i 18 The Canadian Statesman, Bowman ville, October 10,1990 Many Thanksgiving Visitors in Orono - Newcastle CIBC Donates $1500 to United Way Fund Orono News by I, Challioe "Life is a game of cards. The hand that is dealt you, represents determinism; the way you play it is free will." Jawaharlol Nehru Mr. and Mrs. Steven Bell and family, Ottawa were Thanksgiving Monday dinner dinner guests of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jonas Sutherland Sutherland Sr., Mill Street. Mr. and Mrs. Carlos Tamblyn spent the holiday weekend at their cottage, Lake Cotchacoma, to close up for season. Points of fall, beauty in abundance down Highway 115! The contrasts of colors, with the dark, rich green of pines among the vivid hues of gold, browns, oranges and reds, especially the gorgeous .shades of crimson of the sumacs! sumacs! One did not have to travel miles on highways to see and enjoy the fall splendors, splendors, right here in oùr own backyards. Mr. and Mrs. Orville Chatterton returned home last week, after enjoying their fall vacation in U.SA/ One point of interest "Dolly- wood," where Dolly Parton's popularity is certainly very evident! Mrs. Denise Warren, Amanda and Cory, Peterborough Peterborough were holiday weekend guest of her parents. The 0. Challice's and Mr. and Mrs. Peter Sutherland, Jackie and Jo Anne were Sunday dinner guests. Mrs. Jenny Bowins spent Thanksgiving with her daughter Sandra and family in Oshawa. Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Bailey Bailey and sons, Mrs. Dorothy Bailey, Mrs. E. BiHi.'es end Miss Tracie Kelly, Newcastle Newcastle were all Sunday, Thanksgiving Thanksgiving dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Kimmett and family, Lindsay. Thanksgiving Monday guest of Mrs. Thelma Gill- bank - Mr. and Mrs. Paul Webb and family, Markham; Mr. and Mrs. Alan McAlpine and family, Frànkford; Mr. Mrs. Bill Gilbank and family of Mr. and Mrs. David Gil bank and family Pontypool. all from Orono Town Hall Card Party There were seven tables of euchre at the Wednesday night card party, Oct. 3 in Orono Town Hall and the winners are as follows: High Scores: Bill Grady-76, Walter Murphy-74 tied with Jean Allen-74, Harvey Partner- 71, Gladys Greenwood-70, who tied with Hilda Coswell. Low Scores: Wanda McNeil Lucky Draws: Ruth Grady, Grace Coatham, Harvey Partner and Norma Moffat. . Eurche party every Wednesday mght 8 p.m. in Town Hall and ladies to please bring lunch. Leskard Card Party Held in hall thursday, Oct. 4, 1990, with 10 tables in progress of euchre, with the following results: High Scores: Marg Linton-87, Rita Prohapchuck-84 and' Charlie Charlie Campbell-83. Low Scores: Lavina Downes and Helen Carveth. Draw Winner: Rick Simpson. Draw for Flower Arrangement: Arrangement: Helen Carveth Next card party in Les kard, Nov. 1, Ï990 at 8 p.m. Plan to attend and enjoy your evening with friends. Horticulture 1 Fall Show The annual fall flower and vegetable show was held Thursday Oct. 4 in the main hall of Orono United Church with a good attendance attendance Visitors from Bow- manville and judge for show Mrs. Gerry Honing, Port. Hope. President Mrs. Donna Hutton welcomed everyone and sang "O Canada" with Doreen Lowery at piano. In the absence of secretary Yvonne Trafford, Loma Atkins Atkins capably assumed her post. Announcements were read out and especially the upcoming Junior Gardener 30th Anniversary celebrations. celebrations. Mrs. Cory Delonge announced announced plans for the even and the Senior society agreed to help out financially. financially. The date is November 10, Saturday from 1 to 4 p.m. and all former members are invited to attend. The guest for the evening was Mrs. Jesse Mostert, (Mostert Green Houses), Bowmanville, who brought a lovely display of slides of roses, also a delightful table of Pot-Pourri, dried displays and arrangements. A question question and answer period followed followed and guest was thanked. A very colorful show of fresh flowers, and vegetables. vegetables. Many pretty arrangements arrangements and a new feature at our fall show, was a pie contest contest with nine entries of apple apple and pumpkin. Pies were later auctioned off by Orville Challice. Spécial Prize Winners: Judges Choice-Jessica Mostert Most Points in Entire Show-Minnie Zegers Most Points in Decorative-Donna Decorative-Donna Hutton Best Chrysanthemum in Show-Card Mostert Most Points in Vegetables Vegetables Through the : Year- Carol Mostert Most Points in Specie- man Flowers Through the Year-Carol Mostert _ These latter two prizes were donated by Dominion Seed House. Number of exhibitors-17 Number of exhibits-107 Next meeting is Dec. 6, 1990, Thursday with special speaker and guest, Mr. Jim Richards, 'Attracting Birds to your Backyard* is the topic. topic. Christmas show. Mitten Tree' and please bring your gifts of non-perishable foods for needy families. one for a splendid response. Greeters at doors-Roy and Marion Scott. Ushers-Kristen, Laura, Mark and Alan Plummer. Birthday Greetings- Gladys Brown Oct. 11, and Doris Wannan on Oct. 13. Sunday School Work- shop-Saturday, Oct. 20 at Pickering United Church. Call Noreen Nixon for more information (983-5076). Message from Supply Committees of U.C.W.- i:gre Can- Best Arrangement in the Show- Carol Mostert £ Gramma Grunt's presents SUNDAY, OCTOBER 14, 1990 /"T_ „ >1 *?/ j 10:00 A.M. TO 5:00 P.M. fUMt UCW iTtUtCfo 7» 'tyowi'Zfeant FALL COUNTRY CRAFT and COLLECTABLES SALE ' Quality Exhibitors Featuring... Semi for tht home, qvUting, areatht Sr arrant!menu, named /tau, hand iron accmoriei, petti-poim, reproduction furniture and much, BOWMANVILLE RECREA TION COMPLEX Huy »2 (Kinf St.) and Com. Rd. 51 (Martin Rd.) Bomunwlle, Ont. A4nh4m.-tl.0C OMrm-Fm hfeiUMit SeatkBer Deer Aim *3 wmuMUi Mn? mum a r pu 4 e BRANDOM Social News Again congratulations to the ever-busy Great Pine Ridge Kinnettes for sponsoring sponsoring a most successful school dance in Orono Town Hall, Sept. 28, with a large crowd of students from Grades 6-8 in attendance. Our gracious thanks to Orono Town Hall board for giving hall at no charge. Randy Cowan was the D.J.- for this splendid evening. Many ■ 'No Granaska Dump' signs are prevelant in our village and outside areas! areas! These troublesome requests requests for dump sites all over our province are fast becoming an alarming worry to eveiyone! Just hear and watched a serious T.V. show (Monday) from the Port Col- borne area, where farmers (as here in oiir areas) are rapidly in danger of losing their very livelihood of farming. farming. One has to just imagine what is going to happen to us all, if our one and only .source of raising food is used as dump sites! It would seem to this writer, our beautiful rural areas are to be the victims in this over aboundance of garbage from we "a thoughtless thoughtless people." Orono United Church News The beautiful Thanksgiving Thanksgiving displays at the front of our Orono United, of vegetables vegetables and flowers are most appreciated by us all, but soon cleared away and forgotten forgotten for another year! Let us this Thanksgiving remember remember we are all stewards of this beautiful land and not take our world for granted, granted, and to keep working to keep it beautiful! Along with the flowers and vegetables this year we were reminded of the needy in our midst, and Bertha White had decorated a large basket for side table to hold our gifts. We thank every- 30-60% OFF T H _ AT BRANDOM KITCHENS' FALL WAREHOUSE SALE • oak and contemporary cabinetry • quality bathroom vanities • cultured marble countertops • miscellaneous construction materials 6 DAYS ONLY MON. - TUES. WED.-THURS. FRI. SAT. SUN. 9 am - 5 pm 9 am - 8 pm 9 am - 5 pm CLOSED Noon - 4 pm 432-3300 MtMHH|UilioitlN-H (Mtjwi ' ^ Itunminvill? H+HH4H d 1732 llASI'I.INIi III), couimci; (fronts only, Uamp] labels (front panel only), Jack Frost Knitted items for babies and small children. Used eye-glasses and hearing hearing aids. Donations to be left in Room 1, off main hall downstairs. Any further information information please call Dorothy Dorothy Barnett (983-5382). Up-coming Special Service- Service- Sunday Oct, 21 at 11 a.m. Orono United Church welcomes Rev. Bob Rumball as guest speaker and special music. Our speaker is well known for his ministry to the deaf and is an inspiring speaker. Please plan to stay for a time of fellowship over lunch afterwards. Remember to mark your calendar for Tuesday Oct. 23 for , our full-course Turkey dinner. Watch the coming events column for more information. information. Congratulations to our hard-working Sunday School teachers who planned their special 'Thanksgiving Party" for the children. The tables and hall were all beautifully decorated and all children treated to cookies, cookies, drinks, Jellos etc. This all represents work above and beyond the call of duty and much appreciated by all parents ana in this case, "grandparents." At the Sunday morning service, special music supplied supplied by Miss Jill Brown who rendered excellent trumpet descant to opening hymn "Come ye Thankful People Come" and choir offering offering "O Lamb of God, I come" with Don Staples giving giving a tenor solo. Kathy Milnes gave a mission mission update on her summer work in Toronto. Rev. Milnes' Thanksgiving Thanksgiving topic, How Could I say Thanks?" was excellent and very timely. •1 T . ; . . . : ' V •; A;'/. Unit News- ' Unit *1 held their October October meeting in main hall Wednesday Oct. 3, Dorothy Barnett., leader, read article from Observer by Roy Bo- nesteel, "Old tomorrows for a new tomorrow." Very timely timely for our landfill debate, so close to us all. U.C.U. Church service in Nov. 4, with guest speaker, Mrs. margaret Kendal. Topic "Is your Christian Message Being Being Heard?" The committee in charge of meeting-Mary Berry, Violet Violet Dunlop and Velma Watson. Watson. Readings and hymns on Thanksgiving were devotional devotional items. Roll call was answered by "What have you been truly thankful for, during past year?" Refreshments served and social time enjoyed by all. There were 15 ladies in attendance at the Unit #3 meeting held Tuesday, Oct. 3 at the home of Mrs. Ruth Allin. Adele McGill read several several items and gave out the announcements from executive executive meeting, and also thanked the ladies who had helped at several recent funerals. funerals. Francis Hamm gave the scripture reading and prayer assisted by Ruth Allin, Allin, who gave the Thanksgiving Thanksgiving meditation. The Indies were reminded of the Jack Frost items (knitted) needed for upcoming upcoming Fall Rally and glasses and labels and to have these into U.C.W. President Shirley Shirley Moffat or Dorothy Barnett Barnett before Fall Rally on Oct. 24 at the Greenwood United Church, Leila Weriy gave an encouraging encouraging financial report and Dorothy Bailey gave minutes of previous meeting and roll call. A delicious lunch closed our meeting and we were glad to welcome welcome a now member and to have a former member, Joan Hodge, back with us. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Po- gott, and Mr. and Mrs. Fay Adams recently visited with Alfred's sister, Mrs. Dolly Harris, Brantford, who celebrated celebrated her 90th birthday. Mr. and Mrs. Los Carlo- ton, Now Leskard, were overnight guests of Mr. and Mrs. l'ny Adams, also visiting visiting the Adams, wore Mr. and Mrs. Don Adams and family from Port Pony. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Po- gott and John Robinson wore Sunday Thanksgiving dinner guest of Mr. and Mrs. Howard Stapleton and Family, Family, Oslmwa. Largo crowds at tho close-out of Wendy IJs do- parlaient store hero In Orono. Orono. Tills is another sad result result of our present times and will bo anther loss to our community. A v ;'^ 1 -A» ■ V 1 ' -- <'"ji ■ ■ ; .4 j&t . - ' ; . ; : -, •' . , v"r .. ; V: / ■> , ■■ : ~a ' --A fjfim Blanche Collinson, of the Newcastle Village branch Day the bank or g an i Z ed in their parking lot in Alii of the Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce, present- g US t_ Also participating in the donation were, front left, Mary Abramoff, Joe McLauchlan, Neisha Mum-; by, and Helen Miller. . U ed a cheque in the amount of $1507 to United Way Campaign Director Anne Kinsella last Monday. The bulk of the money was raised from a United Way Fun Report from Ontario St. School; Some of the students at Ontario Street are participating participating in the cross-country rade. The students practise at lunch time. The coach is Mme. Adamek. The big race is held at Enniskilllen Conservation Conservation Area on October 17th, 1990, at approximately approximately 3:00 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. It is organized by the Bowman- villie Elementary Schools. A sruvey was done by Melinda Melinda Tait. Children from Kindergarten to grade six were asked, what's the best thing they like about our school. Three of the students liked their friends the best. Others like the school work, the new teachers, and the creative playground. Ontario Street had a new soccer team called The Bullets. Bullets. The coaches are Mme Kyriaco and M. Gagne. Their first game will be on Thurs.. Oct. 4th. They prw- tis three days a week at lunch time. There are 15 people on the team. They are Juliana Stone, Latricia Devonish, Dallas and Lindsay Lindsay O'Brien, Rebecca Archibald, Archibald, Jeremy Sanders, Brent Huggins, David Leppert, Fraser McArthur, Peter Paradis, Paradis, Sebastian Murdock, Greg Stephenson, Chris Pot, Christine Pott, and John Vandegrootevheen. The school is having a- Book Fair on the 13th of De-i cember. It will be held in' the library. All the classes will, come for half hour periods/ The parents volunteer to" help sell the books. We have the Book Fair so that the childen can buy more books in French. . • i -by Jessica Archibald, Stephen Hoar, Michelle Richard and Melinda Tait. Abernethy's BIGGEST FALL SALE eft OP 5 ^ 5 Off e°°* , f ta w Save NOW on new in-stock, wallpapers and borders! WALLCOVERING Great New designs mlpftn ideal paints No. 3600 Latex Now Only Ceiling $ 1 C95 Paint 1 j Latex no. sooo Semi-Gloss Now0nlv Latex* SOA95* Eggshell No. 7500 Latex Primer Sealer , (fs not expenslve.Jfs Ideal!, Now Only $1 A95 M.S.L. $39.70 ^miuAtoia^ - - Benjamin A. Moored PAINTS REGAL AQUAVELVET Latex Eggshell Enamel ■ Luxurious, washablo oggsholl finish ■ Enamol durability ■ Applies easily ■ Soap and water cloan-up Aqua Pearl Latex Pearl Finish Enamel Mjjgt For walls, C QR* ceilings, •*' Æ trim nnd doors Most colours Satisfaction Guaranteed...Always ABERNETHY'S PAINT and WALLPAPER 55 King St. W. (523-5431 Bowmanville