-to-date kitchen, lots of parking, playground, country setting for picnics, weddings, anniversaries, anniversaries, etc. Phone Christine 263-2215. . ■ - 22-tfSN THREE bedroom house, quiet area, ample parking, stove, fridge, washer, diyer included, $650. monthly utilities included, first and last required, available Nov. 1. Phone 983-5121 alters p.m. - Inside and Outside Boat and Trailer storage 263-8221 ' 38-4SN Help Wanted PERSON to learn - My business of financial planning and management. management. Who desire above average income and who has management ability. No experience required. Confidential interview. Phone Edgar 623-2232. 38-4SN IT'S Christmas at Avon. Buy Christmas gills at a terrific discount and earn money to pay those Christmas bills. Become an Avon reoresontative today. Phone Margaret Margaret at 725-9696. 41-3SN> WANTED - After school care for 6 year old boy, Vincent Massey area, Bowmanville. Phone Lynn 433-5681 days or 623-7358 evenings. evenings. 41-1S LOVING person required to care for three children in my home, ■starting early November. Please phone 623-2045. 41-1S MATURE babysitter required for two children, ages two and four, Wednesdays, Fridays, all day in Enniskillen home. Phone 263- 8394. 41-1SN Part-time waitresses required Immediately Apply Noone's Restaurant Orono 983-9290 41-1SN . Full time nights available Apply In person to The Donut Gallery Hwy, 115 South 987-1228 - ' 41-1SN $ $ $ $ Your friend, neighbor and business partner slnce1854 ^ ^ ^ ^ W IA A A A A A Apple packers Wanted For information please Phone 623-2252 41-2SN Printing Sales Person required Commission Position Apply In writing to Advertiser 1523 c/o The Canadian Statesman P.O. Box 190, Bowmanville, Ont. L1C3K9 41-2SN Hairdresser wanted for Bowmanville with some clientele preferably. 623-4191 or 434-8488 41-1S Experienced waitresses wanted Apply at Oasis Restaurant 983-9545 33-tfSN Immediate Openings: trainee/operator trainee/set-up and maintenance Altech Plastics 182 Wellington St. W. Bowmanville 623-1880 41-1SN Meet the challenge of the 90's. Be a part of a team of early childhood educators or. equivilant. Work in a facility designed for child care. Competitive wages, grant and benefits, full time, part time and occasional staff required. Send resume to Cobourg Daycare Inc. 325 Alexander Drive Cobourg, Ontario K9A5B2 *m, WANTED Ladies' Fall and Winter Clothing and Accessories, Jewellery, collectables, small household items, china, in new er nearly new condition for consignment store opening soon in Bowmanville. Clothes must be freshly laundered or dry cleaned, on hangers, in style and in excellent condition. Store hours for suppliers to drop off articles will be Oct. 10th, 11th from 2-6 p.m., Oct. 12th from 2-9 p.m. and Oct. 13th from 10 a.m. - 6 p.m. . nDSf i' ■ Watch the paper for the Grand Opening of: >* : "'"DRESS FOR LESS?~ 34A King St., W. Bowmanville, Ontario 623-4410 4V1SN SENIORS WELCOME! Work for fast-growing Deposit Broker selling GICs, RRSPs, RRIFs, and annuities. Paid training, plus top commissions. Previous sales experience an asset but not essential. Call 623-9400 Monday to Friday 9-5 or leave message. WILLIS FINANCIAL SERVICES Branch Locations-Bowmanville Mall; 41/2 Cambridge St. N„ Lindsay. 41-1SN Work Wanted Tree Pullers (5-8V high) Men or Women required Orono Forestry Station $15.00 per 1000 trees Start October 22 Phone 623-9749 9:30-4:30 After 5:00 p.m. Phone 433-7290 40-4SN HELP WANTED Paper Carrier Required The available route is ... Route #4 Sunset, Venstone, Summerflefd, Third, Bernard, Liberty. Approx. 45 papers. $ WHAT WILL YOU BE PAID? 10c per paper ( for example: 40 papers = $4.00) You don't have to collect from customers and papers will bo delivered to your homo. PLUS... If you deliver for on entire month with no complaints from customers, you will receive on extra week's pay as a tipi PLUS... . Deliver for an entire year with no ^ $ complaints and receive a $100 bonus! $ $ ll you would like to take advantage of this groat business £ opportunity, please phono 623-3303 and ask for Marilyn. $ $ W Canadian ètattsmau 62 King Street West, Bowmanville 623-3303 $ $ $ $ SOOT BUSTER CHIMNEY SWEEP Dirty Chimneys are unsafe Matk Macpherson * and Sons The Residential Specialist 623-1923 41-1SN DURHAM TV & ANTENNA TV Antennas for Perfection in Reception • Towors < Rotators • Romolo Control Rotators • Antonnns • Transmission Wlro • Hardware TV, VCR and Stereo Repaire 151 Liberty SI. S„ Bowmanville 693-0055 Bill Van Der Herberg Depend on the Leader Channel Master NEED a pressure system? Water Softeners? Repairs to all makes. Harvey Partner, Orono, phone 983-5206, Bowmanville phone 623-2301. 1-tfSN HOLROYD'S HEATING AIR CONDITIONING OIL-GAS-ELECTRIC Installations-Service Cleaning - Parts Plans HAMPTON 263-8501 16-tfSN A & J'S HOME IMPROVEMENTS minor repairs and renovations specializing In bathrooms, drywall and carpentry 623-8874 ■ 37-tfS Newcastle Roofing Free Estimates All work guranteed . 987-3074 1 32-8SN DR's MAINTENANCE 623-4041 Leaf removal, Window cleaning, Eavestrough cleaning FREE ESTIMATES 40-tfSN I & T CARPENTERS Licensed, 25 years experience House Trim Stairs Decks Additions All carpentry related work Ivan Jones Tony Fanara Orono Hampton 983-5303 263-2991 1-tfSN K & K Handi Service House cleaning from $49.99 We also do Outside Cleaning, Grass cutting, Snow shovelling, Windows, Minor Electrical and Plumbing Repairs, and other General Maintenance. Phone Kevin and 1 Kathy 987-5746 39-3SN Expert service to VCR's, T.V.'s, home stereos, car stereos," portable stereos. Free Estimates Bowmanville Audio-Vision 58 King St. W. 623-2312 44-tfSN Dangerous Tree Removal The Tree Experts Fully experienced In topping, falling and power lines, land clearing. Reasonably priced. FREE ESTIMATES Phone 623-8625 38-4SN OXFORD BRICKLAYERS STONEMASONS LTD. All kinds of Brick . Block - Stonework Fireplaces Also Additions and Renovations Willi Schmahl 987-5706 or Bill Schmahl 987-5002 37-tfSN MUTTON MASONRY All types of cement work, concrete floors, sidewalks and driveways. NEW CHIMNEYS AND REPAIR Chimney Sweep G.W. MUTTON 623-5981. 31-tfS ROLL OFF BINS FOR SCRAP AND GARBAGE WE BUY CARS FOR WRECKING DURHAM REGION'S LEADER IN ANTENNA RECEPTION EQUIPMENT so-tfSN CALL US 987-4741 NOW NEWCASTLE Now accepting fridges, stoves, batteries All recyclable metals , Hour»:8-5Mon,-Frl. 8-12 Sat. 41-tlN INSTALL a combination wood oil, wood electric furnace or boiler. Oil - gas - electric boiler or furnace. furnace. "Harvey Partner and Sons, Bowmanville, 623-2301 or Orono 983-5206. - 4-tfSN Helmer's Snow Removal Services Commercial or Residential Contracts also accepted Phone 1-416-786-2983 40-5SN ERN'S ROOFING Flat, tar and gravel, repairs, shingles, re-roofing FREE ESTIMATES Phone Oshawa 433-1070 41-4SN TONY'S PAINTING & DEC. Interior or exterior 25 yrs. expereince FREE ESTIMATES (416) 623-4804 40-4SN FURNACES CLEANED Parts and Service Policy HARVEY PARTNER and SONS Bowmanville 623-2301 Orono 983-5206 52-tfSN GORD SIMPSON Phone 983-5808 PAINTING, PAPERING, CARPENTRY, REMODELLING, GENERAL REPAIRS ' 24-tfS JACK BURGESS OIL BURNERS-FURNACES CLEANED PLUMBING REPAIRS Phone Hampton 263-2151 MAIL ADDRESS P.O. Box 43, Bowmanville 1-tfS CAMPTRIC Electric - Commercial, industrial and domestic installation. installation. All work guaranteed. 35 years experience. Phone 623-8769. 37-tfSN LARRY QU1NNEY PAINTING and . DECORATING Interjpnsnd Exterior Over 15 years experience FREE ESTIMATES Phone 263-8535 3-tfS VANDERGAAST ROOFING Over 35 Years Experience In all Types of Roofing Workmanship Guaranteed For FREE Estimate 623-8445 or 623-9595 14-tfSN BOWMANVILLE GLASS & MIRRORS 143 Wellington Street, Bowmanville ■ 623-3410 Monday - Friday 9 a.m.-5 p.m. Saturday 10 a.m.-2 p.m. Sealed units, storm windows and doorsj store fronts and screen and glass repairs, all types of glass and mirrors available. FREE ESTIMATES 24 hour emergency plate glass . replacement. Locally owned and operated. JB 'Hiding IT'S HERE SIDING SEASON and we're ready! Are you? GIVE ME A CALL Peter Sutherland 623-0444 24-tfSN CARPET STEAM CLEANING C & J Services Personal Service Satisfaction Guaranteed $49. Dlnlng/Llvlng Rooms plus Hallway Phone Dennis at 623-2095 2-tfSN » I ' I. Œ BARR'S (416) 987-1445 986-4277 Roofing • Sheet Metal • Skylights FLAT ROOFS • SHINGLES • PRE-PAINTED STEEL SIDING • SOFFIT • TROUGI I • SUNROOMS • SOLARIUMS 20 Years Experience Collect Ciilli Accepted 20-tlSN Sat., Oct. 13,1 p.m. Sharp Great Eastern Angus Sale Held At Malmont Sales Arena Blackstock, Ont. Selling 50 lots of Angus cattle consisting consisting of 2 herd sires, many cows with calves at foot and re-bred. Also bred heifers and show prospect prospect heifer calves. Sale sponsored by Eastern Ontario Angus Association. Association. Owners and Auctioneer are not responsible for accidents. Terms are cash or cheque. For information information or. sale catalogue contact contact Sale Manager and Auctioneer: Ross Bailey, Port Perry, Ont., 416- 985-0697. 40-2SN Thurs., Oct. 11,6 p.m. ■ at Warner's Auction Hall 1/4 mi. West of Colborne on Hwy. 2 Selling House Full of Good Furniture, with Some Antiques, etc. Antique round oak single pedestal table with set of 6 (new) pressbacks all in excellent cond., nice'oak triple bowed glass china cabinet (new) in excellent cond., Violas maple dinette set, micro- wave oven, antique bird's eye maple dresser, antique upholstered upholstered rocker, 5 pc. walnut bedroom bedroom suite with double bed in excellent excellent cond., Violas maple double bed, water bed, dressers, chest of drawers, color TV, cedar chest, Ige. cast iron bell complete with hanger, antique treadle Singer sewing machine, stereo, nice brass 4 poster bed, nice drum table with claw feet, antique library desk, bookshelves, some bedding lamps, dishes, pictures, pots pans, etc. plus numerous mise, ar tides. Selling outside and in - wea ther permitting. Sale starts: 6 p.m Terms: Cash, cheque, Visa, MC Gary Warner, D. Denny, Auctioneers, Auctioneers, 355-2106. 41-1SN Wed., Oct. 17, 10 a.m. Real Estate, Farm Machinery and Antiques Estate of the late Alf and Freda Forde, R.R.2, Hastings, Ont. Lot 21, Con. 13, Percy Twsp. 6 kms. north of Campbellford to Con. 10 Seymour, then west for 41/2 kms. (Watch for sale signs). FARM MACHINERY: AC ED40 diesel tractor with front end loader, trip bucket, 3 ph., pto., good; MF 35 gas tractor (pto., 3 ph. good); Massey Harris 80 sp. special self- propelled combine, 12' grain head (good); Oliver 3 furrow trip beam plow, 3 ph., 12" bottoms; Case 17 tooth cultivator, trail; MF tandem ■ discs (14 disc.wide, 3 ph.); 5 section section of drag' harrows and steel evener; MF 15 run seed drill, grass seed box, mech. lift, on rubber; AC 7 ft. mower, 3 ph., pto.; Nl side delivery rake; NH 273 baler, good; Little Giant 38' elevator and undercarriage, undercarriage, pto.; cut down wagon and flat rack; 3 drum roller; Rufeeder 20' feed wagon; Shell cattle oiler; MF 15 run seed drill on steel; walking walking plow; platform scales; tractor chains; fanning mill; small quantity of red clover; steel stone boat; Bur- dizzio; collars, harness; 2 universal universal milkers; approx. 100 sap buckets; buckets; cutter with bells on shafts; turnip turnip planter; 1982 CMC 1500 series truck, 6 cyl. motor, p.s., p.b., approx. approx. 25,000 orig. kms., sells certified; certified; 1967 Buick Wildcat, running, as is; ANTIQUES to sell first at 10:00 a.m. Quantity of dishes and antique pieces; set of dishes for 12 (Johnson Bros., not complete); antique wooden high chair (good); antique sewing machine and cabinet with (lip top desk; salts and peppers, silver pcs., etc.; large antique sideboard with china cabinet and bevel mirrors, dove tailed, very unique; ant. pressed back rocker; quantity of books; Singer drop head sewing machine; 2 metal beds; hall table; coffee table and 2 end tables; dresser with mirror, dovetailed; chest of drawers; ant. trunk; sad irons; butter butter bowl and print; old baby commode; commode; bedding and quilts; small electrical appliances; mix master; wicker fernery; 6 matching Bentwood chairs; antique dining room table, 6 chairs and buffet; antique country kitchen cupboard with wooden Hour bin; ant. pictures and trames; ant. drop front desk; kaleidoscope and pictures; baskets; baskets; hall tree; chesterfield and chair; platform rocker; pole lamp; large wooden wardrobe; 2 ant. dressers with mirrors; ant. wooden bed; 4 matching pressed back chairs (North Wind); drop leaf table; ant. washsland; toilet pcs.; ant. chest ol drawers; wooden pulls, dovetailed; coal oil lamp and linger lamp; ant. dasher churn; 2 copper boilers; milk bottles; cast iron tub; Slovens 22 rillo; 12 gauge shotgun; quantity ot old tools; post drill press; shovels, axes, etc.; McCulloch 1-52 chain saw; 5 hp. rolo tiller. Many more Items ol interest. interest. At 2:30 p.m. The REAL ESTATE, ESTATE, being the oast halt ol Lot 22, Con. 13, Porcy Twsp, approx. 38 acres with approx. 100 maplo trees, approx. 25 acres ol lorlilo soil, 2 road paved (roulage, will bo ollorod tor salo by auction subject to a roallstlc rosorvo bid. This land Is situated nt tho corner ol Con. 10 Seymour and Friendly Acres Ro- sort Rd. Terms: $5,000. non-ro- fundable deposit day ol salo, balance balance In 30 days. Terms: Cash or choqua with ID. Owner and Auctioneer Auctioneer not responsible lor accident accident or Injury day ol salo. Roy and Rod Williams, Auctioneers, Campbolllord. (705) 653-3533 or (705) 749-4997. Lunch available. 41-13 Gun Auction Sunday, October 21,3 p.m. Nestleton, Ont. Taking consignments now, Free consignment, 10% buyer's premium Please call Deshane Auctions (416 985-4240 x 39-3SN MacGREGOR AUCTION SERVICES _ Estates, Consignments, Households, Bankruptcies, Farms Sold at your location or ours. Storage and Trucking available Phone for FREE : - Confidential Consultations Mike MacGregor (416) 987-5402 Junior West (416) 983-5556 : io-tfsN Sat., Oct. 13 . 10 a.m. Sharp Farm Sold Auction Sale of Farm Machinery, Racing Equipment and Tack, Milking Equipment Household Furniture and Antiques The property of S. Barry Moore, Lot 28, Con. 3, Ops Twp. from Lindsay on Hwy. 35 north 2 miles, past Lindsay Airport to County Rd. 4, 1 concession west, turn north 1/2 mile on Ops 3rd con. 4th set of buildings on east side. Watch for signs. 1977 Int. 844 diesel tractor tractor 4X4, 80 hp., good; Int 584 diesel tractor with 2200 loader 52 hp.; Int 435 baler with No. 15 hydraulic hydraulic thrower, good; 3 steel Martin thrower wagons 18' racks with 8 ton running gear; Kneverland 5 - 16's semi-mount plough; Int, 990 hay bine pto.;.Little Giant 46' bale elevator with motor; New Holland 519 manure spreader pto.; Int. side rake; Kongskilde 18' cultivator, hydraulic wings; John Deere No. 210 double disc; Int. 15 run seed drill; 30' tandem chain harrows, new; Bidgood Campbellford silo 20'X60' to be dismantled; silon unloader unloader and 30' conveyor; 3 flat rack wagons; 3 pt. blade; large cast iron sap kettle; single furrow oxen plough; antique plough; cement mixer; 2 cement feeders; outside feed wagon; compressor; ■ 16' gates; tools; large quantity of small items; antique cutter; harness box; large quantity of horse blankets; racing equipment; rain suits; feed carts; neck yokes; whiffle trees; all cleaning equipment; blacksmith equipment; large quantity of harness; harness; electric clippers; 2 modern racing sulkies; 1 jogging cart; all racing equipment for standard bred horses; approx. 1000 bales hay; approx. 12 ton grain; milking equipment; Steinhorst 44 can bulk milk tank; 300' of 2" stainless steel pipeline, 2" vacuum line; 3 Surge milkers; 3 milk meters; 60 gal. hot water tank; stainless wash tanks; water softener; calf pullers; other items; Case Ingersol III tractor lawn mower; power lawn mower;. patio furniture, table, chairs and lounges with cushions; odd lawn chairs; propane pool heater; propane barbecue, 2 tanks; Leonard 21 cu. ft. deep freeze; bar fridge; G.E. stove and dishwasher; Sears console stereo; Panasonic console color TV; G.E. washer and dryer; new G.E. dryer; Gerhard Heintzman piano and bench, excellent; piano light and metronome; colonial couch and chair; wicker rocker; wicker chairs, tables and lamps; 3 large antique chairs; many odd chairs; antique dining room suite, table, 6 chairs, buffet, china cabinet, large mirror; large pine desk and wall unit; black leather chesterfield; loveseat and 2 chairs, good; coffee and end tables; antique antique hall rack with umbrella stand; antique hall tree with umbrella stand; antique deacon's bench; set of bunk beds; white triple dresser; beds; 2 dressers with mirrors; small roll top desk; 3 washstands; night stand; table desk and chair; small desk and chair; mirrors; pictures pictures and frames; plant table; 4 drawer filing cabinet; odd tables; bedroom lamps; toy box; toys; games; books; bookshelves; 2 large antique dining room tables, carved legs, very old and ornate; sealers; jars; 2 antique milk bottles; bottles; magazine table; large blanket box; cutlery; dishes; pots and pans; ornaments; knick knacks; Super-Vac; gun rack; windows; doors; screens; shutters; lull contents contents of a century home. Very large quantity of small articles. Terms: Cash. No reserve as (arm is sold. Cambray W.l. will serve lunch. Furniture Furniture and antiques at 10:00 a.m.' Sharp. Racing Equipment and lack at 12:30 p.m. Dairy equipment at 1 ;30 p.m. followed by (arm machinery. machinery. Sale managed and sold by Carl Hickson Auctions, Reaboro, Ont., 705-324-9959 or car 705- 749-7084. 40-2SN TACK AUCTION Thur*., Oct., 11th, at 7 p.m. All New Tack - 10 Woslorn saddles, 10 English saddlos, boots, bridlos, blankets, English and Woslorn riding apparol Nestleton Recreation Centre 985-4240 40-2SN DEALS ON WHEELS PUBLIC AUTOMART 1730 Slmcoo St N CKhawa ( 1 km N of Taunton Rd ) Open lo tho public every Sunday Ruin or Shino 0 00 a m till Dunk Moo Draw ovory Sunday SE l LERS Din play your vehicle for just $9.99 BUYERS enjoy F rue Admission and view over ? acres of vehicles on display FOR SAIE BY OWNt R 416 Z?!> 000? for Into 4 MSN