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The 25 top award winners winners for Grade 10 students were presented by Mr. Milo- vick to Sarah Wills, Karen Samis, Eric Natoli, John Stassinakis, Tyler Dearden, Joel Shelley, Victoria Marsh, Heather Todd, Karen Karen Pittens, Catherine Hamilton, Hamilton, Jason Perry, Petra Vanderheyden, Michelle Wy- ton, ' Kelli Dilworth, Matthew Matthew Thomas, Cori-Anne Gray, Henry Costa, Brian Fertile, Ainslie Kiff, Bradley Milburn, Jennifer Annis, Neil Bateman, John Drumm, Crystal Beggs, and Gary Hibbert who tied with Scott Goff. The top 25 award winners winners for Grade 11 students were presented their awards by Mr. Archer to Sadia Lone, Tammy Scherer, Lisa Ruta, Dennis Hicks, Sarah English, Adam Adamcewicz, Melanie Wease, Liane Wo- losewich, John Yellowleès, Christopher Nekkers, Monica Monica Bodurka, Christopher Newton, Jackalynn Volk, Deanna Wright, Laura Timpano, Timpano, Kimberley McCartney, ; Jennifer Meval, Glenn White, Kent Vanderheyden, Doris Michael, Jennifer Ewanko, Angela Farrington, ; Diane Khan, John Pnddle ! and Julie Walsh tied with • Marney Dredge. Subject Award Winnersl990-90 The Art awards were pré sented by Mr. Siegner t< Grade 9: ■ (SB) Pam Amott and Ted Beavis (tied),. (B Jimmy Starr. (G) Olivii Merkas, and (A) Nicole Watt Grade 10: (B) Mark van Boxtel,(G Henry Costa, (A) Sarah Wills, and (B) Mark var Boxtel . .i ; The Business Education ■awards were presented by Mr. Gilpin to: Grade 9: %, Introduction to Business (G) Jason Ferry; and Keyboarding Keyboarding (B) Mark Tomina and (G) Sandra Silvestri Grade 10: Accounting (G) Tyler Dearden, Keyboarding (G) Heather Todd, and Computer Computer Studies (G) Lynette McCormack Grade 11: ".:!■ ifi Accounting: : \ (A) Shawn McFadyen, and (Adult-A) Helen Campbell Campbell tied with Donna Griffin Keyboarding: (G) Julie Griffin, (Adult- G) Helen Campbell tied with Donna Griffin Law: (G) Monica Bodurka tied with John-Stassinakis Marketing: (G) Kim McCartney. The English awards were presented by Mr. Voogt to: Grade 9: (B) David Pipher and (A) . Nicky Watt Grade 10: (B) Gilles Bonneau, (G) Christine Groat and (A) Brad Milburn Grade 11: (B) Dan Patfield, (G) Laura Laura Timpano, and (A) Tammy Scherer Media English (G) Roger LeBlanc The Dramatic Arts awards were presented by Mr. Skeffington to: Grade 10: (G) Josie Feny, and (A) Petra Vanderhyden Grade 11: (A) Lisa Ruta Awards in Family Stud- ies were presented to : Grade 9: (G) Melanie Shymr Grade 10: CG) Jennifer Annis Grade 11: (G) Deanna Wright tied with (A) Liane Wolosewich Award in French were awarded to: Grade 9: (G) Holly Slack, and (A) Susan Ivorchuk Grade 10: (G) Laura Timpano and (A) Sarah Wills Grade 11: (A) Sadia Lone Awards in Geography were presented to: Grade 9: (B) Pamela Amott tied with Jennifer Ewanko, (G) Jeffeiy Tonks and (A) Todd McKinnon Grade 10: (G) Brian Fertile, and (A) Vicky Marsh Grade 11: (A) Kristine Crawford Awards in History were presented to: Grade 10: (G) Brian Fertile, (A) a three way tie between Brad Milburn, Keli Dilworth and Eric Natoli Grade 11: (G) Scott Brown, and (A) Tammy Scherer - Man in Society: (G) Tammv Salisbury and (A) Tammy Scherer Awards in Mathematics were presented to: Grade 9: . (B) Robert Benson, (G) Jamie White and (A) Josie Ferry Grade 10: (B) Christa Bundle,- (G) Gary Hibbert and (A) Karen Pittens Grade 11: / (B) Kathleen Laverty, (G) Doug Fertile tied with Kris Felstead and (A) Shalini Ma- haraj - Computers: lusic were Grade 10: (A) Karen Pittens Grade 11: (A) Sarah English Awards in Ml presented to: - Vocal: Grade 9: (A) Erinlea Regin - Instrumental Gradé 9:, (A) Alicia Fogarty Grade 10: (G) Kelli Dilworth tied with Kriston Hopson Grade 11: (A) John Yellowlees Awards in Physical Education Education were presented to: Last Wednesday, October 3rd, Courtice School held its first annual Awards Banquet where students from grades 9, 10 and 11 were honored for their achievements. Principal Gary Milovick wel- 'ZVedcUtty guests who filled the cafeteria. He is pictured pictured here with the top students from each of the grades Josie Feriy from Grade 9, Sarah Wills, Grade 10 and Sadia Lone from Grade 11. Grade 9: (girls) Sandra Silvestri (boys) Todd McKinnon Grade 10: (girls)'Sarah Willis (boys) Jason Ferry Grade 11: (Coed) Dennis Hicks tied with Christopher Misch Awards in Science were presented to: Grade 9: (B) Gordon Rodgers tied with Donnie Starr. (G) Robert Robert Benson, and (A) Carolyn Bar key Grade 10: (B) Mark Tomina, (G) Joel Shelley, and (A) Eric Natoli Grade 11: - Biology: (G) Jennifer Meval and (A) Lisa Ruta - Environmental: (G) Deanna Wright - Chemistry: (G) Kris Felstedt and (A) Joanna Mulder Technical awards were given to: - Automotive: Grade 10: (G) Oresto Baldino, and (A) Dennis Hicks Grade 11:. (G) Dave Flintoff and (A) Brent Smale - Construction: Grade 11: (G) Jeff Hewitt and (A) John Priddle - Drafting : Grade 9: (G) Kenneth Heeringa and (A) Josie Ferry Grade 10: (G) Rafe Howard and (A) Matthew Thomas Grade 11: (G) Janet Hearne and (A) Dennis Hicks - Electrical: (G) Scott Bannon - Machine Shop: Grade 9: (G) Kenneth Heering (A) Michael Shepard Grade 10: (A) Joel Shelley (G) Mike Tammaro - Technical: Grade 9: (B) Mark Conroy Grade 11: (B) Shane Montpetit - Transportation: Grade 11: (G) Brad Annis - Welding: Grade 9: (G) Kenneth Heeringa and (A) Stephen McMaster Grade 10: J (G) Jennifer Janssens ^ Grade 11: (G) Troy Beth - Woodworking: ' * Grade 9: ] (G) Kenneth Heeringa and (A) Mike Shepard . Grade 10: (G) Scott McConnell and (A) Jeff Hughes While the guests were gathering their food at Courtice Secondary School's Awards Night last week, entertainment was being provided by Jackie Graham! on itar, accompanied here by Laura Suess, Twyla VanGenechten and Sharon aw who were to perform later in the program. ; j /J VJ CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE NOTICE OF HIGHWAY CLOSING TAKE NOTICE THAT tho Council of tfio Corporation of the Town of Newcastle, at tho mooting to bo hold In tho Council Chambers, 40 Tomporanco Stroot, Bowmanvillo, Ontario, on October 15, 1990, at tho hour of 9:30 a,m„ propose, to pass a by-law to stop- up and closo and to authorlzo tho salo of parts of tho unopened road allowanco(s) described as Porter and Winnstanloy Streets In tho formor Town of Bowmanvillo, now In tho Town of Newcastle, moro particularly described at Parts 2 and 4 on Plan 10R-3726, and described as follows: Port of Porter Stroot and part of Winnstanloy Stroot according to tho Porter and Bradshaw Plan, being Part of Lot 9, Concession 2, Town of Newcastle, formerly Town of Bowmanvillo. AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE THAT boforo passing tho said by-law, Council or a Commlitoo of Council shall hoar In person, or by Ills Counsel, Solicitor or Agoni, any person who claims that his land will bo prejudicially affoctod by this By-law, and who applies to bo hoard, AND YOU COULD WIN J0.9Z WBO TOWARDS YOUR PURCHASE OF SCLFCTED IN-STOCK SUNBIRD AND CAVALIER MODELS 750 On June 23,1990, in Oro- no United Church, the Reverend Reverend Fred Milnes and Pastor Pastor Bonn Young united in marriage, Kellie Mary, daughter of Mike and Carol Johnson, and Paul Edward, son of Ted and Gail Lane. Given in marriage by her father,' the bride wore a formal formal gown of white satin which featùred a sweetheart neckline and an open back, adorned with strands of draped pearls. . The draped pearl motif was repeated on the appli- qued inserts of the gently puffed sleeves that slimmed to the wrist in embroidered satin. A form fitted bodice was frosted with applique, pearls and sequins, and flowed into a flattering basque waistline. waistline. Scalloped lace adorned the hemline of a billowing satin skirt that was embroidered embroidered front and back with cut out motifs and strands of pearls. A beautiful chapel train completed this elegant gown. The bride wore a flor- ay* ■ Patti L, Barrio, A.M.C.T. Town Clork 40 Temperance Stroot vBtimWriet; Ontario L1C3A6 Dotoo to bo Publlthod; • * September 10,26, October 3 and 10,1090 al wreath of dainty flowers, leaves and spray pearls with a shimmering, finger tip veil of tulle illusion. The bride's bouquet was of white bridal roses, baby's breath and a removable Cat- telia orchid for her going away corsage. The maid of honour was the bride's sister, Miss Judy Johnson, of Newcastle. The bridesmaids were Mrs. Shelley Shelley Copping of Kimberley. B.C., ana Miss Lori Felstead of Newcastle, who wore co- ocktail length gowns of red satin. Best man was the. groom's brother, Mike Lane, of Orono. The ushers were Brian Copping, of Kimberley, Kimberley, B.C., and Ken Hall, of Orono. They wore black tuxedos tuxedos with tails, red bow ties and red cummerbunds. The groom and his best man wore boutonnieres of white roses and the ushers, red roses. The uncle of the groom, Mr. Barry Lane, was the Master of Ceremonies at tho reception held at the Orono Community Centre. Mr. and Mrs. Lane are now residing in Bowmanville. Bowmanville. Prior to the wedding, the bride was honoured at miscellaneous miscellaneous showers given by the groom's cousins, Wendy Maartense, Nancy Partner and Karen Mercer. One was also given by tho bride's sister, sister, Judy, A stag was held for the groom at the Browns- dale Community Centro, given by his brother, Mike and Ken Hall. Kneady Bakers Attend Meeting By Melanie Christou For tho second meeting, wo lmd our mooting nt Mrs. Plonsnnco's house. Wo had three moro people join. Two of thorn wore now to our club but have token 4-H in other communities. Their names are Donna Bonschop and Jill Brown, Tho other K rson is a returning mom- r who is Nancy Plonsnnco. , Tho , first thing wo did was say tho 4-H pledge. After After that, Mrs. Ploasanco taught us how to mako basic homemade white broad. Everyone had a chance to do something. withM^WwM NO LIMIT FINANCING ro Q8 MONTHS. t 'j IJ OOO !•»,$», 4M ^ Monthly payment j $ 309.56 foto/ flnantm tovingt $1,61180 * ' I A' I .Hi I'M ,.fr .11 • •* If * 1 Vv. * WITH AIR & AUTOMATIC PACKAGE HurryI TM» offer le for a limited time only CHEVROLET • PONTIAC • OLDSMOBILE • BUICK • CADILLAC • CHEVY &{GMGTRu( 110 9%l^monnoffer ovo./ubl# withnohmilonlb»onmnlhnon(»donnewondvmiiedord»inmlniloi 199landpiior Of t/ioom S/,50 toifibod Inlieuoflb» lOVHfmowmy offer oti new ond vnviedordemomfMifor 1991 and pilot yeormode/t y*ot rnodefi ofOurroM Cutuf.er oodtMioc Svnbirdpvrcboiedfrom deoler inventory, Offer vuhdfor a Hmihdlim* iforb of Chevrolet Covofcer oml/Wtoc Sonbiid, Offer op/ikobl* only lo qvolif.edrebhtbvyeri ond ton b* iwnbtdla lb* from* mg S#/if#ml)#r 77,1990 oniduil/iUKhaiiti only, ocf ion or folwi oi coifi du» < I from ffie dtohf, IN i Coifi floe! offer tonnol b» tom timed wiffi fit# I0VH Lummy offer. Some modefimoy oof tHMmmediolcf/nruifobfrfromdeokr ilotii. fleet order i or#/nefiyitifii for tfiii offer. 1h» buyer wil/li# Aiivmmy o 5/50 toifi bu(L (il the offrmufiVe. Ngitlohon reovirei Ifiof Ifi# vofv# of fit# coifi tiocktie i/ufvdedfrUfie toil of rei/iomitife for llupuymeolol upnNublt iodudion l»d»fol # «tii# fou, «miront e, Aceoce om/onpittoiik fi e«yM tiorrowmo momwii* io| order to prrlvfl of oo effet five mfer #if rof#. fo fit* tiompfe il/uifiofed obove. Ih* effet fiv# m/ereif role tfiuigei of fit# time of lb§ liuniut bon. See your mdivHJfvoY d#oi*r for freiyM tborflei, Offer ovthfobk only lu iiouUi»df»loil wovfdb# tl55*HiA f ft, und lb* lolol (oitol bof lowing mludmg lb# 5/301 thill» nol loltn would b* S3, 60ë flit fiuye#i/mon(myfft*fr#)Vftf!0«#ffifovyfi(wACooummmivm 12mo/»ffi/m(Mimum 4domlhfoolnnl, OMACiouyreyvirea Bondon l990mod»ly»or'lo dol»(oom\»diul»iolCb»rioltlCaroli»fuodPunliu(5uobiidlbiougbAvguil3l, 1990, downpoymtiit.AII(i»dituppkuhmwillb§u/bji(ltaopptorolbyOMAC,OH*fh(Nd*td»iil»rpailkipalion, fComputedloMSBPlof alt(ondilioningundovfomoficfioflimlmooof51833 00 Ihuhimy teffforfeii. Sêm your par thlpullny O M OomUt If fulldetmlt», Onterle OM Dee 1er* Bedormtle*, c/e IlOO fgl/nfon Ave, I,, Don Mill», Ontario MK Id I